What type of artifact is associated with Pandora from around 475 – 425 BC?
- Attic Red Figure Krater
What is the approximate date of the Attic Black Figure Amphora attributed to the Kyllenios Painter?
ca. 570-560 BC.
Pandora and Her Creation

What type of artifact is associated with Pandora from around 475 – 425 BC?

- Attic Red Figure Krater

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

What is the approximate date of the Attic Black Figure Amphora attributed to the Kyllenios Painter?

ca. 570-560 BC.

Hesiod's Theogony

What is Hesiod known for in Greek literature?

He was the first Greek to give literary expression to the origins of the physical world, the gods, and the origins of the customs of humans.

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

In which city was the Iron Sickle significant?


Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

Where is Kastro Kallithea located?

In Greece.

Prometheus and His Role

What did Prometheus teach humans at Mecone?

- How to make a sacrifice to the gods

The Origin of the Gods

Who are the parents of the first six Olympian gods?

- Cronos - Rhea

Divine Myths and Their Significance

What are divine myths primarily concerned with?

- The gods - Supernatural beings

Pandora and Her Creation

What does the epithet 'Anesidora' mean?

Sender-up of Gifts

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

What were the primary uses of pithoi in ancient Greece?

- Storing grains - Storing liquids - Storing other goods

Pandora and Her Creation

What was the state of womankind before Pandora was born?

There was no womankind.

Prometheus and His Role

According to Hesiod, was Prometheus successful in outsmarting Zeus?

- No, he was unable to outsmart Zeus

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

Which region is associated with the creation of the Black-Figure Kylix?

Laconia (Sparta).

Pandora and Her Creation

What happened when Pandora opened the jar?

- Released all the ills and hard toils of the world

Prometheus and His Role

Who are the parents of Prometheus?

- Iapetus (Titan) - Clymene (Oceanid)

Divine Conflicts: Titanomachy and Typhonomachy

Who were the parents of Typhoeus?

- Gaia - Tartarus

Hesiod's Ages of Humankind

What are the five ages of humankind according to Hesiod's 'Works and Days'?

- Age of Gold - Age of Silver - Age of Bronze - Age of Heroes - Age of Iron

Hesiod's Theogony

What does 'Cosmogony' mean?

Origin of the world.

Divine Conflicts: Titanomachy and Typhonomachy

What is the approximate date of the Hydria depicting Zeus and Typhoeus?

- 540-530 BC

The Origin of the Gods

What did Athena do after the natural phenomena subsided?

- Stripped the godlike armour from her immortal shoulders

The Origin of the Gods

What are some of Aphrodite's epithets?

- Cytherea - Cyprogenes - Philommedes (genital-loving)

Pandora and Her Creation

What does the name 'Pandora' mean?

- All gifts

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

What is the Attic Black Figure Amphora attributed to?

Kyllenios Painter.

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

What is Building 10 in Kastro Kallithea?

A specific structure within the archaeological site of Kastro Kallithea.

Pandora and Her Creation

What is depicted in relief on the pedestal of the statue of Athena Parthenos?

The birth of Pandora.

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

What is the highest mountain in Greece?

Mount Olympus.

Prometheus and His Role

What other archetypical role does Prometheus fulfill besides being a trickster?

- Culture hero/god

Pandora and Her Creation

What did Zeus intend by giving Pandora to men?

“I will give men as the price for fire an evil thing in which they may all be glad of heart while they embrace their own destruction.”

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

What style is the Hydria made in?

Black figure ware.

Pandora and Her Creation

How does Hesiod describe the nature of women in Theogony?

- As a deadly race and tribe - As an evil to mortal men - With a nature to do evil

Divine Myths and Their Significance

What does Zeus uphold in 'Works and Days'?

- Justice

The Origin of the Gods

What did Athena do immediately after her birth?

- She sprang forth from Zeus's head - Stood before Zeus shaking a sharp spear

Divine Conflicts: Titanomachy and Typhonomachy

What is the meaning of the Greek word 'Machê'?


The Origin of the Gods

Which beings emerged from Chaos?

- Gaia - Tartarus - Eros

Divine Myths and Their Significance

What do divine myths often explain?

- Why the world is the way it is

Etiological Myths

What is the purpose of an etiological myth?

