What are the structural characteristics of cellulose?
Cellulose is composed of β-glucose monomers, forming long, straight chains linked by hydrogen bonds, which create a rigid structure.
How do glycogen, starch, and cellulose compare in terms of monomers?
Glycogen and starch are composed of α-glucose, while cellulose is composed of β-glucose.
Structure of Cellulose

What are the structural characteristics of cellulose?

Cellulose is composed of β-glucose monomers, forming long, straight chains linked by hydrogen bonds, which create a rigid structure.

Comparison of Glycogen, Starch, and Cellulose

How do glycogen, starch, and cellulose compare in terms of monomers?

Glycogen and starch are composed of α-glucose, while cellulose is composed of β-glucose.

Definition and Role of Starch

What is starch and its primary role?

Starch is a polysaccharide that serves as a primary energy storage in plants.

Structure of Glycogen

What are the structural characteristics of glycogen?

Glycogen is composed of α-glucose monomers and has a highly branched structure, with branching occurring every 8-12 glucose units.

Definition and Role of Glycogen

What is glycogen and its primary role?

Glycogen is a polysaccharide that serves as a form of energy storage in animals.

Definition and Role of Cellulose

What is cellulose and its primary role?

Cellulose is a polysaccharide that provides structural support in plant cell walls.

Definition and Role of Cellulose

What is the function of cellulose in biological systems?

Cellulose provides structural integrity to plant cells and contributes to dietary fiber for humans.

Properties of Glycogen

What are the properties of glycogen?

Glycogen is soluble in water, has a compact structure for efficient storage, and is hydrolyzed quickly to meet energy demands during physical activity.

Definition and Role of Starch

What is the function of starch in biological systems?

Starch acts as a long-term energy reserve for plants and is a major carbohydrate source in human diets.

Structure of Starch

What are the structural forms of starch?

Starch is composed of α-glucose monomers and exists in two forms: amylose (unbranched, helical structure) and amylopectin (branched).

Definition and Role of Glycogen

What is the function of glycogen in biological systems?

Glycogen serves as a rapid energy source during physical exertion.

Properties of Starch

What are the properties of starch?

Starch is insoluble in water, digestible by humans and animals, and gelatinizes when heated in water.

Properties of Cellulose

What are the properties of cellulose?

Cellulose is insoluble in water, indigestible by humans, and contributes to dietary fiber, promoting digestive health.

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