What does economics study?
It studies social problems.
What does economics study?
It studies social problems.
Key Concepts in Economics

What does economics study?

It studies social problems.

Key Concepts in Economics

What does economics study?

It studies social problems.

Key Concepts in Economics

What is a key characteristic of the real world in relation to economics?

The real world is very complex and diverse.

Course Logistics and Assessment

Give an example of a task related to the Ricardian Model.

Collect trade data and discuss which trade patterns are consistent with the Ricardian Model.

International Trade Issues

What is the focus of the section titled 'What to Trade?'

It discusses the types of goods and services that can be traded.

International Monetary Issues

What does International Monetary Issues focus on?

Financial or monetary transactions, such as balance of national accounts and exchange rates.

Key Concepts in Economics

What does economics study?

It studies social problems.

Gravity Model of Trade

How does the size of a trading country affect bilateral trade volume?

Bilateral trade volume tends to increase with the size of the trading country.

Course Logistics and Assessment

How often will assignments be given?

Weekly or bi-weekly.

Intentional Simplification in Economic Models

Why do economists use intentionally simplified models?

To explore complex and diverse real-world issues.

Impacts of Trade Policy

How does trade typically behave during recessions?

Trade decreases more than GDP.

Introduction to International Economics

Why is it important to study International Economics?

Nations are more connected than ever through trade.

Introduction to International Economics

What is the main focus of the International Economics course?

To understand key concepts in international economics.

Gravity Model of Trade

What does the term 'Gravity in Trade' refer to?

The concept that trade between two countries is proportional to their economic size and inversely proportional to the distance between them.

International Monetary Issues

What is the focus of International Monetary Issues?

The study of monetary aspects in international contexts.

Intentional Simplification in Economic Models

Why do economists use simplified models?

To explore complex and diverse real-world issues.

Introduction to International Economics

What is the focus of International Economics?

The study of economic interactions between countries, including trade, investment, and monetary policies.

Globalization and Trade Controversies

What is a common opposition to globalization?

Many people oppose freer trade.

Intentional Simplification in Economic Models

What can an additional variable in a model lead to?

Different conclusions.

Key Concepts in Economics

What is one of the key topics covered in International Economics?

What to Trade?

Introduction to International Economics

Why is it important to study International Economics?

Because nations are more connected than ever through trade.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is the maximum length of the term paper?

10 pages, including figures and tables.

International Trade Issues

What does the figure on Regional Trade Agreements (RTA) illustrate?

The increasing number of Regional Trade Agreements over time.

Intentional Simplification in Economic Models

What is an example of intentional simplification in economics?

Using 2 countries instead of 200.

Introduction to International Economics

Why is it important to study International Economics?

To understand the complexities of global trade and its impacts on economies.

Key Concepts in Economics

What is one of the goals of this course?

To understand key concepts in international economics.

Gravity Model of Trade

What concept is explored in the 'Gravity in Trade' section?

The relationship between the size of economies and the distance between them in trade.

Trade and Macro

What is the relationship between trade and macroeconomics?

Trade and macro are linked together.

Globalization and Trade Controversies

What is a common viewpoint regarding globalization?

It is often controversial and not universally accepted.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What percentage of the final grade is the class presentation worth?


Key Concepts in Economics

What approach does International Monetary Issues primarily use?

A more Macroeconomics approach.

International Trade Issues

What are some key considerations in deciding 'What to Trade'?

Factors include comparative advantage, resource availability, and market demand.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What percentage of the course assessment is based on problem sets?


International Trade Issues

What factors are analyzed in Firm S's strategy?

Costs of hiring workers and sourcing inputs.

Correlation vs. Causation in Economics

Why is causality important in economics?

It helps to understand the relationships between variables.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What percentage of the course grade is based on problem sets?


Key Concepts in Economics

What approach does International Trade Issues primarily use?

A more Microeconomics approach.

Trade and Macro

How does trade relate to macroeconomics?

Trade impacts overall economic performance and growth.

Key Concepts in Economics

What are the two main components of studying economics?

The formulation of models and the examination of data.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What are the two main focuses of the assignments?

Basic understanding of key concepts and their application to real-world data or events.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is covered in the 'Course Logistics – About Grading' section?

Details regarding the grading system for the course.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What topics are mainly covered in this course?

Trade issues, with some macro issues when time allows.

Course Logistics and Assessment

Can students form study groups for assignments?

Yes, but they must submit their work independently.

International Monetary Issues

What are exchange rates compared to?

Relative prices of currencies.

Intentional Simplification in Economic Models

What is another example of intentional simplification?

Using a representative agent instead of many different people.

Key Concepts in Economics

What is the nature of the real world in relation to economics?

It is very complex and diverse.

Introduction to International Economics

What are the two main strands of issues studied in International Economics?

International Trade Issues and International Monetary Issues.

Gravity Model of Trade

What does the data suggest about US imports in relation to the gravity model?

Data roughly follow the gravity model but not perfectly.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What percentage of the final grade is the class presentation worth?


Key Concepts in Economics

What is the relationship between trade and macro variables?

Trade and macro variables seem to be linked together.

Globalization and Trade Controversies

How has global travel and connectivity changed in recent years?

It has increased significantly.

Impacts of Trade Policy

What was one effect of China's entry into the WTO?

