What is Agility?
Agility is represented by quickness, nimbleness, and dexterity in all parts of the body, essential for discharging physical tasks like crossing hurdles, dodging, or diving.
How do emotions influence behavior?
Emotions can produce desirable changes in behavior, such as affection and friendliness, or may disrupt and disorganize behavior, depending on the situation and the individual's experiences.
Physical Dimension of Self

What is Agility?

Agility is represented by quickness, nimbleness, and dexterity in all parts of the body, essential for discharging physical tasks like crossing hurdles, dodging, or diving.

Emotional Dimension of Self

How do emotions influence behavior?

Emotions can produce desirable changes in behavior, such as affection and friendliness, or may disrupt and disorganize behavior, depending on the situation and the individual's experiences.

Physical Dimension of Self

Why is sleep important?

Sleep is important because we spend one-fourth of our time in sleep, and it is needed to restore the fatigued nerves of all parts of the body.

Spiritual Dimension of Self

What is spirituality?

Spirituality is the inner voice, grace, calmness, and a state of bliss and happiness that connects us to a greater reality beyond our individual selves.

Physical Dimension of Self

What does it mean that the body is a BEING OF HABIT?

The body as a being of habit indicates that it functions based on acquired patterns influenced by the environment, and changing these habits is challenging as the body tends to cling to past behaviors.

Physical Dimension of Self

What is meant by physical qualities in the physical dimension of self?

Physical qualities refer to the inherent attributes of an individual, such as strength, flexibility, and endurance, that contribute to their overall physical health.

Introduction to Self and Its Dimensions

How many basic dimensions of the self are there?

There are five basic dimensions of the self: physical, emotional, social, mental, and spiritual.

Mental Dimension of Self

What functions does the mind perform in its development?

The mind performs diverse functions, starting from reasoning and solving simple problems, gradually moving to complex concepts and abstract thinking. It processes information received from the senses and communicates ideas through language.

Physical Dimension of Self

What does physical culture refer to in the context of the physical dimension of self?

Physical culture refers to the practices, habits, and values related to physical activity and health within an individual's life.

Mental Dimension of Self

What are the faculties of the Right Brain?

The faculties of the Right Brain include judgement, observation, imagination, and memory, and are characterized as comprehensive, creative, and synthetic.

Mental Dimension of Self

What is Citta?

Citta is the storehouse of memory, serving as the reservoir of past mental impressions and the foundation on which all other layers of the mind stand.

Mental Dimension of Self

What are the four layers of the mind according to ANTAVAKARANA?

The four layers are Citta (storehouse of memory), Manas (mind proper), Buddhi (intellect), and Higher faculties.

Physical Dimension of Self

What is the Physical Dimension of Self?

The Physical Dimension of Self is the most important domain, serving as the base for all sorts of work and the first task in nurturing a well-integrated self, characterized by physical growth, habits, method, order, discipline, and memory.

Mental Dimension of Self

What are the Higher faculties of the mind?

The Higher faculties consist of the Intuitive and Discriminative mind, which separate a gifted mind from an ordinary mind.

Integrated Approach to Self

What is Role Play?

An interactive activity where pairs act out scenarios representing interdependence, such as a flower and a butterfly, to illustrate relationships and cooperation.

Objectives of Understanding Self

What is Introspection?

A reflective process where individuals list unique traits about themselves and analyze their differences from others, aimed at self-understanding.

Mental Dimension of Self

What is the role of Manas in the mind?

Manas, or mind proper, works in three stages: the Thinking mind for observing and understanding, the Dynamic mind for realizing ideas, and the External mind for expressing ideas in life.

Mental Dimension of Self

What is the Mental Dimension?

The Mental Dimension refers to that part of nature which deals with cognition, intelligence, ideas, thoughts, perceptions, mental formations, mental vision, and wills. It involves the mind's ability to reason, solve problems, and process information through organization, analysis, and synthesis.

Physical Dimension of Self

What is Physical Culture?

