How is the nationality and domicile of a company generally determined?
By its place of registration.
What is a floating charge and how does it differ from a fixed charge?
A floating charge is an equitable charge over a company's assets that allows the company to deal with or dispose of its assets in the ordinary course of business until the charge becomes crystallised or fixed. Unlike a fixed charge, it does not prevent dealings with the assets until the encumbrance is discharged.
Residence of a Company

How is the nationality and domicile of a company generally determined?

By its place of registration.

Advantages of Incorporation

What is a floating charge and how does it differ from a fixed charge?

A floating charge is an equitable charge over a company's assets that allows the company to deal with or dispose of its assets in the ordinary course of business until the charge becomes crystallised or fixed. Unlike a fixed charge, it does not prevent dealings with the assets until the encumbrance is discharged.

Disclosure and Publicity Requirements

What is the purpose of disclosure and publicity in the context of company operations?

To safeguard the interests of those who enter into business transactions with the company.

Requirements for Foreign Company Registration

What is required if a registered business in Kenya is subsequently closed?

The company is required to lodge with the Registrar for registration particulars of the closure.

Residence of a Company

What was the key finding in the case of Egyptian Land Company v Todd?

A company resides where its central management and control is actually located, not necessarily where it was incorporated.

Requirements for Foreign Company Registration

What is the consequence for a foreign company and its officers if they fail to comply with the mandatory requirement of subsection (2) of the Companies Act 153?

They are liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand shillings, and continued breach attracts aggravated punitive sanctions for each day the default persists.

Advantages of Incorporation

What is the liability of members in a company limited by shares?

In a company limited by shares, the liability of its members is limited to the amount unpaid on their shares.

Residence of a Company

Can a company have multiple residences?

Yes, if its control is evenly divided between two or more countries.

Requirements for Foreign Company Registration

What is the statutory requirement for every foreign company carrying on business in Kenya regarding local representation?

Every foreign company must appoint at least one local representative who is answerable for the company's compliance with the Companies Act and personally liable for penalties imposed on the company for contraventions.

Advantages of Incorporation

What is one of the advantages of incorporation related to raising capital?

Incorporation allows a company to raise capital more easily through favourable borrowing facilities, such as floating charges, which are not available to sole traders or partnerships.

Disclosure and Publicity Requirements

What must a company include in all its business letters, notices, and official publications?

The company's name.

Disclosure and Publicity Requirements

What are the two main requirements for the records relating to companies as per the Handbook of Company Law?

The records must be available for public inspection (subject to exemptions specified in s S54) and must be readily retrievable.

Disclosure and Publicity Requirements

What are the ways in which disclosure may be effected according to the Companies Act?

Delivery of relevant returns, accounts, documents, and information to the Registrar; publication of notices and other information in the Gazette; maintenance of registers, books, records, and specified information available and accessible at the registered office of the company; publication in statutory books and records of the company.

Advantages of Incorporation

What are some of the advantages of incorporation?

A registered company has perpetual succession and can subsist for an indefinite duration, with its rights, duties, and privileges not varying upon the death of any individual member or change in its membership.

Duties of the Registrar of Companies

Under what conditions can the Registrar deregister a foreign company from the Companies Register?

The Registrar must have reasonable cause to believe that the company is not carrying on business or in operation in Kenya, and the decision must be made in due process and in accordance with the principles of fair administrative action set out in article 47 of the Constitution.

Disadvantages of Incorporation

What ongoing requirements must a company attend to during its active life?

During its active life, a company must file annual returns, balance sheets, profit and loss accounts, and keep statutory books, records, and returns. These requirements involve costs and expose the company to publicity.

Legal Entity Status of Companies

What does 'perpetual succession' mean in the context of a company?

'Perpetual succession' means that the legal existence of the company is not influenced by any change in membership or its management structure.

Advantages of Incorporation

What is the liability of members in a company limited by guarantee?

In a company limited by guarantee, the liability of its members is limited to the amount they have respectively guaranteed to contribute to the company's assets in the event of liquidation.

Disclosure and Publicity Requirements

What must be paid by any person who requires a copy of information contained in the records of Laibuta Companies?

A reasonable search fee.

Legal Entity Status of Companies

How does the ownership of property differ between a company and a partnership?

In a company, the property is owned by the company itself, whereas in a partnership, the partners are joint co-owners of the partnership assets.

