What role do phytochemicals/phytonutrients play in the body?
They act as antioxidants.
What is hunger?
The physical cue of the body indicating a need for food.
Healthy Eating Tips for Athletes

What role do phytochemicals/phytonutrients play in the body?

They act as antioxidants.

Hunger vs. Appetite

What is hunger?

The physical cue of the body indicating a need for food.

Hydration and Performance

How does dehydration affect exercise performance?

It makes the heart work harder, impairs concentration, and affects tactical decision-making.

Hunger vs. Appetite

How does hunger influence food choices?

Hunger is open to eating a variety of foods for satisfaction.

Sports Nutrition Principles

Why are diets with minimal carbs not appropriate for athletes?

They hinder reloading carbohydrate stores, repairing muscle tissue, and rehydrating.

Introduction to Nutrition

What are the four roles of food?

Energy, Information, Connection (to self and to others), Medicine.

Healthy Eating Tips for Athletes

What is essential for optimal cellular function?

Fundamental components found in fruits and vegetables.

Hydration and Performance

What percentage of body weight loss indicates dehydration?

Losing over 2% of body weight.

Role of Nutrition in Exercise and Health

Why is total dietary intake important for athletes?

It influences training, performance, strength, and endurance.

Carbohydrate Fueling

What is the primary muscle fuel for most types of exercise?


Sports Nutrition Principles

What types of ergogenic aids exist?

Physiological, mechanical, psychological, pharmacological, and nutritional.

Healthy Eating Tips for Athletes

What should you fill the remaining ¼ of your plate with?

Lean protein foods such as fish, poultry, lean meats, low-fat or nonfat dairy products, beans, and small amounts of nuts and seeds.

Sports Nutrition Principles

What is a rapidly growing area of practice in the field of health?

Sports nutrition.

Sports Nutrition Principles

What is one benefit of sports nutrition?

Enables you to train longer and harder.

Hunger vs. Appetite

What is the main difference between hunger and appetite?

Hunger comes on gradually and can wait for food, while appetite comes on suddenly and requires instant satisfaction.

Mindful Eating

What are some benefits of mindful eating?

Better control of food intake, understanding body cues, enjoyment of food, better nutrient absorption, and fewer cravings.

Introduction to Nutrition

What is the main theme of the quote, 'We ate our way into this mess; we can eat our way out of it'?

It suggests that dietary choices can lead to health issues, but can also be a solution.

Role of Nutrition in Exercise and Health

What should the total energy intake of active individuals meet?

The increased demands of exercise and physical activity.

Sports Nutrition Principles

What is the focus of sports nutrition?

Providing fuel for physical activity, facilitating repair and rebuilding, and optimizing athletic performance.

Hydration and Performance

What is the single largest contributor to fatigue during exercise?


Sports Nutrition Principles

How many calories of glucose are in the bloodstream when fully loaded with carbs?

About 40 calories.

Carbohydrate Fueling

What is the benefit of starting exercise with full carbohydrate stores?

It can delay the onset of fatigue.

Healthy Eating Tips for Athletes

What should you fill ¾ of your plate with during meals?

A variety of carbohydrate-based foods such as fruit, cereals, pasta, bread, potatoes, and other vegetables.

Healthy Eating Tips for Athletes

What do fruits and vegetables contain that are beneficial for health?

Natural multivitamins and powerful chemicals called phytochemicals/phytonutrients.

Sports Nutrition Principles

What are the three principles of sports nutrition?

1. Stay hydrated. 2. Provide fuel for your muscles. 3. Promote optimal recovery after exercise.

Role of Nutrition in Exercise and Health

What role does nutrition play in athletic performance?

It dramatically influences the nutritional status and performance of the athlete.

Sports Nutrition Principles

What is an ergogenic aid?

Any substance or treatment that improves physiological variables associated with exercise performance or removes subjective restraints.

Sports Nutrition Principles

What is a major nutritional concern among coaches?

The consumption of junk foods by their athletes.

Healthy Eating Tips for Athletes

Why do athletes need both healthy eating and sports nutrition?

To maintain overall health and optimize performance.

Hydration and Performance

What should athletes do to avoid dehydration effects?

Start fully hydrated, rehydrate during exercise, and replace fluid and sodium losses after exercise.