It stabilized the trade policy between China and the US.

Introduction to International Economics

What are the main focuses of the course?

Introducing data to motivate models and teaching models.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What formatting requirements are specified for the term paper?

In English, double-spaced, font size 11.

Impacts of Trade Policy

How did China's exports to the US change after joining the WTO?

They increased dramatically.

Impacts of Trade Policy

How does trade impact the overall economy?

Through Trade and Macro.

Gravity Model of Trade

Why does the US trade more with Mexico than projected by the Gravity Model?

This is an anomaly that gravity models aim to explain.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What are the components of course assessment?

Homework assignments, a term paper, and a class presentation.

International Trade Issues

What is the focus of the 'What to Trade?' section?

Discusses the types of goods and services that can be traded.

Gravity Model of Trade

What model summarizes the relationships between trade volume and country size/distance?

The gravity model.

Key Concepts in Economics

What will students learn to do with the key concepts in international economics?

Apply them to read and interpret real data and events.

International Trade Issues

Why do countries trade?

To gain economic benefits and improve welfare.

Gravity Model of Trade

What does the term 'Gravity in Trade' refer to?

The idea that larger countries tend to trade more with each other.

Intentional Simplification in Economic Models

What is another example of intentional simplification?

Using a representative agent instead of many different people.

Trade and Macro

How does trade relate to macroeconomic factors?

Trade can influence overall economic performance, including GDP, employment, and inflation.

International Trade Issues

What does the figure 'Imports per GDP in the World' illustrate?

The level of trade connectivity among nations.

Key Concepts in Economics

What data source is used for the figure on imports per GDP?

The World Bank.

Introduction to International Economics

Why is it important to study International Economics?

To understand global trade dynamics and their impact on economies.

Course Logistics and Assessment

Who is the instructor of the course?

Yuta Suzuki.

Intentional Simplification in Economic Models

What is an example of intentional simplification in economics?

The 'smile' concept represented by a simple smile emoji.

Gravity Model of Trade

What concept is explored in relation to trade?

Gravity in Trade.

International Trade Issues

What are the top three exports of the US to China?

Machines, Transportation, Chemical Products.

International Trade Issues

When did China enter the WTO?

In 2001.

International Trade Issues

What theory does Firm S's strategy relate to?

The Heckscher-Ohlin theory.

Key Concepts in Economics

What does economics study?

It studies social problems.

Course Logistics and Assessment

When are the presentations scheduled?

December 24th and 31st (Week 15 and 16).

Impacts of Trade Policy

What is a key aspect of trade policy mentioned?

The US-Canada-Mexico trade agreement.

International Trade Issues

What is the focus of the 'What to Trade?' section?

It discusses the types of goods and services that can be traded.

Key Concepts in Economics

What does economics study?

It studies social problems.

Key Concepts in Economics

What is one of the main topics discussed in the course?

What to Trade?

International Trade Issues

What are the top three imports of China in 2019?

Mineral products, machines, and chemical products.

International Trade Issues

What is a key factor that influences trade between countries?

Country size.

Gravity Model of Trade

What is the significance of gravity in trade?

It helps explain trade patterns and volumes between countries.

Impacts of Trade Policy

What do tariffs do?

Tariffs increase the cost of imported goods, potentially protecting domestic industries.

Introduction to International Economics

What are the two main strands of issues studied in International Economics?

International Trade Issues and International Monetary Issues.

Key Concepts in Economics

What is the primary focus of economics?

The study of social problems from a scientific viewpoint.

Gravity Model of Trade

What is the purpose of gravity models in trade?

To find anomalies in trade patterns.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is the main focus of the lectures?

International Trade.

Introduction to International Economics

Why is it important to study International Economics?

To understand global trade dynamics and their impact on economies.

International Trade Issues

What percentage of US exports to China is explained by transportation?


International Trade Issues

What regional aspect influences Firm S's strategy?

Regional policies in Country C.

Key Concepts in Economics

How will students primarily examine data in this course?

Through the models taught in the course.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What penalty is imposed for each rule violation in the term paper?

5-point penalty.

Intentional Simplification in Economic Models

What is the purpose of intentionally simplified models in economics?

To explore issues more effectively.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is a common structure in an International Economics course?

Introduction, Break, Logistics, Break, Conclusion.

International Trade Issues

What is a key consideration in determining 'What to Trade'?

Factors such as comparative advantage and resource availability.

Course Logistics and Assessment

In what format should assignments be submitted?

PDF format.

Trade and Macro

How does trade relate to macroeconomics?

Trade impacts macroeconomic indicators such as GDP, employment, and inflation.

Impacts of Trade Policy

Who typically gains or loses from trade?

Different sectors and groups within countries can gain or lose based on trade policies.

Intentional Simplification in Economic Models

How do we use simplifications in our daily lives?

We often make oversimplifications to understand complex situations.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What are the key components discussed in the course?

Introduction, Logistics, What to Trade, Gravity in Trade, Trade and Macro, Conclusion.

Introduction to International Economics

What are the two main strands of issues studied in International Economics?

International Trade Issues and International Monetary Issues.

Course Logistics and Assessment

Which textbook is primarily used for the lectures?

Robert C. Feenstra and Alan M. Taylor’s textbook on International Trade.

International Trade Issues

What does the figure on Import Share and GDP in 2019 illustrate?