Residence of a Company

What happens to a company's property once it is incorporated?

The company's property becomes distinct from its members' property.

Residence of a Company

According to common law, where is a company's residence determined?

Where its real business is carried on and where its central control and management is located.

Duties of the Registrar of Companies

What qualifications must a person have to be deemed suitably qualified for appointment as Registrar or Deputy Registrar of Companies?

The person must be of good character and hold the qualifications specified in the Regulations made under section 831.

Requirements for Foreign Company Registration

What are the consequences of failing to comply with the registration requirements under subsections (1) and (3)?

Failure to comply constitutes an offence for which, on conviction, the company and its officers are liable to a fine and an additional penalty for each day the default continues.

Requirements for Foreign Company Registration

What happens if a foreign company does not carry out business at its registered place of business for more than six months?

Its place of business is presumed to have been closed.

Duties of the Registrar of Companies

What actions does the Registrar take upon a successful application for foreign company registration?

The Registrar shall (a) register the foreign company; (b) enter its name in the Foreign Companies Register; and (c) issue a certificate of registration as a foreign company.

Duties of the Registrar of Companies

What are the general duties of the Registrar specified in section 832?

The Registrar may perform such other functions and exercise such powers as may be specified by the 2015 Act or any other written law, and perform such functions on behalf of the Cabinet Secretary in relation to companies or firms, as the Cabinet Secretary may direct in writing.

Registration of Foreign Companies

What action can the Registrar take if a foreign company ceases to carry on business or fails to have a place of business in Kenya?

The Registrar may strike the company's name from the Foreign Companies Register in accordance with section 992.

Duties of the Registrar of Companies

Who is responsible for appointing the Registrar of Companies and Deputy Registrars?

The Cabinet Secretary responsible for matters relating to companies is empowered to appoint a suitably qualified person as Registrar of Companies and may appoint Deputy Registrars as necessary.

Duties of the Registrar of Companies

What are the responsibilities of the Registrar of Companies regarding the Register of Companies?

The Registrar is responsible for keeping and maintaining the Register of Companies, which includes information from documents lodged or filed, certificates of incorporation, and certificates of registration of company charges.

Legal Entity Status of Companies

Can a company acquire and enjoy property rights like a natural person?

Yes, a company can acquire and enjoy property rights as would a natural person, including purchasing, holding, charging, leasing, and disposing of property.

Requirements for Foreign Company Registration

What must a company do if it opens or proposes to open a business in Kenya?

The company must lodge with the Registrar for registration particulars of the business opened or proposed to be opened in Kenya.

Rectification of Company Register

Under what conditions can the Registrar rectify the company register?

The Registrar can rectify the register in respect of an invalid, inaccurate, or forged entry (a) of his own motion and on notice in accordance with Section 861; (b) on application by any person pursuant to section 862; or (c) by an order or direction of the Court under sections 863 and 864 of the Act.

Legal Entity Status of Companies

Are the contractual debts and legal obligations of a company the same as those of its members?

No, the contractual debts and legal obligations of a company are not those of its members.

Rectification of Company Register

Who has the jurisdiction to rectify a company's register of members?

The jurisdiction to rectify a company's register of members is conferred on the Registrar under the Company's Act.

Requirements for Foreign Company Registration

Can a registered foreign company change its name, and what happens if it does?

Yes, a registered foreign company may change its name, and the Registrar shall issue a certificate certifying the registration of the company with the new name.

Requirements for Foreign Company Registration

What must a company do if its local representative ceases to act as such?

The company is obligated to appoint another person as its local representative.

Disclosure and Publicity Requirements

What is required of a company with a common seal?

To have its name engraved in legible characters on its common seal.

Disclosure and Publicity Requirements

What documents must a company lay before its members in a general meeting?

Copies of the company's annual accounts, the directors' report, and the auditor's report on those accounts.

Disclosure and Publicity Requirements

Why do sole traders and partnerships enjoy privacy in their business activities?

Because the requirement to file returns and keep specified books and records does not extend to them.

Legal Entity Status of Companies

Under what conditions can dealings in securities be suspended according to the 2001 Capital Markets Authority Collective Investment Schemes Regulations?

Dealings in securities can be suspended if the fund manager, trustee, or Board of Directors believe that due to exceptional circumstances, there is good and sufficient reason to do so in the interests of the holders.

Requirements for Foreign Company Registration

What is required for a foreign company to be registered or permitted to carry on business in Kenya?