Physical culture includes cultivation of the right kind of habits and attitudes regarding food, sleep, posture, rest, and relaxation.

Activities for Self-Development

What activities help develop MEMORY?

Activities such as recalling questions, nature walks, and quoting poems can help develop memory by engaging different senses and encouraging recall.

Physical Dimension of Self

What does physical capacity and skills entail in the physical dimension of self?

Physical capacity and skills involve the abilities and competencies an individual develops through practice and training in various physical activities.

Physical Dimension of Self

What is the term for the capacity of the body that enables one to work for a longer period without feeling exhausted?

Stamina refers to that capacity of the body which enables one to work for a longer period without feeling exhausted.

Socio-Cultural Dimension of Self

What does the term 'socio-cultural process' refer to?

The socio-cultural process involves the community's expectations for socially acceptable behavior, which individuals must adhere to in order to integrate successfully within that community.

Spiritual Dimension of Self

What does the spiritual process encompass?

The spiritual process encompasses becoming one with the universal self and recognizing the subtle essence of our being that is whole, complete, and immortal.

Emotional Dimension of Self

What role do stimuli play in emotional responses?

Stimuli, such as the presence of a loved one or a challenging situation, evoke emotional responses that can be positive or negative, influencing how individuals feel and behave.

Physical Dimension of Self

How does food affect physical health?

Physical health, fitness, and energy depend upon the food we eat, and a taste for simple, healthy, substantial food should be developed from early childhood.

Socio-Cultural Dimension of Self

How does Charu display her socio-cultural behavior?

Charu displays her socio-cultural behavior by bringing her toys to school, clinging to them, and enacting the role of a mother during play, which reflects her understanding of familial roles.

Integrated Approach to Self

What are the dimensions of the self?

The dimensions of the self consist of mental, emotional, physical, and social planes, which are interwoven yet distinct.

Physical Dimension of Self

What does Suppleness represent?

Suppleness represents swiftness and flexibility, allowing the body to bend into desired postures without breaking or deforming any parts.

Activities for Self-Development

What is Swaying in the Breeze?

A group activity where one person stands in the center with eyes closed, swaying in any direction while the circle supports them, fostering trust and relaxation.

Physical Dimension of Self

What is the significance of ORDER AND DISCIPLINE in the body?

Order and discipline in the body refer to its ability to follow a rhythm and maintain functions like hunger and digestion in a precise and harmonious manner, leading to optimal health.

Physical Dimension of Self

How does the physical environment influence the physical dimension of self?

The physical environment includes the surroundings and conditions in which an individual engages in physical activities, affecting their health and well-being.

Socio-Cultural Dimension of Self

What challenges does Aseem face in his social interactions?

Aseem faces challenges in social interactions because his dominant behavior and imposition of ideas make his classmates unwilling to sit next to him or partner with him during projects.

Emotional Dimension of Self

What is Jealousy?

Jealousy is a common emotion between friends and siblings, arising when one feels deprived compared to another, often leading to feelings of neglect and decreased self-worth, especially in younger children.

Emotional Dimension of Self

What is the Emotional Dimension?

The Emotional Dimension relates to feelings or qualities of affect, encompassing emotions such as love, jealousy, anger, fear, and hatred, which are responses to external stimuli and add richness to human existence.

Mental Dimension of Self

What is MEMORY?

Memory is closely linked with interest and experience, allowing us to remember things we are interested in or have experienced, often through associations with common activities.

Integrated Approach to Self

What is the significance of self-observation and introspection?

Self-observation, self-analysis, and introspection enable the self to make optimal progress by watching the inner movements of life.

Mental Dimension of Self

What are the faculties of the Left Brain?

The faculties of the Left Brain include critical thinking and reasoning, which involve distinguishing, classifying, generalizing, comparing, and concluding.

Spiritual Dimension of Self

What is Meditation?

Meditation is a practice that helps gain mental peace and is rooted in spiritual principles, aiming to break barriers of the self and unite with the universal.

