What does the Review of Related Studies (RRL) consist of?
Published materials that compare the study with existing knowledge on the research topic.
What is the purpose of the Review of Related Studies (RRS)?
Includes theses or dissertations on research topics studying the same variables.
Literature Review Process

What does the Review of Related Studies (RRL) consist of?

Published materials that compare the study with existing knowledge on the research topic.

Literature Review Process

What is the purpose of the Review of Related Studies (RRS)?

Includes theses or dissertations on research topics studying the same variables.

Ethical Standards in Research Writing

What is the MLA referencing style commonly associated with?

The Humanities.

Research Designs

What distinguishes pure experimental research from other types?

Experimental manipulation is used and individual subjects are randomly assigned to treatment and control groups.

Literature Review Process

How should pages after the title page be formatted?

They should have a page header with a shortened version of the research title flush left and a page number flush right.

Literature Review Process

What role does reviewing similar studies play in research?

It serves as a springboard for discussion, allowing researchers to agree or disagree with current results.

Variables in Research

What is a ratio variable?

A special type of continuous variable that cannot have a negative value.

Variables in Research

What are qualitative variables?

Categorical variables that lack numerical value but can still be used in quantitative research.

Research Designs

How are groups compared in observational research?

Groups exposed to the presumed cause are compared with those who are not exposed.

Variables in Research

What are ordinal variables?

Variables that can be ranked or ordered and exhibit characteristics of both quantitative and qualitative types.

Research Designs

What level of questioning does the P model fit?

The situation-producing level of questioning.

Research Designs

What is the purpose of the POM (proposed original model)?

To present an original paradigm.

Variables in Research

What is an extraneous variable?

Any variable that is not categorized as dependent or independent and can influence the results of a study.

Variables in Research

What is a discrete variable?

A quantitative variable that can be counted and denoted by positive whole numbers.

Characteristics of Quantitative Research

What point of view should be avoided in scientific writing?

The first-person point of view.

Literature Review Process

What should a literature review identify for future research?

Gaps in the literature.

Literature Review Process

What defines relevant materials in research?

Materials that carry information about the topic or variables of the study.

Characteristics of Quantitative Research

How does Quantitative Research handle complex problems?

It reduces and restructures them to a limited number of variables.

Variables in Research

What is a dependent variable?

The variable being examined for changes.

Conceptual and Theoretical Framework

What does the theoretical framework serve as in a study?

The foundation of the study.

Literature Review Process

What is the purpose of reviewing literature?

It builds the confidence of the researcher as they fully understand the variables being studied.

Identifying Research Topics and Problems

What is the purpose of stating the problem in a study?

To introduce the research problem, clarify important variables, discuss limitations and delimitations, and specify its significance to the field of study.

Variables in Research

What is a continuous variable?

A quantitative variable measured in ranges and can be denoted by non-whole numbers.

Hypothesis and Assumptions in Research

What does a Directional Hypothesis specify?

It specifies not only the existence but also the expected direction of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables.

Characteristics of Quantitative Research

What does Quantitative Research aim to establish between variables?

Cause and effect relationships.

Research Designs

What is the IPO model used for in research?

To isolate the factor or major variable that causes the problem, subject, or phenomenon under investigation.

Hypothesis and Assumptions in Research

What is a hypothesis?

A tentative prediction about the relationship between two or more variables in a population under study.

Hypothesis and Assumptions in Research

What is a complex hypothesis?

Formulated when predicting the relationships of two or more independent variables to two or more dependent variables.

Research Designs

What is the goal of Correlational Research?

To determine the nature of the relationship between variables without looking into causation.

Research Designs

What data collection techniques are used in Correlational Research?

Questionnaires, tests, and observation.

Ethical Standards in Research Writing

What is the ethical standard regarding authorship in research writing?

Any written work is the intellectual property of the author.

Variables in Research

What are dichotomous variables?

Variables that have 2 distinct categories only.

Variables in Research

What are nominal variables?

Variables that have more than 2 categories or values.

Hypothesis and Assumptions in Research

What does the Alternative/Research Hypothesis state?

It states the actual expected relationships between variables.

Advantages of Quantitative Research

How does Quantitative Research ensure systematic processes?

By simplifying the steps involved in conducting the research.

Research Designs

What is a requirement for the POM?

It must be scientific.

Research Designs

What does the IV-DV model represent?

The relationship between independent and dependent variables, used in experiment-based studies.

