What is the relationship set between Students and Courses?
What process is overviewed in Chapter 2?
The database design process.
Types of Relationships

What is the relationship set between Students and Courses?


Database Design Phases

What process is overviewed in Chapter 2?

The database design process.

Attributes and Entity Sets

How can annual salary be derived?

From monthly salary.

Types of Relationships

What type of relationship is represented in the ER diagram?

Unary relationship.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What are derived attributes?

Attributes whose values are computed from other attributes.

Types of Relationships

Provide an example of how students are related to courses.

s1 takes c1, s1 takes c2, s2 takes c1.

Generalization and Specialization

What are generalization and specialization hierarchies referred to as?

IS_A hierarchies.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What defines a key of an entity set?

A set of attributes that can uniquely identify every potential entity of the entity set and remains minimal.

Types of Relationships

What is an n-ary relationship in the context of ER diagrams?

A relationship among n entity sets E1, E2, ..., En.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What determines whether an entity is strong or weak?

The way the data is modeled.

Connectivity and Degree of Relationships

What does the notation (1, 1) indicate in the relationship between Students and Professors?

Each student must be advised by exactly one professor.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What are stored attributes?

Attributes whose values are actually stored in the database.

Generalization and Specialization

What is the definition of specialization in data modeling?

Specialization is the process of defining a specialized entity set from a given entity set.

Types of Relationships

What is an example of a unary 1-to-1 relationship?

Is_married_to on Persons.

Flexibility in ER Modeling

What is an example of a sub entity set in ER modeling?

The TA entity set, which may have attributes specific to teaching assistants.

Types of Relationships

What is an example of an attribute of a relationship?


Attributes and Entity Sets

What is the minimality property in the context of keys?

If any attribute is removed from a key, the remaining attributes no longer form a key.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What is the result of extensive discussions among employees, managers, system analysts, and database designers?

A requirements document.

Entity-Relationship Model (ER Model)

Which model is covered in detail in Chapter 2?

The entity-relationship model.

Flexibility in ER Modeling

What is the purpose of using a super entity set in ER modeling?

To significantly simplify the ER diagram when sub entity sets share common properties.

Overview of Data Models

What is a data model?

A tool used to specify real-world objects (entities), relationships among them, constraints on them, and their manipulation.

Flexibility in ER Modeling

When should a super entity set be considered in ER modeling?

When sub entity sets share significant common properties.

Types of Relationships

What does a one-to-one relationship represent in ER modeling?

Each entity in set A is related to exactly one entity in set B and vice versa.

Types of Relationships

What does the relationship 'Takes' represent?

It represents the association between students and the courses they enroll in.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

How often should the inventory of a product be checked in the RBMS?


Requirement Collection and Analysis

What is the frequency of making a purchase in the RBMS?


Requirement Collection and Analysis

What information is required for Clerk in the RBMS?

Employee id, Name (first and last), Address, Salary Rate, Hours.

Connectivity and Degree of Relationships

What does the notation (0, m) indicate in the relationship between Professors and Students?

A professor can advise zero or many students.

Generalization and Specialization

What are the subclasses in the generalization example provided?

G_Students and UG_Students.

Types of Relationships

What does the notation (1, m) signify in relationships?

It indicates a one-to-many relationship.

Connectivity and Degree of Relationships

What does max_card represent in an n-ary relationship?

The maximum number of relationships in R an entity in Ei may participate in.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What are simple (or atomic) attributes?

Attributes that take a single and indivisible value for each entity.

Attributes and Entity Sets

Give an example of a derived attribute.

Age from Birthdate.

Attributes and Entity Sets

Provide examples of composite attributes.

Name (First_Name, Middle_Name, Last_Name) and Address (Street_Address, City, State, Zipcode).

Types of Relationships

What type of relationship is represented in the ER diagram?

Binary relationship.

Generalization and Specialization

What does a super entity set contain?

All common attributes of sub entity sets.

Attributes and Entity Sets

Can you give examples of entities?

A person, an organization, an airplane, a course.

Connectivity and Degree of Relationships

What is the cardinality between Orders and Products in the ternary relationship?

(1, m) - One Order can have many Products.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What attributes are associated with the Professors entity?

Pid, Name, Age.

Attributes and Entity Sets

Give examples of simple attributes.

