What case is associated with the supply of information in contract law?
Harvey v Facey [1893] AC 552.
What is the purpose of identifying 'offer and acceptance'?
To determine whether an agreement has been reached.
Distinction Between Offers and Invitations to Treat

What case is associated with the supply of information in contract law?

Harvey v Facey [1893] AC 552.

Offer and Acceptance Principles

What is the purpose of identifying 'offer and acceptance'?

To determine whether an agreement has been reached.

Certainty of Terms in Contracts

What might cause a court to refuse to enforce an agreement?

Uncertainty about what has been agreed or if an important aspect of the agreement is open.

Communication of Offers and Acceptances

What case established the postal rule?

Entores Ltd v Miles Far East Corporation [1955] 2 QB 327.

Offer and Acceptance Principles

What do courts look for in determining an offer?

Courts look for behavior that indicates a willingness to contract on particular terms.

Offer and Acceptance Principles

What do the principles governing offer and acceptance help a court determine?

The precise moment at which a binding contract is formed between the offeror and the offeree.

Counter Offers and Negotiation Dynamics

What case established that a request for information is not a counter offer?

Stevenson v McLean (1880).

Distinction Between Offers and Invitations to Treat

What is the significance of the case Pharmaceutical Society of GB v Boots Cash Chemists?

It addresses the concept of self-service displays in shops as invitations to treat.

Electronic Communications in Contract Law

What is the purpose of the Electronic Transactions Ordinance (Cap 553)?

To provide a legal framework for electronic transactions.

Distinction Between Offers and Invitations to Treat

What legal principle is established in Fisher v Bell?

It clarifies that window displays are considered invitations to treat, not offers.

Counter Offers and Negotiation Dynamics

What case discusses the 'battle of the forms' in contract negotiations?

Butler Machine Tool v Ex-Cell-O Corporation (1979).

Communication of Offers and Acceptances

How have electronic communication methods affected the postal rule?

They have reduced the rule’s practical importance.

Electronic Communications in Contract Law

What is the significance of the case Entores Ltd v Miles Far East Corporation?

It addresses the principles of offer and acceptance in electronic communications.

Legal Formalities in Contract Formation

What is necessary to determine if a contract exists?

You need to look for an agreement between two parties, though identifying a 'meeting of the minds' can be complex.

Electronic Communications in Contract Law

What was the outcome of Thomas v BPE Solicitors regarding electronic communications?

It dealt with the validity of electronic communications in contract formation.

Distinction Between Offers and Invitations to Treat

Why is the distinction between an offer and an invitation to treat important?

It determines whether a legally binding contract has been formed.

Types of Contracts: Bilateral vs Unilateral

What defines a unilateral contract?

An offer may be a promise in exchange for an act.

Communication of Offers and Acceptances

Which case involved the communication of acceptance and its legal requirements?

The principles are illustrated in various cases, including Stevenson v McLean.

Communication of Offers and Acceptances

What does the case Felthouse v Bindley (1862) illustrate?

Silence is not communication.

Legal Formalities in Contract Formation

What is the general rule regarding the form of contracts?

Contracts can come in any form; there are no formal requirements.

Counter Offers and Negotiation Dynamics

What happens if an offer is rejected according to Lee Siu Fong Mary v Ngai Yee Chai?

There was no further offer or proposal from the defendant for the plaintiff to accept later on.

Distinction Between Offers and Invitations to Treat

What did Lord Diplock state in Gibson v Manchester City Council regarding offers?

The phrase 'may be prepared to sell' indicates it is not a contractual offer.

Revocation of Offers

What is the general rule regarding the revocation of an offer?

An offer can be revoked at any point before it is accepted.

Electronic Communications in Contract Law

What does the case Chwee Kin Keong v Digilandmall.com Pte Ltd illustrate?

It highlights issues related to electronic contracts and their enforceability.

Counter Offers and Negotiation Dynamics

What is the significance of Hyde v Wrench (1840) in contract law?

It is a foundational case regarding counter offers.

Communication of Offers and Acceptances

What must be true for the postal rule to apply?

The letter must be correctly addressed and properly posted.

Revocation of Offers

Can communication of revocation come from someone other than the offeror?

Yes, it need not come directly from the offeror.

Offer and Acceptance Principles

What must be clear for a statement to be considered an offer?

It must indicate an intention to be bound.

Offer and Acceptance Principles

What can affect the classification of a statement as an offer?

The objective intention behind the statement.

Distinction Between Offers and Invitations to Treat

What is the ruling in Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co regarding advertisements?

It established that certain advertisements can constitute offers if they show intent to be bound.

Distinction Between Offers and Invitations to Treat

How do online sales relate to the concept of invitations to treat?

Online listings are typically considered invitations to treat, allowing customers to make offers.

Legal Formalities in Contract Formation

What is required to establish a legally binding contract?

A legally binding contract must be established between the parties at the time of the events.

Electronic Communications in Contract Law

What legal principle was established in Brinkibon Ltd v Stahag Stahl?

It clarified the timing of acceptance in electronic communications.

Legal Formalities in Contract Formation

What types of contracts must be in writing in Hong Kong?

Certain types, such as power of attorney and land contracts, must be in writing.