Literature Review Process

What is the recommended citation method in APA style?

The author-year method for in-text citations, using the author's last name and the source's year of publication in parenthetical citations.

Literature Review Process

What makes a research study empirical?

Reviewing a body of literature on the topic.

Identifying Research Topics and Problems

What is the overall purpose of the research problem?

To determine how the research findings will help its beneficiaries.

Characteristics of Quantitative Research

What is a key characteristic of Quantitative Research regarding reliability?

It is reliable and objective.

Ethical Standards in Research Writing

What is the APA referencing style commonly used for?

Fields of Social Sciences, Philosophy, Education, and Economics.

Research Designs

What is the goal of quasi-experimental research?

To establish a cause and effect relationship.

Research Designs

How are subjects assigned in quasi-experimental research?

Individual subjects are not randomly assigned to treatment and control groups.

Literature Review Process

What is the Literature Review process?

It involves compiling, classifying, and evaluating what other researchers have written on a certain topic.

Types of Research Questions

What do Situation-Relating Questions typically yield?

Hypothesis testing or experimental study designs where the researcher manipulates variables.

Research Designs

What is the goal of Descriptive Research?

To observe and report on a certain phenomenon without experimental manipulation.

Literature Review Process

What is the time frame for literature to be considered up-to-date in a review?

Within the last 5 years.

Literature Review Process

What is the first step in conducting a review of related literature?

Looking for relevant materials.

Literature Review Process

Why is note-taking important in the review of literature?

It helps the researcher in the actual analysis of the literature read.

Research Designs

What type of studies benefit from the PC model?

Studies that focus on relationships, associations, differences, and impacts.

Conceptual and Theoretical Framework

What is a theory?

A conceptual invention used to describe, explain, predict, or understand a certain phenomenon.

Hypothesis and Assumptions in Research

What are Study Assumptions?

Propositions taken to be true based upon presupposition, without consideration of the facts.

Variables in Research

What is an independent variable?

The variable considered to affect the dependent variable.

Types of Research Questions

What is the purpose of Factor-Relating Questions?

To determine the relationship among identified factors, usually in non-experimental studies.

Types of Research Questions

What is the goal of Situation-Producing Questions?

To establish explicit goals for actions and specify conditions to achieve those goals.

Literature Review Process

What should the list of references be labeled at the end of a paper?


Characteristics of Quantitative Research

What is a key writing tip for scientific writing?

Quotations are extremely rare.

Identifying Research Topics and Problems

How is the seriousness of the chosen research problem assessed?

By evaluating the intensity and magnitude of the problem to determine if it is researchable or non-researchable.

Nature of Quantitative Research

What is the primary focus of Quantitative Research?

Explaining phenomena by collecting numerical data that are analyzed using mathematically based methods.

Ethical Standards in Research Writing

What are the three reminders for ethical research writing?

Honesty with professional colleagues, protection from harm, and right for privacy.

Hypothesis and Assumptions in Research

What is the purpose of a Null Hypothesis?

It is formulated for the purpose of statistical analysis and is always expressed as a negative statement.

Data Collection Techniques

What data collection technique is used in observational research?


Types of Research Questions

What criteria must specific problems meet in research?

They must be in question form, define the population and sample, identify major and minor variables, and be empirically tested.

Literature Review Process

What is the main difference between Turabian and Chicago referencing styles?

Turabian format is a derivative of the Chicago style and utilizes footnotes for in-text citations instead of parenthetical citations.

Identifying Research Topics and Problems

What is a research topic?

A general area of interest that you would like to pursue in your research.

Variables in Research

What are the two general types of variables?

Quantitative and Qualitative.

Research Designs

What data collection techniques are used in Descriptive Research?

Questionnaires and observation.

Characteristics of Quantitative Research

How should a research paper be organized?

According to topics, not by chronology.

Literature Review Process

What is essential when selecting sources for a literature review?

Choosing credible sources.

Nature of Quantitative Research

What type of reasoning does Quantitative Research utilize?

Deductive reasoning.

Research Designs

What is the goal of observational research?

To infer the causes of a phenomenon that has already occurred without experimental manipulation.

Ethical Standards in Research Writing

Does MLA style require a separate title page and abstract?

No, unless specifically instructed by your professor or institution.

Advantages of Quantitative Research

What is a benefit of statistical treatment in Quantitative Research?

It allows for accurate results that can be interpreted in a few statements.