It shows the relationship between import share and GDP across countries.

International Monetary Issues

How are exchange rates related to macroeconomic policies?

Exchange rates seem to be linked to the results of each country’s macroeconomic policies.

Key Concepts in Economics

Why is the real world considered complex and diverse in economics?

Because it involves various social problems and factors.

International Trade Issues

What does International Trade Issues focus on?

The trade of goods and services across nations.

International Trade Issues

What percentage do transportation exports represent in China's total imports?


Key Concepts in Economics

What is the primary focus of economics?

The study of social problems from a scientific viewpoint.

International Trade Issues

What is one reason countries engage in trade?

To gain economic benefits.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What tools can be used to create presentation slides?

PowerPoint, Beamer, or equivalent.

Impacts of Trade Policy

What aspect of trade is explored in relation to macroeconomics?

Trade and Macro.

Correlation vs. Causation in Economics

Why is causality important in economics?

It helps to understand the relationships between variables.

Intentional Simplification in Economic Models

What is an example of intentional simplification in economic models?

Using 2 countries instead of 200.

Key Concepts in Economics

What skills will students develop in this course?

The ability to read and interpret real data and events.

Globalization and Trade Controversies

What was the context of Trump's tweet on July 24, 2018?

It relates to discussions around trade and globalization.

International Trade Issues

What does International Trade Issues focus on?

The trade of goods and services across nations.

Key Concepts in Economics

What approach does International Trade Issues primarily use?

A more Microeconomics approach.

Intentional Simplification in Economic Models

What does the formulation of models in economics involve?

Assumptions leading to implications and intentional simplification of relationships.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What penalty is incurred for late submissions?

A 5-point penalty per hour.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is the maximum length of the term paper?

10 pages, including figures and tables.

International Monetary Issues

What does International Monetary Issues encompass?

The study of currency exchange rates, international financial systems, and balance of payments.

Intentional Simplification in Economic Models

What key feature indicates a smile?

Lifted corners of the mouth.

Globalization and Trade Controversies

What is one argument regarding global travel's impact during the Covid-19 pandemic?

It contributed to the severity and spread of Covid-19.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What penalty is imposed for each rule violation in the term paper?

5-point penalty.

International Trade Issues

What is the role of Regional Trade Agreements?

To help trade flow more freely among RTA countries.

Key Concepts in Economics

What data source is used for the figure on Regional Trade Agreements?

World Trade Organization.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is the deadline for submitting assignments?

One week.

Intentional Simplification in Economic Models

Why do economists use intentionally simplified models?

To explore complex and diverse real-world issues.

Key Concepts in Economics

What is the primary focus of Economics?

Understanding how resources are allocated and utilized.

International Trade Issues

What are the top three imports of China?

Mineral Products, Machines, Chemical Products.

Introduction to International Economics

What does International Economics study?

The economic interactions between countries, including trade and finance.

Impacts of Trade Policy

What will be covered in the section on trade policy?

The impacts of trade policy on economies.

Key Concepts in Economics

What does economics study?

It studies social problems.

Correlation vs. Causation in Economics

What should policy be based on according to the text?

Causality, not correlation.

International Trade Issues

What will be covered in the following 4-5 lectures?

Which countries are more dependent on trade.

International Trade Issues

What is the focus of Firm S's FDI strategy?

Production bases in Country C and research bases in Country U.

International Trade Issues

What is a key focus of the upcoming lectures?

Countries that rely on trade more heavily than others.

International Trade Issues

What rank does minerals hold in China's imports?

Ranked 1st.

Correlation vs. Causation in Economics

Why is causality important in economics?

It helps in understanding the relationships between variables.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What formatting requirements are specified for the term paper?

In English, double-spaced, font size 11.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What are the key sections mentioned in the course outline?

Introduction, Break, Logistics, Break, What to Trade?, Gravity in Trade, Trade and Macro, Conclusion.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What should students do if they face difficulties before the deadline?

Contact the instructor before the deadline.

Gravity Model of Trade

What does the term 'Gravity in Trade' refer to?

It refers to the model that explains trade patterns based on economic size and distance.

Intentional Simplification in Economic Models

How does simplification help us?

It helps us find what is important.

International Trade Issues

Why do countries trade?

To gain economic benefits and improve welfare.

International Monetary Issues

What does International Monetary Issues focus on?

Financial or monetary transactions such as balance of national accounts and exchange rates.

Intentional Simplification in Economic Models

What is intentional simplification?

The process of creating simplified models to analyze complex real-world issues.

Impacts of Trade Policy

Who gains or loses from trade?

Different groups within countries can gain or lose, depending on the trade policies and sectors involved.

International Trade Issues

What is the purpose of the 'What to Trade?' section?

To discuss the types of goods and services that can be traded.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is the purpose of the conclusion in an economics discussion?

To summarize key findings and implications of the economic analysis.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What penalty is incurred for late submissions?

A 5-point penalty per hour.

Intentional Simplification in Economic Models

What is an example of intentional simplification in economic models?

The 'smile' represented by a simple smile emoji.

Introduction to International Economics

Why is it important to study International Economics?

Nations are more connected than ever through trade.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is the deadline for the term paper?

11:59 PM, January 7th.

International Trade Issues

What is the focus of International Trade Issues?

The study of trade between countries and its effects.