The foreign company must have a local representative appointed in accordance with the regulations.

Disclosure and Publicity Requirements

Why is the prescribed information lodged by a company considered public records?

It is liable to inspection by members dealing with or affected by the affairs of the company.

Disclosure and Publicity Requirements

What are some examples of statutory duties attached to registered companies?

Having a registered office, keeping and displaying its name, permitting inspection of statutory books and records, making returns of allotment and annual returns, delivering share transfers for registration, issuing share certificates and debentures, holding annual general meetings, and keeping proper accounting records.

Legal Entity Status of Companies

When are members of a company entitled to share in the division of its net assets?

Members are entitled to share in the division of a company's net assets only upon its liquidation.

Registration of Foreign Companies

What is the definition of a 'foreign company' under the Companies Act, 2015?

A foreign company is a company that is (a) incorporated and having its registered office outside Kenya; and (b) registered in the Foreign Companies Register in accordance with Part XXXVII of the Companies Act, 2015 for carrying on business in Kenya.

Registration of Foreign Companies

What are the two types of foreign companies mentioned that can operate in Kenya?

Foreign companies offering debentures in Kenya or guaranteeing debentures offered to other companies in Kenya.

Requirements for Foreign Company Registration

What must a foreign company do to register in Kenya according to section 975?

A foreign company must lodge with the Registrar an application in the prescribed form to register the company.

Disclosure and Publicity Requirements

What additional demands does statutory regulation place on a registered company?

Compliance with statutory requirements, which comes at a cost to the company.

Disclosure and Publicity Requirements

How does the regulatory framework protect investors and creditors of a company?

Through the publicity, formality, and expense associated with registered companies, which ensure transparency and accountability.

Rectification of Company Register

What must the court consider when entertaining an application for rectification of a company's register?

The court must consider all the circumstances of the case, including the equity the applicant has to call for its interposition and the purpose for which relief is sought.

Disclosure and Publicity Requirements

What burden does the requirement to lodge numerous notices and documents with the Registrar place on registered companies?

It places a heavy burden on the company's resources.

Requirements for Foreign Company Registration

What must every registered foreign company establish and maintain in Kenya?

Every registered foreign company must establish and maintain a registered office in Kenya to which all communications and notices may be addressed or served upon the local representative.

Requirements for Foreign Company Registration

What are the penalties for failing to notify the Registrar of changes in the registered office address within seven days?

The company and every officer in default are liable to a fine not exceeding two hundred thousand shillings, aggravated by an additional twenty thousand shillings for each subsequent day on which the default persists.

Disadvantages of Incorporation

What are some significant disadvantages of incorporation?

The significant disadvantages of incorporation include formality, expense, and publicity. Incorporation requires various documents to be drawn and registered, professional fees, stamp duty, and registration fees, which surpass the nominal cost of registering unincorporated associations.

Rectification of Company Register

Can the Register of Companies contain inaccurate or false information?

Yes, the Register of Companies may contain inaccurate or false information that requires rectification or removal.

Disclosure and Publicity Requirements

What does the Companies Act require to be lodged with the Registrar annually?

Annual returns.

Disclosure and Publicity Requirements

What are some of the disclosure requirements set out by the Companies Act?

Notice of situation of the registered office, annual return, particulars of directors and secretaries, notice of increase in nominal capital, notice of increase in number of members, notice of consolidation, division, subdivision, return of allotment, particulars of a mortgage or charge, memorandum of satisfaction or partial satisfaction of a registered charge or mortgage, particulars of contract relating to shares, notice of appointment of receiver or manager, notices relating to takeover, merger, and amalgamation of companies, notice of application made to the court for cancellation of an alteration made by special resolution to the provisions of the memorandum of association, and notice of place where certain statutory books and records are kept.

Disclosure and Publicity Requirements

What did Harman J state about the delivery of prescribed information?

The prescribed information need not be delivered on the prescribed form or in the layout and typography of the form as long as the prescribed particulars are sufficiently disclosed.

Legal Entity Status of Companies

What power does regulation 99 of the 2001 Capital Markets Authority Collective Investment Schemes Regulations confer upon the fund manager?

Regulation 99 confers upon the fund manager the discretionary power to suspend dealings in shares, including the issue, cancellation, sale, and redemption of shares in the scheme for a period not exceeding twenty-eight days.

