What does data hierarchy involve?
Structure and organization of data which includes fields, records, and files.
How does the Network Model differ from the Hierarchical Model?
Records can have multiple parent and child records.
Database Fundamentals

What does data hierarchy involve?

Structure and organization of data which includes fields, records, and files.

Database Design Models

How does the Network Model differ from the Hierarchical Model?

Records can have multiple parent and child records.

Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence

What is a recent trend in database design and use?

Data-Driven Web Sites that act as an interface to a database.

Types of Data in Databases

What is external data?

Data that comes from a variety of sources and is stored in a data warehouse.

File Access Methods

What is sequential access file structure?

Records in files are organized and processed in numerical or sequential order, making it time-consuming and high in data redundancy.

Types of Data in Databases

What is internal data?

Data collected from within an organization and stored in the organization’s internal databases.

Database Design Models

What is the purpose of a Foreign Key?

To match the primary key column of another table and cross-reference tables.

Database Design Models

What do data models determine?

How data is created, represented, organized, and maintained, including data structure, operations, and integrity rules.

Database Design Models

What structure do relationships between records form in the Hierarchical Model?

A treelike structure.

Database Management System Components

What is the role of the Database Engine in a DBMS?

Responsible for data storage, manipulation, and retrieval.

File Access Methods

What is the Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM)?

A method where records can be accessed sequentially or randomly, using an index structure with indexed values and pointers.

Database Design Models

What is a Primary Key in a relational database?

It uniquely identifies every record.

Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence

What is a Data Mart?

A smaller version of a data warehouse used by a single department or function.

Database Design Models

What are the two ways information is viewed in a database?

Physical views (how data is stored) and logical views (how information appears to users).

Database Design Models

In the Hierarchical Model, what are records called?


Database Management System Components

What are common operations used to retrieve data from tables?

Select, project, join, intersect, union, and difference.

Database Fundamentals

What is a database?

A collection of related data that is stored in a central location or in multiple locations.

File Access Methods

What is random access file structure?

Records can be accessed in any order, regardless of their physical location in storage media, allowing for fast processing.

Database Design Models

What does the Relational Model use to organize data?

A two-dimensional table of rows and columns.

Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence

What is the purpose of Data Mining Analysis?

To discover patterns and relationships in data.

Database Management System Components

What are some advantages of using a DDBMS?

Design reflects the firm's structure, reduces response time, minimizes effects of computer failure, offers cost advantages, and is not limited by physical location.

Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence

What is an advantage of Data Marts over data warehouses?

Faster access to data due to their smaller size.

Database Design Models

What defines an object in object-oriented databases?

Data and their relationships are contained in a single object, consisting of attributes and methods.

Database Management System Components

What is the purpose of a Database Management System (DBMS)?

Software for creating, storing, maintaining, and accessing database files, making database usage more efficient.

Database Management System Components

What does the Data Dictionary store?

Definitions such as data types for fields, default values, and validation rules.

Database Management System Components

What is replication in a DDBMS?

Each site stores a copy of the data in the organization’s database.

Big Data and Its Dimensions

What are the 5 Vs of Big Data?

Volume, Variety, Velocity, Veracity, and Value.

Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence

What are hypercubes in the context of data warehouses?

They store multidimensional data.

Database Management System Components

What is a Distributed Database Management System (DDBMS)?

A system that stores data on multiple servers throughout an organization.

Database Design Models

What is the goal of Normalization in databases?

To improve database efficiency by eliminating redundant data.

Database Management System Components

What is the purpose of Application Generation in a DBMS?

To handle tasks like backup, recovery, security, and change management.

Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence

What types of data are organized in a data warehouse?

Raw data, summary data, and metadata.

Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence

What is Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) used for in data warehouses?

It uses multiple sources of information to provide multidimensional analysis and generates business intelligence.

Database Management System Components

What does allocation combine in a DDBMS?

It combines fragmentation and replication.

Database Design Models

What is inheritance in object-oriented databases?

New objects can be created faster and more easily by entering new data in attributes.

Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence

What is a data warehouse?

A collection of data from various sources that supports decision-making applications and generates business intelligence.

Privacy and Legal Issues in Data Management

What should executives guard against in the context of Big Data?

Privacy risks such as discrimination, privacy breaches, and loss of anonymity.

Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence

What is the purpose of ETL in a data warehouse?

To extract, transform, and load data from various sources into the data warehouse.

Database Management System Components

What is fragmentation in the context of DDBMS?

It addresses how tables are divided among multiple locations, allowing easy data usage and providing security.

Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence

What does the Descriptive method of Business Analytics do?

It reviews past events and analyzes data to provide reports on what happened.

Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence

What is one benefit of data warehouses?