Research Designs

What is the goal of pure experimental research?

To establish a cause and effect relationship.

Hypothesis and Assumptions in Research

What is a simple hypothesis?

Formulated when predicting a relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable.

Ethical Standards in Research Writing

What is an important habit to develop in academic writing?

Good citation habits.

Hypothesis and Assumptions in Research

What is a Non-Directional Hypothesis?

A hypothesis that does not stipulate the direction of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables.

Research Designs

What does the P model focus on?

Research studies that propose a program or any intervention measure.

Advantages of Quantitative Research

What is one advantage of Quantitative Research related to generalization?

It allows the results to be generalized to the population due to the use of a large sample.

Types of Research Questions

What are the two general types of research questions?

Researchable questions and non-researchable questions.

Data Collection Techniques

What data collection technique is commonly used in quasi-experimental research?


Variables in Research

What is a confounding variable?

A special type of extraneous variable that a researcher fails to control, threatening the validity of a research procedure.

Literature Review Process

How does a literature review contribute to the objectivity of a study?

It provides fellow researchers with an objective view as they read related sources and frameworks.

Literature Review Process

What is the importance of covering all relevant literature in a review?

It ensures comprehensive understanding and context of the research topic.

Characteristics of Quantitative Research

What assumption does Quantitative Research make about the sample?

That the sample is representative of the population.

Literature Review Process

What should be included on the title page of a research paper in Turabian format?

The research title, the author's name, and the author's institutional affiliation.

Identifying Research Topics and Problems

What are some factors to consider when selecting a research topic?

Relevance, interest, manageability, and availability of resources.

Identifying Research Topics and Problems

What does the background of the study establish?

The cognitive setting of the research and the rationale for studying the problem.

Literature Review Process

What is one characteristic of a good literature review?

It clearly delimits the subject matter to be reviewed.

Literature Review Process

What is the first step in preparing a literature review?

Choosing a topic.

Literature Review Process

What is the second step in conducting a review of related literature?

Actual reading through analytical and comparative reading.

Research Designs

What is the PC model used for?

To relate and assess the influence between two or more variables.

Ethical Standards in Research Writing

Why do many institutions prescribe the use of APA style?

Because of its practicality and popular usage.

Conceptual and Theoretical Framework

What is a conceptual framework?

A system of concepts, assumptions, or expectations that links one idea with another.

Types of Research Questions

What do Factor-Isolating Questions aim to do?

They isolate, categorize, describe, or name factors and situations.

Literature Review Process

What is the purpose of the abstract in a research paper?

To present a concise summary of the research study in 150 to 250 words.

Identifying Research Topics and Problems

What is the setting of the problem?

It describes the place where the research is being conducted.

Literature Review Process

What does the basic literature foundation of the study provide?

References to clarify the meaning or background of the given variables.

Identifying Research Topics and Problems

What is the general objective of the research problem?

It serves as the basis for formulating the statement of the problem and specific problems.

Research Designs

What is Ex-post Facto Research?

A type of research that examines relationships among variables after the fact, without manipulation.

Literature Review Process

What should a good literature review provide regarding the ideas and conclusions?

An insightful analysis of the ideas and conclusions in the literature.

Literature Review Process

How recent should the literature be for it to be considered up-to-date in a review?
A) 10 years cap
B) 3 years cap
C) 5 years cap
D) 1 year cap
E) No time limit

C) 5 years cap
Explanation: A good literature review should include literature that is up-to-date, typically within the last 5 years, to ensure relevance and accuracy in the research context.

Characteristics of Quantitative Research

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Quantitative Research?
A) It is reliable and objective
B) It uses statistics to generalize findings
C) It focuses on subjective experiences
D) It tests theories and hypotheses
E) It looks at connections between variables

C) It focuses on subjective experiences
Explanation: Quantitative Research is characterized by its reliability, objectivity, and use of statistics, while focusing on measurable data rather than subjective experiences.

Characteristics of Quantitative Research

What is a key aspect of analyzing literature in a review?
A) Only summarizing the findings
B) Providing an insightful analysis of ideas and conclusions
C) Ignoring the strengths and weaknesses
D) Focusing solely on quantitative data
E) Avoiding comparisons between studies

B) Providing an insightful analysis of ideas and conclusions
Explanation: A good literature review should offer an insightful analysis that evaluates the ideas and conclusions presented in the literature, highlighting their significance.

