What is the significance of studying the history of class?
Studying the history of class helps us understand social structures, inequalities, and the evolution of societal norms and values over time.
How does networking influence success in middle-class society?
Knowing the right people can lead to economic success.
Historical Development of Class Concepts

What is the significance of studying the history of class?

Studying the history of class helps us understand social structures, inequalities, and the evolution of societal norms and values over time.

Class Consciousness and Identity

How does networking influence success in middle-class society?

Knowing the right people can lead to economic success.

Social Mobility Types

What does social mobility refer to?

Individuals moving up or down in terms of their class level.

Classism and Economic Inequality

What is a key takeaway from the Rich Mate Poor Mate series?

Understanding the differences in financial habits between the wealthy and the poor.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What percentage of Bachelor's degree recipients came from the lowest family income quartile in 1988?


Contemporary Class Divisions

What factors contribute to the changing patterns in society?

Economic shifts, technological advancements, cultural changes, and political movements.

Historical Development of Class Concepts

What is the focus of the agenda regarding class?

The historical development and current issues related to class.

Contemporary Class Divisions

What are some contemporary issues related to class?

Economic inequality, social mobility, and class consciousness.

Social Mobility Types

What is intragenerational mobility?

The degree to which a young worker can improve his or her class position within a single lifetime.

Introduction to Social Class

What is the definition of the upper class?

A social class typically characterized by significant wealth, high social status, and influence.

Introduction to Social Class

What is Dennis Gilbert's definition of class?

Groups of families more or less equal in rank and differentiated from others based on occupation, income, wealth, and prestige.

Historical Development of Class Concepts

Why is it important to study the 'Before Class' phase?

To understand the roots of class divisions and their implications on society.

Social Mobility Types

What primarily drives mobility in the labor force?

Structural changes.

Contemporary Class Divisions

Which high-skilled jobs are mentioned as having fewer openings?

Biomedical engineers, systems analysts, and financial examiners.

Historical Development of Class Concepts

What historical force is suggested to determine a society's political development?

Social class.

Max Weber's Theories of Class

Which theorist is mentioned in relation to subsequent theories of class?

Max Weber.

Class Consciousness and Identity

What is class consciousness?

Self-awareness and self-understanding as members of a social class.

Contemporary Class Divisions

What is Walmart known for?

Being the world’s largest company based on sales.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What percentage of Bachelor's degree recipients came from the highest family income quartile in 2008?


Contemporary Class Divisions

What role does education play in contemporary class divisions?

Education often determines access to better job opportunities and higher income.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What was the median net worth in 2004?

About $82,000.

Contemporary Class Divisions

How do Walmart's sales compare to the gross domestic products of most countries?

Walmart has higher sales than the GDP of most of the world’s countries.

Historical Development of Class Concepts

What role does history play in the development of class consciousness?

Historical events and struggles influence the awareness and identity of social classes.

Class Consciousness and Identity

What does prestige refer to?

Perceived social status.

Classism and Economic Inequality

What economic system is classism associated with?


Classism and Economic Inequality

How does classism affect poor and working-class people?

It stigmatizes them and their cultures.

Historical Development of Class Concepts

What was a significant outcome of the Industrial Revolution?

It transformed economies from agrarian to industrial.

Contemporary Class Divisions

How did the Industrial Revolution affect social classes?

It led to the emergence of a distinct working class and a wealthy industrial class.

Class Issues in Hong Kong

What class issue is prevalent in Hong Kong?

High housing costs leading to economic disparity.

Contemporary Class Divisions

How does the middle class contribute to the economy?

By driving consumption and providing a skilled workforce.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What does income refer to in the context of class?

The money that a family has coming in during a certain period of time.

Contemporary Class Divisions

What role did urbanization play in the Industrial Revolution?

It concentrated labor in cities, facilitating industrial growth.

Contemporary Class Divisions

How do contemporary class divisions manifest in society?

Through disparities in wealth, access to resources, and social networks.

Introduction to Social Class

What is the primary focus of the concept of 'Before Class'?

Understanding the conditions and factors that shape social class before formal classification.

Historical Development of Class Concepts

What is the modern concept of class primarily influenced by?

The social configuration after the Industrial Revolution.

Marxist Theory of Class

Who is the key figure associated with Marxist theory of class?

Karl Marx.

Marxist Theory of Class

What is the main focus of Marx's theory?

The conflict between the bourgeoisie (capitalists) and the proletariat (working class).

Classism and Economic Inequality

What is discrimination?