They can generate complex queries and reports faster than traditional databases.

Database Design Models

What is encapsulation in object-oriented databases?

Grouping objects along with their attributes and methods into a class.

Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence

What are the three methods of Business Analytics?

Descriptive, Predictive, and Prescriptive.

Big Data and Its Dimensions

What is a key challenge in the Big Data Era?

Conventional computing methods are unable to efficiently process and manage voluminous data.

Privacy and Legal Issues in Data Management

What rights do users have regarding their records?

Users should be able to review and correct their records.

Privacy and Legal Issues in Data Management

What is an acceptable use policy?

A set of rules specifying legal and ethical use of a system and consequences of noncompliance.

Privacy and Legal Issues in Data Management

How can funding for computers help address the digital divide?

Increasing funding for computers at schools and public places helps offset the divide.

Big Data and Its Dimensions

What is job deskilling?

The elimination of skilled labor due to high technology.

Privacy and Legal Issues in Data Management

What is the purpose of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)?

To protect personal health information.

Privacy and Legal Issues in Data Management

What are cookies in the context of web data collection?

Small text files with unique ID tags saved on the user's hard drive.

Privacy and Legal Issues in Data Management

What role does Internet connection speed play in the digital divide?

The speed of the Internet connection affects access to information and technology.

Green Computing Practices

How can remote work contribute to green computing?

By allowing employees to work from home, reducing travel.

Green Computing Practices

What does green computing involve?

The design, manufacture, use, and disposal of computing devices with minimal environmental impact.

Privacy and Legal Issues in Data Management

What does the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) aim to achieve?

Consistent protection of personal data across EU nations.

Intellectual Property and Cybersecurity

What is typosquatting?

A variation of cybersquatting that relies on typographical errors made by users when entering a web address.

Privacy and Legal Issues in Data Management

What is the digital divide?

The gap between the information rich and the information poor created by information technology and the Internet.

Big Data and Its Dimensions

What is telecommuting?

A work arrangement that allows people to perform their jobs from home.

Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence

What are the benefits of data marts over data warehouses?

Faster access to data, improved response time for users, and easier to create due to their size and simplicity.

Database Fundamentals

What analysis is used to calculate customer lifetime value (CLTV)?

Recency, frequency, and monetary analysis (RFM).

Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence

What type of analysis does Tableau perform?

Data visualization and trend analysis using graphs and charts.

Privacy and Legal Issues in Data Management

What is spam in the context of email?

Unsolicited 'junk' email sent for advertising purposes.

Database Design Models

What model is similar to the hierarchical model but allows multiple parent and child records?

a) Network Model.

Green Computing Practices

What type of computing devices should be used for green computing?

Devices that consume less energy and are biodegradable.

Green Computing Practices

Why is recycling computer-related materials important?

It reduces waste and promotes sustainability.

Database Fundamentals

How does database marketing transform the marketing process?

It transforms marketing from a reactive to a proactive process.

Privacy and Legal Issues in Data Management

How can organizations reduce unethical behavior among employees?

By developing and enforcing codes of ethics.

Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence

What is a key feature of Power BI?

It allows users to analyze and visualize data from different sources and formats.

Intellectual Property and Cybersecurity

What is cybersquatting?

Registering, selling, or using a domain name to profit from someone else’s trademark.

Green Computing Practices

What is green disposal?

Repurposing and recycling materials.

Big Data and Its Dimensions

What are virtual organizations?

Networks of independent companies, suppliers, customers, and manufacturers connected via information technologies.

Privacy and Legal Issues in Data Management

What are some recommendations for overcoming Internet and smartphone addiction?

Admit the problem, limit usage, change patterns, socialize more, find non-device interests, turn off devices at certain times, and seek professional help.

Big Data and Its Dimensions

What do the 5Vs of Big Data stand for?

Volume, Variety, Velocity, Veracity, Value.

Privacy and Legal Issues in Data Management

What should be done with personal data when it is no longer needed?

It should be discarded.

Privacy and Legal Issues in Data Management

What is required to prevent personal information from being disclosed?

Consent from the individual.

Green Computing Practices

How can products be designed for sustainability?

By making them last longer and modular for upgrades.

Green Computing Practices

What is one way to reduce business travel?

Conducting meetings over computer networks.

Green Computing Practices

What transportation methods can be encouraged for green computing?

Carpooling, non-motorized, and public transportation.

Big Data and Its Dimensions

What term describes the gap created between the information rich and the information poor?

Digital Divide.

File Access Methods

What method for accessing files is fast and effective for processing a small number of records?

a) Sequential access file structure.

Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence

What is a collection of data from various sources that supports decision-making applications?

a) Data Warehouse.

Green Computing Practices

What is green computing?