International Trade Issues

What does the term 'freer trade' refer to?

Reduced barriers to trade between countries.

Intentional Simplification in Economic Models

What does the figure of a smile emoji with tears represent?

A more complex interpretation of the 'smile' model.

International Trade Issues

What does International Trade Issues focus on?

The trade of goods and services across nations.

Gravity Model of Trade

What is a key characteristic of small countries in relation to trade?

They tend to rely more on trade.

Gravity Model of Trade

What concept is explored in the 'Gravity in Trade' section?

The relationship between the size of economies and the distance between them in trade.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What are some key sections mentioned in the content?

Introduction, Break, Logistics, What to Trade?, Gravity in Trade, Trade and Macro, Conclusion.

International Trade Issues

What are the gains from trade?

Increased efficiency and access to a wider variety of goods.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What should the project hypothesis be based on?

Facts and evidence.

Gravity Model of Trade

What is another important aspect to determine trade relationships?

Gravity in trade.

Impacts of Trade Policy

What are the impacts of trade policy?

Trade policies can affect tariffs, trade volumes, and economic relationships between countries.

International Trade Issues

What will be the focus of the following 4-5 lectures?

Explaining and rationalizing each country’s trade pattern and the gains from trade.

Gravity Model of Trade

What is the mathematical representation of the relationship in trade flows?

1 log(X × Y) = log X + log Y, log(X/Y) = log X − log Y.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is the purpose of the office hour mentioned?

To address students' needs and questions.

Gravity Model of Trade

What is the significance of gravity in trade?

It refers to the economic principle that larger economies tend to trade more with each other.

Globalization and Trade Controversies

What is a common viewpoint regarding globalization?

It is often controversial and not everyone supports freer trade.

Key Concepts in Economics

What are the two main components of studying economics?

Formulation of models and examination of data.

Trade and Macro

How does trade impact macroeconomic factors?

Trade influences GDP, employment, and inflation rates in an economy.

Correlation vs. Causation in Economics

What is a significant distinction made in economics?

Correlation vs. Causation.

International Trade Issues

What is the relationship between country size and reliance on imports?

Smaller countries tend to rely more on imports.

Key Concepts in Economics

What is the primary focus of economics?

Studying social problems from a scientific viewpoint.

Gravity Model of Trade

What concept relates to the movement of goods and services across borders?

Gravity in Trade.

Introduction to International Economics

What are the two main strands of issues studied in International Economics?

International Trade Issues and International Monetary Issues.

Gravity Model of Trade

What does the data suggest about US imports in relation to the Gravity Model?

Data roughly follow the gravity model but not perfectly.

Gravity Model of Trade

What does the term 'Gravity in Trade' refer to?

It refers to the idea that trade between two countries is proportional to their economic size and inversely proportional to the distance between them.

Gravity Model of Trade

What is the relationship between distance and bilateral trade volume?

Bilateral trade volume tends to decrease with distance.

International Trade Issues

What are the gains from trade?

Increased efficiency and access to a wider variety of goods.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is the conclusion of the course likely to summarize?

The key insights and findings related to international trade.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What should students apply in their projects?

What we study in this course.

Gravity Model of Trade

What is the relationship between the size of trading partners and bilateral trade flows?

Bilateral trade flows increase with the size of trading partners.

International Trade Issues

What is an example of trade data by trading partner?

US’s Exports to China vs. Japan.

Trade and Macro

How does trade relate to macroeconomics?

Trade impacts overall economic performance and growth.

International Trade Issues

Why do countries trade?

Countries trade to benefit from comparative advantages and to access goods and services not available domestically.

Course Logistics and Assessment

How often will assignments be given?

Weekly or bi-weekly.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What percentage of the course grade is based on problem sets?


Course Logistics and Assessment

What is the maximum percentage of students that can achieve an A+ in the class?

Up to 5%.

International Trade Issues

What is the focus of the section 'What to Trade?'?

It discusses the types of goods and services that can be traded.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What will the homework assignments and exam primarily assess?

Understanding of key models and concepts and their applications to the real world.

Intentional Simplification in Economic Models

What does the figure of a 'Real' Smile represent?

It visually demonstrates the concept of intentional simplification in economic models.

Key Concepts in Economics

What will be discussed again in later classes?

Each figure related to trade data.

Correlation vs. Causation in Economics

What is the purpose of a model in economics?

A model helps us to understand causality.

Course Logistics and Assessment

Who is the teaching assistant for the course?

Yangyang Jin.

Intentional Simplification in Economic Models

How can additional variables affect the interpretation of a simplified model?

They can lead to different conclusions, as shown by the smile emoji with tears.

Key Concepts in Economics

How do economists motivate, test, and revise their models?

Through the examination of data.

Intentional Simplification in Economic Models

What is an example of intentional simplification mentioned in the text?

The smile emoji.

Gravity Model of Trade

What is the purpose of the Gravity Model in trade?

To analyze trade patterns and find anomalies.

Key Concepts in Economics

What is the primary focus of economics?

Economics is about the study of how societies allocate scarce resources.

International Trade Issues

What is a key factor that influences trade between countries?


Intentional Simplification in Economic Models

What does a downward turn of the mouth corners indicate?

It is unlikely the person is happy.

International Trade Issues

What is a key question regarding gains from trade?

