What does the chapter provide a working definition of?
What does John Dewey suggest about society's responsibility?
Society should transmit and conserve only achievements that contribute to a better future.
Definitions and Perspectives on Globalization

What does the chapter provide a working definition of?


Global Citizenship vs. Traditional Citizenship

What does John Dewey suggest about society's responsibility?

Society should transmit and conserve only achievements that contribute to a better future.

Global Citizenship vs. Traditional Citizenship

What is the motto of Thomas Paine?

The world is my country; to do good my religion.

Social Interdependencies and Global Challenges

What has been the human cost of the conflict in the DRC since it started in 1998?

More than 4 million lives lost.

Global Citizenship vs. Traditional Citizenship

How does the chapter compare global citizenship?

It compares global citizenship with traditional definitions of citizenship.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What mineral is primarily linked to the civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)?

Coltan (columbite-tantalite).

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What are the three main economic institutions associated with economic globalization?

The IMF, the World Bank, and the WTO.

Historical Context of Globalization Processes

What significant developments occurred during the Early Modern Period?

Financing of exploration, development of trading posts, and the groundwork for colonialism.

Global Studies as an Academic Field

How do global studies students and scholars analyze global issues?

By examining social, political, and economic processes that affect the world and localities in complex ways.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What economic system did Keynes promote?

A mixed economy where both the state and the private sector have roles.

Global Studies as an Academic Field

What has emerged around the world since the 1990s in relation to global studies?

Institutes, associations, academic conferences, and degree-granting programs.

Technological Advancements and Global Connectivity

What technological advancements have contributed to global communication?

The Internet, email, blogs, RSS feeds, satellites, cell phones, and webcams.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What critical component in electronic devices is produced from refined coltan?

Tantalum, used in capacitors.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What does the term 'resource curse' refer to in the context of Africa's conflicts?

It refers to the paradox where countries rich in natural resources often experience less economic growth and worse development outcomes.

Global Studies as an Academic Field

What is the nature of global studies as an academic pursuit?

It is a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary enterprise.

Technological Advancements and Global Connectivity

What challenges do individuals face in a globalized world according to Adams and Carfagna?

Connecting the dots and adapting to new information.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What are Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs)?

Programs designed to help debtor nations repay loans by reducing public spending and promoting foreign investment.

Global Citizenship vs. Traditional Citizenship

What ethical component is foregrounded in global studies?

An active ethical component that connects academics with action to improve the world.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What consequences did SAPs have on social programs in developing countries?

They led to fewer social programs for the poor and increased poverty.

Political Dimensions of Globalization

What was the estimated property damage caused by the Seattle protests?

Approximately three million dollars.

Global Studies as an Academic Field

What are the three main terms explored in this chapter?

Global Studies, Globalization, and Global Citizenship.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What are the three processes of globalization discussed in the chapter?

Economic, political, and cultural globalization.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What is the WTO?

The World Trade Organization, a Geneva-based bureaucracy set up to referee global commerce.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What sparked public interest in the economic aspects of globalization in the U.S.?

Media coverage of the riots in Seattle.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

How has business become global, as exemplified by Subaru?

Subaru has facilities all over the globe while being headquartered in Japan.

Political Dimensions of Globalization

What was the purpose of the protests in Seattle on November 30, 1999?

To protest and disrupt the World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Conference.

Global Studies as an Academic Field

What is the primary goal of global studies?

To educate people interested in finding solutions to global problems and making the world a better place.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What was established at the Bretton Woods Conference?

Rules regulating international economic activities and a stable monetary exchange system.

Global Studies as an Academic Field

What was the initial approach of scholars to understand global issues?

They used a discipline-specific approach.

Environmental Issues in a Globalized World

What are the ecological impacts of war in the Democratic Republic of Congo?

War has led to significant destruction of forest areas and biodiversity.

Global Citizenship vs. Traditional Citizenship

How does global citizenship differ from traditional citizenship?

Global citizenship encompasses a broader, more interconnected perspective.

Global Studies as an Academic Field

What traditional approach did scholars take towards globalization?

They applied frameworks from their specific disciplines, such as philosophy.

Historical Context of Globalization Processes

What period is considered particularly important in the history of globalization?

