What are some common street names for inhalants?
Toluene, plastic cement, paint, gasoline, paint thinners, hair sprays, and various anesthetic gases.
How is drug addiction defined?
The uninhibited behavioral tendency to use dangerous drugs despite knowledge of their capacity to cause problems.
Definitions of Drugs and Drug Abuse

What are some common street names for inhalants?

Toluene, plastic cement, paint, gasoline, paint thinners, hair sprays, and various anesthetic gases.

Definitions of Drugs and Drug Abuse

How is drug addiction defined?

The uninhibited behavioral tendency to use dangerous drugs despite knowledge of their capacity to cause problems.

Definitions of Drugs and Drug Abuse

What are narcotic analgesics derived from?

The opium poppy plant.

Causes and Risk Factors of Drug Abuse

What genetic factors may influence drug addiction?

Hereditary factors that may interact with drugs, causing quicker addiction.

Consequences of Drug Addiction

What are the effects of cannabis on the brain and body?

Impaired judgment, confusion, paranoia, and detachment from reality.

Consequences of Drug Addiction

What are some health risks associated with inhalant use?

Hypoxia, pneumonia, cardiac failure, liver and kidney damage, Parkinson’s disease, and death.

Relevant Laws on Dangerous Drugs

What is the purpose of Republic Act No. 10640?

To further strengthen the anti-drug campaign of the government.

Relevant Laws on Dangerous Drugs

What is the primary law protecting Filipino citizens from drugs?

RA 9165 or 'The Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002'.

Causes and Risk Factors of Drug Abuse

What are some risk factors for developing drug addiction?

History of addiction in the family and mental health problems.

Prevention Interventions for Drug Abuse

What are indicated interventions?

Programs for persons who are already using or are addicted to dangerous drugs, which are rigorous and costly.

Classifications of Dangerous Drugs

What are common classifications of dangerous drugs?

Narcotics, depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens, and inhalants.

Definitions of Drugs and Drug Abuse

What are inhalants?

A wide variety of breathable substances that produce mind-altering results and effects.

Relevant Laws on Dangerous Drugs

What is Executive Order No. 218 about?

Strengthening the Support Mechanism for the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency.

Causes and Risk Factors of Drug Abuse

What environmental factors contribute to drug abuse?

Influences related to culture, education, socialization, and relationships with family, peers, and coworkers.

Definitions of Drugs and Drug Abuse

What is drug abuse?

The legal or illegal use of chemicals that may cause impairment in physical, psychological, or behavioral functioning.

Classifications of Dangerous Drugs

What are some common names for cannabis?

Marijuana, ganja, or hemp.

Definitions of Drugs and Drug Abuse

What are some effects of barbiturates?

They have sedative-hypnotic effects and lower brain and body operations.

Definitions of Drugs and Drug Abuse

What is a popular type of amphetamine known as?

Methamphetamine, also called 'crystal meth' or 'shabu'.

Definitions of Drugs and Drug Abuse

What illusion does cocaine give to users?

Increased physical skills, athletic performance, and sexuality.

Classifications of Dangerous Drugs

What is Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) commonly known as?


Definitions of Drugs and Drug Abuse

What is drug addiction?

The uninhibited compulsion to use dangerous drugs.

Consequences of Drug Addiction

What are the effects of PCP?

Mind alteration, feeling detached from one's body, aggression, paranoia, feelings of isolation, increased heart rate, and jerky eye movements.

Definitions of Drugs and Drug Abuse

What characterizes drug abuse?

Using drugs without a doctor's prescription, for purposes other than prescribed, or for non-medical purposes.

Prevention Interventions for Drug Abuse

Who are selective interventions aimed at?

Specific subgroups who are extremely at risk for addiction and physical injuries due to dangerous drugs.

Statistics on Drug Abuse in the Philippines

What percentage of Filipinos aged 16 to 64 used methamphetamine according to the 2019 study?


Causes and Risk Factors of Drug Abuse

What are the main factors related to drug abuse?

Environment and genetics.

Classifications of Dangerous Drugs

What is Phencyclidine (PCP) originally developed for?

As an anesthetic.

Definitions of Drugs and Drug Abuse

Name three examples of narcotic analgesics.

Opium, morphine, and fentanyl.

Prevention Interventions for Drug Abuse

What are the three types of drug prevention interventions?

Universal, Selective, and Indicated.

Statistics on Drug Abuse in the Philippines

How many people use dangerous drugs in the Philippines?

Approximately 1.8 million people.

Relevant Laws on Dangerous Drugs

What is the primary law protecting Filipino citizens from the effects of drugs?

Republic Act No. 9165, known as the Comprehensive Dangerous Act of 2002.

Consequences of Drug Addiction

What effects does LSD cause?

Seeing and hearing things that seem real but are not, along with extreme fear, anxiety, depression, panic, and psychotic episodes.

Definitions of Drugs and Drug Abuse

What are 'dangerous drugs'?

Drugs that contain chemicals that can cause drug addiction and may lead to drug abuse.

Forms of Drug Dependence

What is drug addiction?

A psycho-behavioral condition where an individual's need to obtain and use drugs becomes a strong fixation.

Forms of Drug Dependence

What is drug habituation?

A physical craving for the drug with little or no tendency to increase drug dosage.

Statistics on Drug Abuse in the Philippines

What percentage of drug users in the Philippines are adults?


Definitions of Drugs and Drug Abuse

What is drug abuse?

The use of any chemical substance, legal or illegal, resulting in an individual's physiological, mental, or social impairment.

Relevant Laws on Dangerous Drugs

What did Republic Act No. 9165 amend?

The implementing rules and regulations of Republic Act No. 6425, or the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972.

Definitions of Drugs and Drug Abuse

What are drugs?

Chemicals that alter an individual's physical, psychological, and behavioral functions.

Definitions of Drugs and Drug Abuse

What effects do narcotic analgesics have on users?

They relieve pain, induce euphoria, and create mood changes.

Classifications of Dangerous Drugs

What is the active ingredient in cannabis?

Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Relevant Laws on Dangerous Drugs

In some countries, what is the legal status of cannabis?

It is legalized for medicinal and recreational purposes.

Consequences of Drug Addiction

What are common symptoms of drug abuse?

Longing for the drug, wasteful spending, inability to perform responsibilities, committing crimes, and experiencing withdrawal symptoms.

Classifications of Dangerous Drugs

What are the most common types of dangerous drugs?

Narcotics, depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens, and inhalants.

Prevention Interventions for Drug Abuse

What are universal interventions?

Assistance provided to the general population aimed at all people experiencing problems with dangerous drugs.

Definitions of Drugs and Drug Abuse

What are amphetamines commonly used for?

To increase energy and sensitivity to stimulation.

Statistics on Drug Abuse in the Philippines

What is the most commonly used illegal drug in the Philippines?

Methamphetamine, also known as 'shabu' or 'poor man's cocaine'.

Definitions of Drugs and Drug Abuse

What are some effects of cocaine?

Increased alertness, anxiety, paranoia, and agitation.

Consequences of Drug Addiction

What can an overdose of barbiturates lead to?

Altered mood, coma, confusion, and disorientation.

Causes and Risk Factors of Drug Abuse

What are some risk factors related to drug abuse?

Family history of addiction, mental health disorders, peer pressure, lack of family involvement, early use, and exposure to highly addictive drugs.

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