Emp#, GPA, Address (as a single character string).

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What type of document may be generated first in the RBMS development process?

An informal document.

Overview of Data Models

What is an example of a data model?

The Relational Data Model.

Flexibility in ER Modeling

What does an IS_A hierarchy represent in ER modeling?

A relationship where a sub entity inherits attributes and relationships from a super entity.

Types of Relationships

What type of relationship is represented in the ER diagram involving Orders, Products, Projects, and Suppliers?

Ternary relationship.

Types of Relationships

What is the cardinality of the relationship between Students and Courses?

(1, 6) for Students and (5, n) for Courses.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What product information is required in the RBMS?

Product#, Product Name, Quantity on Hand, Invoice Price, Sale Price.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What are the two properties of an entity?

It exists and it is distinguishable.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What is the purpose of the Introduction section in a requirements document?

To state the objectives.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What is the frequency of adding a new employee in the RBMS?


Generalization and Specialization

What does IS_A semantics imply in specialization?

Every entity in a sub entity set is also an entity in the super entity set.

Flexibility in ER Modeling

When should a sub entity set be used?

When its entities have significant special features (attributes and relationships) not shared by other entities in the original entity set.

Generalization and Specialization

What is the definition of generalization in the context of entity sets?

Generalization is the process of defining a generalized entity set from a given set of semantically related entity sets.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What are the key attributes of the 'Employees' table in the Relational Data Model?

Emp#, Name, Dept_Name.

Generalization and Specialization

What is the Inheritance Principle?

A sub entity set inherits all properties (all attributes and relationships) from the super entity set.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What are the key attributes of the 'Departments' table in the Relational Data Model?

Name, Location.

Connectivity and Degree of Relationships

What is the cardinality of the relationship 'is_married_to'?

(0,1) for both sides.

Generalization and Specialization

What attributes are associated with the Students superclass?

Sid, Name, and GPA.

Overview of Data Models

What does Chapter 2 introduce?

Different data models used to represent the data of a database.

Types of Relationships

What is an example of a binary 1-to-1 relationship?

Manages between Employees and Departments.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What is a strong entity?

An entity that can exist independently and can uniquely identify itself.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What is the definition of an entity?

An object or concept that exists and is distinguishable.

Attributes and Entity Sets

Where should grade information be stored in a relationship?

In the relationship between Students and Courses.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What details are included in the Manager information?

Employee id, Annual Salary, Position.

Connectivity and Degree of Relationships

What does min_card represent in an n-ary relationship?

The minimum number of relationships in R an entity in Ei may participate in.

Connectivity and Degree of Relationships

What does the general connectivity format represent?

It indicates the range of relationships an entity can participate in.

Types of Relationships

What does the notation (1, n) signify in relationships?

It indicates a one-to-many relationship as well, but with a different cardinality.

Connectivity and Degree of Relationships

What is the general format for connectivity?

0 <= min_card <= max_card.

Entity-Relationship Model (ER Model)

What is an identifying relationship in ER diagrams?

A relationship used to identify a weak entity set with its corresponding strong entity set.

Generalization and Specialization

What is the highest level in the IS_A hierarchy?


Types of Relationships

Provide an example of a relationship between entities.

A student (s) takes a course (c).

Attributes and Entity Sets

What are composite attributes?

Attributes that take values that can be further divided into subparts.

Generalization and Specialization

What is a super entity set in the context of generalization?

Students is a super entity set (supertype).

Attributes and Entity Sets

What is a weak entity?

An entity whose existence depends on the existence of other (strong) entities.

Types of Relationships

What is the name of the unary relationship in the ER diagram?


Database Design Phases

What is database design?

The process of representing data related to a real-world application in a format that conforms to a data model and facilitates efficient access.

Flexibility in ER Modeling

What is the difference between an IS_A hierarchy and no IS_A hierarchy?

An IS_A hierarchy involves inheritance of attributes, while no IS_A hierarchy does not.

Database Design Phases

What does database design include?

Basic facts, relationships, and constraints related to a real-world application.

Types of Relationships

How is a many-to-many relationship represented in ER modeling?

RE (0, m) (0, n).

Entity-Relationship Model (ER Model)

Who proposed the Entity-Relationship (ER) model?

Peter Chen in 1976.

Attributes and Entity Sets

How is the domain of an attribute usually represented?

