What are the main costs associated with accessing court in civil matters?
Court fees, legal fees, service fees, and witness expenses.
What is the primary legislative source of laws of civil procedure in the High Court of Kenya?
The Civil Procedure Act Cap 21.
Cost Barriers to Accessing Courts

What are the main costs associated with accessing court in civil matters?

Court fees, legal fees, service fees, and witness expenses.

Civil Procedure Act Cap 21

What is the primary legislative source of laws of civil procedure in the High Court of Kenya?

The Civil Procedure Act Cap 21.

Impact of Competitive Representation

How does the competitive nature of litigation affect the disclosure of facts?

The competitive nature does not necessarily ensure full disclosure of facts, especially those that might discredit the litigants' own cases.

Sources of Civil Procedure Law in Kenya

What does Chapter 10 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 provide for?

It provides for the Judiciary, which comprises the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeal, the High Court, and subordinate courts.

Cost Barriers to Accessing Courts

Why is representation by a lawyer often essential in civil litigation?

Due to the complexity of legal issues and the intricacy of procedure.

Civil Procedure Act Cap 21

What is the role of litigants and advocates under the Civil Procedure Act?

Litigants and advocates are expected to assist the Court by conducting themselves in a manner that aims to meet the overriding objectives of the Act.

Adversarial System of Litigation

How does the adjudicatory process in civil litigation typically function?

A judge decides cases impersonally as a passive umpire, focusing on the weight of evidence and merits of legal arguments, resulting in a winner and a loser.

Civil Procedure Rules and Their Application

What is the nature of the rules made by the Rules Committee?

The rules are delegated legislation with statutory force, binding on a court, and concerned with details and machinery of civil procedure.

Impact of Competitive Representation

What psychological effect does the adversarial approach have on litigants?

The adversarial approach tends to accentuate differences and heighten conflict rather than reconcile litigants.

Sources of Civil Procedure Law in Kenya

What does Article 50 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 guarantee?

It guarantees procedural fairness and the right to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time.

Adversarial System of Litigation

What is the primary purpose of the adversarial system in litigation?

The primary purpose of the adversarial system is to elicit the truth by means of presenting opposing views in respect of the same case.

Consequences of Delays in Justice

What are the consequences of procedural delays for litigants?

Procedural delays have serious personal and financial consequences, as litigants are unable to lead normal lives or continue trading freely while litigation is in progress.

Impact of Competitive Representation

What is a potential consequence of the adversarial nature of the adjudicatory process?

It can increase tension between litigants, especially in long-term relationships like neighbourhood or domestic disputes.

Civil Procedure Act Cap 21

What are the three principles applicable while interpreting any portion of the Civil Procedure Code?

1. A code of procedure is designed to facilitate justice and further its ends. 2. It is not a penal enactment for punishment and penalties. 3. Sections should not be construed too technically, leaving room for reasonable elasticity of interpretation.

Public Nature of Court Proceedings

Why are court proceedings conducted in open courts?

Because courts are public institutions that play a vital role in maintaining order in society, and thus proceedings are conducted in open courts.

Civil Procedure Rules and Their Application

What is the function of the Rules Committee established under Section 81?

The Rules Committee has the power to make rules not inconsistent with the Act that provide for any matters relating to the procedure of civil courts.

Adversarial System of Litigation

How is compliance with a court judgment ensured?

By means of coercion through executionary procedures sanctioned by the state.

Civil Procedure Act Cap 21

What happens when no rules have been made for a subject matter over which a court has jurisdiction?

The court can still adjudicate the matter based on its statutory power, as the Act and Rules do not purport to be exhaustive.

Civil Procedure Rules and Their Application

According to Order 50, rule 1, how should all applications to the court be made?

All applications to the court, save where otherwise expressly provided under the Rules, shall be by motion and shall be heard in open court.

Consequences of Delays in Justice

What is a common frustration expressed by litigants regarding delays in justice?

The common frustration is encapsulated in the phrase 'Justice delayed is justice denied'.

Civil Procedure Rules and Their Application

Do the Civil Procedure Rules confer new rights to the parties involved?

No, the rules do not confer new rights but only confirm and protect the rights which already exist.

Impact of Competitive Representation

How are lawyers forced to reshape a litigant’s problem in adversarial proceedings?

Lawyers must reinterpret a litigant’s rights and interests into procedural terms as a claim or defense that complies with the standards of adversarial proceedings.

Civil Procedure Act Cap 21

What is the overriding objective of the Civil Procedure Act as stated in Section 1A?

To facilitate the just, expeditious, proportionate, and affordable resolution of civil disputes governed by the Act.

Consequences of Delays in Justice

What are some causes of procedural delays in litigation?

Procedural delays are often caused by the technical nature of procedure, the formality of proceedings, and competitive tactics and strategies.

Civil Procedure Rules and Their Application

In what types of proceedings do the Civil Procedure Rules have no effect?

The rules have no effect in bankruptcy proceedings, proceedings relating to winding up of companies, non-contentious or common form probate proceedings, and matrimonial proceedings.

Challenges in Equal Representation

What are some assumptions of the adversarial system that do not always reflect reality?

The assumptions include that both litigants have equal financial resources and equally skilled advocates, and that rivalry ensures full disclosure of facts.

Sources of Civil Procedure Law in Kenya

What are the primary sources of civil procedure law in Kenya?

The Constitution of Kenya 2010, statutory law, rules of court, and judicial precedent.

Civil Procedure Act Cap 21

What does Section 3 of the Civil Procedure Act state about the inherent power of the court?

Nothing in the Act shall limit or otherwise affect the inherent power of the court to make such orders as may be necessary for the ends of justice or to prevent abuse of the process of the court.

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