What is the minimum diameter for the vent pipe in a petrol interceptor?
75 mm
What is the reference scale of the drawing?
Design Guidelines for Grease Traps

What is the minimum diameter for the vent pipe in a petrol interceptor?

75 mm

Overview of ProPECC PN 1/23

What is the reference scale of the drawing?


Design Guidelines for Grease Traps

What is the minimum distance between the inlet and outlet in a petrol interceptor?

750 mm

Overview of ProPECC PN 1/23

Which appendix is referenced in the document?

Appendix B ProPECC PN 1/23

Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

What is the fall of the inlet and outlet for the petrol interceptor?

1 in 12

Overview of ProPECC PN 1/23

Are bypass arrangements allowed in the design of wastewater treatment facilities?

No, bypass arrangements are not allowed unless well justified.

Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

What grade should the concrete be?

Grade 30/20

Septic Tank and Soakaway System Specifications

What is the thickness of the cement rendering used in the soil soakaway system?

25 mm

Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

What practices should be followed to achieve an optimum production and waste treatment process?

Waste minimization should be practiced, and waste heat, metal, oil, and chemicals should be recovered wherever practicable.

Drainage Plan Submission Guidelines

What is the fall rate indicated in the drawing?

1 in C

Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

What is the size of the stainless steel flat bar used?

50 x 10 mm

Overview of ProPECC PN 1/23

What provisions should be made when public foul sewers become available in the vicinity?

Provisions should be made for future connections to public foul sewers.

Drainage Plan Submission Guidelines

What type of pipe is specified with a 225 dia. and a Class F1 finish?

Concrete pipe

Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

What is the minimum level difference for outlet pipes in a compartment with A < 1000 mm?

150 mm

Drainage Plan Submission Guidelines

What is the maximum length specified for the 200 dia. C.I. pipe?

6500 (max.)

Overview of ProPECC PN 1/23

What is the former drawing number referenced in the document?


Drainage Plan Submission Guidelines

What is the reference number for the petrol interceptor?

H 3138B

Overview of ProPECC PN 1/23

What is required at the discharge outlet of a treatment plant for discharges greater than 50m³ per day?

A sampling point and an automatic flow measuring device with a non-resettable type totalizer.

Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

What is the minimum grade for the stainless steel access ladder according to BS EN 10088?

Grade 1.4401

Septic Tank and Soakaway System Specifications

What is the minimum clear distance between drains in a subsurface drain system?

900 mm

Design Guidelines for Grease Traps

What is the minimum diameter for the inlet and outlet pipes in a petrol interceptor according to the drawing EP 50/D1/1/01?

150 mm

Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

What is the maximum road level specified in the drawing?

6500 mm

Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

What section should be referred to for Section G-G?


Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

What is the diameter of the stainless steel bar used in the access ladder?

25 mm

Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

What is the reference scale used in the drawing?


Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

What is the diameter of the pipe for the petrol interceptor?

150 mm

Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

What is the standard drawing number for RSJ connections?


Discharge Regulations for Storm Drains and Foul Sewers

Why should discharge to foul sewers be kept to a minimum?

Discharge to foul sewers should be kept to a minimum to avoid unduly overloading the foul sewerage and to prevent pollution of the storm water systems.

Design Guidelines for Grease Traps

What is the minimum required grease trap retention volume for a kitchen floor area of 50 m²?

1.6 m³

Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

What section should be referred to for Section K-K?


Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

What is the required cover to reinforcement unless otherwise specified?


Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

What standard should reinforcement comply with?


Role of the Environmental Protection Department (EPD)

What should be done if there is doubt regarding any specific environmental design or pollution control issue?

Authorised Persons (APs) are welcome to approach the EPD for discussion or clarification, preferably as early as possible in the planning stage of a project.

Overview of ProPECC PN 1/23

What is the purpose of the drawing sheet?

Transport interchange for open public petrol interceptor

Overview of ProPECC PN 1/23

What is the revision date mentioned in the document?

October 22

Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

What is the reference drawing number for the transport interchange for open public petrol interceptor?


Septic Tank and Soakaway System Specifications

What is the minimum capacity for a septic tank as specified in the guidelines?