By a type.

Entity-Relationship Model (ER Model)

What is the definition of the role of an entity set in a relationship?

The function it performs in the relationship.

Connectivity and Degree of Relationships

What does the example (1, 5) (5, 60) indicate?

Students can participate in 1 to 5 relationships, while Courses can participate in 5 to 60 relationships.

Flexibility in ER Modeling

What are the components involved in the ternary relationship example?

supply, supply_to, and uses.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What type of data does 'Age number' represent?

A number.

Entity-Relationship Model (ER Model)

What does the notation (1, 6) signify in the context of Courses?

It indicates that a course must be associated with 1 to 6 students.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What is the expected outcome of a successful purchase in the RBMS?

The customer purchases the product of the right quantity, and the total cost along with the time/date are displayed.

Types of Relationships

What is the definition of a relationship in the context of entities?

A relationship is an association among entities.

Types of Relationships

What is a relationship set?

All relationships of the same meaning among entities of a given set of entity sets.

Flexibility in ER Modeling

What is the difference between IS_A hierarchy and no IS_A hierarchy in ER modeling?

IS_A hierarchy allows for specialization of entities, while no IS_A hierarchy does not.

Generalization and Specialization

What are G_Students and UG_Students in relation to Students?

They are sub entity sets (subtypes).

Generalization and Specialization

What is the concept of generalization in data modeling?

It is the process of extracting shared characteristics from two or more classes to create a generalized superclass.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What are the attributes of the G_Students entity set?

Sid, Name, GPA, GRE.

Overview of Data Models

What does a data model describe?

Real-world objects (entities), relationships, constraints, and manipulation.

Connectivity and Degree of Relationships

What does the notation (1, 6) signify in the context of Students?

Each student can be enrolled in 1 to 6 courses.

Attributes and Entity Sets

Is 'Name' a key?

It depends on whether 'Name' can uniquely identify every entity in the set.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What are single-valued attributes?

Attributes that take a single value (simple or composite) for each entity.

Flexibility in ER Modeling

What type of relationship does a ternary relationship provide?

More accurate information.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What does the Purchase information detail?

Who buys what from whom.

Flexibility in ER Modeling

What is the maximum number of skills an engineer can use for any given project?

At most one skill.

Overview of Data Models

What is the purpose of the dedicated International Conference on ER Approach?

It focuses on Conceptual Modeling.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What does 'Name varchar(30)' signify?

A character string of variable length up to 30 characters.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What additional capabilities do authorized managers have in the RBMS?

They can check sales statistics, order products, and hire/fire employees.

Types of Relationships

Are the terms 'relationship' and 'relationship set' used interchangeably?

Yes, they are often used interchangeably.

Flexibility in ER Modeling

How do graduate and undergraduate students relate to courses in ER modeling?

Graduate/undergraduate students can take only graduate/undergraduate courses, illustrating specialization.

Types of Relationships

Which entities are involved in the relationship example provided?

Products, Projects, Suppliers.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What attributes are associated with the entity 'Persons' in the ER diagram?

SSN, Name, Age.

Types of Relationships

What notation represents a one-to-many relationship in ER modeling?

RE (0, m) (0, 1).

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What does the Supply information indicate?

Which supplier supplies what products.

Connectivity and Degree of Relationships

What is the cardinality between Orders and Suppliers in the ternary relationship?

(0, r) - An Order may have zero or many Suppliers.

Types of Relationships

What does the notation (0, r) signify in relationships?

It indicates a zero-to-many relationship.

Database Design Phases

What are the two key portions of the Requirements Document used for conceptual design?

The 'Information to be contained' and 'Integrity constraints'.

Flexibility in ER Modeling

In the context of ER modeling, what does CAB stand for?

Customers, Accounts, Banks.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What is the primary objective of the Retail Business Management System (RBMS)?

To allow clerks to check product inventory and sales discount information.

Types of Relationships

What is a relationship set in the context of entity sets?

A relationship set R among entity sets E1, E2, ..., En.

Flexibility in ER Modeling

What does the notation (1, m) signify in the context of ER modeling?

It indicates a one-to-many relationship.

Types of Relationships

What type of relationship is characterized by many-to-many connectivity?

Many-to-many (m-to-m) relationship.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What type of information needs to be identified during requirement collection?