Sports Nutrition Principles

How does sports nutrition help with concentration?

It enhances concentration.

Sports Nutrition Principles

Who can be considered an athlete in the context of sports nutrition?

Any individual who is regularly active, from fitness enthusiasts to competitive athletes.

Healthy Eating Tips for Athletes

What is the focus of healthy eating?

To help ensure that you remain healthy over the long term.

Healthy Eating Tips for Athletes

What is the significance of the decisions we make regarding food?

They are among the most important decisions we make each day.

Hydration and Performance

What is the recommended hydration strategy during exercise?

Stay within your hydration zone, avoiding more than 2% body weight loss and overconsumption of fluids.

Hunger vs. Appetite

What type of foods do people often crave when experiencing appetite?

Specific comfort foods, often salty, sugary, or fatty.

Sports Nutrition Principles

What should athletes avoid doing on game day?

Trying anything new.

Sports Nutrition Principles

What has contributed to the rapid growth of sports nutrition?

An increasing number of athletes, coaches, and trainers concerned about nutrition's impact on performance.

Introduction to Nutrition

How does the WHO define nutrition?

The intake of food considered in relation to the body’s dietary needs.

Introduction to Nutrition

What type of carbohydrates are considered energy food?

Starchy carbohydrates such as rice, grains, bread, root crops, and noodles.

Carbohydrate Fueling

How long of endurance training can deplete carbohydrate muscle fuel stores?

60 – 90 minutes.

Healthy Eating Tips for Athletes

What are the most important carbohydrates according to the text?

Fruits and vegetables.

Sports Nutrition Principles

What are the two forms of carbohydrates in the body?

Glucose and glycogen.

Sports Nutrition Principles

What is glycogen?

Bundles of converted glucose stored in the liver and muscles.

Role of Nutrition in Exercise and Health

What is the role of protein in nutrition?

Builds and repairs muscles and tissues.

Role of Nutrition in Exercise and Health

How does energy expenditure differ between active individuals and sedentary individuals?

Active individuals typically have greater energy expenditures.

Sports Nutrition Principles

What is one of the three principles of sports nutrition?

Practice your nutrition regimen during training.

Sports Nutrition Principles

What factors can compromise sound nutrition practices in athletes?

Poor understanding of nutrition, lack of knowledge on requirements, heavy workloads, inadequate finances, and frequent travel.

Sports Nutrition Principles

What are some activities conducted by sports nutrition practitioners?

Nutrition education, counseling, fitness assessments, and various health assessments.

Hunger vs. Appetite

What is appetite?

The desire to eat influenced by hormones and sensory reactions to external cues.

Healthy Eating Tips for Athletes

What can happen if you consume too much protein?

It can hurt your kidneys, especially in ketogenic diets.

Mindful Eating

What is mindful eating?

Eating with intention and attention, increasing awareness of food.

Introduction to Nutrition

What is the definition of diet?

The kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats.

Healthy Eating Tips for Athletes

What is recommended when choosing carbohydrates?

Choose whole grains.

Sports Nutrition Principles

What is 'hitting the wall' or 'bonking'?

A condition where blood sugar levels drop, forcing you to slow down or stop.

Sports Nutrition Principles

When do we say that something is ergogenic?

When it has the tendency to increase work or improve performance.

Sports Nutrition Principles

What is the focus of sports nutrition?

To help keep you hydrated, fuel your exercise, and promote rapid recovery after exercise.

Sports Nutrition Principles

Where is glucose found in the body?

Circulating in the bloodstream.

Sports Nutrition Principles

How does sports nutrition affect fatigue?

It delays the onset of fatigue.

Role of Nutrition in Exercise and Health

What are the sources of protein?

Animal or plant sources.

Sports Nutrition Principles

What is one benefit of sports nutrition related to body composition?

It improves body composition and strength.

Sports Nutrition Principles

How many calories are stored as glycogen in the muscles and liver?

About 1,900 calories.

Sports Nutrition Principles

What happens when muscle glycogen stores are depleted?

You rely on liver glycogen to maintain blood glucose levels.

Sports Nutrition Principles

What should athletes do to avoid running out of muscle fuel?

Start fully fueled, refuel during exercise, and replenish glycogen after exercise.

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