Actions that deny equal treatment to persons perceived to be members of some social category or group.

Social Mobility Types

How does new technology affect job markets?

It creates new job opportunities while rendering some jobs obsolete.

Social Mobility Types

What type of mobility do children experience in terms of wealth?

Both upward and downward mobility.

Classism and Economic Inequality

What was a major social impact of the Industrial Revolution?

It led to changes in labor conditions and the rise of labor movements.

Max Weber's Theories of Class

What are the three dimensions of social stratification according to Weber?

Class, status, and party.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

In which year did the top 5 percent of households receive 22.1% of aggregate income?


Class Issues in Hong Kong

What socio-cultural challenges do ethnic minorities face in Hong Kong?

Racial discrimination and exclusion from mainstream Chinese society.

Marxist Theory of Class

What type of political system does the dominant class reinforce?

A political system that they create to maintain control over society.

Contemporary Class Divisions

What do most mainstream commentators argue about the United States' social structure?

That it is a middle-class society.

Class Consciousness and Identity

Is class considered a socially constructed concept?

Yes, class is often viewed as a socially constructed concept.

Introduction to Social Class

What is the definition of social class according to Britannica?

A group of people within a society who possess the same socioeconomic status.

Classism and Economic Inequality

How does the Rich Mate Poor Mate series aim to educate its audience?

By providing practical advice and real-life examples of financial success and failure.

Contemporary Class Divisions

What does the text suggest about contemporary divisions in society?

It introduces more theories of class.

Class Consciousness and Identity

What is a key belief in middle-class society regarding economic success?

The connection between hard work and economic success.

Contemporary Class Divisions

What is the impact of new technology on communication?

New technology enhances communication speed and accessibility.

Contemporary Class Divisions

What ranking does Walmart hold on the Fortune 500?

Number one.

Class Consciousness and Identity

How does class consciousness affect social and cultural life?

It shapes values, behaviors, and interactions within a class.

Introduction to Social Class

What is another term for the Lower Class?

Working Class.

Contemporary Class Divisions

What role does technology play in the changing patterns of society?

Technology can alter communication, work environments, and social interactions, impacting class structures.

Marxist Theory of Class

What is the power of the dominant class?

The ability to control material production and the production of ideas.

Contemporary Class Divisions

What has capitalism become?

A global economic system.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What was the total percentage of Bachelor's degree recipients across all income quartiles in both 1988 and 2008?


Max Weber's Theories of Class

What role does 'status' play in Weber's theory?

It refers to the social prestige or honor a group holds, which can influence their life chances.

Max Weber's Theories of Class

What is the term Weber used to describe the social stratification system?

The 'three-component theory' which includes class, status, and party.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What percentage of total income does the poorest 20 percent represent?


Classism and Economic Inequality

What is the main theme of the Rich Mate Poor Mate series?

The series explores financial literacy and wealth-building strategies.

Marxist Theory of Class

What is the basis for dividing social classes according to the text?

The mode of production.

Introduction to Social Class

What factors might influence social class before it is formally recognized?

Economic status, education, family background, and cultural influences.

Contemporary Class Divisions

What is a significant structural issue regarding jobs in the United States?

The types of jobs available, with high-skilled jobs displacing lower-skilled jobs.

Class Consciousness and Identity

What is class consciousness?

Awareness of one's social class and its interests.

Marxist Theory of Class

What does Marxism emphasize in its analysis of class?

The relationship between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.

Class Consciousness and Identity

How does class consciousness manifest in Hong Kong?

Through protests and movements advocating for social justice and equality.

Class Consciousness and Identity

What factor, besides hard work, is considered important for success in middle-class society?

Having natural ability.

Max Weber's Theories of Class

How does Max Weber define 'class'?

As a group of people who share a similar economic situation and have similar life chances.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What was the percentage of Bachelor's degree recipients from the third income quartile in 1988?


Class Issues in Hong Kong

How do the government and capitalists use ethnic minorities politically in Hong Kong?

As scapegoats for the deterioration of living conditions of the lower classes.

Historical Development of Class Concepts

How have class struggles influenced historical events?

Class struggles have been central to revolutions, labor movements, and social reforms throughout history.

Social Mobility Types

What role does education play in the middle class?

It is often seen as a pathway to upward mobility and better job opportunities.

Classism and Economic Inequality

What is classism?

A system of oppression that stigmatizes poor and working-class people and their cultures.

Classism and Economic Inequality

What does classism involve?