What information needs to be present.

Types of Relationships

Give examples of relationships that may exist among entity sets.

Works_in, Manages.

Types of Relationships

What is an example of a unary many-to-many relationship?

The relationship 'is_component_of' on Parts.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What attribute is associated with Employees in the Hierarchical Data Model?

Emp# (Employee Number).

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What should be analyzed for each type of query?

The types of operations each attribute will involve.

ER Diagram Notations

What defines a weak entity set?

An entity set that cannot be uniquely identified by its own attributes alone.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What is an example of a strong entity in a banking context?

An account in a bank.

Database Design Phases

What are the two types of requirements identified during the requirement collection phase?

Database and functional requirements.

Generalization and Specialization

What is the purpose of using an IS_A hierarchy in data modeling?

To improve modeling quality by organizing entities in a structured way.

Attributes and Entity Sets

Give an example of an entity set.

All employees of a company.

Flexibility in ER Modeling

What is the cardinality of the relationship between Suppliers and Projects?

(1, m).

Attributes and Entity Sets

What does 'Proj#' represent in the ER diagram?

It represents the project number.

Attributes and Entity Sets

Is 'Sid' of Students a key?

It depends on whether 'Sid' can uniquely identify every student.

Integrity Constraints

What is a requirement for employee identification in the RBMS?

Each employee must have a unique ID.

Connectivity and Degree of Relationships

What does the notation (5, n) signify in the context of Courses?

Each course can have 5 to many students enrolled.

Attributes and Entity Sets

Is '(Sid, Name)' a key?

It depends on whether this combination can uniquely identify every student.

Generalization and Specialization

What standardized tests are associated with the subclasses?

GRE for G_Students and SAT for UG_Students.

Entity-Relationship Model (ER Model)

What is an extension of the ER model?

Extended Entity-Relationship model (EER model).

Entity-Relationship Model (ER Model)

How can the role of an entity set be determined?

From properly chosen names.

Database Design Phases

What is the purpose of the 'Transaction information' portion of the Requirements Document?

To create indexes and to design programs.

Overview of Data Models

What are the main entities in the Object-Oriented Data Model?

Employees and Departments.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What is the input required for making a purchase in the RBMS?

Product ID, customer ID, quantity, etc.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

Who can check product inventory in the RBMS?

Clerks of the business.

Overview of Data Models

What is one of the data models that has been developed?

The Entity-Relationship Model (ER Model).

ER Diagram Notations

What is a composite attribute in an ER diagram?

An attribute that can be divided into smaller sub-attributes.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What is an exception that can occur if the quantity exceeds inventory?

The purchase will fail.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What is an example of a strong entity?

An employee.

Entity-Relationship Model (ER Model)

In the Entity-Relationship Model, what does 'Employees' represent?

An entity that includes attributes like Emp#, Name.

Overview of Data Models

What data model is widely used for its simplicity and flexibility?

The Relational Data Model.

ER Diagram Notations

What is an attribute in the context of ER diagrams?

A property or characteristic of an entity.

Entity-Relationship Model (ER Model)

What are examples of entity sets mentioned in the text?

Cities and Persons.

Types of Relationships

What is an example of a unary one-to-many relationship?

The is_mother_of relationship among Persons.

Types of Relationships

What relationship is indicated by 'lives_in' between Persons and Cities?

It indicates that each person lives in one city, while a city can have many persons living in it.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What does 'Office_Hours' signify for TAs?

Office_Hours signify the designated times when TAs are available to meet with students.

Types of Relationships

What is the relationship between 'Employees' and 'Projects'?

The relationship is represented by 'work_on'.

Generalization and Specialization

What is the superclass in the generalization example?


Connectivity and Degree of Relationships

What is the cardinality between Orders and Projects in the ternary relationship?

(1, n) - One Order can be associated with many Projects.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What is the domain of an attribute?

The set of values that an attribute can take on.

Integrity Constraints

What are the valid positions for managers in the RBMS?

Assistant manager, manager, senior manager.

Connectivity and Degree of Relationships

In the context of entities, what does (min_card, max_card) signify?

The minimum and maximum number of relationships an entity can have.

ER Diagram Notations

What does the notation (x, y) represent in ER diagrams?

It represents the connection and connectivity between entities.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What is an example of a domain for an attribute 'Sid'?

char(9) – character string of length 9.

