What is the product after hydrogenation of benzene?
What catalyst is used in the bromination of benzene?
Anhydrous FeBr3 catalyst is used in the bromination of benzene.
Preparation of Benzene

What is the product after hydrogenation of benzene?


Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What catalyst is used in the bromination of benzene?

Anhydrous FeBr3 catalyst is used in the bromination of benzene.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

At what temperature should methylbenzene be warmed for nitration?


Resonance Theory

What is the resonance energy of benzene?

The resonance energy of benzene is 151 kJ mol –1.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What reagents are required for the nitration of benzene?

Concentrated HNO3 and concentrated H2SO4 catalyst

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

At what temperature should benzene be heated for nitration?


Orbital Hybridization in Benzene

What is the hybridization of the carbon atoms in the delocalized cloud of pi electrons in methylbenzene?

The carbon atoms in the delocalized cloud of pi electrons in methylbenzene are sp2 hybridized.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What is the role of Fe in Halogenation?

Fe can be used as a catalyst in halogenation because it is converted to iron(III) halide in situ by reaction with the halogen used as the reagent.

Mechanisms of Aromatic Reactions

What is Free Radical Substitution?

Free Radical Substitution is a reaction where a hydrogen atom in an alkane is replaced by a halogen atom, typically initiated by UV light.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What are the conditions for the electrophilic substitution of benzene with X2?

Room temperature

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What is the role of FeCl3 in halogenation?

FeCl3 acts as a Lewis acid by accepting a lone pair of electrons from the halogen, thereby inducing polarity in the halogen and eventually generating a strong electrophile, Cl+.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What is the intermediate complex [C6H6NO2]+ formed during the mononitration of benzene?

It contains only one tetrahedrally-bonded carbon atom.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What is the product when CH2CHC(CH3)2 is heated with alkaline KMnO4?

The product is a carboxylic acid, specifically 2,2-dimethylpropanoic acid, formed through the oxidation of the alkene group.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What is generated when FeCl3 induces polarity in the halogen?

A strong electrophile, Cl+, is generated.

Physical Properties of Arenes

Why do arenes burn with a smoky and luminous flame?

Arenes burn with a smoky and luminous flame due to their relatively high carbon content, with a carbon to hydrogen ratio close to one.

Reactivity and Orientation of Substituents

What is a 2,4-directing group?

A 2,4-directing group is a substituent on a benzene ring that directs incoming electrophiles to the ortho (2) and para (4) positions relative to itself.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What happens to the nitronium ion (NO2+) in the nitration reaction?

The nitronium ion (NO2+) attacks benzene to form a resonance-stabilized carbonium ion.

Nomenclature of Aromatic Compounds

How are carbon atoms in a benzene ring numbered when there are two or more substituents?

Carbon atoms in the ring are numbered 1 to 6, beginning with the carbon that is bonded to the first group and continuing in such a direction as to lead to the lowest numbers for the remaining ones.

Mechanisms of Aromatic Reactions

What is the product of the oxidation of CH3 using KMnO4 (aq) and H2SO4 (aq) with heat?

The oxidation of CH3 using KMnO4 (aq) and H2SO4 (aq) with heat produces CO2 and H2O.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What must be done to obtain solid benzoic acid from the salt of carboxylic acid formed by alkaline KMnO4?

The salt of carboxylic acid must be first acidified before solid benzoic acid can be obtained.

Resonance Theory

What is intermediate (I) in the halogenation reaction?

Intermediate (I) is a resonance-stabilized carbonium ion and is a resonance hybrid of structures II, III, and IV.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

Why must the temperature be carefully controlled during the nitration of benzene?

Excessively high temperatures (100°C or above) will lead to the formation of di-substituted or tri-substituted products.

Mechanisms of Aromatic Reactions

What is the propagation step in the side-chain substitution reaction of C6H5CH3 with Cl2?

The propagation step involves the reaction of C6H5CH3 with a Cl radical to form C6H5CH2 and HCl, followed by the reaction of C6H5CH2 with Cl2 to form C6H5CH2Cl and another Cl radical.

Reactivity and Orientation of Substituents

How do substituent groups affect the orientation of substitution in benzene?

