What is the light source used in UV LIGA?
UV (Mercury Vapor Lamp)
What is plasma etching?
Plasma etching operates on both high kinetic energy and chemical reactions between neutrals (N) and the substrate materials.
The LIGA Process Overview

What is the light source used in UV LIGA?

UV (Mercury Vapor Lamp)

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

What is plasma etching?

Plasma etching operates on both high kinetic energy and chemical reactions between neutrals (N) and the substrate materials.

Silicon as a Substrate Material

What is the typical thickness of commercially used silicon wafers?

Commercially used silicon wafers are typically 525 μm thick.

Materials and Photoresists in LIGA

What is the most popular photoresist material for the LIGA process?

PMMA (Polymethyl methacrylate) is the most popular photoresist material for the LIGA process.

Bulk Micromanufacturing Techniques

What substrates can be etched in Bulk Micromanufacturing?

Substrates that can be etched include Single crystal Silicon, Quartz, Ge, SiC, GaAs, and special polymers.

Bulk Micromanufacturing Techniques

What is Dry Etching?

Dry etching involves the removal of substrate materials by gaseous etchants. It is more a physical than chemical process.

The LIGA Process Overview

What is electroplating in the context of microfabrication?

The inner surfaces of the photoresist mold produced by X-ray lithography need to be plated with thin metal layers for securing permanent microstructure geometry. Metals available for the plating are: Ni, Cu, Au, NiFe, and NiW.

Silicon as a Substrate Material

What is the crystal structure of silicon?

Silicon has a diamond cubic crystal structure.

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

What are the uses of isotropic etching?

Isotropic etching is used for shaping 3D structures, removing surface damages, and cleaning surfaces.

Bulk Micromanufacturing Techniques

What is a common source of energy for generating plasma in Plasma Etching?

A common source of energy for generating plasma in plasma etching is the radio frequency (RF) source.

Miller Indices and Crystal Structure

What is notable about the (110) plane in silicon crystals?

The (110) planes offer the cleanest surfaces in microfabrications.

Miller Indices and Crystal Structure

What is the Young's Modulus (E) for the <111> orientation in silicon?

The Young's Modulus (E) for the <111> orientation in silicon is 186.5 GPa.

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

What is HNA used for in wet etching?

HNA is used for isotropic etching at room temperature.

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

What is the typical etching rate of silicon in <100> orientation using KOH?

The typical etching rate of silicon in <100> orientation using KOH is 0.25-1.4 μm/min.

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

How are most etchants used in anisotropic etching?

Most etchants are used with a 1:1 by weight mixture with water.

Applications of Microfabrication Techniques

What are optical components in the context of LIGA applications?

Optical components are microfabricated parts used in optical systems, often created using the LIGA process.

Silicon as a Substrate Material

What is the Young's modulus of silicon and how does it compare to steel?

The Young's modulus of silicon is approximately 2x10^5 MPa, which is about the same as that of steel.

Bulk Micromanufacturing Techniques

What is the principal technique used in Bulk Micromanufacturing?

Etching, which can be either dry or wet etching, is the principal technique used in Bulk Micromanufacturing.

The LIGA Process Overview

What type of mask is used in X-Ray LIGA?

Silver Nitride

The LIGA Process Overview

Where and when was the LIGA process developed?

The LIGA process was developed during the 1980s at the Research Center in Karlsruhe, Germany.

Miller Indices and Crystal Structure

What is the crystal structure of single silicon crystals?

Single silicon crystals are basically of 'face-cubic-center' (FCC) structure.

Bulk Micromanufacturing Techniques

What is the rate of conventional dry etching by ions?

The rate of conventional dry etching by ions is slow, at about 0.1 μm/min.

Miller Indices and Crystal Structure

Why is the (111) plane in silicon crystals considered the toughest to work with?

The (111) plane contains the shortest bonds between atoms, making it the strongest plane and the toughest to work with.

Surface Micromachining Process

What is the lateral etch rate of Phosphosilicate glass (PSG) in the given etching process?

The lateral etch rate of Phosphosilicate glass (PSG) in the given etching process is 4.1670 μm/min.

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

What is anisotropic etching?

Anisotropic etching is a process where etching is faster in one direction than in others.

Applications of Microfabrication Techniques

What is cancer biomarking in the context of LIGA applications?