Entity-Relationship Model (ER Model)

In the relationship between Students and Courses, what does 'is_TA_of' represent?

It indicates the role of students as teaching assistants for courses.

Flexibility in ER Modeling

What is the cardinality of the relationship between Accounts and Banks?

(1, 1), meaning each account is associated with exactly one bank.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What additional attributes are associated with GRE Students?

Salary and Rank.

Overview of Data Models

In the Hierarchical Data Model, what are the main components?

Departments and Employees.

Types of Relationships

What is the suitable way to handle grade information in a relationship?

Attach the grade information with the relationship.

Database Design Phases

What does the conceptual design phase produce?

A system independent conceptual schema.

Types of Relationships

What is the role of 'is_married_to' in an entity set?

It explicitly defines the relationship between persons as husband and wife.

Types of Relationships

What is the definition of the degree of a relationship?

The number of entity sets participating in the relationship.

Types of Relationships

How are Departments and Employees structured in the Hierarchical Data Model?

In a parent-child relationship.

Types of Relationships

Is it true that every employee is a department manager?

No, not every employee is a department manager.

Types of Relationships

What relationships exist between Students and Courses?

Students take Courses and TAs assist in Courses.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What attributes are associated with TAs?

Stipend and Office_Hours.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What does 'Office' refer to in the context of TAs?

It refers to the location where TAs hold office hours for student assistance.

Flexibility in ER Modeling

What is the cardinality of the relationship between Parts and Projects?

(1, r).

Types of Relationships

What relationship exists between 'Students' and 'Courses'?

Students take Courses.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What does 'years_of_experience' indicate in the ER diagram?

It indicates the number of years an employee has worked.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What are the attributes of the UG_Students entity set?

Sid, Name, GPA, SAT.

Overview of Data Models

What are the key components of a data model?

Entities, relationships, constraints, and manipulation.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What attributes are associated with the Students entity?

Sid, Name, Age.

Types of Relationships

What does the notation (0, 1) signify in a one-to-one relationship?

It indicates that an entity may or may not participate in the relationship.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What should be described in the 'Information to be contained in the system' section?

Entities and relationships among them.

Types of Relationships

In a one-to-many relationship, how many relationships can an entity from E1 participate in?

Zero or more relationships.

Flexibility in ER Modeling

What is the relationship between Skills and Projects in the ER model?

Skills (1, m) to Projects (1, r).

Flexibility in ER Modeling

What is the relationship between Projects and Engineers in the ER model?

Projects (1, n) to Engineers participates (1, m).

Types of Relationships

What does it mean for an entity e1 in E1 to participate in a relationship R?

It means that a relationship in R contains e1.

Flexibility in ER Modeling

What does the notation (1, n) signify in the context of ER modeling?

It indicates a one-to-many relationship as well, but with a different cardinality.

Types of Relationships

Can multiple relationships exist among the same set of entity sets?

Yes, several relationships may exist among the same set of entity sets.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What are some examples of attributes for the entity set 'Books'?

Title, ISBN, Authors, Publisher, Year.

Overview of Data Models

What is stored using Object Identifiers (OIDs) in the Object-Oriented Data Model?


ER Diagram Notations

What is a derived attribute in an ER diagram?

An attribute whose value is calculated from other attributes.

Generalization and Specialization

What standardized tests are associated with G_Students and UG_Students?

GRE for G_Students and SAT for UG_Students.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What attributes are associated with the Students entity?

Sid, Name, and GPA.

Types of Relationships

What is the minimum cardinality for an employee to manage a department?

Min_card = 0: It is optional for an employee to manage a department.

Flexibility in ER Modeling

What is the difference between a ternary relationship and a binary relationship in ER modeling?

A ternary relationship may not be represented by multiple binary relationships.

Types of Relationships

Provide an example of a unary relationship in the context of courses.

is_prerequisite_of on Courses.

Types of Relationships

What is an example of a unary relationship among students?

is_classmate_of on Students.

Connectivity and Degree of Relationships

What does the notation (1, 1) signify in the relationship between Persons and Cities?

It signifies that each person must live in exactly one city.

Types of Relationships

What is the relationship between 'Cities' and 'Employees' in the ER diagram?

The relationship is represented by 'live_in'.

