What is the basis of India's engagement with the United Nations?
India's engagement is based on its steadfast commitment to multilateralism and dialogue.
Who served as a Judge on the UN Appeals Tribunal from 2009 to 2012?
Judge Kamaljit Singh Garewal.
India's Engagement with the United Nations

What is the basis of India's engagement with the United Nations?

India's engagement is based on its steadfast commitment to multilateralism and dialogue.

Indian Delegates and Contributions

Who served as a Judge on the UN Appeals Tribunal from 2009 to 2012?

Judge Kamaljit Singh Garewal.

Indian Delegates and Contributions

Who is the Under-Secretary-General of the Department of Operational Support?

Mr. Atul Khare.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

When did India present its 'Voluntary National Review Report on Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals'?

In 2017 at the United Nations high-level political forum on sustainable development.

Indian Delegates and Contributions

What is the role of Mr. Satya S. Tripathi at the UN?

Assistant Secretary-General, UNEP.

India's Position on Human Rights

What significant role did Dr. Hansa Mehta play in 1947?

She represented India at the first session of the Commission of Human Rights and helped draft the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Economic and Financial Development

What does the Second Committee of the UN deal with?

Issues relating to economic growth and development.

Indian Delegates and Contributions

Who were some notable Indian delegates at the United Nations Security Conference in 1945?

Sir V.T. Krishnamachari, Sir Ramaswami Mudaliar, and Sir Firoz Khan Noon.

Historical Role of India in the UN

When did India sign the Declaration by the United Nations?

On 1 January 1942.

Disarmament and International Security

With which organizations does the First Committee work closely?

The United Nations Disarmament Commission and the Geneva-based Conference on Disarmament.

Disarmament and International Security

What resolution has India been tabling to address global concerns?

Measures to Prevent Terrorists from Acquiring WMD.

Indian Delegates and Contributions

Who served as the Executive Secretary of UNESCAP from 1947 to 1956?

P. S. Lokanathan.

Indian Delegates and Contributions

How many Indians currently hold senior leadership positions at the United Nations?


Disarmament and International Security

Since when has India been presenting resolutions on the role of science and technology in international security and disarmament?

Since 2017.

Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Issues

How much has India contributed to UN Women for its global operations?

US$ 8 million.

Disarmament and International Security

What is the primary focus of the First Committee of the UN?

Disarmament and international security.

India's Position on Human Rights

What was the important change Dr. Hansa Mehta advocated for in the UDHR?

She ensured that the first Article spoke of 'all human beings' rather than 'all men'.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

What did India emphasize in its VNR regarding SDGs?

Integrating SDGs into national and sub-national policies and nurturing partnerships at regional and global levels.

Indian Delegates and Contributions

Who is the Force Commander of UNMISS?

Lt General Shailesh Tinaikar.

Indian Delegates and Contributions

Who was the first woman elected President of the United Nations General Assembly?

Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit.

Disarmament and International Security

What is India's commitment regarding nuclear weapons?

India is committed to a nuclear weapon-free world and the complete elimination of nuclear weapons.

Disarmament and International Security

What is India's stance on the use of chemical weapons?

The use of chemical weapons cannot be justified under any circumstances, and perpetrators must be held accountable.

Multilateralism and Global Challenges

What are some common challenges India aims to address through the UN?

Challenges include peace building, sustainable development, poverty eradication, and climate change.

Indian Delegates and Contributions

What reform does India advocate for within the United Nations?

India advocates for comprehensive reform of the United Nations, including the Security Council.

Indian Delegates and Contributions

What position does Mr. Chandramouli Ramanathan hold at the UN?

Assistant Secretary-General, Department of Management Strategy, Policy & Compliance.

Historical Role of India in the UN

What significant event did India participate in from 25 April to 26 June 1945?

The UN Conference of International Organization at San Francisco.

Economic and Financial Development

What are some key issues addressed by the Second Committee?

Macroeconomic policy, financing for development, sustainable development, and eradication of poverty.

Indian Delegates and Contributions

Who was the Director General of the FAO from 1956 to 1967?

Binay Ranjan Sen.

Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Issues

What issues does the Third Committee of the UN address?

Social, humanitarian affairs, and human rights issues affecting people globally.

Indian Delegates and Contributions

Who was the Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization from 1974 to 1989?

Chandrika Prasad Srivastava.

Indian Delegates and Contributions

Who was India's delegate at the San Francisco Conference that led to the creation of the United Nations?

Mr. Arcot Ramasamy Mudaliar.

Indian Delegates and Contributions

Who represented India on the Nuclear Sub-Committee on the status of women in 1946?

Mrs. Hansa Mehta.

India's Engagement with the United Nations

What is India's stance on the purposes and principles of the UN?

India strongly supports them and has made significant contributions to implementing the goals of the UN Charter.

Economic and Financial Development

Who represented India at the Second Committee meeting on the World Economic Situation?

Mr. I.S. Chadha.

India's Position on Human Rights

What was India's role in the Convention on Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination?

India was among the earliest signatories when it was adopted in 1965.

Multilateralism and Global Challenges

What key areas does India focus on in its UN engagement?

Key areas include terrorism, disarmament, human rights, health, and cyber security.

Disarmament and International Security

What was the recorded vote for resolution 43/77 A?

129 in favor, 7 against, and 14 abstentions.

Disarmament and International Security

What did the resolution mandate the UNSG to submit?

A report on current developments in science and technology and their potential impact on international security and disarmament efforts.

Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Issues

What was the purpose of the UN-Women Executive Board Bureau's field visit to India in 2017?

To gain first-hand understanding of UN-Women's work at the country level and its cooperation with the Government of India.

Decolonization Efforts

What is one of the specific agencies the Fourth Committee reviews?

