What is the primary objective of the United Nations as an organization?
To ensure peace and order, the UN can be a conflict actor in itself or an instrument for action driven by the interests of particular states.
What is the Security Council (SC)?
The Security Council is the most potent organ of the United Nations with the power to make legally binding resolutions, responsible for maintaining international peace and security.
Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

What is the primary objective of the United Nations as an organization?

To ensure peace and order, the UN can be a conflict actor in itself or an instrument for action driven by the interests of particular states.

Security Council Functions and Composition

What is the Security Council (SC)?

The Security Council is the most potent organ of the United Nations with the power to make legally binding resolutions, responsible for maintaining international peace and security.

Security Council Functions and Composition

What is the significance of the veto power in the Security Council?

The veto power is a structural feature resulting from an international compromise among the Allied powers of World War II, allowing any of the P-5 to block resolutions.

Impact of Multinational Corporations and NGOs

What is the significance of multinational corporations in global politics?

Multinational corporations are significant organizations that challenge the strength of national autonomy and influence global politics.

Security Council Functions and Composition

What does Article 99 mandate the Secretary-General to do?

Article 99 mandates the Secretary-General to call for the attention of the members of the Security Council on threats to international peace and security.

Security Council Functions and Composition

What are the instruments adopted by the Security Council to maintain peace?

The Security Council adopts instruments such as sanctions, peacekeeping, and peace enforcement to maintain peace and order.

Security Council Functions and Composition

What is the primary concern of the United Nations regarding collective military security?

The primary concern is collective military security through the facilitation of peaceful settlement of disputes among member-states or by commanding allegiance of the entire UN membership; sanctions.

Security Council Functions and Composition

Who are the Permanent Members (P-5) of the Security Council?

The Permanent Members of the Security Council are China, France, Great Britain, Russia, and the United States.

Security Council Functions and Composition

What does Article 24 of the UN Charter mandate for the Security Council?

Article 24 mandates the Security Council to act on behalf of the entire UN body to fulfill its primary responsibility for maintaining international peace and security.

General Assembly Role and Decision-Making

What is the General Assembly (GA)?

The General Assembly is the only organ with universal representation, consisting of all 193 member states, and it decides on essential questions with a simple majority.

Principal Organs of the United Nations

What is the International Court of Justice (ICJ)?

It is the United Nations’ principal judicial organ, responsible for settling legal disputes between states and providing advisory opinions on legal questions referred by UN organs and specialized agencies.

Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

What are the challenges of global governance in the twenty-first century?

The challenges of global governance in the twenty-first century include addressing the complexities of international cooperation and the impact of globalization.

Principal Organs of the United Nations

Who is the chief administrative officer of the UN Secretariat?

The Secretary-General is the chief administrative officer of the UN Secretariat.

Interstate System Structure and Dynamics

What does the Interstate System refer to?

The Interstate System refers to the worldwide organization of states and the efforts of countries and governments to cooperate and collaborate.

Principal Organs of the United Nations

What is the primary objective of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)?

To advance the economic, social, and environmental dimensions of sustainable development.

Reform of the United Nations

What is the purpose of reforming the United Nations?

Reforming the United Nations aims to change the structure of the Security Council to distribute power and foster inclusive decision-making for marginalized and excluded member states.

United Nations Overview and History

What is the United Nations (UN)?

The United Nations (UN) serves as the primary organization for international cooperation, peace, and security, created in 1945 by the Allied Powers after the Second World War.

United Nations Overview and History

What was the purpose of the San Francisco Conference?

The purpose was to convene representatives of 50 countries to draw up the United Nations Charter.

Peacekeeping and Conflict Resolution

What is the role of UN peacekeepers?

UN peacekeepers are deployed to provide security to populations and political and peace-building support to countries transitioning from conflict to peace.

Principal Organs of the United Nations

What is the role of the Trusteeship Council?

The main organ of the UN to provide international supervision of Trust Territories under the administration of seven member-states, ensuring adequate steps are taken to prepare the peoples of Trust Territories for self-governance.

Reform of the United Nations

What significant reform occurred in the UN in 1963?

In 1963, the UN General Assembly voted for the expansion of the Security Council from 11 to 15 member states.

Security Council Functions and Composition

What functions does the Security Council perform?

The Security Council investigates situations that may create international tensions, calls for military action, imposes economic sanctions, and determines breaches of peace.

General Assembly Role and Decision-Making

What majority is required for decisions related to peace and security in the GA?

Decisions related to peace and security, budgetary matters, and new membership admissions in the GA require a two-thirds majority.

Security Council Functions and Composition

What is the role of non-permanent members in the Security Council?

Non-permanent members are elected by the General Assembly for overlapping two-year terms, with ten seats divided among various regions.

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