Duties of the Registrar of Companies

What happens to the records of a dissolved company or a foreign company that has ceased to be registered in Kenya?

The Registrar may, after the expiry of two years, arrange for the transfer of the records to the Kenya National Archives and Documentation Service, where they may be disposed of in accordance with the Public Archives and Documentation Service Act.

Legal Entity Status of Companies

Can a company be held liable for legal obligations incurred before its registration?

No, a company is not liable for any legal obligations incurred or contracts entered into before its registration.

Duties of the Registrar of Companies

What discretion does the Companies Act 155 confer regarding the registration of a party as a member?

The Act confers a wide discretion to decide any question relating to the title of a party to be registered as a member.

Legal Entity Status of Companies

Are shares and other securities of a company freely transferable?

Yes, shares and other securities of a company are movable property and freely transferable, subject to any limitations imposed by the company's constitution.

Duties of the Registrar of Companies

Where is the Registrar mandated to keep the Register?

The Registrar is mandated to keep the Register at such place or places designated by the Cabinet Secretary as Companies Registries by notice published in the Gazette.

Requirements for Foreign Company Registration

What particulars must a foreign company lodge with the Registrar for registration?

The company must lodge notice of the situation, or change in the address, of the registered office of the company, and the hours within which the company's place of business is open and accessible to persons dealing with the company.

Legal Entity Status of Companies

Do members of a company have proprietary rights in the company's assets?

No, the assets of a company are its exclusive property, and the members have no proportionate proprietary rights therein.

Requirements for Foreign Company Registration

What is the effect of registering a foreign company by an alternative name for carrying on business in Kenya?

Registration by an alternative name does not affect any legal rights or obligations of the company or render defective any legal proceedings brought by or against the company.

Rectification of Company Register

What principle does Gikonyo J highlight regarding the jurisdiction to rectify a company's register of members?

Gikonyo J highlights that the jurisdiction to rectify a company's register of members is discretionary and not limited by the provisions of the Companies Act.

Requirements for Foreign Company Registration

What are the restrictions on the name under which a foreign company seeks to be registered in Kenya?

The name must not contravene sections 49, 50, 51, 56, 57-59, 60, or 61 of the Act, which relate to prohibited names, sensitive words, inappropriate use of company type indications, similarity to other registered names, misleading information, and misleading indications of proposed activities.

Requirements for Foreign Company Registration

What documents must accompany the application for registration as a foreign company?

The application must be accompanied by: a certified copy of a current certificate of the foreign company's incorporation or registration in its place of origin, a certified copy of its Constitution, a list of its directors with prescribed personal details, a memorandum stating the powers of directors residing in Kenya, documents of registration of any existing charge over the property, notice of the address of the registered office or principal place of business in its place of origin, and notice of the address of its registered office and principal place of business in Kenya.

Duties of the Registrar of Companies

What is required for the authentication of documents by the Registrar?

Section 833 requires the Registrar to have an official seal for the authentication of documents in connection with the performance of his functions.

Duties of the Registrar of Companies

What penal sanctions does section 872 impose?

Section 872 imposes penal sanctions against any person who lodges or causes to be lodged with the Registrar a document containing false or misleading information, or makes a false or misleading statement to the Registrar.

Rectification of Company Register

List some circumstances under which the power to rectify a company's register has been exercised.

Circumstances include misrepresentation in the prospectus, illegal allotment of shares at a discount, application for shares made without authority, improper registration of share transfers, and the need to set right allotments of shares issued without a proper contract.

Duties of the Registrar of Companies

Can the Court resolve disputes relating to entitlement to shares without a proper instrument of transfer?

Yes, the Court can resolve disputes relating to entitlement to shares even without a proper instrument of transfer.

Requirements for Foreign Company Registration

What must the application for local registration under section 975 of the Act disclose?

The application must disclose the particulars of the name under which the foreign company seeks to carry on business in Kenya.

Duties of the Registrar of Companies

What power does the Registrar have under section 839(1) regarding documents?

The Registrar has the power to specify the form, the manner of authentication, and the lodgement of documents required or permitted to be lodged with him under the Act or any other written law.

Duties of the Registrar of Companies

How long must the Registrar preserve original documents lodged for registration?

The Registrar is required to preserve the original documents in hard copy form for a period of three years after which he may cause the documents to be destroyed, provided that the information contained in the documents has been recorded in the Register.

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