Not less than 2.3 m³ but not more than 41 m³.

Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

What is the retention time designed for the petrol interceptor?

At least 20 minutes

Septic Tank and Soakaway System Specifications

What engineering measures can be used to address site constraints such as inadequate absorption capacity of soil?

Soil replacement, mound system, or diversion of soakaway path

Drainage Plan Submission Guidelines

What should the drainage plan submission for oil storage installations include?

The drainage plan submission should include detailed drawings and design calculations, following the recommendations of the 'Code of Practice for Oil Storage Installations' published by the Building Authority.

Drainage Plan Submission Guidelines

What is the diameter of the concrete outlet pipe in the storm drainage system?

225 mm

Drainage Plan Submission Guidelines

What is the diameter of the vent pipe in the storm drainage system?

200 mm

Drainage Plan Submission Guidelines

What standard is referenced for hot dip galvanising in the drainage plan?

BS EN ISO 1461: 2022

Overview of ProPECC PN 1/23

What information should be included in a brief description of production processes according to ProPECC PN 1/23?

The description should indicate areas where water is used and wastewater is generated.

Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

When was the general revision labeled as 'A' made?

November 2002

Septic Tank and Soakaway System Specifications

Is surface water allowed to be connected to the septic tank?

No, surface water must not be connected to the tank.

Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

What is the required grade for structural steelwork unless otherwise specified?

Grade S275 to BS EN 10025

Design Guidelines for Grease Traps

What is the required gradient for the inlet pipe of a grease trap?

The gradient of the inlet pipe should be greater than 1 in 10.

Discharge Regulations for Storm Drains and Foul Sewers

How should drainage serving the open area of a petrol filling station be connected?

It should be connected to the storm water drains via a petrol interceptor with storm water bypass.

Design Guidelines for Grease Traps

Are grease traps required for bars and pantries where cooking is not carried out?

No, grease traps are not required for bars and pantries where cooking will not be carried out.

Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

Where should the main drain of a swimming pool be connected?

The main drain of a swimming pool should be connected to storm water drains, except in Water Gathering Grounds where consultation with the Water Supplies Department is advised.

Drainage Plan Submission Guidelines

What is the thickness of the concrete surround specified in the drainage plan?

100 mm

Drainage Plan Submission Guidelines

What is the revision date for the general revision marked as 'B'?

Oct 22

Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

What is the former drawing number mentioned in the revision notes?


Overview of ProPECC PN 1/23

What should be included in the design report for an industrial wastewater treatment plant proposal?

Detailed hydraulic and process calculations.

Septic Tank and Soakaway System Specifications

What is the maximum depth (D) allowed for a septic tank?

1800 mm.

Septic Tank and Soakaway System Specifications

What is the diameter of the perforated or open jointed pipe drain used in the soil soakaway system?

100 mm

Design Guidelines for Grease Traps

What is the maximum allowable velocity inside the pipes through the middle partition wall of a grease trap?

The velocity inside the pipes should not be greater than 0.2 m/s.

Discharge Regulations for Storm Drains and Foul Sewers

Where should car servicing bays, car wash bays, and lubrication bays be located?

They should be located within roofed areas as far as possible.

Sewage Treatment and Disposal Requirements

What is recommended for sewage treatment plants designed to cater for a peak flow of 3 times the daily average flow rate?

For sewage treatment plants designed to cater for a peak flow of 3 times the daily average flow rate, it is recommended to provide two duty and one standby pumps in equalization tanks as far as practicable to limit the flow through the treatment units to within 1.5 times the daily average flow rate during off-peak periods.

Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

What should runoff in kerb gutters of roads or channels of building platforms pass through?

Runoff should pass through a gully pit with necessary gratings to prevent objects from entering the storm water drains.

Drainage Plan Submission Guidelines

What type of pipe is used for the petrol interceptor connecting manhole?

150 mm diameter concrete pipe

Role of the Environmental Protection Department (EPD)

What department is responsible for the petrol interceptor drawing EP 50/D1/1/01?