Literature Review Process

What should a literature review identify for future research?
A) The most popular studies
B) Gaps in the literature
C) Only positive findings
D) The history of the topic
E) The opinions of famous researchers

B) Gaps in the literature
Explanation: Identifying gaps in the literature is crucial for guiding future research directions and highlighting areas that require further investigation.

Research Designs and Methodologies

What is the primary goal of descriptive research?
A) To manipulate variables and observe outcomes
B) To determine the relationship between variables
C) To observe and report on a certain phenomenon
D) To establish explicit goals for actions
E) To test hypotheses through experimental designs

C) To observe and report on a certain phenomenon
Explanation: The goal of descriptive research is to observe and report on a certain phenomenon without manipulating variables, focusing on measuring variables as they occur.

Conceptual and Theoretical Framework

What is a theoretical framework?
A) A random collection of ideas
B) A foundation for the study based on existing theories
C) A personal opinion of the researcher
D) A summary of unrelated studies
E) A method for collecting data

B) A foundation for the study based on existing theories
Explanation: The theoretical framework serves as the foundation of the study, allowing researchers to adopt existing paradigms and theories to guide their research.

Hypothesis and Assumptions in Research

What does a directional hypothesis specify?
A) Only the existence of a relationship
B) The expected direction of the relationship
C) The variables involved
D) The sample size
E) The statistical methods used

B) The expected direction of the relationship
Explanation: A directional hypothesis not only indicates that a relationship exists between the independent and dependent variables but also specifies the expected direction of that relationship.

Research Designs and Methodologies

What does the POM stand for in research methodology?
A) Predictive Outcome Model
B) Proposed Original Model
C) Program Outcome Measure
D) Primary Observation Method
E) Predictive Observation Model

B) Proposed Original Model
Explanation: POM stands for Proposed Original Model, which is used when the researcher presents an original paradigm that must meet scientific requirements.

Research Designs and Methodologies

What does the IPO model stand for in research?
A) Input-Process-Output
B) Independent-Process-Outcome
C) Input-Procedure-Observation
D) Independent-Prediction-Outcome
E) Input-Prediction-Output

A) Input-Process-Output
Explanation: The IPO model (Input-Process-Output) is commonly used in research to isolate the major variable causing the problem or phenomenon under investigation.

Variables in Research

What type of variable can be counted and is denoted by positive whole numbers?
A) Continuous variable
B) Qualitative variable
C) Discrete variable
D) Ratio variable
E) Categorical variable

C) Discrete variable
Explanation: Discrete variables can be counted and are represented by positive whole numbers, distinguishing them from continuous variables which can be measured in ranges.

Characteristics of Quantitative Research

Which statement best describes the assumption made in Quantitative Research regarding samples?
A) Samples are irrelevant to the population
B) Samples are always biased
C) The sample is representative of the population
D) Samples should be small and specific
E) Samples are not necessary for analysis

C) The sample is representative of the population
Explanation: Quantitative Research assumes that the sample used in the study is representative of the larger population, which is crucial for generalizing findings.

Research Designs and Methodologies

What is a key characteristic of ex-post facto research?
A) It involves experimental manipulation
B) It measures variables as they occur
C) It establishes explicit goals for actions
D) It determines causation between variables
E) It is based on hypothetical scenarios

B) It measures variables as they occur
Explanation: Ex-post facto research involves measuring variables as they occur without experimental manipulation, often analyzing existing data to draw conclusions.

Variables in Research

What is an extraneous variable?
A) A variable that is dependent on the independent variable
B) A variable that can threaten the validity of a research procedure
C) Any variable not categorized as dependent or independent
D) A variable that is controlled in an experiment
E) A variable that is always desirable

C) Any variable not categorized as dependent or independent
Explanation: An extraneous variable is any variable that is not categorized as dependent or independent and can influence the results of a study.

Literature Review Process

What is the purpose of a literature review?
A) To collect data
B) To build confidence in understanding the variables
C) To formulate hypotheses
D) To conduct statistical analysis
E) To summarize the research findings

B) To build confidence in understanding the variables
Explanation: The literature review process involves compiling, classifying, and evaluating existing research, which helps researchers build confidence in their understanding of the variables being studied.

Literature Review Process

What is one purpose of reviewing similar studies in a literature review?
A) To summarize the findings only
B) To become a springboard for discussion
C) To avoid any disagreements
D) To focus solely on the researcher’s own results
E) To eliminate the need for further research

B) To become a springboard for discussion
Explanation: Reviewing similar studies allows researchers to engage in discussions about the current results, agreeing or disagreeing with them, which enriches the research dialogue.