The substituent group controls the position of entry of the electrophile, with positions 2, 3, and 4 corresponding to ortho, meta, and para positions relative to the substituent.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What can the halogenated products of benzene side-chain substitution reactions be hydrolyzed to form?

The halogenated products of benzene side-chain substitution reactions can be hydrolyzed using aqueous NaOH and heat to give alcohols or carbonyl compounds.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What is the strong electrophile generated in the nitration reaction?

The strong electrophile generated in the nitration reaction is NO2+ (nitronium ion).

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

How is the substitution product formed in the nitration reaction?

HSO4- abstracts H+ from the carbonium ion to yield the substitution product.

Nomenclature of Aromatic Compounds

What is the name of a benzene ring with a hydroxyl group and a bromine substituent at positions 1 and 2?


Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What reagents and conditions are required for the halogenation of methylbenzene?

Reagents: Cl2, anhydrous FeCl3 catalyst. Condition: room temperature.

Mechanisms of Aromatic Reactions

Why does benzene undergo substitution rather than addition?

Benzene undergoes substitution rather than addition because addition would destroy the resonance-stabilized structure.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What are the conditions required for the nitration of benzene?

The reaction needs to be heated at 60°C under reflux.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What is Halogenation?

Halogenation is a substitution reaction where benzene reacts with a halogen (Br2 or Cl2) in the presence of a halogen carrier catalyst (e.g., anhydrous AlBr3/AlCl3, FeBr3/FeCl3) at room temperature, producing a halobenzene and hydrogen halide (HX).

Mechanisms of Aromatic Reactions

What is the product of the addition of hydrogen to benzene in the presence of Ni at 150°C?


Orbital Hybridization in Benzene

What type of bond is formed by the overlap of an sp3 hybrid orbital of C1 with a 1s orbital of H in methylbenzene?

A σ bond is formed by the overlap of an sp3 hybrid orbital of C1 with a 1s orbital of H in methylbenzene.

Nomenclature of Aromatic Compounds

What is the phenyl group in the context of benzene nomenclature?

The phenyl group is a hydrogen atom removed from benzene, represented as –C6H5.

Mechanisms of Aromatic Reactions

What occurs during the termination step of the side-chain substitution reaction?

The termination step involves the recombination of any two free radicals, such as 2 C6H5CH2 radicals forming C6H5CH2CH2C6H5.

Physical Properties of Arenes

What are the physical states and characteristic odours of arenes?

Arenes are liquids or low melting point solids with characteristic 'aromatic' odours. Their vapours are toxic and inhalation should be avoided.

Friedel-Crafts Reactions

What is the strong electrophile generated in the alkylation reaction?

The strong electrophile generated in the alkylation reaction is CH3+.

Resonance Theory

What evidence shows benzene existing as a resonance hybrid?

Evidence includes benzene having the same carbon-carbon bond lengths of 0.139 nm, which are intermediate between C–C and C=C bonds, and a lower heat of hydrogenation than expected.

Nomenclature of Aromatic Compounds

What is the name of a benzene ring with two methyl groups at positions 1 and 2?


Mechanisms of Aromatic Reactions

What is the role of UV light in Free Radical Substitution?

UV light provides the energy needed to break the bond in the halogen molecule, forming free radicals that initiate the substitution reaction.

Structure of Benzene

How much less energy does benzene evolve compared to the predicted value?

Benzene evolves 151 kJ mol -1 less energy than predicted.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What is the product when the compound present in cinnamon is heated under reflux with hot concentrated manganate (VII) ions?

The product is CO2H OCH3 + CH3 CO2H.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What is the typical reaction of benzene?

The typical reaction of benzene is electrophilic substitution.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What is the product when iron filings are added to a solution containing equimolar quantities of methylbenzene and bromine?

The main product is bromomethylbenzene, formed through the substitution of a hydrogen atom on the methylbenzene ring with a bromine atom.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What is required for benzene to be attacked by electrophiles?

Benzene can only be attacked by strong electrophiles.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What is the term for the reaction where benzene reacts with hydrogen in the presence of a nickel catalyst at 150°C?

Hydrogenation is the reaction where benzene reacts with hydrogen in the presence of a nickel catalyst at 150°C to form methylcyclohexane.

Mechanisms of Aromatic Reactions

What are the possible products of further substitution in the side-chain substitution reaction of C6H5CH3?