Socio-Cultural Dimension of Self

How does Jyotin's background affect his social experience?

Jyotin's American background and inability to speak Hindi lead to feelings of isolation, as his peers feel uncomfortable due to his different language and accent.

Emotional Dimension of Self

What is Empathy?

Empathy is the ability to feel and understand the emotions experienced by another person, which develops with age and plays a crucial role in fostering compassion and sensitivity towards others.

Activities for Self-Development

What are 'social skills'?

Social skills are the abilities that enable individuals to build relationships and function effectively in society, enhanced by qualities like trust, faith, and cooperation.

Emotional Dimension of Self

How does empathy help in addressing low achievement and behavior problems in students?

Empathy is more effective than punishment in handling issues like lying, cheating, stealing, and aggression among students.

Physical Dimension of Self


Physical development refers to the changes and growth that occur in the body, particularly after the age of 20, which necessitates awareness of the ageing process and the need for physical exercise and diet control.

Physical Dimension of Self

What are the characteristics of the Physical Dimension of Self?

The characteristics include physical growth and development, the body as a being of habits, the body as a being of method, order, and discipline, and the body having its own memory.

Spiritual Dimension of Self

What is self-observation?

Self-observation is a journey to the inner self, involving the observation of thoughts, actions, movements, and habits within oneself.

Emotional Dimension of Self

What is the significance of emotions in human existence?

Emotions are essential for expressing feelings and are considered the primary motivational system of human beings, enriching their experiences and interactions.

Emotional Dimension of Self

What is Anger?

Anger is a common phenomenon displayed by young children through tantrums, clenching of fists, kicking, or crying, and it manifests differently in adolescents and adults, often leading to verbal or physical confrontations.

Physical Dimension of Self

What is the importance of posture in physical fitness?

Good posture leads to the healthy functioning of all organs, enabling proper blood circulation and physical fitness.

Integrated Approach to Self

What is 'socialization'?

Socialization is the process through which an individual gains experience about their surroundings and learns to interact with others, beginning with early interactions with caregivers.

Physical Dimension of Self

What is the definition of physical skill?

Physical skill encompasses those qualities in the body that allow it to work more effectively and diligently.

Emotional Dimension of Self

What are the signs of excitement in emotional reactions?

Signs of excitement may include garbled language, rapid talking, and inability to sit still, reflecting heightened emotional states.

Mental Dimension of Self

How does the mind process information?

The mind processes information by organizing, analyzing, synthesizing, and then expressing and communicating ideas through language.

Mental Dimension of Self

What is Buddhi or Intellect?

Buddhi or Intellect is the real instrument of thought that orders and disposes of the knowledge acquired through the senses by the other parts of self.

Socio-Cultural Dimension of Self

What is Acculturation?

An activity where group members learn and practice greetings from different cultures, aimed at developing respect for cultural diversity.

Physical Dimension of Self

What does it mean that the body has its own MEMORY?

The body's memory refers to its ability to retain skills and experiences, allowing individuals to perform activities like cycling or swimming even after long periods of inactivity.

Activities for Self-Development

What activities can develop IMAGINATION?

Creative writing, art and craft activities, and designing graphics or furniture can enhance imaginative powers.

Activities for Self-Development

What activities can improve JUDGEMENT?

Activities involving comparison and contrast are effective in developing the power of judgement.

Socio-Cultural Dimension of Self

What is the Socio-Cultural Dimension of Self?

The Socio-Cultural Dimension involves the influence of society and culture on an individual's identity, beliefs, and behaviors.

Spiritual Dimension of Self

What is the Spiritual Dimension of Self?

The Spiritual Dimension relates to an individual's sense of purpose, connection to a higher power, and the exploration of existential questions.

Mental Dimension of Self

What does it mean to 'become conscious of oneself'?

To become conscious of oneself means to spend quiet time alone, reflecting on one's thoughts and feelings to enhance self-awareness.

Physical Dimension of Self

What are the characteristics of the physical dimension of the self?