Do gains from trade depend on the country size?

Gravity Model of Trade

What does the term 'Gravity in Trade' refer to?

The concept that trade volume between countries is positively related to their economic size and negatively related to the distance between them.

Key Concepts in Economics

What approach does International Trade Issues primarily take?

A more Microeconomics approach.

Course Logistics and Assessment

How long should the project presentation be?

10-15 minutes, depending on class size.

International Trade Issues

What are the top three exports of China?

Machines, Textiles, Metals.

Key Concepts in Economics

What approach does International Monetary Issues primarily take?

A more Macroeconomics approach.

Impacts of Trade Policy

What does the 'Trade and Macro' section address?

The impact of trade on macroeconomic factors.

International Trade Issues

What tends to differ between a country's main imports and exports?

They tend to differ, but some may overlap.

Trade and Macro

What is the relationship between trade and macroeconomics?

Trade impacts macroeconomic indicators such as GDP and employment.

Gravity Model of Trade

What concept is explored in the section 'Gravity in Trade'?

The relationship between distance and trade volume, often modeled using the Gravity Model.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What percentage of the course grade is based on problem sets?


Course Logistics and Assessment

What are the main sections mentioned in the course outline?

Introduction, Break, Logistics, What to Trade?, Gravity in Trade, Trade and Macro, Conclusion.

International Trade Issues

Why does the US trade more with Mexico than projected?

Due to factors like the US-Canada-Mexico trade agreement.

International Trade Issues

What is the significance of trade dependency among countries?

Some countries are more likely to depend on trade than others.

Course Logistics and Assessment

How often will assignments be given?

Weekly or bi-weekly.

Intentional Simplification in Economic Models

What is the purpose of using models in economics?

To gain insight, even though they are never perfect.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is the deadline for submitting assignments?

One week.

Course Logistics and Assessment

How long should the project presentation be?

10-15 minutes, depending on class size.

Course Logistics and Assessment

In what format should assignments be submitted?

PDF format.

Impacts of Trade Policy

What does the 'Trade and Macro' section address?

The impact of trade on macroeconomic factors.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What tools can be used to create presentation slides?

PowerPoint, Beamer, or equivalent.

Impacts of Trade Policy

How does trade policy impact trade volume?

Trade policy does affect trade volume.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What are the two main focuses of the assignments?

Basic understanding of key concepts and their application to real-world data or events.

Gravity Model of Trade

What concept does 'Gravity in Trade' refer to?

The idea that trade between two countries is proportional to their economic size and inversely proportional to the distance between them.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is the significance of understanding trade logistics?

It helps in planning and executing trade effectively.

International Monetary Issues

What is an example of an exchange rate mentioned?


International Monetary Issues

How are exchange rates determined?

Exchange rates are influenced by factors like interest rates, inflation, and economic stability.

Impacts of Trade Policy

What are the impacts of trade policy?

Trade policy can affect economic growth, employment, and the distribution of resources within a country.

International Monetary Issues

What flows across countries in relation to exchange rates?


Course Logistics and Assessment

Where is the office located?

B816 in the Antai’s building.

International Trade Issues

What is the focus of the section titled 'What to Trade?'

It discusses the types of goods and services that are traded internationally.

Course Logistics and Assessment

How is grading distributed in the course?

Assignments (20%), Presentation (40%), Term Paper (40%).

Course Logistics and Assessment

What are the main topics covered in the introduction?

Logistics, trade patterns, and macroeconomic aspects.

Gravity Model of Trade

What concept is explored in the section 'Gravity in Trade'?

The relationship between distance and trade volume, often referred to as the Gravity Model of Trade.

International Trade Issues

What is a key factor that influences trade patterns?

The partner country.

Key Concepts in Economics

What fundamental question does the course aim to address regarding trade?

Why do countries trade?

Course Logistics and Assessment

When can students expect the lecture slides to be posted?

Before the class.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is the purpose of the introduction in a course?

To provide an overview and set the context for the material.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is the course code for the International Economics class?


International Trade Issues

What are the gains from trade?

Increased efficiency and access to a wider variety of goods.

Key Concepts in Economics

What does economics study?

Social problems using models and data.

Intentional Simplification in Economic Models

What is the significance of using simplified models in economics?

They help in understanding and analyzing complex social problems.

International Trade Issues

Which countries are identified as large traders?

United States and China.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What will the lectures cover?

Key models and concepts in economics.

International Trade Issues

Where can useful trade data be found?

On the website https://oec.world/en.

Course Logistics and Assessment

How often will assignments be given?

Weekly or bi-weekly.

Gravity Model of Trade

What concept is explored in the section 'Gravity in Trade'?

The relationship between the size of economies and the volume of trade between them.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is the deadline for submitting assignments?

One week.

International Trade Issues

Which countries gain more from trade?

Large countries like the US and China, as well as small countries like Singapore and Belgium.

Key Concepts in Economics

What are the goals of the International Economics course?

To understand key concepts and models in international economics and apply them to real data and events.

International Trade Issues

What is the focus of the section 'What to Trade?'?

It discusses the types of goods and services that are commonly traded between countries.

Gravity Model of Trade

How does gravity relate to trade?

Gravity in trade refers to the idea that larger economies attract more trade.

Impacts of Trade Policy

What are the potential outcomes of trade that the course will explore?