Environmental Protection Department Hong Kong

Design Guidelines for Grease Traps

How is the minimum required grease trap retention volume calculated for kitchen floor areas not listed in the table?

It can be calculated pro-rata.

Overview of ProPECC PN 1/23

What standby equipment should neutralization plants be equipped with?

Standby dosing pumps, a standby acid/alkali dosing system, and a pH sensor with visual alarm and graphical recorder.

Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

What is the standard drawing number for details of cover to access opening and desilting opening?


Septic Tank and Soakaway System Specifications

What is the minimum distance from a soakaway system to water bodies?

100 meters

Septic Tank and Soakaway System Specifications

What is the minimum clearance requirement from a soakaway system to buildings?

1.5 meters

Design Guidelines for Grease Traps

What should be the minimum size for the cleaning hole in a grease trap?

The minimum size for the cleaning hole is 200×200mm with a cover.

Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

What is the requirement for sewage pump sumps to prevent hazards from sewage overflowing?

Sewage pump sumps should have a standby pump with a capacity not less than any of the duty pumps, and duty pumps should not operate more than 10 on-off cycles per hour.

Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

What is the spacing between the access ladder rungs?

1500 mm center to center

Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

What is the level difference for outlet pipes in a compartment with 2000 < A < 3000 mm?

200 mm

Design Guidelines for Grease Traps

What should be provided for kitchen floor areas smaller than 12 m²?

A grease trap with a retention volume of 0.7 m³ should be provided unless the adequacy of a smaller grease trap can be demonstrated.

Septic Tank and Soakaway System Specifications

What is the required ratio of volumes between the first and second chambers of a septic tank?


Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

What is the required size for all fillet welds unless otherwise specified?


Septic Tank and Soakaway System Specifications

What is the purpose of a percolation test in the context of soakaway systems?

To determine the absorption capacity of soil

Discharge Regulations for Storm Drains and Foul Sewers

Under which sections of the Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and Latrines) Regulations should foul water and surface water be discharged?

Under section 40(1) and 41(1) of the Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and Latrines) Regulations (Cap. 123I), foul water should be discharged to a foul sewer and surface water should be discharged via rainwater pipes to storm water drains.

Sewage Treatment and Disposal Requirements

What should be provided to dispose of foul water where there is no public sewer in the vicinity?

A septic tank or other approved facility should be provided to dispose of foul water where there is no public sewer in the vicinity.

Sewage Treatment and Disposal Requirements

What should a sewage treatment plant submission include?

A sewage treatment plant submission should include all information required in the 'Guidelines for the Design of Small Sewage Treatment Plants'. The exact discharge location and effluent discharge standards should be checked with the EPD before commencing on design.

Recommendations for Commercial and Industrial Wastewater

When should proposals on effluent reuse be discussed with the EPD?

Proposals on effluent reuse should be discussed with the EPD at the early conception stage.

Design Guidelines for Grease Traps

What is the peaking factor for a kitchen floor area of 100 m²?


Overview of ProPECC PN 1/23

What should a wastewater characteristics report address according to ProPECC PN 1/23?

It should adequately address the fluctuations in wastewater flow and characteristics.

Overview of ProPECC PN 1/23

What document is referenced in Appendix B?

ProPECC PN 1/23

Septic Tank and Soakaway System Specifications

What is the diameter of the vent pipe that must be carried above the roof of adjacent buildings?

75 mm.

Design Guidelines for Grease Traps

What is the minimum and maximum height (H) for a grease trap?

The minimum height (H) is 600mm and the maximum height is 1200mm. For kitchen floor areas ≥ 50m², H should be a minimum of 900mm.

Septic Tank and Soakaway System Specifications

What is the minimum clearance requirement from a soakaway system to wells?

30 meters

Discharge Regulations for Storm Drains and Foul Sewers

What should be done with polluted rainwater before discharging it to storm water drains?

Polluted rainwater should be discharged to storm water drains after the removal of pollutants by appropriate facilities.

Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

To what should drainage outlets in open areas subjected to wind-blown rain be connected?

Drainage outlets in open areas subjected to wind-blown rain should be connected to storm water drains.