- To explain facts concerning aspects of the natural or social world that cannot otherwise be explained within the knowledge of society at the time

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

What is the Laconian Black-Figure Kylix?

A type of ancient Greek drinking cup.

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

Around what time was the Attic Black Figure Amphora created?

Around 540 BCE.

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

Where was the Hydria made and where was it found?

Made in Euboea, found in Italy (Etruria).

Pandora and Her Creation

How did men live before Pandora opened the jar?

- Remote and free from ills and hard toil and heavy sickness

Pandora and Her Creation

What was Pandora's creation a punishment or trade-off for?

- The gift of fire

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

What part of the fennel plant is commonly used in cooking?

Bulb, stalks, leaves, and seeds.

Pandora and Her Creation

What does Hesiod say about men who marry and have good wives?

- Evil continually contends with good - Mischievous children cause unceasing grief

Hesiod's Ages of Humankind

In Hesiod's 'Works and Days', which age follows the Age of Gold?

Age of Silver

Prometheus and His Role

What conflict involving Zeus is mentioned in 'Works and Days'?

- Zeus' conflict with Prometheus

Divine Conflicts: Titanomachy and Typhonomachy

What historical period does the East frieze of the Altar of Pergamum belong to?

180-159 BC.

Divine Conflicts: Titanomachy and Typhonomachy

What does 'Titanomachy' refer to?

War with the Titans.

The Origin of the Gods

What did Cronos do to the gods as Rhea gave birth to them?

He ate all of them except for Zeus.

Prometheus and His Role

What did Prometheus steal from the gods?

- Fire

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

What technique was used to decorate the Attic Black Figure Amphora?

Black-figure technique.

Prometheus and His Role

How is Prometheus described in terms of his behavior and actions?

- Archetypical 'trickster' - Tried to outsmart Zeus

Prometheus and His Role

Who is Prometheus in Greek mythology?

- A Titan who defied Zeus - Gave fire to humanity - Known for his intelligence and trickery

Pandora and Her Creation

What is Pandora known for in Greek mythology?

- The first woman created by the gods - Opened a jar (Pandora's box) releasing all evils into the world - Symbolizes the origin of human misfortune

Divine Myths and Their Significance

What is the significance of Mount Parnassus in Greek mythology?

It is associated with Apollo and the Muses.

The Titans and Their Offspring

Name the three Cyclops who are the children of Uranus and Gaia.

- Brontes (Thunderer) - Steropes (Lightning/flasher) - Arges (Brightener)

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

What is the scientific name of fennel?

Foeniculum vulgare.

Prometheus and His Role

What does the name 'Epimetheus' mean?

After learner or dummy

Divine Conflicts: Titanomachy and Typhonomachy

What is depicted on the East frieze of the Altar of Pergamum?

Athena battling the giant Alcyoneus.

Hesiod's Ages of Humankind

Which age in Hesiod's 'Works and Days' is known for the presence of demigods and heroes?

Age of Heroes

The Origin of the Gods

What is depicted on the Ludovisi Throne, c. 465 BC?

Aphrodite wearing a chiton, being helped out of the water.

The Origin of the Gods

Who are the offspring of Erebus and Nyx?

- Hemera (Day) - Aether (upper atmosphere)

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

What is a pithos?

- A large storage container used in ancient Greece - Typically made of clay - Used for storing grains, liquids, and other goods

Pandora and Her Creation

Who was Pandora according to Hesiod and others?

The first woman.

Etiological Myths

What is the most applicable interpretation of myth according to the concept of etiological myths?

- The use of myth to explain facts concerning aspects of the natural or social world

Pandora and Her Creation

Which gods contributed to the creation of Pandora?

- Hephaestus - Athena - Aphrodite - Hermes

The Titans and Their Offspring

Who are the parents of the 12 Titans?

- Uranus - Gaia

Divine Conflicts: Titanomachy and Typhonomachy

Which mythological figures are depicted on the Hydria?

Zeus and Typhoeus.

Divine Conflicts: Titanomachy and Typhonomachy

What is Typhonomachy?

- War with Typhoeus - Offspring of Gaia and Tartarus

Hesiod's Theogony

For whom was 'Works and Days' written?