Cancer biomarking involves the use of microfabricated devices to detect biomarkers associated with cancer.

Silicon as a Substrate Material

How does the thermal expansion coefficient of silicon compare to that of steel and aluminum?

The thermal expansion coefficient of silicon is about 8 times smaller than that of steel and more than 10 times smaller than that of aluminum.

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

What is Deep Reactive Ion Etching (DRIE)?

The DRIE process provides thin films of a few microns protective coatings on the sidewalls during the etching process. It involves the use of a high-density plasma source and allows alternating processes of plasma (ion) etching of the substrate material and the deposition of etching-protective material on the sidewalls. Special polymers are frequently used for side-wall protective films.

Bulk Micromanufacturing Techniques

What is dry etching?

Dry etching uses plasma to remove material at the desired locations on a substrate.

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

Why are tapered trenches undesirable in certain applications?

Tapered trenches are not desirable in applications such as resonators that involve pairs of 'centipedes-like' micro devices with overlapped 'fingers'.

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

What is anisotropic etching?

Anisotropic etching is a type of etching that is easier to control but has a slower rate of etching (< 1 μm/minute) and is temperature-sensitive, requiring temperature-resistive mask materials for best performance at elevated temperatures.

Miller Indices and Crystal Structure

How many atoms are there in a single silicon crystal?

A single silicon crystal has a total of 8 atoms: 8(1/8) from the corners, 6(1/2) from the faces, and 4 extra atoms in the interior.

Miller Indices and Crystal Structure

What do the symbols (h k m), <h k m>, and {h k m} represent in Miller indices?

(h k m) = designation of a 'face', or a plane; <h k m> = designation of perpendicular direction to the (hkm) plane; {h k m} = designation of family of planes.

Surface Micromachining Process

What is the purpose of Mask 1 in the cantilever beam fabrication process?

Mask 1, made of silicon nitride (Si3N4), is used to cover the Phosphosilicate glass (PSG) layer and define the areas where the PSG will be etched away to create the beam’s support area.

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

Which direction is the easiest for etching?

The <100> direction is the easiest for etching.

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

What type of structures do (100)-orientated wafers form?

(100)-orientated wafers form square-based pyramids with {111} surfaces, such as those used in solar cells.

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

What are some popular anisotropic etchants?

Popular anisotropic etchants include alkaline aqueous solutions such as NaOH, LiOH, CsOH, and NH4OH.

The LIGA Process Overview

What light source is used in X-Ray LIGA?


Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

How do ions (+) behave in plasma etching?

The ions (+) attack the normal surface only, causing the etching front to advance much faster in depth than on the sides.

Materials and Photoresists in LIGA

What are the basic requirements for photoresist materials in the LIGA process?

Photoresist materials in the LIGA process must be sensitive to x-ray radiation, have high resolution and resistance to dry and wet etching, have thermal stability up to 140°C, be absolutely insoluble during development, and have good adhesion to the substrate during electroplating.

Surface Micromachining Process

How thick can the added material layers be in Surface Micromachining?

The added material layers in surface micromachining can be 2-5 μm thick each, or as high as 5-20 μm thick each.

Miller Indices and Crystal Structure

Why is pure silicon anisotropic in its mechanical properties?

The unsymmetrical distribution of atoms within the crystal makes pure silicon anisotropic in its mechanical properties.

Miller Indices and Crystal Structure

What are the intercepts and family designation for the (100) plane in a silicon crystal?

Intercepts: 1 ∞ ∞; Family: {100}

Surface Micromachining Process

What is the role of polysilicon in the cantilever beam fabrication process?

Polysilicon is deposited over the masked region using Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) to form the structural layer of the cantilever beam.

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

Name three popular anisotropic etchants.

Three popular anisotropic etchants are KOH (potassium hydroxide), EDP (ethylene-diamine and pyrocatecol), and TMAH (tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide).

Applications of Microfabrication Techniques

What are micromotors?

Micromotors are tiny motors used in various applications, often fabricated using microfabrication techniques like LIGA.

The LIGA Process Overview

What is the LIGA process?

The LIGA process is a microfabrication technique that involves deep x-ray lithography, electroforming, and molding, known for its high initial costs and ability to create microstructures with virtually unlimited aspect ratios.