Types of Relationships

What type of relationship exists between entities E1 and E2 in a many-to-many relationship?

Each entity in E1 or E2 participates in zero or more relationships.

Connectivity and Degree of Relationships

How is the connectivity of an entity set determined in an n-ary relationship?

By its minimum and maximum cardinality (min_card and max_card).

Types of Relationships

What does 'many-to-many' mean in the context of entity relationships?

It means that each entity can relate to multiple entities in the other set.

Integrity Constraints

What constraint is placed on customer purchases in the RBMS?

No customer can buy more quantity of a product than the quantity on hand.

Overview of Data Models

What is an example of a data model?

The Object-Oriented Data Model.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What are integrity constraints in a requirements document?

All constraints to be enforced.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What common attributes do all students share in this hierarchy?

id, Name, GPA.

Overview of Data Models

What is an example of a data model?

The Hierarchical Data Model.

Entity-Relationship Model (ER Model)

What do the notations (5, n) and (0, m) represent in the relationship?

They represent the cardinality constraints for the relationship between Students and Courses.

Types of Relationships

What is a relationship in the context of entity sets?

A relationship R is between entity sets E1 and E2, where every entity in E1 or E2 participates in R.

Generalization and Specialization

What is the purpose of using an IS_A hierarchy in modeling?

To improve modeling quality.

Generalization and Specialization

What are the two main types of students mentioned?

G_Students and UG_Students.

Database Design Phases

What is created during the logical design phase?

A system dependent conceptual schema.

ER Diagram Notations

What does a relationship represent in an ER diagram?

A connection between two or more entities.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What entities are related to the Courses entity?

Course#, Title, TAs, and Office.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What is the output of the requirement collection and analysis phase?

A Requirements Document containing concise descriptions of the requirements.

Connectivity and Degree of Relationships

What are the cardinalities associated with the 'supervises' relationship?

(1, m) for supervisor and (1, 1) for supervisee.

Entity-Relationship Model (ER Model)

What does 'Pid' represent in the context of the Persons entity set?

It represents a unique identifier for each person.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What is the purpose of 'Stipend' in relation to TAs?

Stipend refers to the payment received by TAs for their work.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What attributes are associated with the 'Courses' entity?

Course#, Title, and takes.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What does 'Languages' signify in the ER diagram?

It signifies the programming languages known by employees.

Generalization and Specialization

What is the relationship between G_Students and UG_Students?

They are semantically related entity sets used for generalization.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What type of information is needed for Customer in the RBMS?

Customer information (specific details not provided).

Flexibility in ER Modeling

What is the difference between an entity set and a relationship set in ER modeling?

An entity set represents a collection of similar entities, while a relationship set represents associations between entities.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What does Domain(A) represent?

The domain of attribute A.

Flexibility in ER Modeling

What is the cardinality of the relationship between Customers and Accounts?

(1, m), meaning one customer can have many accounts.

Types of Relationships

In a one-to-many relationship, how many relationships can an entity from E2 participate in?

At most one relationship.

Database Design Phases

What has the ER model become in terms of conceptual schema design?

The de facto standard tool.

Flexibility in ER Modeling

What attributes are associated with Accounts in the ER model?

Acct# and Balance.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What are some examples of attributes for the entity set 'Students'?

Sid, Name, Address, GPA, Status.

Types of Relationships

What is an example of a binary many-to-many relationship?

The relationship between Students and Courses.

Overview of Data Models

Name a data model that organizes data in a tree-like structure.

The Hierarchical Data Model.

Types of Relationships

In a one-to-one relationship, how many relationships can each entity participate in?

Each entity can participate in at most one relationship.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What is the significance of GPA in the context of UG_Students?

GPA stands for Grade Point Average, which is a measure of a student's academic performance.

Database Design Phases

What is the focus of the physical design phase?

The internal schema.

Database Design Phases

What tool is used for conceptual design in database design?

ER Model.

Database Design Phases

What information is represented by 'Course#' in the context of courses?

Course# refers to the unique identifier assigned to each course.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What does 'assists' indicate in the context of TAs?

It indicates the support provided by TAs to faculty or students in courses.

Connectivity and Degree of Relationships

What does the notation (1,1) indicate in the context of relationships?

Each employee works in exactly one department.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What attributes are associated with the 'Students' entity?