Further substitution can produce C6H5CHCl2 and C6H5CCl3.

Friedel-Crafts Reactions

Why is excess benzene used in Friedel-Crafts Alkylation?

Excess benzene is used in Friedel-Crafts Alkylation to prevent further alkylation, which occurs even more readily.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What is the role of H2SO4 in the nitration reaction?

H2SO4 acts as a Bronsted–Lowry acid by donating a proton, which leads to the generation of the strong electrophile, NO2+.

Reactivity and Orientation of Substituents

Why does nitrobenzene undergo further substitution to form 1,3-dinitrobenzene?

Nitrobenzene undergoes further substitution to form 1,3-dinitrobenzene because the -NO2 group is 3-directing and deactivating.

Nomenclature of Aromatic Compounds

What is the term for a benzene ring with a chlorine substituent?


Nomenclature of Aromatic Compounds

What is the name of a benzene ring with two nitro groups and a methyl group substituent at positions 2, 6, and 1?


Friedel-Crafts Reactions

What reagents and conditions are required for the Friedel-Crafts Alkylation of methylbenzene?

Reagents: RX, anhydrous AlCl3 catalyst. Condition: Room temperature, excess methylbenzene.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What is the purpose of the condenser in the nitration reaction setup?

The purpose of the condenser is to prevent the escape of volatile organic compounds through vaporization, thus increasing the yield of the product obtained.

Resonance Theory

Why is benzene less nucleophilic compared to alkenes?

The delocalisation of π electrons renders the benzene ring less nucleophilic compared to the C=C bond in alkenes.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What is the final step in the halogenation reaction involving FeCl3?

The final step is the formation of the substitution product and the regeneration of the catalyst, FeCl3.

Mechanisms of Aromatic Reactions

What is the initiation step in the side-chain substitution reaction involving Cl2 and uv light?

The initiation step involves the homolytic cleavage of Cl2 under uv light to form two Cl radicals.

Mechanisms of Aromatic Reactions

What happens in the second step of the halogenation mechanism of benzene?

In the second step, the electrophile (Cl+) reacts with benzene to form a chlorobenzene and a proton (H+).

Preparation of Benzene

How can benzene be prepared using phenol and zinc powder?

Benzene can be prepared by passing phenol vapour over heated zinc powder, which reduces phenol to benzene and forms ZnO.

Reactivity and Orientation of Substituents

What is the effect of an electron-withdrawing inductive effect?

An electron-withdrawing inductive effect decreases the electron density of the benzene ring, making it less reactive towards electrophilic substitution reactions.

Mechanisms of Aromatic Reactions

Why does benzene undergo substitution instead of addition?

Benzene undergoes substitution instead of addition to preserve its resonance stabilized ring system.

Friedel-Crafts Reactions

What is the role of AlCl3 in the alkylation reaction?

AlCl3 acts as a catalyst in the alkylation reaction, facilitating the formation of the electrophile.

Mechanisms of Aromatic Reactions

What is the first step in the mechanism of electrophilic substitution in benzene?

The first step is the generation of a strong electrophile with the use of acid catalysts.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What is a weak oxidizing agent used in side-chain oxidation reactions?

A weak oxidizing agent in side-chain oxidation reactions can be CrO2Cl2 or MnO2 with 65% H2SO4.

Friedel-Crafts Reactions

What is the role of AlCl3 in the alkylation reaction?

AlCl3 acts as a Lewis acid by accepting a lone pair of electrons from Cl in CH3Cl, thereby generating a strong electrophile, CH3+.

Reactivity and Orientation of Substituents

What is an activating group?

An activating group is a substituent that increases the electron density of the benzene ring, making it more reactive towards electrophilic substitution reactions.

Reactivity and Orientation of Substituents

What is a deactivating group?

A deactivating group is a substituent that decreases the electron density of the benzene ring, making it less reactive towards electrophilic substitution reactions.

Resonance Theory

What is the heat of hydrogenation in the context of benzene?

The heat of hydrogenation is the heat evolved when 1 mole of an unsaturated compound is hydrogenated. Benzene has a lower magnitude of heat of hydrogenation than expected.

Nomenclature of Aromatic Compounds

What is the term for a benzene ring with a nitro group substituent?