The Early Modern Period, from 1500 to 1750.

Political Dimensions of Globalization

How has coltan mining contributed to the civil war in the DRC?

It has been mined by warring rebel groups to finance the conflict.

Historical Context of Globalization Processes

What historical event is considered the roots of contemporary economic globalization?

The Bretton Woods Conference held in 1944.

Technological Advancements and Global Connectivity

How did twentieth-century mass media impact globalization?

It developed the capacity to deliver information to millions, radically compressing time and space.

Environmental Issues in a Globalized World

What does the book 'Scarcity and Surfeit' discuss?

It examines the ecology of Africa's conflicts, focusing on resource scarcity and its implications.

Environmental Issues in a Globalized World

What environmental impacts has coltan mining caused in the DRC?

Massacres of endangered gorillas and habitat destruction.

Global Citizenship vs. Traditional Citizenship

How does globalization affect local endeavors?

Distant events and forces can have a profound impact on local activities, leading to both positive and negative consequences.

Global Citizenship vs. Traditional Citizenship

What is the definition of colonialism?

One territorial sovereign exerting control over another land, destroying indigenous culture and economies.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

How have multinational corporations (MNCs) changed since the 1970s?

Their numbers increased from 7,000 in the 1970s to approximately 50,000 in 2000.

Technological Advancements and Global Connectivity

How has the Internet impacted globalization since the 1990s?

It has intensified and extended global connections and interdependencies.

Social Interdependencies and Global Challenges

What role did trade routes play in urban population increases?

They triggered waves of migration, leading to population increases in urban centers.

Global Studies as an Academic Field

What realization did scholars come to regarding the study of globalization?

Globalization involves too many different forces and issues to be understood through a single discipline.

Global Studies as an Academic Field

Why is the term 'global' increasingly used today?

Because issues are viewed in global terms rather than solely local or national.

Social Interdependencies and Global Challenges

What is emphasized about humanity in the quote by J. Michael Adams and Angelo Carfagna?

Humanity is interwoven by many threads that grow stronger each day.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What agenda did the IMF and World Bank adopt by the 1970s?

A neoliberal agenda focused on integrating and deregulating markets.

Social Interdependencies and Global Challenges

What does deterritorialization refer to in the context of globalization?

It refers to the ways that networks of connections are transcending traditional boundaries, allowing social activities to occur without geographical constraints.

Definitions and Perspectives on Globalization

What are some questions raised about global studies?

How it compares to other fields, definitions of globalization, and its nature as a phenomenon.

Historical Context of Globalization Processes

What was the main goal of the Bretton Woods Conference?

To create a system of rules and institutions to rebuild and regulate the international economy.

Political Dimensions of Globalization

What sparked the anti-IMF riots in Caracas, Venezuela in 1989?

A 200 percent increase in the price of bread due to IMF policies.

Technological Advancements and Global Connectivity

What is a classic example of a deterritorializing technology?

The Internet, which allows real-time communication across the globe.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What do neoliberal policies emphasize that contributes to globalization?

Free trade.

Historical Context of Globalization Processes

What significant event in globalization occurred in 1981?

IBM released the first personal computer.

Historical Context of Globalization Processes

What is the main focus of the book 'We Wish to Inform You that Tomorrow We Will be Killed with our Families'?

It tells stories from Rwanda, highlighting the impact of the genocide.

Global Citizenship vs. Traditional Citizenship

What must individuals do to succeed in an interconnected world?

Increase their understanding of global perspectives and viewpoints.

Technological Advancements and Global Connectivity

What innovations in the nineteenth century further accelerated globalization?

Innovations in transportation and communication, such as the railroad and the telegraph.

Social Interdependencies and Global Challenges

What types of groups participated in the Seattle protests?

Labor, environmental, consumer protection, student, and religious groups.

Global Studies as an Academic Field

What are some examples of global issues highlighted by Edward Kolodziej?

Weapons of mass destruction, viral infections, ecological disasters, and human rights.

Technological Advancements and Global Connectivity

What is a common theme discussed by globalization scholars regarding time?

The compression of time, which increases the velocity of social activity.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What is the purpose of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)?

To regulate and stabilize the international monetary system and currency exchange rates.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What does 'free trade' promote?