Prejudice and discrimination based on socioeconomic level or class.

Historical Development of Class Concepts

What questions are raised about the concept of class?

How did the concept of class evolve? How do we define one’s social class across cultures and times? On what basis?

Contemporary Class Divisions

What factors contribute to contemporary class divisions?

Income, education, occupation, and social status.

Introduction to Social Class

What is the primary characteristic of the middle class?

A socio-economic group typically characterized by moderate income, education, and occupational status.

Historical Development of Class Concepts

What is the significance of class in historical contexts?

Class has shaped social structures, power dynamics, and economic systems throughout history.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What happens if a family's income is less than the poverty threshold?

They would be counted as among the poor.

Historical Development of Class Concepts

How did class distinctions manifest in ancient societies?

Ancient societies often had clear hierarchies, with rulers, priests, and landowners at the top and laborers and slaves at the bottom.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

How is wealth defined?

The assets that people own.

Introduction to Social Class

What are the primary characteristics of the Lower Class?

Typically includes individuals with low income, limited education, and often unstable employment.

Class Consciousness and Identity

What is class consciousness according to Marx?

The awareness of one's social class and its interests, which can lead to collective action against oppression.

Max Weber's Theories of Class

How did Weber differentiate between class and status?

Class is based on economic factors, while status is based on social prestige and honor.

Social Mobility Types

What does most mobility consist of?

Small steps between adjacent strata.

Class Issues in Hong Kong

What is the purpose of warm-up questions in a class?

To engage students and prepare them for the lesson.

Class Issues in Hong Kong

What is the 'poverty trap' in relation to the lower class?

A low-income situation that keeps individuals trapped in poverty.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What is the income range for the fourth 20 percent?

$20,454 - $38,550.

Historical Development of Class Concepts

What is a 'caste' system?

A rigid social stratification system where individuals are born into a specific social group.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What percentage of total income does the middle 20 percent represent?


Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

How does the share of aggregate income for the top income quintiles in Europe compare to that in the U.S.?

It is a much lower figure in Europe than in the U.S.

Historical Development of Class Concepts

How has class been perceived throughout history?

Class has evolved and been interpreted differently across various historical contexts.

Social Mobility Types

What is intergenerational mobility?

A child’s class position relative to the child’s parents.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What constitutes a family's before-tax money income?

Wages, salaries, cash transfer payments like welfare, social security, and unemployment insurance.

Social Mobility Types

How does the concept of 'Before Class' relate to social mobility?

It examines the barriers and opportunities that affect movement between social classes.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What percentage of households had a zero or negative net worth in 2004?

Almost 16 percent.

Class Issues in Hong Kong

Why were ethnic minorities in Hong Kong first recruited into the labor market?

To release the middle-class female labor force and solve labor shortage problems.

Marxist Theory of Class

What concept did Marx introduce to explain the relationship between labor and capital?

Surplus value, which refers to the difference between what workers are paid and the value of the goods they produce.

Max Weber's Theories of Class

Who is Max Weber?

A German sociologist, philosopher, and political economist known for his contributions to social theory and research.

Social Mobility Types

What role does education play in class issues in the U.S.?

Education is often a determinant of class status and future economic opportunities.

Max Weber's Theories of Class

What is one of Max Weber's key concepts regarding social class?

Weber emphasized the importance of status and power in addition to economic class.

Class Consciousness and Identity

How can cultural changes influence the changing patterns of society?

Cultural shifts can redefine values, norms, and expectations, affecting social hierarchies and class relations.

Marxist Theory of Class

How does the dominant class establish its influence?

By establishing a particular cultural style and a dominant political system.

Classism and Economic Inequality

What problem does globalization cause for working people in industrialized countries?

Real problems due to relatively high wages compared with workers in the developing world.

Classism and Economic Inequality

What challenges does the Lower Class face in society?

Economic inequality, lack of access to quality education and healthcare, and social stigma.

Marxist Theory of Class

What characterizes the relations between the dominant and subordinate classes?

Antagonistic class relations leading to class conflicts and struggles.

Class Issues in Hong Kong

What type of segregation is experienced by migrant groups in Hong Kong?

Spatial and economic segregation.

Classism and Economic Inequality

What is the stance of the 'Culture of Poverty' on welfare dependence?

It views dependence on welfare as a characteristic of the culture of poverty.

Class Issues in Hong Kong

What economic condition forces women from lower-class families to enter the labor market?

Economic hardship.

Introduction to Social Class

What is class consciousness?

Awareness of one's social class and its implications.