Advantages of Quantitative Research

What is one advantage of Quantitative Research?
A) It allows for subjective interpretations
B) It provides unreliable results
C) It simplifies complex problems into limited variables
D) It focuses solely on individual cases
E) It ignores statistical analysis

C) It simplifies complex problems into limited variables
Explanation: One of the advantages of Quantitative Research is its ability to reduce and restructure complex problems into a limited number of variables, making analysis more manageable.

Research Designs and Methodologies

Which of the following studies would benefit from using the PC model?
A) A study proposing a new educational program
B) A study analyzing the effectiveness of a historical event
C) A study focusing on the relationship between study habits and academic performance
D) A study presenting a new scientific theory
E) A study assessing the impact of a new medication

C) A study focusing on the relationship between study habits and academic performance
Explanation: The PC model is beneficial for studies that focus on relationships, associations, and impacts, such as the relationship between study habits and academic performance.

Identifying Research Topics and Problems

Which of the following is NOT a factor to consider when selecting a research topic?
A) Relevance
B) Interest
C) Manageability
D) Popularity
E) Availability of Resources

D) Popularity
Explanation: While relevance, interest, manageability, and availability of resources are crucial factors in selecting a research topic, popularity is not considered a necessary criterion.

Identifying Research Topics and Problems

What does the background of the study establish?
A) The conclusion of the research
B) The cognitive setting of the research
C) The methodology used
D) The data collection process
E) The statistical analysis

B) The cognitive setting of the research
Explanation: The background of the study provides context for the research, explaining why the problem is significant and clarifying important terminologies.

Characteristics of Quantitative Research

What characteristic is essential for a good literature review?
A) It should be lengthy and detailed
B) It should cover all important relevant literature
C) It should only include recent studies
D) It should focus on a single perspective
E) It should avoid identifying gaps in the literature

B) It should cover all important relevant literature
Explanation: A good literature review must encompass all significant literature relevant to the topic to provide a comprehensive understanding of the research area.

Ethical Standards in Research Writing

What is a key ethical standard in research writing?
A) Honesty with professional colleagues
B) Maximizing profits
C) Avoiding peer review
D) Ignoring previous studies
E) Focusing solely on personal opinions

A) Honesty with professional colleagues
Explanation: Honesty with professional colleagues is a fundamental ethical standard in research writing, ensuring transparency and integrity in the research process.

Research Designs and Methodologies

What is a key requirement for the POM in research?
A) It must be qualitative in nature
B) It must be based on historical data
C) It must be scientific
D) It must involve multiple variables
E) It must propose a new intervention

C) It must be scientific
Explanation: The key requirement for the Proposed Original Model (POM) is that it must be scientific, ensuring that the presented paradigm is grounded in scientific principles.

Literature Review Process

What should the list of references be labeled as in a Turabian formatted paper?
A) Bibliography
B) Works Cited
C) References
D) Sources
E) Citations

C) References
Explanation: The list of references at the end of a Turabian formatted paper should be labeled as 'References,' clearly indicating the sources cited throughout the research.

Research Designs and Methodologies

What is the primary goal of Quasi-Experimental Research?
A) To infer causes of past phenomena
B) To establish a cause and effect relationship
C) To manipulate experimental variables
D) To randomly assign subjects to groups
E) To collect qualitative data only

B) To establish a cause and effect relationship
Explanation: Quasi-Experimental Research aims to establish cause and effect relationships, although it may have limited experimental manipulation and does not involve random assignment of subjects.

Literature Review Process

What is the first step in conducting a review of related literature?
A) Actual Reading
B) Note-Taking
C) Looking for Relevant Materials
D) Writing the Research Paper
E) Formatting the References

C) Looking for Relevant Materials
Explanation: The first step in conducting a review of related literature involves searching for materials that are relevant to the research topic or variables, which is crucial for gathering necessary information.

Nature of Quantitative Research

What type of reasoning does Quantitative Research primarily utilize?
A) Inductive reasoning
B) Intuitive reasoning
C) Deductive reasoning
D) Abductive reasoning
E) Analogical reasoning

C) Deductive reasoning
Explanation: Quantitative Research utilizes deductive reasoning to generate predictions that are tested in the real world, which is a key aspect of its methodology.

