What are Government Documents?
Government documents may include sponsored studies and published reports from different government agencies, often seen as policy reports and presented papers.
Where can Government Documents be located?
Government documents may be located on the internet, in research institutes, and at policy centers.
Types of Research Publications

What are Government Documents?

Government documents may include sponsored studies and published reports from different government agencies, often seen as policy reports and presented papers.

Types of Research Publications

Where can Government Documents be located?

Government documents may be located on the internet, in research institutes, and at policy centers.

Types of Research Publications

What are e-journals?

E-journals are electronic journals that provide full text articles available on the internet.

Types of Research Publications

What role do Professional Associations play in research?

Professional associations in academic fields sponsor oral presentations of research.

Types of Research Publications

What characterizes quantitative studies?

Quantitative studies are characterized by the inclusion of a method or data section, charts, statistical formulas, and tables of numbers.

Importance of Citing Sources

Why is it essential to distinguish among types of publications?

Distinguishing among types of publications is essential for mastering how different types of references are cited.

Creating a Reference Section

What is a reference list?

A reference list is a comprehensive list of all the sources cited in a piece of writing, providing full details for each source.

Authority in Research

What is meant by assigning proper authority in a research paper?

Assigning proper authority in a research paper means giving credit to the original source of information, which enhances the credibility and weight of the statements made.

Types of Research Publications

What are the formats in which researchers can find reports of research studies?

Researchers can find reports of research studies in several formats, including books, scholarly journal articles, dissertations, government documents, and policy reports.

Importance of Citing Sources

In what way does referencing add authority to your work?

Referencing adds authority to your work by supporting it with previous research, which enhances the credibility of your arguments.

Referencing Techniques

What should you do when citing references?

When citing references, it is best to check with an instructor for the required form.

APA Style Guidelines

What citation style requires a REFERENCE SECTION?

APA style requires a reference section at the end of the report.

Types of Research Publications

What are dissertations and theses?

Dissertations and theses are valuable sources of information that may be published as books or articles.

Importance of Citing Sources

What is the importance of citing sources?

Citing sources is essential for giving credit to original authors, avoiding plagiarism, and providing a pathway for readers to locate the original materials.

Importance of Citing Sources

What is the importance of citing authorities in research?

Citing authorities in the text and providing full references at the end of the report is crucial for academic integrity and credibility.

Citation Formats

What are prescribed formats for writing?

Prescribed formats for writing are standardized guidelines that dictate how to structure citations and references in academic work.

Importance of Citing Sources

What is the purpose of a citation?

A citation provides details of a scholarly publication’s location, helping people find it quickly.

Importance of Citing Sources

What is the importance of referencing appropriately?

Referencing appropriately demonstrates reading and understanding of relevant literature, enables the reader to track down original sources, adds authority to your work, and ensures ethical writing by giving credit to original authors.

Importance of Citing Sources

Why is it important to research in order to do research?

It is important to research in order to do research because you must express your original thoughts and ideas, as well as those of others.

Citation Formats

Who dictates the citation style to be used?

The citation style is dictated by the school, and you should consult with your teacher about the format or writing style to be used.

Ethical Writing Practices

Why is ethical writing important in referencing?

Ethical writing is important in referencing because it gives credit to the original authors, acknowledging their contributions and avoiding plagiarism.

Importance of Citing Sources

When should you CITE sources?

You should cite sources whenever you use a direct quote, paraphrase, summarize, or use less known facts or statistics that relate directly to your argument.

Types of Research Publications

What types of information do books communicate?

Books communicate many types of information, provide thought, and entertain.

Authority in Research

Where can specialized indexes be found?

Specialized indexes are listed at accredited universities.

Importance of Citing Sources

What is the importance of citing literature?

Citing literature is important to avoid plagiarism and to assign proper authority to a statement, which adds weight to the research paper.

Citation Formats

What is the TEXT format in citation?

The TEXT format is the internal citation format that uses an author's last name and date of publication in parentheses.

Avoiding Plagiarism

What does avoiding plagiarism entail?

Avoiding plagiarism entails giving credit to the source of any information or ideas used in a research paper, adhering to ethical and moral standards.

Referencing Techniques


Referencing your sources means systematically showing what information or ideas you are quoting or paraphrasing from another author's works and where they come from.

Creating a Reference Section

Where does a full citation appear?

A full citation appears in a separate bibliography or reference section.

Importance of Citing Sources

How does referencing enable the reader to track down original sources?

Referencing allows the reader to check the quality of the original sources and verify that the information has not been misinterpreted.

Creating a Reference Section


A reference section is an alphabetical list of all the references cited in the text of a report, placed at the end before the appendix.

Creating a Reference Section

What is the difference between a REFERENCE SECTION and a BIBLIOGRAPHY?

A reference section includes only the sources cited in the text, while a bibliography may include additional sources not directly cited.

Importance of Citing Sources

What are citations?

Citations are references to books that include the author's name, complete title, date of publication, and publisher.

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