Who invented the World Wide Web (WWW)?
Tim Berners-Lee, an English engineer and computer scientist, invented it in 1989.
What characterizes Web 1.0?
Web 1.0 is characterized by static web pages that cannot be manipulated.
History of the World Wide Web

Who invented the World Wide Web (WWW)?

Tim Berners-Lee, an English engineer and computer scientist, invented it in 1989.

Web 1.0 vs Web 2.0 vs Web 3.0

What characterizes Web 1.0?

Web 1.0 is characterized by static web pages that cannot be manipulated.

Web 1.0 vs Web 2.0 vs Web 3.0

What is a key feature of Web 2.0?

Web 2.0 allows users to interact with the page, creating dynamic web pages.

Features of Web 2.0

What is microblogging?

Sites that focus on short updates from the user.

Assistive Media and Its Importance

What is Assistive Media?

A nonprofit service organized to help people with visual and reading impairments.

Features of Web 2.0

What is folksonomy in the context of Web 2.0?

Folksonomy allows users to categorize and classify information using tags, often starting with a hashtag (#).

Types of Internet Threats and Malware

What does malware stand for?

Malicious software.

Internet Safety and Security Tips

Why is sharing your mother's maiden name risky?

It is often used as an answer to secret questions for password recovery.

Internet Safety and Security Tips

What is the risk of disclosing the names of your siblings?

Strangers may use their identity to deceive you.

Internet Safety and Security Tips

How can sharing your birthday make you vulnerable?

It can lead to identity theft.

Mobile Technologies Overview

What has contributed to the rise in popularity of mobile technologies?

The capability of smartphones and tablets to perform tasks originally found in PCs.

Social Media Types and Impact

What is social media?

Social media is a website, application, or online channel that enables users to create, discuss, modify, and exchange user-generated content.

Internet Safety and Security Tips

What is the risk of sharing your first name online?

A hacker may already know plenty about you even with just your first name.

Features of Web 2.0

What are additional social features mentioned in Empowerment Technologies?

Liking, commenting, and having a user profile.

Types of Internet Threats and Malware

What is the function of spyware?

A program that runs in the background without the user's knowledge.

Mobile Technologies Overview

What is the purpose of the formula bar in Excel?

To display the contents and formula entered in the active cell.

Mobile Technologies Overview

What is iOS?

A mobile operating system created by Apple Inc. and distributed exclusively for Apple hardware.

Types of Internet Threats and Malware

What is a key vulnerability when downloading files?

Downloading from untrusted websites, especially peer-to-peer downloads.

Web 1.0 vs Web 2.0 vs Web 3.0

What is Web 3.0 also known as?

Web 3.0 is known as the Semantic Web.

Internet Safety and Security Tips

What information can identity thieves use for verification purposes?

Current and previous schools attended.

Internet Safety and Security Tips

What does 'Internet Safety' refer to?

The online security or safety of people and their information when using the internet.

Internet Safety and Security Tips

What should you do before accepting terms and conditions on a website?

Read them carefully.

Internet Safety and Security Tips

Why should you avoid logging into public networks?

They can expose you to hackers.

Internet Safety and Security Tips

What type of websites should you avoid visiting?

Untrusted websites.

Netiquette Guidelines

Why should you not type in all caps?

Because people may misinterpret it.

Internet Safety and Security Tips

What should you do to protect your computer from malware?

Install and update antivirus software, using only one to avoid conflicts.

Types of Internet Threats and Malware

What is a computer virus?

A piece of malicious code that attaches itself to software programs, emails, or files without permission.

Internet Safety and Security Tips

Why is sharing your home address particularly dangerous?

It makes it easier for criminals to locate you.

Types of Internet Threats and Malware

What is phishing?

An attempt to acquire sensitive personal information like credit card details.

Trends in Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

What does convergence refer to?

The synergy of technological advancements to work on a similar goal or task.

Features of Web 2.0

What does 'Rich User Experience' mean in Web 2.0?

It refers to content that is dynamic and responsive to user input.

Netiquette Guidelines

What is the purpose of netiquette?

A set of rules for behaving properly while online.

Social Media Types and Impact

What are social networks?

Social networks are websites that allow people with similar interests to come together and share information and communicate.

Internet Safety and Security Tips

How can you secure your home Wi-Fi network?

Make it a private network by adding a password.

Internet Safety and Security Tips

What should never be posted over the internet?

Personal information such as your number, address, and names of family members.

Types of Internet Threats and Malware

What is a Trojan?

A malicious program disguised as a useful program that leaves your computer unprotected.

Features of Web 2.0

What do blogs and forums allow users to do?

Post content and comment on topics.

Mobile Technologies Overview

What does the term 'active cell' refer to in Excel?

The cell that has a thick border.

Internet Safety and Security Tips

What is the internet often referred to as?

The 'Information Superhighway'.

Mobile Technologies Overview

What is Android?

An open-source operating system developed by Google.

Internet Safety and Security Tips

What is a good practice when adding friends on social media?

Only add friends you know in real life.

Internet Safety and Security Tips

Why is sharing both your first and last name risky?

It can lead to identity theft as it allows matching a name with a face.

Internet Safety and Security Tips

What is more risky: sharing your home phone number or your personal phone number?

Sharing your home phone number is more risky.

Mobile Technologies Overview

What does the quick access toolbar show in Excel?

Most frequently used Excel commands.

Internet Safety and Security Tips

What is a key tip for staying safe online regarding passwords?

Do not share your password with anyone.

Social Media Types and Impact

What is the purpose of media sharing sites?

Media sharing sites allow users to upload and share media content like images, music, and video.

Mobile Technologies Overview

What is the function of scroll bars in Excel?

To enable movement of the document into vertical or horizontal views.

Internet Safety and Security Tips

What should you avoid posting about on social media?

Future vacations, as it signals when your home will be unoccupied.

Features of Web 2.0

What is the concept of 'Software as a Service' in Web 2.0?

Users subscribe to software only when needed, rather than purchasing it outright.

Netiquette Guidelines

What is the Golden Rule of netiquette?

Treat others as you would like to be treated.

Social Media Types and Impact

What do bookmarking sites allow users to do?

Bookmarking sites allow users to save and share links to websites or interesting articles.

Trends in Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

What are some challenges facing Web 3.0?

Challenges include compatibility issues, security concerns, vastness of data, vagueness of language, and logical limitations of machines.

Netiquette Guidelines

What does 'no flaming' mean in netiquette?

Avoiding personal insults communicated through the internet.

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