What is the definition of Administration?
Administration is the sum total of all activities related to determining objectives, securing resources, organizing operations, controlling performance, and providing a sense of achievement to workers.
What does Social Welfare Administration involve?
Social Welfare Administration is the process of efficiently providing resources and services to meet the needs of individuals, families, groups, and communities to facilitate social relationships and necessary adjustments for social functioning.
Definition of Administration

What is the definition of Administration?

Administration is the sum total of all activities related to determining objectives, securing resources, organizing operations, controlling performance, and providing a sense of achievement to workers.

Social Welfare Administration

What does Social Welfare Administration involve?

Social Welfare Administration is the process of efficiently providing resources and services to meet the needs of individuals, families, groups, and communities to facilitate social relationships and necessary adjustments for social functioning.

Principles of Social Welfare Administration

What is the principle of agency totality?

The principle of agency totality, based on an ecological approach, emphasizes understanding an agency and its functioning in its entirety, which is crucial for development administration.

Principles of Social Welfare Administration

How do social welfare agencies generally function?

Social welfare agencies generally function in a cooperative manner, ensuring participation of all members in the administration of their activities.

Professional Standards in Social Welfare Administration

What is the trend regarding manpower in social welfare agencies?

There is a growing trend to recruit professionally qualified manpower, which has introduced a professional approach in their functioning.

Principles of Social Welfare Administration

What does the principle of communication emphasize?

The principle of communication stresses the necessity of open channels of communication for effective service delivery, including welfare and development interventions.

Principles of Social Welfare Administration

What is the principle of change?

The principle of change emphasizes that guided social change in a positive direction is crucial for social development and is essential for social welfare and development administrators and planners.

Principles of Social Welfare Administration

What does the principle of growth entail in social welfare administration?

The intervention designed should lead to holistic growth and development of all sections of society and should not be on an ad-hoc basis or confined to the betterment of a select few.

Principles of Social Welfare Administration

What does the principle of planning involve?

The principle of planning involves continuous and participatory planning as a technical component fundamental to developing meaningful services in development administration.

Principles of Social Welfare Administration

How is Social Welfare Administration defined by the American Council of Social Work Education?

It is defined as the process of transforming community resources into a program of community service, in accordance with agreed goals, policies, and standards, involving problem-solving processes of study, diagnosis, treatment, and evaluation.

Functions of Social Welfare Administration

What does Walter A. Friedlander say about the administration of social agencies?

Walter A. Friedlander states that the administration of social agencies translates social legislation and the aims of private philanthropy into the dynamics of services and benefits for humanity.

Principles of Social Welfare Administration

What is the principle of organisation?

The principle of organisation requires that the work of various actors be arranged in an organized manner, with clearly defined responsibilities and relationships.

Functions of Social Welfare Administration

What are the three perspectives of social problems in social welfare administration?

The three perspectives are: restoration of impaired social functioning, provision of resources for more effective social functioning, and prevention of social dysfunction.

Principles of Social Welfare Administration

What is the principle of cultural setting?

The principle of cultural setting highlights the importance of understanding the socio-cultural context of the community, as it significantly affects service acceptance and the success or failure of services.

Principles of Social Welfare Administration

What is the principle of participation?

The principle of participation asserts that development administration relies on people's involvement in the development process from planning to execution and evaluation of services, emphasizing democratic participation.

Evaluation in Social Welfare Programs

What is the principle of evaluation in social welfare administration?

Continuous evaluation of intervention processes and programmes is essential to the achievement of the overall goal of holistic development.

Importance of Planning in Social Welfare

Why do social welfare agencies allocate resources for survival?

Social welfare agencies allocate a portion of their resources for survival to ensure the organization can continue to exist, without limiting their capacity for quantitative and qualitative growth.

Principles of Social Welfare Administration

What is the principle of leadership?

The principle of leadership highlights the importance of visionary and transformational leadership, alongside democratic and participatory approaches, for achieving overall development goals.

Principles of Social Welfare Administration

What does the principle of resource utilization state?

The principle of resource utilization asserts that due to limited resources, optimum utilization for maximum benefit is essential and is a primary responsibility of managers and administrators.

Functions of Social Welfare Administration

What is the interpretation of Social Welfare Administration by Herleigh Tracker?

Herleigh Tracker interprets social welfare administration as a process of working with people to release and relate their energies, using available resources to provide needed community services and programs.

Principles of Social Welfare Administration

What is the principle of social work values?

The principle of social work values emphasizes that the social work profession is founded on values such as equality, social justice, and empowerment, which also underpin the service delivery system of social work administration.

Importance of Planning in Social Welfare

What is the main focus of Social Welfare Administration?

The main focus of social welfare administration is on the sustainability and accessibility of social services to the needy.

Principles of Social Welfare Administration

What does the principle of professional responsibility entail?

The principle of professional responsibility mandates maintaining high professional standards of practice, accountability, and responsibility at all levels of service delivery, linked to professional ethics of social work.

Principles of Social Welfare Administration

What does the principle of delegation entail?

The principle of delegation involves the distribution of responsibility and authority, which is a universal practice in all types of administrative settings.

Distinctive Features of Social Welfare Administration

What are the distinctive features of social welfare administration?

Social welfare administration deals with social welfare agencies, helping them achieve their objectives for target groups, and involves the identification of social objectives and the formulation and implementation of programmes.

Principles of Social Welfare Administration

What is the principle of agency purpose?

The principle of agency purpose requires that an agency have clearly defined and formulated goals and purposes, guiding its operations in that direction.

Principles of Social Welfare Administration

What does the principle of purposeful relationship involve?

The principle of purposeful relationship involves establishing effective working relationships between the administrator and all stakeholders, including staff, other agencies, and community members.

Principles of Social Welfare Administration

What does the principle of community and client needs entail?

The principle of community and client needs states that interventions by social welfare agencies should be based on the felt needs of the community or target group to ensure program acceptability.

Principles of Social Welfare Administration

What is the principle of co-ordination?

The principle of co-ordination emphasizes the importance of ensuring coordination within the agency, with other stakeholders, and the external social environment for successful program implementation.

Resource Utilization in Social Welfare

What role does community participation play in social welfare administration?

Social welfare administration requires optimum utilization of available resources together with active community participation to achieve the ultimate goals of programmes.

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