- For Perses - To help reconcile their dispute - To give him advice on truth, justice, and proper behavior

The Origin of the Gods

What was the reaction of the gods to Athena's birth?

- Astonishment seized the gods as they watched

Divine Conflicts: Titanomachy and Typhonomachy

What type of ware is the Hydria depicting Zeus and Typhoeus?

- Black figure ware

The Origin of the Gods

What did the son of Hyperion do during Athena's birth?

- Stopped his swift-footed horses for a long time

Hesiod's Theogony

What does Hesiod pass on in recounting his theogony?

Valuable stories concerning the characters he discusses.

The Origin of the Gods

Where was the Ludovisi Throne found?

In Rome, probably from Southern Italy.

Pandora and Her Creation

Why was Pandora created according to Hesiod's Theogony?

- Because Prometheus stole fire.

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

What is the Iron Sickle?

A tool used in ancient agriculture.

Pandora and Her Creation

What is the epithet 'Anesidora' associated with?

- Pandora - Gaia - Demeter

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

What materials were pithoi typically made from?

- Clay

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

What is Building 10 in Kastro Kallithea?

A specific structure within the archaeological site.

Divine Myths and Their Significance

Which mountain in Greece is considered the home of the gods in Greek mythology?

Mount Olympus.

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

What is a Hydria?

A type of ancient Greek pottery used for carrying water.

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

What is the approximate date of the Phrasikleia Kore?

ca. 550-540 BC

The Origin of the Gods

What event led to the birth of certain offspring from Uranos/Ouranos?

The castration of Uranos/Ouranos.

The Titans and Their Offspring

Who are the three Hecatonchires, the children of Uranus and Gaia?

- Cottus - Briareus - Gyes

Divine Conflicts: Titanomachy and Typhonomachy

Where was the Hydria depicting Zeus and Typhoeus made?

- Euboea

Divine Myths and Their Significance

What are the two types of Strife (Eris) described in 'Works and Days'?

- One compels men to work and compete for riches - The other makes battles thrive and war

Hesiod's Theogony

What role does Hesiod play in 'Theogony'?

He arranges divine abstractions, gods, and heroes (including monsters) into a lineage or genealogy.

Divine Conflicts: Titanomachy and Typhonomachy

Who is shown crowning the victor in the East frieze of the Altar of Pergamum?


Hesiod's Ages of Humankind

According to Hesiod's 'Works and Days', which age is marked by toil and hardship?

Age of Iron

Hesiod's Theogony

When does the historical tradition place Hesiod's life?

In the late 8th century BCE

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

What is the time period associated with Kastro Kallithea?

Beginning of the 3rd century BC to mid-2nd century BC.

The Origin of the Gods

Who are the first six Olympian gods born to Rhea?

- Hestia - Demeter - Hera - Hades - Poseidon - Zeus

Divine Myths and Their Significance

Where can the stories of divine myths take place?

- Outside of the chronology of humans

Etiological Myths

What is the origin of the term 'etiological myth'?

- From the Greek word for 'cause': aition

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

Where is Kastro Kallithea located?

In Greece.

Pandora and Her Creation

Who created Pandora according to Hesiod's Theogony?

- Hephaestus - Athena

Pandora and Her Creation

What did Prometheus warn about accepting gifts from Zeus?

- Not to accept them

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

What is the approximate date of the Laconian Black-Figure Kylix by the Typhon Painter?

Ca. 560 – 500 BC.

Prometheus and His Role

Who is Prometheus?

- Son of Iapetus (Titan) and Clymene (Oceanid) - Brother of Atlas, Menoetius, and Epimetheus

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

What is the approximate date of the Hydria?

540-530 BC.

Pandora and Her Creation

What analogy does Hesiod use to describe women in Theogony?

He compares women to drones in a beehive, who reap the toil of others.

The Origin of the Gods

What does the Lucanian Red-figure Nestoris from the 4th century BC depict?

It depicts the Erinyes on either side of Orestes.

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

What are some common culinary uses of fennel?

- Salads - Soups - Stews - Roasted dishes

Hesiod's Theogony

How does Hesiod add significance to the divine abstractions in 'Theogony'?