Design Guidelines for Grease Traps

What is the average water consumption used to determine the minimum required grease trap retention volume?

0.5 m³ per day per m² of kitchen floor area.

Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

What is the minimum lap length for mild steel plain bar?

40 diameter of bar

Septic Tank and Soakaway System Specifications

What is the minimum clear opening size for a septic tank cover?

550 x 550 mm.

Septic Tank and Soakaway System Specifications

What is the allowable loading in litres per m² per day for a pit percolation area if the time for water to fall 25 mm in the test pit is 10 minutes?

94 litres per m² per day

Sewage Treatment and Disposal Requirements

Under what circumstances is a small sewage treatment plant acceptable?

A small sewage treatment plant is acceptable only where it is demonstrated that there is no viable alternative, including public sewerage, pumping mains to connect to public foul sewers, upgrading of existing sewerage, and the use of a septic tank and soakaway system for small rural populations.

Effluent Discharge Standards and Treatment Facilities

Where can the Technical Memorandum on Effluent Standards be accessed?

The Technical Memorandum on Effluent Standards is available at the EPD’s website (http://www.epd.gov.hk).

Design Guidelines for Grease Traps

What additional installations might be required depending on the actual operation of the proposed food premises?

Additional installations might be required to meet the standards given in the Technical Memorandum on Effluent Standards issued under section 21 of the Water Pollution Control Ordinance Cap.358.

Septic Tank and Soakaway System Specifications

Are overflow or bypass pipes allowed in the septic tank system?

No, overflow or bypass pipes are not allowed.

Recommendations for Commercial and Industrial Wastewater

What should be done to cater for overdosing of alkali to acidic wastewater?

A standby alkali dosing system should be used to cater for overdosing of acid to alkaline wastewater.

Sewage Treatment and Disposal Requirements

Is disposal of commercial and industrial wastewater by injection into the ground allowed?

No, disposal of commercial and industrial wastewater by injection into the ground (e.g. by soakaway pits) is not allowed.

Recommendations for Commercial and Industrial Wastewater

What should be done to commercial and industrial wastewater to meet prescribed effluent standards?

Commercial and industrial wastewater should be pretreated, where necessary, to meet prescribed effluent standards.

Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

How should drainage serving open transport interchanges and cargo handling areas be connected to storm water drains?

They should be connected via a petrol interceptor that allows storm water bypass during peak flow periods.

Recommendations for Commercial and Industrial Wastewater

Under which regulation may suitable treatment facilities be required for trade waste discharged into any drain or sewer?

Under section 90 of the Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and Latrines) Regulations (Cap. 123I).

Septic Tank and Soakaway System Specifications

How often should a septic tank be desludged according to the guidelines?

Every 6 months.

Septic Tank and Soakaway System Specifications

What document should be referred to for further guidelines on the operation and maintenance of septic tank systems?

The booklet 'Guidance Notes on Discharges from Village Houses' published by EPD.

Drainage Plan Submission Guidelines

What guidelines should be followed for the design of drainage for flatted factories?

The design should follow the recommendations of the Practice Note for Authorized Persons and Registered Structural Engineers: 'Pollution from Industrial Buildings - Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and Latrines) Regulation 90' (PNAP: APP – 46) published by the Building Authority.

Design Guidelines for Grease Traps

How should reinforced concrete grease traps be designed?

Reinforced concrete grease traps should be designed as liquid retaining structures with maximum surface crack widths of 0.2 mm.

Discharge Regulations for Storm Drains and Foul Sewers

What should the drainage arrangement and oil interceptor design for a power substation ensure?

It should ensure that no leaked or spilled oil could escape from the site even in the event of a serious transformer failure, fire, and similar incidents. Contaminated rainwater and fire-fighting water should also be discharged via an adequately designed oil interceptor.

Septic Tank and Soakaway System Specifications

What should the design of septic tank and soakaway systems meet?

The design of septic tank and soakaway systems should meet the minimum requirements given in Appendix D. Drainage plan submissions should include separation distances between soakaway systems and nearby water bodies/structures, percolation test results, and detailed design calculations.

Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

Under normal circumstances, to what should subsoil drains of slopes and groundwater collection drains for basements be connected?