Standard Citation and Referencing

Which referencing style is commonly used in the Social Sciences?
B) Chicago
C) Harvard
E) Turabian

Explanation: The American Psychological Association (APA) style is widely used in the fields of Social Sciences, Philosophy, Education, and Economics, making it a standard for writing research papers in these disciplines.

Types of Research Questions

Which type of research question involves hypothesis testing or experimental study designs?
A) Factor-Isolating Questions
B) Situation-Relating Questions
C) Factor-Relating Questions
D) Situation-Producing Questions
E) Non-researchable Questions

B) Situation-Relating Questions
Explanation: Situation-Relating Questions are designed to yield hypothesis testing or experimental study designs, where the researcher manipulates variables to observe outcomes.

Research Designs and Methodologies

What is the IV-DV model used for?
A) To analyze qualitative data
B) To study independent and dependent variables in experiments
C) To summarize literature reviews
D) To present theoretical frameworks
E) To collect survey data

B) To study independent and dependent variables in experiments
Explanation: The IV-DV model (Independent Variable-Dependent Variable model) is used in experiment-based studies to explore the relationship between variables.

Hypothesis and Assumptions in Research

What are study assumptions?
A) Facts that are proven true
B) Propositions taken to be true without consideration of facts
C) The results of the literature review
D) The variables being studied
E) The statistical methods used

B) Propositions taken to be true without consideration of facts
Explanation: Study assumptions are propositions that researchers accept as true based on presuppositions, without necessarily considering factual evidence.

Research Designs and Methodologies

In Pure Experimental Research, how are subjects assigned to treatment and control groups?
A) Subjects are assigned based on their characteristics
B) Subjects are randomly assigned
C) Subjects are assigned by the researcher’s discretion
D) Subjects are assigned based on previous studies
E) Subjects are assigned based on their age

B) Subjects are randomly assigned
Explanation: Pure Experimental Research involves random assignment of individual subjects to treatment and control groups, which enhances the conclusiveness of causal relationships between variables.

Literature Review Process

What type of reading is emphasized after gathering relevant materials?
A) Skimming
B) Analytical and Comparative Reading
C) Speed Reading
D) Recreational Reading
E) Technical Reading

B) Analytical and Comparative Reading
Explanation: After gathering relevant materials, the next step is to engage in analytical and comparative reading to thoroughly understand the literature and its implications for the research.

Research Designs and Methodologies

What is the primary purpose of the PC model in research?
A) To propose a new theory
B) To assess the influence between two or more variables
C) To create a program or intervention
D) To present an original paradigm
E) To analyze historical data

B) To assess the influence between two or more variables
Explanation: The PC model (predictor-criterion model) is specifically used to relate and assess the influence between two or more variables, making it suitable for studies focusing on relationships and impacts.

Research Designs and Methodologies

In correlational research, what is the main focus?
A) To manipulate variables to see outcomes
B) To determine causation between variables
C) To measure the nature of relationships between variables
D) To isolate and categorize factors
E) To establish explicit goals for actions

C) To measure the nature of relationships between variables
Explanation: Correlational research aims to determine the nature of the relationship between variables without looking into causation, focusing on how variables relate to each other.

Variables in Research

Which type of variable can be ranked or ordered?
A) Dichotomous
B) Nominal
C) Ordinal
D) Independent
E) Dependent

C) Ordinal
Explanation: Ordinal variables exhibit characteristics of both quantitative and qualitative types and have values that can be ranked or ordered.

Hypothesis and Assumptions in Research

What is the purpose of a null hypothesis?
A) To prove the research hypothesis
B) To formulate a positive statement
C) To serve as a basis for statistical analysis
D) To define the variables
E) To summarize the literature review

C) To serve as a basis for statistical analysis
Explanation: The null hypothesis is formulated specifically for statistical analysis and is always expressed as a negative statement, serving as a benchmark against which the alternative hypothesis is tested.

Hypothesis and Assumptions in Research

What characterizes a complex hypothesis?
A) It involves only one independent variable
B) It predicts relationships of two or more independent variables to two or more dependent variables
C) It cannot be tested
D) It is always qualitative
E) It is a simple prediction

B) It predicts relationships of two or more independent variables to two or more dependent variables
Explanation: A complex hypothesis is formulated when predicting the relationships of multiple independent variables to multiple dependent variables.