Introduction to Social Class

What is class?

Class refers to a group of people within a society who share similar socio-economic status, often defined by factors such as income, education, and occupation.

Class Consciousness and Identity

What is more important in defining class: social definition or material essence?

The social definition of class is often considered more important than its material essence.

Social Mobility Types

What does class mobility refer to?

An individual or a group of people who transcends (usually upwards) from their original class to another.

Class Issues in Hong Kong

What is a significant class issue in the U.S.?

Income inequality and the widening wealth gap.

Marxist Theory of Class

Who is Karl Marx?

A philosopher, economist, and revolutionary socialist known for his theories on capitalism and class struggle.

Historical Development of Class Concepts

What does class formation refer to?

The emergence and construction of social classes.

Class Consciousness and Identity

What role does education play in middle-class ethos?

Having a good education is important for success.

Contemporary Class Divisions

What is the significance of class comparison?

It helps to understand the differences and similarities between various social classes.

Introduction to Social Class

How does the upper class influence society?

Through economic power, political connections, and cultural leadership.

Classism and Economic Inequality

What power does the capitalist class hold?

Power over other classes.

Historical Development of Class Concepts

What role did the Industrial Revolution play in class formation?

The Industrial Revolution led to the emergence of a distinct working class and a capitalist class, altering traditional class structures.

Historical Development of Class Concepts

What are the main classes in tribal society?

Tribal leaders and clan elders.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What percentage of the poorest adult children come from the poorest parental wealth quintile?


Historical Development of Class Concepts

What characterizes ancient society in terms of class?

Slave owners and slaves.

Historical Development of Class Concepts

What is the relationship between class and colonialism?

Colonialism often created new class structures in colonized societies, privileging certain groups over others.

Class Issues in Hong Kong

What phenomenon is associated with workers losing their jobs due to globalization?

Displaced workers.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What percentage of adult children from the fourth parental wealth quintile are in the fourth adult children wealth quintile?


Contemporary Class Divisions

What percentage of Americans were categorized as working class according to the Pew Research Center (2008)?

34% to 45.6% depending on the source.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

How does income inequality in the U.S. compare to that in Europe?

Income inequality in the U.S. is much greater than in Europe.

Contemporary Class Divisions

What does the term 'upper-middle class' refer to in the context of American social classes?

A social class that includes 10% to 19% of Americans based on various polls.

Marxist Theory of Class

Which philosopher is known for his early contributions to class theory?

Karl Marx, who analyzed class struggle and economic relationships.

Classism and Economic Inequality

What type of content can viewers expect from the Rich Mate Poor Mate series?

Insights on personal finance, investment, and economic disparities.

Contemporary Class Divisions

What is the focus of contemporary class divisions?

The analysis of social stratification and economic inequality in modern society.

Social Mobility Types

How does class impact social mobility in the U.S.?

Access to education and job opportunities is often limited by socioeconomic status.

Social Mobility Types

How do contemporary class divisions affect social mobility?

They can create barriers or opportunities for individuals to move between classes.

Contemporary Class Divisions

What types of jobs are predicted to have more openings in the U.S.?

Home health aides, customer service representatives, and fast-food workers.

Social Mobility Types

What factors can influence the stability of the middle class?

Economic conditions, education access, and job availability.

Marxist Theory of Class

What did Marx believe would eventually happen to capitalism?

He believed it would lead to its own downfall and be replaced by socialism.

Introduction to Social Class

What role does education play in the upper class?

It often provides access to exclusive opportunities and reinforces social status.

Social Mobility Types

What is the best chance of being wealthy?

Being born into a wealthy family.

Social Mobility Types

How does the Lower Class typically experience social mobility?

They often face significant barriers to upward mobility.

Contemporary Class Divisions

What are the divisions of class according to Dennis Gilbert?

Capitalist class, upper middle, middle, working, working poor, and lower.

Classism and Economic Inequality

What does the 'blame-the-victim' explanation of poverty imply?

It implies that the lack of effort and personal attitudes are the main causes of poverty.

Max Weber's Theories of Class

What role does 'party' play in Weber's theory?

Party refers to the political power and influence individuals or groups can exert.

Marxist Theory of Class

What are the consequences of class conflicts?

Class challenges and revolutions, often triggered by changes in modes of production.

Introduction to Social Class

What is the primary focus of the study of social class?

Understanding the hierarchical distinctions in society based on economic, social, and cultural factors.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What percentage of aggregate income does the bottom income quintile account for in European industrialized countries?