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

What is isotropic etching?

Isotropic etching is a type of etching that is orientation independent.

The LIGA Process Overview

What is a requirement for substrates in the LIGA process?

Substrates in the LIGA process must be electrically conductive to facilitate subsequent electroplating over the photoresist mold.

Surface Micromachining Process

What is Surface Micromachining?

Surface micromachining is a process that builds up devices layer by layer using films deposited on a wafer. It creates 3-D microstructures by adding material to the substrate, which may not be the same as the substrate material.

Surface Micromachining Process

What are some disadvantages of Surface Micromachining?

Some disadvantages of surface micromachining include the need for multiple masks, which is expensive and time-consuming, and the requirement for sacrificial layers, which can be wasteful and present technical problems.

Miller Indices and Crystal Structure

What is often used to specify silicon’s orientation in machining?

Silicon’s orientation in machining is often specified using Miller indices, e.g., Silicon (1 0 0).

Surface Micromachining Process

What is a sacrificial layer in the context of surface micromachining?

A sacrificial layer is a material layer that is deposited and later removed to create a free-standing structure, such as a cantilever beam, in the surface micromachining process.

Surface Micromachining Process

What is the etching process used for removing sacrificial layers in surface micromachining?

The etching process for removing sacrificial layers typically involves a mixture of 1:1 HF:H2O and 1:1 HCl:H2O, followed by rinsing with deionized water and drying under an infrared lamp.

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

What angle does the (111) plane make with the (100) plane?

The (111) plane makes an angle of 54.74 degrees with the (100) plane.

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

What is the selectivity ratio of silicon nitride to EDP?

The selectivity ratio of silicon nitride to EDP is 10^4.

Applications of Microfabrication Techniques

What is a capacitive accelerometer?

A capacitive accelerometer is a device that measures acceleration using changes in capacitance, often fabricated using microfabrication techniques.

Silicon as a Substrate Material

What is the density of silicon and how does it compare to aluminum?

The density of silicon is about 2.3 g/cm^3, which makes it as light as aluminum.

Bulk Micromanufacturing Techniques

What is Bulk Micromanufacturing?

Bulk Micromanufacturing involves creating 3-D components by removing materials from thick substrates (silicon or other materials) using primarily etching methods.

Materials and Photoresists in LIGA

What is a popular photoresist used in X-Ray LIGA?


Mechanical Challenges in Micromachining

What causes interfacial stresses in micromachining?

Interfacial stresses in micromachining are caused by a mismatch of the Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE) between different layers.

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

What role do reactive neutrals (N) play in plasma etching?

The reactive neutrals (N) attack both the normal surface and the side walls of the substrate material.

The LIGA Process Overview

What materials can be used as substrates in the LIGA process?

Metals such as steel, copper plates, titanium, and nickel, or silicon with a thin titanium or silver/chrome top layer, and glass with thin metal layers can be used as substrates in the LIGA process.

The LIGA Process Overview

What are the major steps in the LIGA process?

The major steps in the LIGA process are X-ray irradiation, resist development, electroforming, and resist removal.

Bulk Micromanufacturing Techniques

What are the three main techniques of Dry Etching?

The three main techniques of dry etching are ion etching, plasma etching, and reactive ion etching.

Miller Indices and Crystal Structure

What is the equation that defines a point on a plane in terms of Miller indices?

The equation that defines a point on a plane is hx + ky + mz = 1.

Miller Indices and Crystal Structure

What is the Young's Modulus (E) for the <100> orientation in silicon?

The Young's Modulus (E) for the <100> orientation in silicon is 129.5 GPa.

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

Why are silicon compounds used as masks for etching silicon substrates?

Silicon compounds are much stronger etching resistive materials than silicon, making them suitable as masks for etching silicon substrates.

Applications of Microfabrication Techniques

What is a microspectrometer?

A microspectrometer is a miniaturized spectrometer used for analyzing the spectral composition of light, often fabricated using microfabrication techniques like LIGA.

Bulk Micromanufacturing Techniques

What is bulk micromanufacturing?

Bulk micromanufacturing is a process that involves removing material to create microstructures, which is less expensive but results in high material loss and is suitable for simple geometries with low aspect ratios.