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

Indian Delegates and Contributions

Who served as Secretary-General of the ITU from 1965 to 1967?

Manohar Balaji Sarwate.

Indian Delegates and Contributions

Who acted as the Executive Director of the World Food Programme in 1968?

Sushil K. Dev.

Disarmament and International Security

What has India been advocating for regarding outer space?

Preserving outer space as a common heritage of humankind and preventing an arms race.

Disarmament and International Security

What does the First Committee seek to address?

Global challenges and threats to peace affecting the international community.

Disarmament and International Security

What was the first resolution adopted on the issue on 7 December 1988?

Resolution 43/77 A.

Indian Delegates and Contributions

What position did Mr. Arcot Ramasamy Mudaliar hold in 1946?

First President of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

Disarmament and International Security

What role does India aim to play in preventing an arms race in outer space?

A leading and constructive role in deliberations and negotiations.

Decolonization Efforts

What does the Fourth Committee of the UN consider?

Issues related to decolonization, atomic radiation effects, peacekeeping operations, and assistance in mine action.

India's Position on Human Rights

What principle does India emphasize regarding human rights improvement?

That it cannot be achieved through confrontational approaches that lead to politicization.

Indian Delegates and Contributions

What position was Mr. Chinmaya Rajaninath Gharekhan appointed to in January 1993?

Special envoy to the Middle East peace process.

Indian Delegates and Contributions

How did India's status in the Non-Aligned Movement and Group of 77 affect its position in the UN?

It cemented India's role as a leading advocate for developing countries' concerns and aspirations.

Disarmament and International Security

What is India's commitment regarding nuclear weapons?

India is committed to non-proliferation in all its aspects.

Indian Delegates and Contributions

Who is the Assistant Secretary-General and Deputy Executive Director of UN Women?

Ms. Anita Bhatia.

Indian Delegates and Contributions

Who is the Executive Director of UNITAR?

Mr. Nikhil Seth.

India's Position on Human Rights

What did Mrs. Lakshmi Menon advocate for in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

Non-discrimination based on sex and equal rights of men and women.

Historical Role of India in the UN

How did independent India view its membership in the UN?

As an important guarantee for maintaining international peace and security.

Disarmament and International Security

What convention does India attach great importance to?

The Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC).

India's Position on Human Rights

What approach does India believe is effective for improving human rights?

An approach based on dialogue, consultation, and cooperation, avoiding aggressive methods.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

How many countries were expected to conduct Voluntary National Reviews at the HLPF in 2020?

50 countries (27 first-time presenters and 23 second-time presenters).

Economic and Financial Development

What does India support regarding the multilateral trading system?

India supports a rule-based, open, transparent, non-discriminatory, and inclusive multilateral trading system with development at its core.

Indian Delegates and Contributions

What role did Mr. Chinmaya Rajaninath Gharekhan serve in 1990?

President of ECOSOC.

India's Position on Human Rights

What was India's position on apartheid in South Africa?

India was one of the most outspoken critics and raised the issue at the UN in 1946.

India's Position on Human Rights

What significant change did Mrs. Hansa Mehta make to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

Changed the language from 'all men are created equal' to 'all human beings'.

Multilateralism and Global Challenges

What global challenges does India believe the UN can effectively tackle?

Development and poverty eradication, climate change, terrorism, piracy, disarmament, peacebuilding, and human rights.

Disarmament and International Security

What conference did India host in cooperation with Germany and UNODA in April 2018?

The India-Wiesbaden Conference.

Indian Delegates and Contributions

Who was the Executive Secretary of UNESCAP from 1956 to 1959?

Chakravarthi V. Narasimhan.

Disarmament and International Security

What is India's position on the weaponization of outer space?

India opposes the weaponization of outer space and will not engage in an arms race there.

Disarmament and International Security

What issue did India first sponsor in the First Committee's agenda in 1988?

The Role of Science and Technology in the context of International Security and Disarmament.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

What is the significance of India's participation in the VNR in 2020?

It will be presenting its VNR for the second time, having first presented in 2017.

Economic and Financial Development

What reform does India consider important for addressing the interests of developing nations?

Reform of institutions such as the IMF.

Decolonization Efforts

What role did India play in the Decolonization Committee?

India was elected as the first chair and worked to end colonialism.

Indian Delegates and Contributions

Who served as the Executive Director of UN-Habitat from 1978 to 1992?

Arcot Ramachandran.

India's Position on Human Rights

What was Mrs. Lakshmi Menon's argument regarding the inclusion of women and colonized people in the Universal Declaration?

If they were not explicitly mentioned, they would not be considered included in 'everyone'.

Decolonization Efforts

What landmark declaration did India co-sponsor in 1960?

The Declaration on Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples.

Disarmament and International Security

What framework does India believe is necessary for achieving nuclear disarmament?

A universal commitment and an agreed global and non-discriminatory multilateral framework.

Indian Delegates and Contributions

Who served as the Executive Director of the International Trade Centre from 1979 to 1981?

Padinjarethalakal Cherian Alexander.

Disarmament and International Security

What instrument is India committed to negotiating regarding outer space?

A legally-binding instrument on the prevention of an arms race in outer space.

Disarmament and International Security

What developments are transforming the security environment according to India?

Graduated use of nuclear explosive power, miniaturization, large-scale computing capabilities, and fuel and laser technology.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

What does India believe about migration in relation to SDGs?

Safe, orderly, and regular migration will help achieve SDGs, ensuring migration is out of choice and not compulsion.

Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Issues

What specific topics does the Third Committee discuss?

Advancement of women, protection of children, indigenous issues, treatment of refugees, and elimination of racism.

Indian Delegates and Contributions

Who was the President of the International Court of Justice from 1985 to 1988?

Judge Nagendra Singh.

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