7 - 10 percent.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What is the income range for the top 20 percent?

$100,001 and above.

Classism and Economic Inequality

Why is understanding class important in reality?

It helps address social inequalities and informs policies for social justice.

Contemporary Class Divisions

What does the term 'changing pattern of society' refer to?

The evolution and transformation of social structures and relationships over time.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What was the poverty threshold for a family of four in 2009?


Introduction to Social Class

What are common characteristics of the upper class?

Wealth accumulation, ownership of businesses or properties, and access to elite education and social networks.

Max Weber's Theories of Class

What is the primary focus of Weberian theories of class?

The multidimensional nature of social stratification, including class, status, and party.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What was the share of income for the lowest 20 percent of households in 2009?


Max Weber's Theories of Class

What is a significant shift in class theory introduced by Max Weber?

The consideration of status and power alongside economic class.

Class Consciousness and Identity

What role does new technology play in education?

It facilitates online learning and access to information.

Contemporary Class Divisions

What is the impact of high-tech industries on job availability?

They are displacing lower-skilled, low-paying jobs.

Classism and Economic Inequality

What is a common perception of class in Hong Kong?

There is a strong emphasis on wealth and status, often leading to classism.

Class Consciousness and Identity

What advantage does coming from a wealthy family provide in middle-class society?

It can facilitate economic success.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What percentage of adult children from the richest parental wealth quintile are in the richest adult children wealth quintile?


Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What is the key factor in determining class according to Gilbert?


Classism and Economic Inequality

What are some characteristics of individuals living in the 'Culture of Poverty'?

Living in the present, feelings of powerlessness, broken families, and confused gender roles.

Historical Development of Class Concepts

What is the ruling class in capitalist society?

Bourgeoisie, especially factory owners.

Contemporary Class Divisions

What percentage of Americans were classified as lower class in the National Opinion Research Center (2006)?

6% to 4.7% depending on the source.

Class Issues in Hong Kong

How does the entry of women into the labor market affect wage levels?

It pushes down the wage level of already low-paid service jobs.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What is the income range for the top 5 percent?

$180,001 and above.

Historical Development of Class Concepts

What technological advancements were prominent during the Industrial Revolution?

The steam engine, mechanized textile production, and iron-making techniques.

Social Mobility Types

How do changing patterns of society affect social class?

They can lead to the emergence of new classes, changes in class mobility, and shifts in class consciousness.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

How did the percentage of Bachelor's degree recipients from the second income quartile change from 1988 to 2008?

It decreased from 14% to 12%.

Class Issues in Hong Kong

What happens to ethnic minorities in Hong Kong as post-industrialization proceeds?

They become competitors with the local working classes for low-paid jobs.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What percentage of households had a net worth of $500,000 or more in 2004?

12.8 percent.

Classism and Economic Inequality

What are the key factors contributing to Walmart's success?

High volume and low labor costs, resulting in low prices.

Class Consciousness and Identity

What factors contribute to the social and cultural life of a class?

Economic status, education, and shared experiences.

Classism and Economic Inequality

What is the 'Culture of Poverty' concept?

It suggests that poverty is caused by the attitudes and behaviors of poor people themselves.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What is a potential downside of new technology in society?

It can lead to increased surveillance and privacy concerns.

Social Mobility Types

What do most Americans believe is key to upward mobility?

Higher education.

Social Mobility Types

What role does education play in the Lower Class?

Limited access to quality education can perpetuate the cycle of poverty.

Introduction to Social Class

What is meant by 'order' in the context of social classes?

The hierarchical arrangement of different social classes within society.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What is the income range for the middle 20 percent?

$38,551 - $61,801.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

How does the bottom income quintile's share of aggregate income in the U.S. compare to that in Europe?

It is a much lower figure in the U.S. compared to 7 - 10 percent in Europe.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What percentage of total income does the top 5 percent represent?


Class Consciousness and Identity

What does the concept of 'the Others' imply in class discussions?

It refers to groups that are marginalized or viewed as different from the dominant social class.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What percentage of aggregate household income did the highest 20 percent of households receive in 2000?


Historical Development of Class Concepts

How did the Industrial Revolution impact class structures?

It led to the emergence of new social classes and altered existing ones.

Classism and Economic Inequality

How can new technology contribute to economic inequality?

It can widen the gap between those with access to technology and those without.

Classism and Economic Inequality

What is an example of economic exploitation in the context of Walmart?