Promoting a sustainable environment and consuming the least amount of energy in computing.

Database Fundamentals

What is the main goal of database marketing?

To use information within the database to implement marketing strategies that increase profits, enhance competitiveness, and establish long-term customer relationships.

Privacy and Legal Issues in Data Management

What procedures should be used to ensure data accuracy?

Verification procedures.

Intellectual Property and Cybersecurity

What advantages do patents provide to organizations?

Generate revenue by licensing, attract funding for R&D, and keep competitors out of certain markets.

Green Computing Practices

What is green manufacturing?

Minimizing waste and energy use in manufacturing processes.

Green Computing Practices

What is a benefit of designing faster search engines?

They consume less energy.

Privacy and Legal Issues in Data Management

What are some health problems related to computer equipment?

Vision problems, musculoskeletal problems, skin problems, reproductive problems, and stress-related problems.

Privacy and Legal Issues in Data Management

What does equal treatment of all data on the internet refer to?

Internet neutrality.

Privacy and Legal Issues in Data Management

What ethical issues arise from information technology?

Opportunities for unethical behavior due to ease of collecting and disseminating information.

Intellectual Property and Cybersecurity

What does a trademark protect?

Product names and identifying marks (e.g., logos).

Privacy and Legal Issues in Data Management

What is a key component of GDPR regarding data collection?

User consent is required.

Database Management System Components

Which statement about Data Administration is incorrect?

d) Evaluate data and information performance.

Privacy and Legal Issues in Data Management

What health issues are associated with increasing touchscreen popularity?

Stress-related injuries of the hands, arms, back, and eyes.

Privacy and Legal Issues in Data Management

What is a set of rules specifying legal and ethical use of a system called?

Acceptable use policy.

Big Data and Its Dimensions

What is one impact of information technology in the workplace?

Telecommuting enables people to perform their jobs from home.

Privacy and Legal Issues in Data Management

What is the purpose of installing a cookie manager?

It helps users disable cookies.

Privacy and Legal Issues in Data Management

What are the two types of information available on the Web?

Public information and private information.

Privacy and Legal Issues in Data Management

What are some privacy issues related to database use?

Employers searching social networking sites for background information and monitoring employee performance.

Privacy and Legal Issues in Data Management

What guidelines can minimize invasion of privacy?

Conduct business only with websites that have clear privacy policies and limit access to personal information.

Types of Data in Databases

Which type of data can be found in a database?

c) Both A and B (Internal data and External data).

Big Data and Its Dimensions

How has information technology impacted consumer purchasing power?

It has increased purchasing power, resulting in a stronger economy by reducing production costs.

Green Computing Practices

How can cloud computing services aid in green computing?

By optimizing resource use and reducing energy consumption.

Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence

What are Tableau and Power BI used for?

They are popular platforms for business intelligence (BI) and data visualization.

Privacy and Legal Issues in Data Management

What does nonrepudiation refer to?

A method for binding all parties to a contract.

Database Management System Components

What are the three approaches to setting up a Distributed Database Management System (DDBMS)?

b) Fragmentation, Replication, Allocation.

Privacy and Legal Issues in Data Management

What is 'text neck'?

Neck pain and damage caused from looking down at handheld devices.

Green Computing Practices

What is a key approach to implementing green computing?

Green design, which focuses on creating energy-efficient devices.

Privacy and Legal Issues in Data Management

What do log files record?

A user’s actions on a website.

Intellectual Property and Cybersecurity

What is the Fair Use Doctrine?

An exception to copyright law that allows the use of copyrighted material for certain purposes.

Privacy and Legal Issues in Data Management

What concern do users have regarding their personal information on the web?

That it may be sold to telemarketing firms.

Green Computing Practices

What does green use focus on?

Minimizing electricity consumption of devices.

Green Computing Practices

What virtualization technique can improve energy efficiency?

Replacing underutilized small servers with one large server.

Green Computing Practices

What should be done with idle PCs to promote green computing?

Turn them off.

Privacy and Legal Issues in Data Management

What are the five types of Internet addiction?

Cybersexual, web compulsions, cyber-relationships, gaming, and information seeking.

Green Computing Practices

What is the term for designing, manufacturing, using, and disposing of computing devices with minimal environmental impact?

Green Computing.

Privacy and Legal Issues in Data Management

Which statement about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is correct?

Covers a series of laws to protect EU citizens’ personal data, including some non-EU countries with transactions with EU citizens.

Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence

What method of business analytics is referred to as a proactive strategy to prepare decision makers for future events?


Database Fundamentals

What is the use of an organization’s database of customers to promote products or services called?

Database Marketing.

Intellectual Property and Cybersecurity

What legal protections cover copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, and patents?

Intellectual property.

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