By defining each abstraction and placing them in relation to each other.

Divine Conflicts: Titanomachy and Typhonomachy

Which figure is depicted as helpless to help the wounded giants in the East frieze of the Altar of Pergamum?


Hesiod's Theogony

Where did Hesiod's father migrate from and to?

- From Cyme in Aeolia - To Ascra in Boeotia (near Thebes)

Pandora and Her Creation

Which gods contributed to the creation of Pandora?

- Hephaestus - Athena

Hesiod's Theogony

When was Hesiod active?

Around ca. 700 BC.

The Origin of the Gods

Which god did Cronos not eat after Rhea gave birth?


The Origin of the Gods

Who did Gaia give birth to, and who became her consort?

- Uranos (Ouranos)

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

When was the Attic Black Figure Amphora created?

Around 545-535 BC.

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

What is the significance of the Attic Black Figure Amphora in ancient Greek culture?

It represents the artistic and cultural achievements of ancient Greece.

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

What is an Attic Black Figure Amphora?

A type of ancient Greek pottery characterized by black figures painted on a red background.

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

Name a significant mountain range in Greece besides Mount Olympus.

The Pindus Mountains.

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

What is the significance of the black-figure technique in Greek pottery?

- It allowed for detailed and intricate designs. - It was a prominent style in ancient Greek art. - It often depicted scenes from mythology and daily life.

The Titans and Their Offspring

Who are the offspring of Hyperion and Theia?

- Helius - Selene - Eos

The Origin of the Gods

Which entities were born from the blood of Uranos/Ouranos' castration that mixed with Gaia?

- Erinyes (the furies) - Giants - Nymphs called Meliae (Woodland Spirits)

The Origin of the Gods

What are the Meliae?

Nymphs called Meliae are Woodland Spirits.

Divine Conflicts: Titanomachy and Typhonomachy

Where was the Hydria depicting Zeus and Typhoeus found?

- Italy (Etruria)

Divine Myths and Their Significance

What is the purpose of the first type of Strife (Eris) in 'Works and Days'?

- To compel men to work and compete for riches

Hesiod's Ages of Humankind

What is the defining characteristic of the Age of Bronze in Hesiod's 'Works and Days'?

A time of war and violence.

The Origin of the Gods

How did Zeus react after Athena's birth and actions?

- Zeus rejoiced

Hesiod's Theogony

What happened to Hesiod's inheritance after his father's death?

- It was not split evenly - His brother Perses received more

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

What is the Attic Black Figure Amphora attributed to?

Kyllenios Painter.

Prometheus and His Role

How did Prometheus trick Zeus at Mecone?

- By teaching humans how to make a sacrifice to the gods

Pandora and Her Creation

Where is the statue of Athena Parthenos located?

In the Parthenon, Athens.

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

What is the Laconian Black-Figure Kylix?

A type of ancient Greek drinking cup.

Pandora and Her Creation

To whom was Pandora given along with a pithos (storage vessel)?

- Epimetheus

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

Who is the artist associated with the Laconian Black-Figure Kylix?

The Typhon Painter.

The Titans and Their Offspring

Which mountain in Greece is associated with the myth of the Titan Atlas?

Mount Othrys.

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

Where is the Kore on the right from and what is its approximate date?

- From the Athenian Akropolis - c. 520-500 BC

Prometheus and His Role

Who are the brothers of Prometheus?

- Atlas - Menoetius - Epimetheus

The Origin of the Gods

How was Athena born according to the Homeric Hymn?

- Zeus gave birth to her out of his head - She was arrayed in warlike arms, golden and gleaming

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

What flavor is fennel known for?

A mild, sweet, anise-like flavor.

The Origin of the Gods

What natural phenomena occurred at Athena's birth?

- Great Olympos quaked dreadfully - Earth screamed horribly - The sea moved and frothed with dark waves - Foam burst forth

Prometheus and His Role

What are the consequences of Prometheus' actions according to Hesiod's Works and Days?

- Prometheus' theft of fire led to the creation of Pandora as a punishment for humanity. - Pandora released evils into the world, leaving only hope inside her jar.

The Origin of the Gods

According to another tradition, who are Aphrodite's parents?

Zeus and Dione.