Research Designs and Methodologies

In which type of research studies is the P model primarily used?
A) Studies that analyze historical data
B) Studies that propose a program or intervention measure
C) Studies that assess relationships between variables
D) Studies that present original paradigms
E) Studies that focus on qualitative data

B) Studies that propose a program or intervention measure
Explanation: The P model is utilized in research studies that propose a program or any intervention measure, fitting the situation-producing level of questioning.

Research Designs and Methodologies

What should be included on the title page of a Turabian formatted paper?
A) Only the research title
B) The research title, author's name, and institutional affiliation
C) A summary of the research
D) A list of references
E) The date of submission

B) The research title, author's name, and institutional affiliation
Explanation: The title page in Turabian format must include the research title, the author's name, and the author's institutional affiliation, providing essential information about the paper.

Hypothesis and Assumptions in Research

What does the alternative/research hypothesis state?
A) The expected relationships between variables
B) The statistical methods used
C) The sample size
D) The literature review process
E) The assumptions of the study

A) The expected relationships between variables
Explanation: The alternative or research hypothesis articulates the actual expected relationships between the independent and dependent variables, contrasting with the null hypothesis.

Variables in Research

What is a key characteristic of Quantitative variables?
A) They lack numerical value
B) They can only be described in ranges
C) They can be measured numerically
D) They are always discrete
E) They cannot be manipulated

C) They can be measured numerically
Explanation: Quantitative variables are characterized by their ability to be measured numerically, which allows for statistical analysis and comparison.

Literature Review Process

What is a key feature of the Turabian referencing style?
A) It uses parenthetical citations
B) It utilizes footnotes for in-text citations
C) It requires a bibliography instead of footnotes
D) It is only used for online sources
E) It does not require citations

B) It utilizes footnotes for in-text citations
Explanation: The Turabian format, which is derived from the Chicago style, specifically utilizes footnotes for citing sources in-text, distinguishing it from styles that use parenthetical citations.

Characteristics of Quantitative Research

Which of the following is a general writing tip for scientific writing?
A) Use quotations frequently
B) Avoid the first-person point of view
C) Write in a chronological order
D) Use informal language
E) Avoid revising your work

B) Avoid the first-person point of view
Explanation: One of the general writing tips for scientific writing is to avoid using the first-person point of view, as it maintains a more objective and formal tone in the writing.

Hypothesis and Assumptions in Research

What is a non-directional hypothesis?
A) It specifies the direction of the relationship
B) It does not stipulate the direction of the relationship
C) It is always a negative statement
D) It is used for statistical analysis
E) It is the same as the null hypothesis

B) It does not stipulate the direction of the relationship
Explanation: A non-directional hypothesis indicates that a relationship exists between the independent and dependent variables but does not specify the direction of that relationship.

Identifying Research Topics and Problems

What is the purpose of stating the problem in research?
A) To provide a conclusion
B) To introduce the research problem and clarify variables
C) To summarize the findings
D) To list references
E) To describe the methodology

B) To introduce the research problem and clarify variables
Explanation: The statement of the problem serves to introduce the research issue, clarify important variables, and discuss limitations, making it essential for guiding the study.

Nature of Quantitative Research

What is the primary focus of Quantitative Research?
A) Collecting qualitative data
B) Explaining phenomena through numerical data
C) Conducting interviews
D) Observing behaviors in natural settings
E) Gathering anecdotal evidence

B) Explaining phenomena through numerical data
Explanation: Quantitative Research aims to explain phenomena by collecting and analyzing numerical data using mathematically based methods, as stated in the provided content.

Standard Citation and Referencing

What is a key characteristic of the MLA referencing style?
A) Requires a separate title page
B) Commonly used in Social Sciences
C) Does not require a separate title page and abstract
D) Used exclusively in Economics
E) Requires footnotes for all citations

C) Does not require a separate title page and abstract
Explanation: The Modern Language Association (MLA) style is characterized by not requiring a separate title page and abstract unless specifically instructed, making it distinct from other styles.

Variables in Research

What type of variable has only two distinct categories?
A) Nominal
B) Ordinal
C) Dichotomous
D) Independent
E) Dependent

C) Dichotomous
Explanation: A dichotomous variable is defined as having only two distinct categories, making it a specific type of variable used in research.

Identifying Research Topics and Problems

What is the general objective of the research problem?
A) To provide a detailed analysis
B) To formulate the statement of the problem
C) To summarize the findings
D) To collect data
E) To review literature

B) To formulate the statement of the problem
Explanation: The general objective of the research problem serves as the foundation for formulating the statement of the problem, guiding the direction of the research.