Silicon as a Substrate Material

Why is there greater flexibility in design and manufacture with silicon compared to other substrate materials?

There is greater flexibility in design and manufacture with silicon because treatments and fabrication processes for silicon substrates are well established and documented.

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

What factors can affect the geometry of an etched substrate during wet etching?

Timing, agitated flow patterns, and the endurance of the masks can affect the geometry of an etched substrate during wet etching.

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

What is an etch stop in wet etching?

An etch stop is a method to stop etching, which can be controlled by doping or by an electrochemical etch stop. Doped silicon dissolves faster in etchants than pure silicon, and etching stops at the interface of p and n-type doped silicon.

Mechanical Challenges in Micromachining

What is stiction in surface micromachining?

Stiction is the collapsing of layers supported by sacrificial layers once they are removed by etching. It occurs due to Van der Waals and chemical forces between surfaces with narrow gaps, and is a serious technical problem in surface micromachining.

Mechanical Challenges in Micromachining

Why are the interfaces of layers vulnerable in micromachining?

The interfaces of layers are vulnerable areas for structural failures due to the quality of adhesion of layers and interfacial stresses caused by a mismatch of the Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE).

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

What is anisotropic etching?

Anisotropic etching is a type of etching that is orientation dependent.

Bulk Micromanufacturing Techniques

What is wet bulk micromachining?

Wet bulk micromachining involves the use of chemical solvents, called etchants, to remove material.

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

What is Deep Reactive Ion Etching (DRIE)?

DRIE is a plasma etching process that can produce deep trenches with nearly vertical sidewalls (θ ≈ 0), unlike the tapered angles produced by standard plasma etching.

The LIGA Process Overview

What is a major advantage of the LIGA process?

A major advantage of the LIGA process is that it can produce microstructures with a high aspect ratio.

The LIGA Process Overview

What is a major disadvantage of the LIGA process?

A major disadvantage of the LIGA process is the requirement of a special facility, specifically a synchrotron radiation (X-ray) source, which is very expensive.

Surface Micromachining Process

What is the purpose of the sacrificial layer in Surface Micromachining?

The sacrificial layer in surface micromachining supports the structural layer until it is etched away to create cavities.

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

What are some examples of isotropic etchants?

Examples of isotropic etchants include acidic etchants such as HF, HNO3, and HNA.

Miller Indices and Crystal Structure

How many atoms are there in a typical FCC crystal structure?

A typical FCC crystal structure has a total of 14 atoms: 8 at the corners and 6 at the faces.

Bulk Micromanufacturing Techniques

What is the role of chemical reactive gas in Plasma Etching?

In plasma etching, a chemical reactive gas, such as Dichlorodifluoromethane (R12), is mixed with plasma to aid in the etching process.

Bulk Micromanufacturing Techniques

How does Plasma Etching affect the rate of Dry Etching?

Plasma etching can increase the rate of dry etching to 2 μm/min, and it can be stretched to 5 μm/min, making it much faster and cleaner than wet etching.

Miller Indices and Crystal Structure

What are the intercepts and family designation for the (110) plane in a silicon crystal?

Intercepts: 1 1 ∞; Family: {110}

Surface Micromachining Process

What material is commonly used as a sacrificial layer in surface micromachining?

Commonly used sacrificial layer materials in surface micromachining include Phosphosilicate glass (PSG), Silicon dioxide (SiO2), and Boronphosphosilicate glass (BPSG).

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

Why are pure silicon crystals not isotropic in their properties?

Pure silicon crystals are not isotropic in their properties due to the non-uniform distribution of atoms in their interior.

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

Which direction is the hardest for etching?

The <111> direction is the hardest for etching.

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

What type of chemicals are used for anisotropic etching?

Alkaline chemicals with pH >12 are used for anisotropic etching.

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

What is the etching rate of silicon dioxide using EDP?

The etching rate of silicon dioxide using EDP is 12 nm/hr.

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

Where was anisotropic etching developed?

Anisotropic etching was developed at Bell Laboratories.

Applications of Microfabrication Techniques

What are mechanical gear systems in the context of LIGA applications?

Mechanical gear systems are microfabricated components used in various mechanical applications, created using the LIGA process.

Applications of Microfabrication Techniques

What is a distance sensor in the context of LIGA applications?