The trade of goods and services by reducing tariffs and other trade barriers.

Political Dimensions of Globalization

Which neighboring country has been criticized for exploiting the DRC's coltan resources?


Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What is a 'tariff'?

A tax placed on imported goods.

Cultural Globalization and Its Impacts

What darker potential did McLuhan warn about regarding the global village?

The interdependent nature could lead to terror and totalitarianism.

Political Dimensions of Globalization

How is politics defined in a broader sense?

As the processes through which groups of people make decisions, involving authority and power.

Social Interdependencies and Global Challenges

What are the implications of interconnectedness in globalization?

It can lead to unexpected connections that may have either positive or devastating consequences for affected groups.

Cultural Globalization and Its Impacts

What does 'Westernization' refer to?

The process whereby non-Western societies adopt ideals and norms from Western countries.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What are characteristic policies of neoliberalism?

Downsizing government, privatizing state-owned enterprises, deregulating the economy, and removing barriers to global trade.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What does the term 'balance-of-payment' refer to?

The total exports and imports of a given country in a given time period.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What percentage of the world’s coltan reserves does the DRC hold?

80 percent.

Technological Advancements and Global Connectivity

Who invented the World Wide Web and in what year?

Sir Tim Berners-Lee in 1989.

Political Dimensions of Globalization

What system developed during the Early Modern Period?

The nation-state system.

Environmental Issues in a Globalized World

What global problems are mentioned that require coordinated action?

Health and environmental problems, such as global climate change.

Definitions and Perspectives on Globalization

When did the term 'globalization' first appear in the dictionary?


Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What is the role of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development?

Initially to loan money for Europe's reconstruction, later to support developing countries' economic development.

Definitions and Perspectives on Globalization

In which decade did the term 'globalization' begin to appear frequently in academic literature?

The 1980s.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What did the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) establish?

Rules governing international trade agreements.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What significant change did President Nixon make in 1971?

He abandoned the gold standard, allowing the dollar to fluctuate in value.

Political Dimensions of Globalization

What does the article 'The Congo Wars: Conflict, Myth and Reality' address?

It analyzes the complexities and narratives surrounding the Congo Wars.

Political Dimensions of Globalization

What do political scientists typically focus on in their research?

Politics at the governmental level, including political behavior, governance, and public policy.

Definitions and Perspectives on Globalization

What are the differing views on globalization's effects?

Some see it as intrinsically good, others as bad, and some as having both positive and negative effects.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What is NAFTA?

A free trade agreement between the US, Canada, and Mexico.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What are some institutions frequently mentioned in discussions about globalization?

WTO, IMF, and the World Bank.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What is the significance of coltan in the Democratic Republic of Congo?

Coltan is a valuable mineral that has fueled conflict and exploitation in the region.

Global Studies as an Academic Field

What distinguishes interdisciplinary approaches in global studies?

They integrate theories and methodologies from various disciplines and explore their connections.

Environmental Issues in a Globalized World

How did SAPs contribute to environmental issues?

By removing environmental regulations and promoting unbridled extraction of natural resources.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

Why is it difficult to trace the origin of coltan used in electronic devices?

Due to its convoluted route through processing companies and manufacturers.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What does 'laissez-faire' refer to in economic philosophy?

An economic philosophy suggesting economies work best with limited government involvement.

Cultural Globalization and Its Impacts

What does the term 'mass media' refer to?

Media designed to reach a mass audience, such as nationwide television and mass-circulation newspapers.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What is the term used to describe the phenomenon where countries compete to lower standards to attract corporations?

A race to the bottom.

Definitions and Perspectives on Globalization

How does Steger describe globalization?

As a process that creates and expands networks of connections that overcome traditional political, economic, cultural, and geographical boundaries.

Political Dimensions of Globalization

What major global events heightened the sense of interconnectedness in the twentieth century?

World Wars and the Cold War.

Social Interdependencies and Global Challenges

How many people participated in the Seattle protests?

More than 40,000 people.

Definitions and Perspectives on Globalization

What is a common misconception about globalization?

Some conflate globalization with internationalization or equate it with Westernization.

Definitions and Perspectives on Globalization

How do scholars view globalization?