Subsoil drains of slopes and groundwater collection drains for basements should be connected to storm water drains.

Design Guidelines for Grease Traps

What is the minimum diameter for inlet and vent pipes in a grease trap?

The minimum diameter for inlet pipes is 100mm and for vent pipes is 75mm.

Septic Tank and Soakaway System Specifications

What is the minimum clearance requirement from a soakaway system to paths?

1.5 meters

Design Guidelines for Grease Traps

What is the minimum clear opening size for the cover of a grease trap?

The minimum clear opening size for the cover is 550×550mm.

Effluent Discharge Standards and Treatment Facilities

What document does the EPD refer to when setting effluent discharge standards?

The EPD generally sets effluent discharge standards with reference to the Technical Memorandum on Effluent Standards issued under Section 21 of the Water Pollution Control Ordinance.

Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

How should surface water drainage be managed for slopes and open surfaces?

Surface water drainage should be provided to discharge storm water off slopes and from open surfaces, and should be led to storm water drains via silt removal facilities.

Recommendations for Commercial and Industrial Wastewater

What information should be included in drainage plans for industrial buildings where the users are known?

The nature of the business should be included.

Discharge Regulations for Storm Drains and Foul Sewers

Where should seawater used for cooling air-conditioning plants be discharged?

Seawater used for cooling air-conditioning plants should be discharged directly to the sea to avoid overloading the storm water drains.

Sewage Treatment and Disposal Requirements

What should be considered in the design parameters for nitrification, tertiary treatment, and nutrient removal?

Design parameters for nitrification, tertiary treatment, and nutrient removal should be well supported by relevant information, giving due regard to local influent characteristics and climatic conditions.

Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

What is the minimum distance required between each level switch in sewage pump sumps?

A minimum distance of 200mm is required between each level switch.

Design Guidelines for Grease Traps

What information should be included on the sign adjacent to the grease trap?

The sign should include the overall depth of the grease trap, liquid depth of the grease trap, a note that the grease trap needs cleaning when the top 200mm of liquid depth is occupied by grease, and warning signs and safety barriers should be erected around the manhole openings during cleaning and maintenance.

Design Guidelines for Grease Traps

What is the formula for calculating the volume of a grease trap?

The volume is calculated as Volume = B (L1 + L2) H.

Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

How should drainage in covered carparks and covered lorry loading areas be connected?

Drainage in covered carparks and covered lorry loading areas should be connected to foul sewers via petrol interceptors.

Design Guidelines for Grease Traps

What is the maximum length for the horizontal pipe between the last drainage fitment and the grease trap?

The horizontal pipe should not be longer than 10m. If this cannot be achieved, the gradient of the pipe should be increased and rodding eyes should be provided.

Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

Where should drainage outlets in covered areas receiving wastewater be discharged?

Drainage outlets in covered areas receiving wastewater should be discharged to foul sewers.

Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

What should be done with amendments made on alteration and addition and resubmission drawings?

Amendments should be clearly marked or coloured on the drainage plans.

Recommendations for Commercial and Industrial Wastewater

What should be included in the drainage submission when the wastewater flow and characteristics of a commercial or industrial development are known?

Details of an appropriate wastewater treatment facility, where necessary to meet prescribed effluent standards, should be included.

Design Guidelines for Grease Traps

How should wastewater from a restaurant kitchen or food processing factory be discharged?

It should be discharged via a grease trap capable of providing at least 20 minutes retention during peak flow.

Environmental Considerations in Drainage Design

Why should drainage outlets of verandahs next to kitchens and utility rooms be connected to foul sewers?

Drainage outlets of verandahs next to kitchens and utility rooms should be connected to foul sewers to prevent dwellers from discharging laundry or dishwasher wastewater through these outlets.

Recommendations for Commercial and Industrial Wastewater

Is dilution allowed as a means of meeting effluent standards?

No, dilution is not allowed as a means of meeting effluent standards.

Design Guidelines for Grease Traps

What is the minimum clear opening size for covers in a petrol interceptor?

550 x 550 mm

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Study Smarter, Not Harder