A distance sensor is a device that measures the distance to an object, often fabricated using microfabrication techniques like LIGA.

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

What are the key differences between dry etching and wet etching?

Dry etching is good for most materials, has good directionality, low environmental impact, and good critical dimensional control but is expensive and has a variable etch rate. Wet etching is only suitable for single crystal minerals, has poor directionality, high environmental impact, and less critical dimensional control but is less expensive and has a fast etch rate.

The LIGA Process Overview

What does the acronym LIGA stand for?

LIGA stands for Lithographie (Lithography), Galvanoformung (Electroforming), and Abformung (Molding).

Materials and Photoresists in LIGA

What is a common material used in LIGA products?

Nickel is a common material used in LIGA products.

Bulk Micromanufacturing Techniques

What is Plasma Etching?

Plasma etching involves the use of plasma, a neutral ionized gas carrying a large number of free electrons and positively charged ions, to remove substrate materials.

Miller Indices and Crystal Structure

What are the characteristics of the (100) plane in a silicon crystal?

The (100) planes contain the least number of atoms, making it the weakest plane and the easiest to work with.

Miller Indices and Crystal Structure

What is the Shear Modulus (G) for the <110> orientation in silicon?

The Shear Modulus (G) for the <110> orientation in silicon is 61.7 GPa.

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

What type of structures do (110)-orientated wafers form?

(110)-orientated wafers form perpendicular trenches with {111} side-walls, such as microchannels in micromechanics and microfluidics.

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

What is the selectivity ratio of silicon dioxide to KOH?

The selectivity ratio of silicon dioxide to KOH is 10^3 - 10^4.

Applications of Microfabrication Techniques

What are fluid control valves in the context of LIGA applications?

Fluid control valves are microfabricated components used to control the flow of fluids, created using the LIGA process.

Silicon as a Substrate Material

Why is single crystal silicon the most widely used substrate material for MEMS and microsystems?

Single crystal silicon is popular for MEMS and microsystems because it is mechanically stable, can be integrated with electronics, has a high Young's modulus similar to steel, is lightweight like aluminum, has a high melting point of 1400°C, a low thermal expansion coefficient, shows virtually no mechanical hysteresis, and offers great flexibility in design and manufacture.

Miller Indices and Crystal Structure

What are Miller indices used for?

Miller indices are commonly used to describe the faces of crystalline materials.

Miller Indices and Crystal Structure

What are the intercepts and family designation for the (111) plane in a silicon crystal?

Intercepts: 1 1 1; Family: {111}

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

What are the three distinct directions in which etching takes place?

The three distinct directions in which etching takes place are <100>, <110>, and <111>.

Anisotropic vs. Isotropic Etching

What is the selectivity ratio in the context of wet etching?

The selectivity ratio is the measure of resistivity to etchants, defined as the etching rate of silicon divided by the etching rate of the material using the same etchant.

Applications of Microfabrication Techniques

What is a polarization sensor?

A polarization sensor is a device that detects the polarization state of light, often fabricated using microfabrication techniques.

Silicon as a Substrate Material

Why is silicon considered an ideal candidate material for sensors and actuators?

Silicon is considered an ideal candidate material for sensors and actuators because it shows virtually no mechanical hysteresis.

Applications of Microfabrication Techniques

What is a microgyroscope?

A microgyroscope is a small-scale gyroscope used for measuring or maintaining orientation, typically fabricated using microfabrication techniques.

Surface Micromachining Process

What is surface micromachining?

Surface micromachining is a process that involves building layers of materials over a substrate, requiring complex masking and etching of sacrificial layers, and is suitable for creating complex geometries.

Applications of Microfabrication Techniques

What are drug delivery systems in the context of LIGA applications?

Drug delivery systems are microfabricated devices designed to deliver drugs in a controlled manner, often created using the LIGA process.

Silicon as a Substrate Material

What are the advantages of silicon wafers in microfabrication?

Silicon wafers are extremely flat, which is beneficial for coatings and additional thin film layers that can be integral structural parts or perform precise electromechanical functions.

Silicon as a Substrate Material

What is the melting point of silicon and why is it significant?

The melting point of silicon is 1400°C, which is about twice as high as that of aluminum. This high melting point makes silicon dimensionally stable even at elevated temperatures.

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