Sid, Name, and GPA.

ER Diagram Notations

What does 'C_name' represent in the ER diagram?

It represents the name of a city.

Types of Relationships

What type of relationship is described as one-to-many?

A relationship where each entity of E1 participates in zero or more relationships while each entity of E2 participates in at most one relationship.

Attributes and Entity Sets

Is '(Name, Home_addr, Birthdate)' of Students a key?

It depends on whether this combination can uniquely identify every student.

Connectivity and Degree of Relationships

What does the notation R E (min_card, max_card) represent?

It shows the relationship R between entity E with specified cardinality.

Entity-Relationship Model (ER Model)

What is the purpose of an identifying relationship?

To establish a link between a weak entity set and its strong entity set.

Flexibility in ER Modeling

What is the cardinality of the relationship between Banks and Accounts?

(1, n), meaning one bank can have many accounts.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What information is provided in the Transactions section of a requirements document?

Operations to be supported and their estimated frequencies.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What is the purpose of conducting surveys of potential users in requirement collection?

To gather information about static structuring requirements.

ER Diagram Notations

What is a multivalued attribute in an ER diagram?

An attribute that can have multiple values for a single entity.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What happens if the product ID or customer ID is incorrect during a purchase?

The purchase will fail.

Types of Relationships

What entities are involved in the relationship described?

Students and Courses.

Attributes and Entity Sets

Are all attributes of an entity set relevant for a given application?

No, only a limited number of attributes are of interest.

Overview of Data Models

Which data model allows for more complex relationships between data?

The Network Data Model.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What constraints should be considered during requirement collection?

What constraints need to be imposed.

Types of Relationships

What does the 'supervises' relationship represent in an entity set?

It defines the relationship between employees as supervisor and supervisee.

Types of Relationships

Give an example of a binary one-to-many relationship.

The advises relationship between Professors and Students.

Types of Relationships

What is the relationship type between 'Employees' and 'Departments'?

Works_In, with a (1,1) to (1,m) connectivity.

Flexibility in ER Modeling

What is the cardinality of the relationship between Suppliers and Parts?

(1, n).

Types of Relationships

Provide an example of a ternary relationship.

Orders among Customers, Products, and Suppliers.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What does 'Emp#' signify in the ER diagram?

It signifies the employee number.

Overview of Data Models

What determines the data model used in database design?

The DBMS (Database Management System) used to host the database system for the application.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What are multi-valued attributes?

Attributes that take a set of values for each entity.

Flexibility in ER Modeling

What can be incorrectly derived from binary relationships?

(s2, p2, j1).

Generalization and Specialization

What does the IS_A hierarchy represent in this context?

It represents the relationships between different categories of students and their attributes.

Generalization and Specialization

What are the two types of students mentioned in the hierarchy?

GRE Students and UG Students.

Database Design Phases

Why might the Requirements Document be revised?

Due to problems encountered in the later phases of database design.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What attributes are associated with the Employee entity?

Emp#, Name, Department.

Database Design Phases

What is the first phase of database design?

Requirement collection and analysis.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What type of information can clerks access in the RBMS?

Product inventory and product sales discount information.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What types of transactions or queries should be considered during requirement analysis?

The expected types of transactions/queries against the database.

Connectivity and Degree of Relationships

What is the cardinality of the relationship between Students and Courses?

(1, 6) for Students and (5, n) for Courses.

Connectivity and Degree of Relationships

What are the cardinalities associated with the 'is_married_to' relationship?

(0, 1) for both wife and husband.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What aspect of transactions should be evaluated?

How frequently each transaction is expected to be run.

Overview of Data Models

Which data model incorporates concepts from object-oriented programming?

The Object-Oriented Data Model.

ER Diagram Notations

What is a primary key attribute?

An attribute that uniquely identifies each entity in an entity set.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What is the definition of an entity set?

A collection of entities of the same type.

Types of Relationships

What is a ternary relationship?

A relationship with a degree of 3.

Types of Relationships

What is another example of a ternary relationship?

Purchase among Customers, Employees, and Products.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What does 'Hobbies' represent in the context of the ER diagram?

It represents the hobbies of employees.

Types of Relationships

In a one-to-many relationship, what does (0, m) indicate?

An entity in set A can be related to zero or many entities in set B.