The gains and losses from trade.

Impacts of Trade Policy

What are the impacts of trade policy?

Trade policies can affect tariffs, trade volumes, and economic relationships.

Intentional Simplification in Economic Models

What is an example of intentional simplification mentioned?

The 'smile' represented by a smile emoji.

Gravity Model of Trade

What does the term 'Gravity in Trade' refer to?

A model that explains trade patterns based on economic size and distance.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is one of the goals of today's session?

To understand course logistics.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What should students do if they have difficulties before the deadline?

Contact the instructor.

Key Concepts in Economics

What is a characteristic of the real world in relation to economics?

The real world is very complex.

Trade and Macro

What is the relationship between trade and macroeconomics?

Trade impacts macroeconomic indicators like GDP and employment.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is the purpose of the 'Conclusion' section?

To summarize the key points discussed throughout the course.

Gravity Model of Trade

What concept is explored in 'Gravity in Trade'?

The relationship between trade volume and the economic size and distance between countries.

International Monetary Issues

What is the global real economy beyond trade?

It includes Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and the role of multinationals.

Impacts of Trade Policy

What does the section 'Trade and Macro' address?

The impact of trade on macroeconomic factors such as GDP and employment.

Course Logistics and Assessment

How often will assignments be given?

Weekly or bi-weekly.

Gravity Model of Trade

In the Gravity Model of Trade, what do the variables GDP_o and GDP_d represent?

GDP_o represents the GDP of the origin country, and GDP_d represents the GDP of the destination country.

Intentional Simplification in Economic Models

What will be studied to explain patterns in international trade?


Gravity Model of Trade

What mathematical property is used in the Gravity Model of Trade?

The logarithmic properties: log(X × Y) = log(X) + log(Y) and log(X/Y) = log(X) - log(Y).

Gravity Model of Trade

What is the formula for the Gravity Model of Trade?

X_od = A × GDP_o × GDP_d / Dist_od

International Trade Issues

What is a notable trade issue between China and the US?

Trade deficits.

International Trade Issues

What types of data facts should be examined in trade analysis?

What countries import/export and how trade patterns change over time.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is the purpose of the conclusion in a course?

To summarize key points and reinforce learning.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is the purpose of the 'Conclusion' section?

To summarize the key points discussed throughout the course.

International Trade Issues

What can influence a country's imports and exports?

The trading partner.

International Trade Issues

What is the focus of Firm S's FDI strategy?

Production bases in Country C and research bases in Country U.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is mentioned as a recurring theme in the course structure?

Breaks between sections.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is the purpose of the ECON 101 mini-lecture slides?

To assist students who may not have majored in economics.

International Trade Issues

What theory is Firm S's strategy hypothesized to be based on?

The Heckscher-Ohlin theory.

Introduction to International Economics

Why is it important to study International Economics?

Nations are more connected than ever through trade, and globalization is often controversial.

Gravity Model of Trade

What does the Gravity Model of Trade suggest about bilateral trade flows?

Bilateral trade flows increase with the size of trading partners and decrease with the distance between them.

Gravity Model of Trade

What is the significance of 'Gravity in Trade'?

It refers to the factors influencing trade patterns and volumes.

Course Logistics and Assessment

How can students ask questions during class?

Questions are always welcome during class.

International Trade Issues

What is the focus of the class regarding international trade?

Facts about international trade.

International Trade Issues

What is the significance of 'Trade and Macro' in the course?

It examines the relationship between trade and macroeconomic factors.

International Trade Issues

Which countries are considered small but highly dependent on trade?

Singapore and Belgium.

International Trade Issues

What is a key factor in determining trade dependency among countries?

The size of the country.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is the significance of breaks in a course schedule?

To allow students time to rest and process information.

Trade and Macro

How does trade relate to macroeconomics?

Trade impacts overall economic performance and growth.

Trade and Macro

What is the relationship between trade and macroeconomics?

Trade impacts macroeconomic indicators like GDP and employment.

Course Logistics and Assessment

Who is the instructor for the International Economics course?

Yuta Suzuki.

International Monetary Issues

What does the Balance of Payments indicate?

It reflects a country's economic transactions with the rest of the world, including trade deficits.

International Monetary Issues

What is one topic related to international monetary issues?

Exchange rates and their impact on trade.

International Trade Issues

What are the top three categories of China's exports in 2019?

Machines, Textiles, Metals.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What are some key topics covered in the course?

What to Trade, Gravity in Trade, Trade and Macro.

International Trade Issues

Which countries are more dependent on trade?

Small countries like Singapore and Belgium.

Globalization and Trade Controversies

What is a common opposition in the context of globalization?

Many people oppose freer trade or globalization.

Gravity Model of Trade

What does the term 'Gravity in Trade' refer to?

It refers to the concept that trade flows are influenced by the economic size and distance between countries.

Correlation vs. Causation in Economics

Why is causality important in economics?

It helps to understand the relationships between variables.

International Trade Issues

Which countries are considered large in terms of trade?

United States and China.

Gravity Model of Trade

What does the Gravity Model of Trade suggest about bilateral trade flows?

Bilateral trade flows increase with the size of trading partners and decrease with the distance between them.

Gravity Model of Trade

What concept does 'Gravity in Trade' refer to?

It refers to the idea that larger economies attract more trade.