Nomenclature of Aromatic Compounds

What is the special name for a benzene ring with a carboxyl group substituent?

Benzoic acid

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What reagent is incapable of effecting side-chain oxidation?

Potassium dichromate (VI), K2Cr2O7, is incapable of effecting side-chain oxidation.

Resonance Theory

What happens to the positive charge in intermediate (I) during the reaction?

In intermediate (I), the positive charge is delocalized over 5 carbon atoms, forming a resonance-stabilized carbonium ion.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What is the term for the reaction where benzene reacts with concentrated HNO3 and concentrated H2SO4 at 30°C?

Nitration is the reaction where benzene reacts with concentrated HNO3 and concentrated H2SO4 at 30°C to form nitrobenzene.

Nomenclature of Aromatic Compounds

How is benzene regarded in the nomenclature of monosubstituted benzene compounds?

In the nomenclature of monosubstituted benzene compounds, benzene is regarded as a substituent and the compound name will have the prefix 'phenyl'.

Structure of Benzene

What is the molecular formula of benzene?

The molecular formula of benzene is C6H6.

Resonance Theory

Do the extreme resonance forms of benzene exist?

No, the extreme resonance forms (I) and (II) of benzene do not exist.

Reactivity and Orientation of Substituents

What is 2,4-directing and activating in methylbenzene?

-CH3 group in methylbenzene is 2,4-directing and activating, meaning it directs incoming substituents to the 2nd and 4th positions on the benzene ring and makes the ring more reactive.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What is the outcome when 1,4-dimethylbenzene is oxidized?

1,4-dimethylbenzene can be oxidized to benzene-1,4-dicarboxylic acid.

Preparation of Benzene

What is Deuterium?

Deuterium, D, is a heavy isotope of hydrogen.

Orbital Hybridization in Benzene

What type of bond is formed by the overlap of an sp2 hybrid orbital of C2 with an sp2 hybrid orbital of C3 in methylbenzene?

A σ bond is formed by the overlap of an sp2 hybrid orbital of C2 with an sp2 hybrid orbital of C3 in methylbenzene.

Reactivity and Orientation of Substituents

What is the effect of substituent groups on the reactivity of the benzene ring?

A substituent group that makes the ring more reactive than benzene is an activating group, while one that makes the ring less reactive is a deactivating group.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What can strong oxidizing agents like KMnO4 (aq) / H2SO4 (aq) oxidize?

Strong oxidizing agents like KMnO4 (aq) / H2SO4 (aq) can oxidize longer side-chains with a benzylic hydrogen (i.e., H attached to C adjacent to the benzene ring).

Friedel-Crafts Reactions

What is the product formed in the alkylation reaction involving benzene and CH3Cl?

The product formed is methylbenzene.

Reactivity and Orientation of Substituents

What is the effect of an electron-donating inductive effect?

An electron-donating inductive effect increases the electron density of the benzene ring, making it more reactive towards electrophilic substitution reactions.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What is the reaction type for the substitution of benzene and methylbenzene?

Electrophilic substitution

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What catalyst is used in the electrophilic substitution of benzene with X2?

Anhydrous FeX3 or AlX3 catalyst

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What are the reagents used in the nitration of benzene?

The reagents used are concentrated nitric acid with concentrated sulfuric acid as a catalyst.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What is nitrobenzene?

Nitrobenzene is a pale yellow liquid with an almond smell.

Physical Properties of Arenes

What are the physical properties of benzene?

Benzene is a colourless liquid with a boiling point of 80°C and a melting point of 5.5°C. Continued inhalation can induce anaemia and even leukaemia.

Resonance Theory

What are the extreme resonance forms of benzene?

The extreme resonance forms of benzene are theoretical structures with localized pi electrons, often represented as forms (I) and (II).

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

Why is H2SO4 considered a catalyst in the nitration reaction?

H2SO4 is considered a catalyst because it is regenerated at the end of the reaction.

Nomenclature of Aromatic Compounds

What is the term for a benzene ring with a bromine substituent?


Nomenclature of Aromatic Compounds

What is the term for a benzene ring with a methyl group substituent?


Nomenclature of Aromatic Compounds

What is the name of a benzene ring with a bromine, chlorine, and nitro group substituents at positions 3, 5, and 1?