The physical dimension encompasses four distinct aspects: physical culture, physical qualities, physical capacity and skills, and physical environment.

Physical Dimension of Self

What is the significance of Physical Environment?

The physical environment includes the physical surroundings and their organization, playing an important role in physical well-being and performance.

Emotional Dimension of Self

What examples illustrate emotional responses in children?

Aman shows happiness when he sees his mother, while Arvind experiences anxiety before an exam, demonstrating how different stimuli can evoke varied emotional responses.

Spiritual Dimension of Self

What questions can guide self-observation?

Questions include: Are certain thoughts recurring? Are they positive or harmful? Are they about myself or others? What feelings do they evoke?

Activities for Self-Development

How can Observation be developed?

Observation can be developed through activities such as photography, aiming at a target, solving puzzle games, and painting.

Physical Dimension of Self

What is the Physical Dimension of Self?

The Physical Dimension refers to the tangible aspects of an individual, including the body and its health, which contribute to one's overall sense of self.

Characteristics of a Well-Integrated Self

What is the term 'self-concept'?

Self-concept refers to the understanding of one's abilities, feelings, attitudes, ideas, and overall image of oneself, which develops from early childhood and is shaped by life experiences.

Physical Dimension of Self

What is balance in the context of physical fitness?

Balance means finding one's center of gravity and maintaining posture either in stillness or in motion.

Integrated Approach to Self

What does 'know thyself' signify in the context of self-understanding?

'Know thyself' signifies the importance of self-awareness and understanding one's inner self, which is central to personal growth and mastery over one's life.

Emotional Dimension of Self

What behaviors indicate nervousness in emotional responses?

Nervousness can manifest as talking louder, walking fast, or frequently moving, showing discomfort in social situations.

Physical Dimension of Self

What is Neuro muscular coordination?

Neuro muscular coordination represents the rhythm or grace between two or more sense organs, limbs, or actions, involving cooperation between the will and the limbs for a particular action.

Spiritual Dimension of Self

What is the psychic force?

The psychic force is described as the divine nucleus behind the mind, body, and life, representing the divine spark present in all human beings.

Socio-Cultural Dimension of Self

What is the Socio-Cultural Dimension?

The Socio-Cultural Dimension refers to the processes through which culture influences the development of the self, including behaviors, interactions, and social roles shaped by cultural norms.

Physical Dimension of Self

What should be considered for a good sleep environment?

One needs to sleep in a quiet and well-ventilated place to ensure restorative sleep.

Socio-Cultural Dimension of Self

What issue does Kartik encounter after changing schools?

Kartik encounters the issue of having an empty lunch box for three consecutive days, indicating his struggle to make friends in a new school environment.

Characteristics of a Well-Integrated Self

What are the characteristics of a well-integrated self?

A well-integrated self maintains balance in life, shows respect, has healthy relationships, is independent and confident, possesses a positive attitude, and is self-aware and self-accepting.

Activities for Self-Development

What is the significance of introspection in self-development?

Introspection enhances self-understanding and self-knowledge, enabling individuals to gradually move towards integration of the self.

Characteristics of a Well-Integrated Self

What is the importance of self-discipline in self-development?

Self-discipline is essential as it leads the self towards desired progress and helps in the pursuit of innate potential and capacities.

Emotional Dimension of Self

What are common ways individuals seek encouragement?

Individuals may look for smiles, verbal praise, or physical gestures like hugs to feel encouraged.

Mental Dimension of Self


Imagination is the creative faculty of the mind that allows for the creation of thoughts and mental images, going beyond ordinary understanding.

Emotional Dimension of Self

What is Introspection?

Introspection is the process of concentrating on a specific aspect of oneself, going deep within to analyze thoughts and feelings, such as understanding the reasons behind emotions like anger.

Physical Dimension of Self

What is essential before going to sleep?

Before going to sleep, it is essential to quieten the mind's activity, calm the emotions, and relax the body.

Mental Dimension of Self

What is the function of the mind?

The function of the mind is to receive images of things and process them through its various layers.