Key Concepts in Economics

What is a key concept that may be discussed in assignments related to trade?

The Ricardian model.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What type of understanding is primarily assessed in the assignments?

Basic understanding of key concepts.

Intentional Simplification in Economic Models

What is important to recognize a 'smile'?

Understanding the visual representation and its meaning.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is the role of Microsoft Forms in the course?

To gather feedback and assess student understanding.

Gravity Model of Trade

How does distance affect bilateral trade flows?

Bilateral trade flows decrease with the distance between trading partners.

International Trade Issues

What is the focus of international economics?

Trade and monetary issues.

International Trade Issues

Which countries are considered small but significant traders?

Singapore and Belgium.

International Trade Issues

What is the focus of the section 'What to Trade'?

It discusses the types of goods and services that can be traded.

Gravity Model of Trade

What concept is explored in the 'Gravity in Trade' section?

The relationship between trade volume and the economic size and distance between countries.

International Monetary Issues

What might explain sudden changes in exchange rates?

Various economic factors (not specified in the text).

Key Concepts in Economics

What is the primary focus of economics?

It studies social problems.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What will be mainly assessed in the assignments?

Basic understanding of key concepts and their application to real-world data or events.

Course Logistics and Assessment

When is the instructor unavailable for office hours?

On Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons, and Thursday mornings.

International Monetary Issues

What example is used to illustrate exchange rates?

The JPY-USD exchange rate.

International Trade Issues

How do US exports to Japan differ from those to China?

US exports different types of goods, such as transportation and food, to each country.

International Monetary Issues

What trend is observed in bond returns?

The gap in bond returns shows a similar trend to exchange rates.

Course Logistics and Assessment

In what format should assignments be submitted?

PDF format.

Correlation vs. Causation in Economics

What question is raised regarding exchange rates and bond returns?

Are the two linked, and if so, why?

International Trade Issues

What practical application will the course include regarding tariffs?

Discussing if tariffs are beneficial or not.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is the purpose of the 'Conclusion' section?

To summarize the key points discussed in the presentation.

Gravity Model of Trade

What does the Gravity Model of Trade explain?

The trade flow between two countries based on their economic size and distance.

Impacts of Trade Policy

Who gains or loses from trade?

Different groups within countries can gain or lose, depending on the trade policies and sectors involved.

Key Concepts in Economics

What is the significance of data facts in the course?

To provide insights and context for economic concepts.

Key Concepts in Economics

What are the two main components of studying economics?

Formulation of models and examination of data.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What are the components of the final exam?

A presentation and a term paper.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What course does the instructor encourage students to take?

The Business Econ course.

International Trade Issues

What is the focus of the section 'What to Trade?'?

It discusses the types of goods and services that can be traded.

International Trade Issues

What is a key factor that influences trade patterns between countries?

The trading partner.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What should students do to discuss their potential project?

Visit during office hours.

International Trade Issues

How does the size of a country affect its trade relationships?

Smaller countries tend to trade differently compared to larger countries.

Impacts of Trade Policy

What does the section 'Trade and Macro' likely cover?

The impact of trade on macroeconomic factors such as GDP, employment, and inflation.

Gravity Model of Trade

What is the significance of gravity in trade?

It helps explain trade patterns based on geographical and economic proximity.

International Monetary Issues

How are exchange rates determined?

Exchange rates are influenced by factors such as interest rates, inflation, and economic stability.

Impacts of Trade Policy

What does the section 'Trade and Macro' likely cover?

The impact of trade on macroeconomic factors such as GDP and employment.

International Trade Issues

What is the focus of the 'What to Trade?' section?

Determining the types of goods and services exchanged in trade.

International Trade Issues

What is the focus of the 'What to Trade?' section?

It discusses the types of goods and services that can be traded.

Intentional Simplification in Economic Models

What is an example of intentional simplification in economics?

The concept of a 'Smile' used to illustrate economic principles.

International Trade Issues

What is the focus of the section 'What to Trade?'?

It discusses the types of goods and services that countries engage in trading.

International Monetary Issues

What is a key topic covered in the course related to international finance?

International Monetary Issues.

Gravity Model of Trade

What does the term 'Gravity in Trade' refer to?

It refers to the economic theory that larger economies attract more trade.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is the purpose of class presentations in the course?

To prepare for the final exam and reinforce learning through peer engagement.

Trade and Macro

What is the relationship between trade and macroeconomics?

Trade impacts macroeconomic factors such as GDP, employment, and inflation.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is the attendance requirement for the MIB program?

You must attend 2/3 of the classes.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What platforms can students use to post questions outside of class?

Canvas, email, or Wechat.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What will the assignments mainly focus on?

Basic understanding of key concepts and their application to real-world data or events.

Gravity Model of Trade

What does the 'Gravity in Trade' section refer to?

It refers to the Gravity Model, which explains trade patterns based on the economic size and distance between countries.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is the purpose of the 'Conclusion' section?

To summarize the key points discussed throughout the course.

Impacts of Trade Policy

What is the relationship between trade and macroeconomics discussed in the 'Trade and Macro' section?

It examines how trade impacts macroeconomic indicators like GDP, employment, and inflation.

Gravity Model of Trade

What transformation can be applied to the Gravity Model equation?

log(X_od / (GDP_o × GDP_d)) = log(A) - log(Dist_od)

Trade and Macro

How does trade impact macroeconomic factors?