Hesiod's Theogony

How does Hesiod present himself?

As a shepherd

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

What is the approximate date of the Attic Black Figure Amphora attributed to the Kyllenios Painter?

ca. 570-560 BC.

Pandora and Her Creation

Which artifact depicts Pandora as 'Anesidora'?

Attic White Ground Kylix, by the Tarquinia Painter, ca. 470-460 BC

Prometheus and His Role

What did Prometheus steal from the gods and give to humans?

- Fire

Hesiod's Theogony

What is the main focus of Hesiod's Theogony?

The origin of the gods and the establishment of the cosmic order under the Olympians.

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

What artistic style is used in the Laconian Black-Figure Kylix?

Black-figure technique.

Pandora and Her Creation

In which works by Hesiod can the story of Pandora be found?

- Theogony (lines 570-617) - Works and Days (lines 60-105)

The Titans and Their Offspring

Name the 12 Titans who are the children of Uranus and Gaia.

- Cronus - Rhea - Oceanus - Tethys - Hyperion - Theia

Pandora and Her Creation

What does the quote 'There is no way to escape the will of Zeus' signify?

- The inevitability of Zeus's will

The Origin of the Gods

Who are the Erinyes and what is their role?

The Erinyes are gods of divine retribution.

Pandora and Her Creation

What are the consequences for men who avoid marriage according to Hesiod?

- Reach deadly old age without anyone to tend their years - Kinsfolk divide their possessions after death

Hesiod's Ages of Humankind

Which age in Hesiod's 'Works and Days' is characterized by a time of peace and prosperity?

Age of Gold

Divine Myths and Their Significance

What is the purpose of the second type of Strife (Eris) in 'Works and Days'?

- To make battles thrive and war

Hesiod's Theogony

What is the present universal order over which Zeus presides, according to Hesiod?

The present universal order is interpreted in Hesiod's 'Theogony'.

Divine Conflicts: Titanomachy and Typhonomachy

What is the Gigantomachy?

The war with the giants.

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

What is the Attic Black Figure Amphora?

A type of ancient Greek pottery.

Etiological Myths

Does an etiological myth explain the real cause of a practice?

- No, it does not explain the real cause of a practice

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

From which period does the Laconian Black-Figure Kylix date?

Approximately 560 – 550 BC.

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

Who created the Phrasikleia Kore and where was it found?

- Aristion of Paros - Found in Merenda, Attica

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

What is the significance of the inscription on the Phrasikleia Kore?

- Marker of Phrasikleia - Forever called 'maiden' - Gods granted her this instead of marriage

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

What scenes are commonly depicted on Attic Black Figure Amphoras?

- Mythological events - Heroic deeds - Daily life activities

Pandora and Her Creation

What is the origin of the race of women according to Hesiod's Theogony?

From Pandora, created by Zeus.

Prometheus and His Role

What does the name 'Prometheus' mean?

Fore learner

Hesiod's Theogony

What does 'Theogony' mean?

Origin of the gods.

Cultural and Social Implications of Myths

What are some health benefits associated with fennel?

- Digestive aid - Rich in vitamins and minerals - Anti-inflammatory properties

Pandora and Her Creation

How is Pandora created according to Hesiod's Works and Days?

- Zeus ordered Hephaestus to mold her from earth and water. - Athena clothed her and taught her crafts. - Aphrodite gave her beauty and desire. - Hermes gave her a deceitful nature.

Divine Conflicts: Titanomachy and Typhonomachy

Where can the mosaic depicting wounded giants from AD 320 be found?

Piazza Armerina.

Prometheus and His Role

What are the consequences of Prometheus' actions according to Hesiod's Theogony?

- Prometheus deceived Zeus by tricking him into accepting a less desirable portion of a sacrifice. - As punishment, Zeus withheld fire from humanity. - Prometheus stole fire back for humans, leading to further punishment.

The Origin of the Gods

How was Aphrodite born according to one tradition?

She was born from foam (Aphros).

Pandora and Her Creation

How is Pandora created according to Hesiod's Theogony?

- Similar to Works and Days, Hephaestus molds her from earth and water. - Athena, Aphrodite, and Hermes contribute to her attributes. - She is given a jar containing evils, which she eventually opens.

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