Offer and Acceptance Principles

What complicates the identification of offer and acceptance in modern business?

Complexities of modern business, new methods of communication, and intermediaries conducting negotiations.

Certainty of Terms in Contracts

What is a key consideration in the case of Storer v Manchester City Council?

The parties' intentions.

Communication of Offers and Acceptances

What must happen for an offer to be accepted?

The offer must be communicated to the offeree; they cannot accept an offer they are unaware of.

Certainty of Terms in Contracts

What is required for an offer to be valid?

An offer must have definite terms; a general statement of intention or mere price quotation does not constitute an offer.

Communication of Offers and Acceptances

What must happen for 'A' to legally accept an offer?

A must communicate the acceptance to the offeror.

Revocation of Offers

Does the promise to keep an offer open for a specified time prevent revocation?

No, the general rule applies regardless of such a promise.

Communication of Offers and Acceptances

Who is considered the implied agent in the postal rule?

The post office.

Legal Formalities in Contract Formation

Do contracts need to be in writing or signed?

No, contracts can be verbal or made with a handshake and do not require any particular form of words.

Distinction Between Offers and Invitations to Treat

What is an 'invitation to treat'?

A preliminary communication that opens negotiations rather than making an offer.

Offer and Acceptance Principles

What does it mean for an offer to be capable of being accepted?

It indicates that the terms of the offer are fixed or can be fixed at the time the offer is made.

Communication of Offers and Acceptances

What case illustrates the need for communication in revocation?

Byrne v van Tienhoven (1880).

Revocation of Offers

How is the lapse of other offers determined?

They lapse after a reasonable time, which depends on the subject matter.

Legal Formalities in Contract Formation

Which ordinances govern the requirement for written contracts in Hong Kong?

Power of Attorney Ordinance (Cap 31) and Conveyance and Property Ordinance (Cap 219).

Communication of Offers and Acceptances

What is the legal implication if 'A' does not communicate acceptance of an offer?

In law, 'A' has not accepted the offer.

Distinction Between Offers and Invitations to Treat

What principle is illustrated by Payne v Cave in the context of auctions?

It establishes that bids at an auction are offers, and the auctioneer's acceptance forms a contract.

Offer and Acceptance Principles

Can an offeree accept an offer after rejecting it?

No, once an offer is rejected, it can no longer be accepted.

Types of Contracts: Bilateral vs Unilateral

What characterizes a bilateral contract?

Each party is bound to provide something to the other.

Offer and Acceptance Principles

Why is the simple view of an offer not always straightforward?

Because it can become complex in situations like supermarket sales, advertisements, and internet sales.

Revocation of Offers

What happens to an offer made subject to a specified time limit after that time has passed?

It lapses.

Offer and Acceptance Principles

What is an offer in contract law?

An expression of willingness to contract on certain terms with the intention that it shall become binding upon acceptance.

Communication of Offers and Acceptances

What is the general rule regarding acceptance in contract law?

Acceptance must be communicated and received by the offeror.

Communication of Offers and Acceptances

What is the postal rule in contract law?

Acceptance is complete as soon as the letter is put into the post box.

Distinction Between Offers and Invitations to Treat

What is a critical distinction to make in contract law?

Distinguishing an offer from a statement of intention.

Communication of Offers and Acceptances

What can an offeror do if they want to exclude post as a valid form of acceptance?

They can expressly require actual receipt as a condition before being legally bound.

Electronic Communications in Contract Law

What type of communication was involved in the case Susanto - Wing Sun Co Ltd v Yung Chi Hardware Machinery Co Ltd?

A fax transmission from Taiwan to Hong Kong.

Offer and Acceptance Principles

How can an offer be made?

An offer can be made expressly or by conduct, and can be addressed to an individual, a group, or the public.

Certainty of Terms in Contracts

What does the case Scammell v Ouston illustrate about contract terms?

That vague expressions in agreements may require further agreement before a contract is formed.

Distinction Between Offers and Invitations to Treat

What does the case Partridge v Crittenden illustrate?

It demonstrates that advertisements are generally invitations to treat rather than offers.

Communication of Offers and Acceptances

What is the distinction between acceptance and withdrawal by post?

The postal rule doesn’t apply to revocations of offers.

Offer and Acceptance Principles

What constitutes valid acceptance?

A clear indication of the offeree’s unqualified agreement to the terms of the offer.

Offer and Acceptance Principles

In what forms can an offer be made?

An offer may be made by words, conduct, or a mixture of both.

Communication of Offers and Acceptances

What risk does the postal rule place on the offeror?

The risk of acceptance being delivered late or lost.

Offer and Acceptance Principles

What happens if the offeree seeks to vary any terms of the original offer?

This will not constitute valid acceptance; it is considered a counter offer.

Distinction Between Offers and Invitations to Treat

What does the case Spencer v Harding discuss in relation to tenders?

It indicates that invitations to tender are generally invitations to treat.

Offer and Acceptance Principles

What case is associated with acceptance by conduct?

Brogden v Metropolitan Railway (1877) 2 App Cas 666.

Offer and Acceptance Principles

What is the second stage in determining if an agreement has been reached?

Looking for an acceptance that matches the offer made.

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