Mechanisms of Aromatic Reactions

Why does benzene undergo few addition reactions compared to alkenes?

Addition reactions result in the destruction of the ring system in benzene.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What is the product of prolonged nitration of benzene?

Prolonged nitration of benzene leads to the formation of trinitrotoluene (TNT), also known as 2, 4, 6-trinitromethylbenzene.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What are the reagents and conditions for the side-chain substitution reaction of benzene?

The reagents for the side-chain substitution reaction of benzene are Cl2 or Br2, and the conditions include UV light.

Physical Properties of Arenes

How does the solubility of arenes compare in water and organic solvents?

Arenes are insoluble and less dense than water but are soluble in organic solvents. Benzene and methylbenzene are useful solvents themselves.

Resonance Theory

What is a resonance hybrid in benzene?

A resonance hybrid in benzene is the actual structure, which is a combination of the extreme resonance forms, with pi electrons delocalized over the whole ring.

Resonance Theory

What does the circle inside the ring of benzene represent?

The circle inside the ring of benzene represents the delocalised electrons.

Reactivity and Orientation of Substituents

Why does methylbenzene undergo further alkylation to form 1,2-dimethylbenzene?

Methylbenzene undergoes further alkylation to form 1,2-dimethylbenzene because the -CH3 group is activating and 2,4-directing.

Nomenclature of Aromatic Compounds

What is the special name for a benzene ring with a hydroxyl group substituent?


Mechanisms of Aromatic Reactions

What is the first step in the halogenation mechanism of benzene?

The first step is the formation of the electrophile: Cl-Cl + AlCl3 → Cl+ + AlCl4-.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What are the products of prolonged halogenation conditions?

Under prolonged conditions and in the presence of a higher proportion of the halogen, 1,2-dihalide and 1,4-dihalide are formed.

Friedel-Crafts Reactions

What is Friedel-Crafts Alkylation?

Friedel-Crafts Alkylation is a reaction where benzene reacts with an alkyl halide (RCl or RBr) in the presence of a catalyst such as anhydrous AlCl3/AlBr3 or BF3 at room temperature, producing alkylbenzene and hydrogen halide (HX).

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What is a strong oxidizing agent used in side-chain oxidation reactions?

A strong oxidizing agent in side-chain oxidation reactions is KMnO4 (aq) / H2SO4 (aq) heated under reflux.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

What is the product of oxidizing CH2CH3 with KMnO4 (aq) / H2SO4 (aq) under reflux?

The product of oxidizing CH2CH3 with KMnO4 (aq) / H2SO4 (aq) under reflux is CO2H.

Physical Properties of Arenes

What are the physical properties of methylbenzene?

Methylbenzene is a colourless liquid with a boiling point of 111°C. Its fumes are considerably less toxic than those of benzene.

Preparation of Benzene

What is the decarboxylation method for preparing benzene?

Benzene can be prepared by the fusion of sodium salt of benzoic acid with soda-lime, resulting in the release of CO2 and formation of Na2CO3.

Reactivity and Orientation of Substituents

What is a 3-directing group?

A 3-directing group is a substituent on a benzene ring that directs incoming electrophiles to the meta (3) position relative to itself.

Structure of Benzene

What is the bond length of carbon-carbon bonds in benzene?

The carbon-carbon bond length in benzene is 0.139 nm.

Nomenclature of Aromatic Compounds

What is the name of a benzene ring with an amino group and a chlorine substituent at positions 3 and 1?


Physical Properties of Arenes

How does the boiling point of arenes change with molecular mass?

The boiling point of arenes increases with an increase in relative molecular mass due to a higher number of electrons, leading to stronger induced dipole–instantaneous dipole attractions.

Resonance Theory

What is resonance in the context of benzene?

Resonance occurs when p orbitals overlap extensively, resulting in the delocalisation of pi electrons over 3 or more atoms, leading to added stability.

Structure of Benzene

How does the carbon-carbon bond length in benzene compare to C–C and C=C bonds?

The carbon-carbon bond length in benzene is intermediate between the C–C bond length of 0.154 nm and the C=C bond length of 0.132 nm.

Nomenclature of Aromatic Compounds

What is the special name for a benzene ring with a formyl group substituent?


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