As a complex web of social processes that intensify and expand worldwide exchanges.

Definitions and Perspectives on Globalization

What does Manfred B. Steger's definition of globalization emphasize?

It refers to a multidimensional set of social processes creating worldwide interdependencies and exchanges.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

How does consumer demand for electronics relate to the conflict in the DRC?

It has helped fund conflicts that have devastating consequences for the DRC's people and environment.

Historical Context of Globalization Processes

What early milestone in globalization occurred approximately 12,000 years ago?

The settling of all five continents by hunter-gatherers.

Social Interdependencies and Global Challenges

What humanitarian crisis is referred to as 'the world’s deadliest'?

The ongoing crisis in the DRC.

Historical Context of Globalization Processes

What economic policies contributed to the instability leading to World War II?

High tariffs and currency devaluation.

Cultural Globalization and Its Impacts

What did Marshall McLuhan mean by the term 'global village'?

The electronic mass media collapses space and time, engendering social interaction on a global scale.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What are some examples of trade-liberalization agreements?


Technological Advancements and Global Connectivity

What does Moore's Law illustrate?

The acceleration of technology and the link between the compression of space and time.

Definitions and Perspectives on Globalization

What does isolating the economic, political, and cultural dimensions of globalization help us understand?

The ways in which these complex forces operate both autonomously and in concert with each other.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What example illustrates the interconnectedness of local and global processes?

Purchasing a laptop designed in California but produced in China, with customer service in India.

Global Citizenship vs. Traditional Citizenship

What is the definition of 'global citizens'?

People who see their local actions as having global consequences and feel responsible for improving global conditions.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What is neoliberalism?

A political movement that pairs economic liberalism with development and political liberty, opposing government control over the economy.

Historical Context of Globalization Processes

What was the significance of the Silk Road in globalization?

It linked the Chinese and Roman Empires, facilitating trade and cultural exchange.

Social Interdependencies and Global Challenges

What is the role of NGOs in the context of coltan mining in the DRC?

NGOs have called for an embargo on coltan from war zones to prevent exploitation and conflict.

Political Dimensions of Globalization

What was the reaction of the police during the Seattle protests?

They used pepper spray, tear gas, stun grenades, and rubber bullets.

Political Dimensions of Globalization

What is the main theme of 'Africa’s First World War'?

It explores the connections between mineral wealth, conflicts, and war in the Great Lakes region.

Technological Advancements and Global Connectivity

What prediction did Gordon Moore make in 1965?

The number of transistors that could be put on a chip would double every year.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What do critics of free trade claim about the gap between rich and poor countries?

It is widening rather than shrinking.

Political Dimensions of Globalization

What criticism did President Carlos Andres Perez make about the IMF?

He accused the IMF of practicing 'economic totalitarianism' that kills with famine.

Global Challenges and Global Studies

What pressing global challenges are addressed in global studies classrooms?

Issues such as the environment and cultural conflict.

Technological Advancements and Global Connectivity

How do high-speed communication and transportation technologies affect globalization?

They compress time, enabling fast flows and movements of people, information, capital, and goods.

Historical Context of Globalization Processes

What does Roland Robertson mean by describing globalization as 'the compression of the world'?

It suggests that geographical constraints on social and cultural arrangements are diminishing.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What do proponents of free trade argue it increases?

Global wealth, consumer choice, and international security and peace.

Political Dimensions of Globalization

What was the Cold War?

An ideological stand-off between the United States and the Soviet Union from 1945 to 1989.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What was GATT replaced by?

The World Trade Organization (WTO).

Political Dimensions of Globalization

What was the significance of the protests in Seattle in November 1999?

They raised awareness and rallied for change against IMF and World Bank policies.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What characterized the 1970s in terms of global economy?

Global instability, including inflation, low economic growth, high unemployment, and energy crises.

Technological Advancements and Global Connectivity

What significant change occurred in the semiconductor industry due to Moore's Law?

Transistors became smaller, and processing power increased, making computers faster.

Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations

What is a significant criticism of MNCs regarding local governments?

They undermine the ability of governments to impose safety, environmental, and wage controls.

Historical Context of Globalization Processes

What inventions are considered important moments in the history of globalization?

The invention of writing and the wheel.

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