Physical Dimension of Self

What does strength refer to in physical fitness?

Strength refers to the capacity of the body that empowers the muscles to lift, throw, and carry heavy loads.

Socio-Cultural Dimension of Self

What is 'acculturation'?

Acculturation is the process of adapting to a new culture, often facilitated by interactions with friends or peers who help an individual adjust to their new environment.

Emotional Dimension of Self

What is the term for putting oneself in another person's shoes to resolve conflict?

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another, allowing for better conflict resolution.

Characteristics of a Well-Integrated Self

What is a Self Checklist?

A self-evaluation tool where individuals rate their abilities and social skills based on a provided scale, promoting self-awareness and personal growth.

Spiritual Dimension of Self

What distinguishes Spirituality from Religion?

Spirituality is the feeling of oneness with the universal and relies on universal values, while religion involves rites, rituals, and ceremonies aimed at turning towards the divine.

Emotional Dimension of Self

What is Fear?

Fear is a negative emotion learned in response to environmental stimuli, which can manifest in various forms such as fear of heights, injury, or specific objects, and may decrease with maturity and positive experiences.

Activities for Self-Development

What is the significance of 'trust' in social skills development?

Trust is a fundamental quality that enhances social skills, allowing individuals to build strong relationships and cooperate effectively with others.

Mental Dimension of Self


Judgement is the ability to discern right from wrong regarding any issue or expression, formed both consciously and unconsciously in daily life.

Emotional Dimension of Self

What is the Emotional Dimension of Self?

The Emotional Dimension encompasses an individual's feelings, emotional responses, and the ability to manage emotions, which are crucial for personal development.

Characteristics of a Well-Integrated Self

What role does Emotional Maturity play in a well-integrated self?

Emotional maturity involves showing appropriate behavior and emotional responses, contributing to healthy relationships and a positive self-concept.

Characteristics of a Well-Integrated Self

What are the Characteristics of a Well-Integrated Self?

Characteristics of a Well-Integrated Self include harmony among the various dimensions of self, self-awareness, and the ability to adapt to different life situations.

Physical Dimension of Self

What does flexibility mean in the context of physical fitness?

Flexibility means the suppleness and plasticity of the body, helping in agility and controlling the ageing process.

Mental Dimension of Self

What is Buddhi?

Buddhi refers to the intellect, which is one of the four layers of the mind, responsible for reasoning and judgment.

Physical Dimension of Self

What does speed refer to in the context of physical fitness?

Speed refers to the alertness of the nervous system and muscles, expressing explosive power for a short time through the limbs.

Emotional Dimension of Self

How can one reflect on their emotional reactions?

By observing and analyzing their emotional responses, individuals can determine if they need or want to change their reactions.

Integrated Approach to Self

What is the 'self-concept'?

Self-concept refers to the sum total of the thoughts, feelings, and experiences a person has with respect to themselves, shaped by their strengths, weaknesses, life experiences, and how others perceive them.

Mental Dimension of Self

What is the Mental Dimension of Self?

The Mental Dimension pertains to cognitive processes, including thoughts, beliefs, and the capacity for reasoning and understanding.

Characteristics of a Well-Integrated Self

What role does freedom play in the development of the self?

Freedom is imperative for self-development as it allows the self to grow in a supportive environment without rigid constraints.

Emotional Dimension of Self

What are the emotional reactions when someone is angry?

Common reactions include turning away, shouting, or clenching fists, indicating different ways of expressing anger.

Physical Dimension of Self

What does endurance represent in physical fitness?

Endurance represents the capacity of the muscles and nervous system, along with will power, to take a particular load for a specific duration.

Emotional Dimension of Self

How does a positive self-concept affect mental health?

A strong positive self-concept is associated with good mental health and is something individuals strive to achieve.

Socio-Cultural Dimension of Self

What is the significance of peer group learning in understanding feelings?

Peer group learning fosters teamwork and helps individuals understand each other's feelings, enhancing empathy.

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