Variables in Research

Which type of variable is also referred to as categorical variables?
A) Quantitative variables
B) Continuous variables
C) Discrete variables
D) Qualitative variables
E) Ratio variables

D) Qualitative variables
Explanation: Qualitative variables, or categorical variables, lack numerical value but can still be utilized in quantitative research by assigning values to specific categories.

Variables in Research

What is the role of the independent variable in experimental research?
A) It is the variable being examined for changes
B) It is considered to affect the dependent variable
C) It is an undesirable variable
D) It is a special type of extraneous variable
E) It is a tentative prediction

B) It is considered to affect the dependent variable
Explanation: The independent variable is the one that is manipulated or considered to affect the dependent variable in an experimental study.

Identifying Research Topics and Problems

What does the setting of the problem describe?
A) The theoretical framework
B) The methodology of the research
C) The place where the research is conducted
D) The literature review
E) The data analysis techniques

C) The place where the research is conducted
Explanation: The setting of the problem outlines the specific location or context in which the research takes place, providing essential background for understanding the study.

Literature Review Process

Why is note-taking important in the review of literature?
A) It helps in formatting the paper
B) It aids in the actual analysis of the literature read
C) It is required by all institutions
D) It makes the paper longer
E) It is not important

B) It aids in the actual analysis of the literature read
Explanation: Note-taking is a crucial process in the review of literature as it assists researchers in analyzing and synthesizing the information they have read.

Ethical Standards in Research Writing

What does the protection from harm in ethical research writing refer to?
A) Ensuring researchers are not harmed
B) Safeguarding participants from physical or psychological harm
C) Protecting the researcher's reputation
D) Avoiding financial loss
E) Ensuring confidentiality of data

B) Safeguarding participants from physical or psychological harm
Explanation: Protection from harm emphasizes the ethical obligation to ensure that research participants are not subjected to any form of harm during the study.

Characteristics of Quantitative Research

What is the purpose of the abstract in a Turabian formatted paper?
A) To provide a detailed analysis of the research
B) To present a concise summary of the research study
C) To list all references used
D) To introduce the main body of the paper
E) To include footnotes

B) To present a concise summary of the research study
Explanation: The abstract serves to provide a concise summary of the research study, typically within 150 to 250 words, allowing readers to quickly understand the main points of the paper.

Identifying Research Topics and Problems

What is a research topic?
A) A specific question to be answered
B) A general area of interest for research
C) A detailed hypothesis
D) A conclusion drawn from data
E) A method of data collection

B) A general area of interest for research
Explanation: A research topic refers to the broad area of interest that a researcher wishes to explore, making it a foundational element in the research process.

Variables in Research

What defines a confounding variable?
A) A variable that is always controlled
B) A variable that is desirable
C) A special type of extraneous variable that threatens validity
D) A variable that is dependent on the independent variable
E) A variable that has no effect on the study

C) A special type of extraneous variable that threatens validity
Explanation: A confounding variable is a specific type of extraneous variable that a researcher fails to control, which can threaten the validity of the research findings.

Types of Research Questions

Which type of research question aims to isolate, categorize, describe, or name factors and situations?
A) Situation-Producing Questions
B) Factor-Isolating Questions
C) Situation-Relating Questions
D) Factor-Relating Questions
E) Non-researchable Questions

B) Factor-Isolating Questions
Explanation: Factor-Isolating Questions are specifically designed to isolate, categorize, describe, or name factors and situations, making them essential for understanding specific elements within a study.

Literature Review Process

What is the purpose of a literature review in research?
A) To summarize personal opinions
B) To compare the study with existing knowledge
C) To avoid referencing other works
D) To present only new findings
E) To ignore previous research

B) To compare the study with existing knowledge
Explanation: A literature review is composed of published materials that compare the current study with existing knowledge on the research topic, facilitating a deeper understanding of the variables being studied.

Hypothesis and Assumptions in Research

What is a simple hypothesis?
A) A prediction involving multiple independent variables
B) A tentative prediction about two or more variables
C) A prediction about the relationship between one independent and one dependent variable
D) A complex prediction involving qualitative data
E) A hypothesis that cannot be tested

C) A prediction about the relationship between one independent and one dependent variable
Explanation: A simple hypothesis is formulated when predicting a relationship between one independent variable and one dependent variable.

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