Walmart's business model can be seen as an example of economic exploitation.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What was the share of income for the lowest 20 percent of households in 1990?


Max Weber's Theories of Class

What is meant by 'party' in Weber's class theory?

It refers to the political power and influence a group can exert.

Historical Development of Class Concepts

Who makes up the working class in capitalist society?


Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What percentage of adult children from the middle parental wealth quintile are in the poorest adult children wealth quintile?


Class Issues in Hong Kong

What cycle are most lower-class people in Hong Kong trapped in?

A low-income poverty vicious cycle.

Introduction to Social Class

What role does social class play in shaping identity?

It influences values, behaviors, and social interactions.

Historical Development of Class Concepts

What is the primary focus of early theories of class?

The categorization of society into distinct social classes based on economic status and power.

Classism and Economic Inequality

What challenges does the middle class face in modern society?

Rising costs of living, job insecurity, and economic inequality.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

How did the percentage of households with zero or negative net worth change from 1991 to 2004?

It increased from 12.6 percent in 1991 to 15.6 percent in 2004.

Contemporary Class Divisions

What are contemporary theories of class concerned with?

The complexities of class identity and social stratification.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What is the income range for the poorest 20 percent?

$0 - $20,453.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

In the second parental wealth quintile, what percentage of adult children are in the middle wealth quintile?


Max Weber's Theories of Class

How does Weber's view of class differ from Marx's?

Weber emphasizes multiple dimensions of stratification rather than just economic factors.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What percentage of total income does the fourth 20 percent represent?


Marxist Theory of Class

What does class struggle animate according to Marxist theory?

Political conflicts and major changes in the social structure.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What is the income range for the second 20 percent?

$61,802 - $100,000.

Marxist Theory of Class

What did early class theories often emphasize?

The relationship between the bourgeoisie (owners) and the proletariat (workers).

Social Mobility Types

What is the relationship between the upper class and social mobility?

The upper class often has resources that can limit social mobility for others while maintaining their own status.

Class Consciousness and Identity

Why is understanding class consciousness important?

It helps in analyzing social dynamics and inequalities.

Historical Development of Class Concepts

In feudal society, who are the ruling class?

Nobility (aristocracy).

Social Mobility Types

What does 'class rank' refer to?

The position of an individual within a social class based on various factors like income, education, and occupation.

Classism and Economic Inequality

How does the 'Culture of Poverty' view the role of deviant behavior?

It suggests that there is a proclivity for deviant behavior among those in poverty.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What percentage of adult children from the second parental wealth quintile are in the richest adult children wealth quintile?


Introduction to Social Class

How does social class influence individual opportunities?

It affects access to resources, education, and social networks.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What percentage of total income does the top 20 percent represent?


Class Issues in Hong Kong

What is a significant issue faced by the lower class in Hong Kong?

Income inequality.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

How much of the aggregate household income did the highest 20 percent receive in 1980?


Classism and Economic Inequality

What has declined in the United States affecting workers' rights?

Labor unions.

Class Issues in Hong Kong

How does labor market segmentation affect upward mobility for lower classes?

It allows limited upward mobility chances due to global economic forces.

Historical Development of Class Concepts

What is the primary class in communist society?


Class Issues in Hong Kong

What does the reinforcement of the low-income poverty cycle lead to?

It further entrenches the bondage of the low-income poverty cycle.

Social Mobility Types

How did early theories of class view social mobility?

They often viewed it as limited due to the rigid structure of class systems.

Contemporary Class Divisions

According to the New York Times/CBS News Poll (2005), what percentage of Americans are considered middle class?

40% to 53% depending on the source.

Marxist Theory of Class

How does Marxist theory define class?

As a social structure formed within a particular mode of production.

Classism and Economic Inequality

What external factors does the 'Culture of Poverty' dismiss as causes of poverty?

Economic recession, racial and gender discrimination, globalization, and actions of the capitalist class.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What percentage of aggregate income do the top income quintiles account for in Europe?

34 - 45 percent.

Historical Development of Class Concepts

What role did economic factors play in early class theories?

Economic factors were seen as the primary determinants of social class and status.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What trend is being questioned regarding income inequality from 1970 to 2009?

Whether it is growing, shrinking, or staying the same.

Historical Development of Class Concepts

What type of government exists in socialist society?

A government in the name of the proletariat.

Introduction to Social Class

What are some common indicators of social class?

Income, education, occupation, and wealth.

Income and Wealth Inequality in the U.S. and Europe

What percentage of total income does the second 20 percent represent?


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