It influences GDP, employment, and inflation rates.

Introduction to International Economics

What is the purpose of the initial discussion in the class?

To motivate students to study international trade using real-world data facts.

Key Concepts in Economics

What is the primary focus of economics?

The study of social problems from a scientific viewpoint.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What will be the focus of the class presentations?

Final exam preparation and review.

Course Logistics and Assessment

When is the ECON8008 International Economics course scheduled?

Fall 2024.

Impacts of Trade Policy

What are the impacts of tariffs?

Tariffs can raise prices for consumers and affect trade volumes.

International Trade Issues

What factors are analyzed in Firm S's strategy?

Costs of hiring workers and sourcing inputs.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What should students do before visiting the office?

Make an appointment.

Gravity Model of Trade

What is the formula for the Gravity Model of Trade?

X_od = A × GDP_o × GDP_d / Dist_od

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is the purpose of the course WeChat group?

To facilitate communication and collaboration among participants.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is the purpose of the 'Conclusion' section?

To summarize the key points discussed throughout the material.

Gravity Model of Trade

In the Gravity Model, what do GDP_o and GDP_d represent?

GDP_o represents the GDP of the origin country, and GDP_d represents the GDP of the destination country.

International Trade Issues

What is the focus of the section titled 'What to Trade?'

Identifying goods and services that countries exchange.

International Monetary Issues

What does the trade deficit really mean?

It indicates that a country is importing more goods and services than it is exporting.

Course Logistics and Assessment

Which institution offers the ECON8008 International Economics course?

Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Impacts of Trade Policy

What are the impacts of trade policy?

Trade policies can affect tariffs, trade volumes, and economic relationships.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is the deadline for submitting assignments?

One week.

Course Logistics and Assessment

In what format should assignments be submitted?

PDF format.

Impacts of Trade Policy

What does the 'Trade and Macro' section address?

The impact of trade on macroeconomic factors.

International Trade Issues

Why do countries trade?

To gain economic benefits and improve welfare.

Course Logistics and Assessment

In what format should assignments be submitted?

PDF format.

International Trade Issues

What are the gains from trade?

Increased efficiency and access to a wider variety of goods.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is the deadline for assignment submissions?

One week.

Impacts of Trade Policy

Who gains or loses from trade?

Different groups within countries can gain or lose, depending on the trade policies and sectors involved.

International Trade Issues

What does the 'What to Trade?' section discuss?

It addresses the types of goods and services that can be traded.

Key Concepts in Economics

What might be included in the 'data facts' section?

Statistical information and data related to trade patterns and economic indicators.

International Trade Issues

What does the figure on US exports to Japan illustrate?

The specific types and volumes of goods exported from the US to Japan.

International Trade Issues

Which countries tend to trade more than others?

Countries with larger economies and closer geographical proximity typically trade more.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What are the main topics covered in the course?

Introduction, What to Trade, Gravity in Trade, Trade and Macro, Conclusion.

Intentional Simplification in Economic Models

What does the formulation of models in economics involve?

Assumptions leading to implications and intentional simplification of relationships.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What percentage of the overall assessment is based on problem sets?


International Trade Issues

What is the trade relationship between China and the US?

China exports more than it imports from the US, while the US imports more than it exports to China.

International Trade Issues

What is the significance of 'What to Trade?' in economics?

It addresses the decisions regarding the exchange of goods and services.

Impacts of Trade Policy

What does a trade surplus indicate?

It indicates that a country exports more than it imports.

International Trade Issues

What role does distance play in international trade?

Distance matters in determining trade relationships.

Impacts of Trade Policy

Is a trade deficit considered good or bad?

It can be viewed as both good or bad, depending on the economic context.

Trade and Macro

What is the relationship between trade and macroeconomics?

Trade impacts macroeconomic factors such as GDP and employment.

Gravity Model of Trade

What does the 'Gravity in Trade' section likely discuss?

The relationship between the size of economies and their trade volumes.

International Trade Issues

What should students keep an eye on during the course?

Issues related to international economics.

Impacts of Trade Policy

What is the relationship between trade and macroeconomics discussed?

It examines how trade impacts overall economic performance and macroeconomic indicators.

Key Concepts in Economics

What can be found in the complex data on international trade and finance?

Some patterns.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is the purpose of the 'Introduction' section?

To provide an overview of the topics covered.

Impacts of Trade Policy

What are the impacts of tariffs?

Tariffs can raise prices for consumers and protect domestic industries but may also lead to trade retaliation.

Gravity Model of Trade

What logarithmic property is used in the transformation of the Gravity Model?

log(X × Y) = log(X) + log(Y) and log(X / Y) = log(X) - log(Y).

International Trade Issues

What significant event impacted China's trade patterns?

China's entry into the WTO.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is the purpose of the conclusion in an economics course?

To summarize key insights and implications of economic theories.

International Trade Issues

What factors should be considered when deciding what to trade?

Market demand, supply, and comparative advantage.

Course Logistics and Assessment

What is one application students may be asked to demonstrate in their assignments?

Application to real-world data or events.

Course Logistics and Assessment

Why is it important to know students better?

To tailor the course content and improve engagement.

Study Smarter, Not Harder
Study Smarter, Not Harder