Attributes and Entity Sets

Give an example of a multi-valued attribute.

Authors of Books.

Integrity Constraints

What is a requirement regarding suppliers' contact information in the RBMS?

Different suppliers must have different telephone numbers.

Entity-Relationship Model (ER Model)

What does the notation (0, 2) signify in the context of Students?

It indicates that a student can be associated with 0 to 2 courses.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What are attributes in the context of an entity set?

The properties of an entity set.

Types of Relationships

What does connectivity in a relationship specify?

The mapping between the entity sets participating in the relationship.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What attributes are associated with the Department entity?

Name, Location.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What attributes are associated with Departments in the Hierarchical Data Model?

Name and Location.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What does the requirement GRE refer to in the context of students?

It refers to the Graduate Record Examination, a standardized test for admissions to graduate schools.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What relationships need to be identified among different data?

What relationships exist among different data.

Types of Relationships

What does a min_card value of = 0 indicate for an entity set E in relationship R?

E has partial (optional) participation in R.

Types of Relationships

What is a unary relationship?

A relationship with a degree of 1.

Types of Relationships

Give an example of a unary relationship involving employees.

Supervises on Employees.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What is an example of a weak entity in a banking context?

A transaction.

ER Diagram Notations

What is a partial key attribute?

An attribute that can uniquely identify a weak entity set but only when combined with the primary key of another entity.

Connectivity and Degree of Relationships

What does the notation (1,m) indicate in the context of relationships?

A department can have multiple employees working in it.

Connectivity and Degree of Relationships

What does the notation (1, m) signify in the relationship between Cities and Persons?

It signifies that a city can have one or more persons living in it.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What does 'Budget' refer to in the ER diagram?

It refers to the budget allocated for projects.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What are dynamic processing requirements?

Requirements that specify how the database will handle various transactions and queries.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What should be determined regarding the naming of information during requirement analysis?

What names should be used to refer to the information.

Entity-Relationship Model (ER Model)

What is the primary focus of the Entity-Relationship Model?

To represent the relationships between entities in a database.

ER Diagram Notations

What is an entity set in ER diagram notations?

A collection of similar entities that share the same attributes.

Requirement Collection and Analysis

What role do TAs play in relation to G_Courses?

TAs, or Teaching Assistants, assist in the teaching of graduate courses.

Types of Relationships

What is a one-to-many (1-to-m) relationship?

A relationship where one entity is associated with multiple instances of another entity.

Entity-Relationship Model (ER Model)

What does 'Departments' represent in the Entity-Relationship Model?

An entity that includes attributes like Name, Location.

Types of Relationships

What is the degree of a binary relationship?


Types of Relationships

Give an example of a binary relationship.

Takes between Students and Courses.

Attributes and Entity Sets

Another example of an entity set?

All cities in the US.

Types of Relationships

What relationship exists between 'TAs' and 'Courses'?

TAs assist in Courses.

Types of Relationships

What is a one-to-one (1-to-1) relationship?

A relationship where for each entity in E1, there is at most one associated entity in E2, and vice versa.

Types of Relationships

What does it mean if every entity in E1 participates in relationship R?

It indicates that E1 has total participation in R.

Types of Relationships

What does a min_card value of >= 1 indicate for an entity set E in relationship R?

E has total (mandatory) participation in R.

Types of Relationships

Can you provide an example of total participation?

Departments have total participation in the relationship 'Manages'.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What is an example of a weak entity related to an employee?

The dependents of the employee.

Entity-Relationship Model (ER Model)

What is the difference between an entity set and an attribute in ER modeling?

An entity set represents a collection of similar entities, while an attribute describes a property of an entity.

Types of Relationships

What is the minimum cardinality for a department to be managed?

Min_card = 1: It is mandatory for a department to be managed by an employee.

Flexibility in ER Modeling

In the context of ER modeling, what entities are involved in the ternary relationship example provided?

Parts, Suppliers, and Projects.

Generalization and Specialization

What are the main categories of students mentioned?

G_Students, UG_Students, and SAT Students.

Attributes and Entity Sets

What attributes are associated with the 'TAs' entity?

Office, Stipend, and Office_Hours.

Connectivity and Degree of Relationships

What is indicated by the notation '(1, m)' in the ER diagram?

It indicates a one-to-many relationship.

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