What is Knossos?
An ancient Minoan palace and city on the island of Crete.
What term is used to describe the Minoan Civilization's dominance over the sea?
Thalassocracy (rule of the sea)
Bronze Age Cultures: Minoan and Mycenaean

What is Knossos?

An ancient Minoan palace and city on the island of Crete.

Bronze Age Cultures: Minoan and Mycenaean

What term is used to describe the Minoan Civilization's dominance over the sea?

Thalassocracy (rule of the sea)

Bronze Age Cultures: Minoan and Mycenaean

Who excavated at Knossos and named the civilization Minoan?

Arthur Evans

Dark Age and Early Iron Age

What major system collapsed during the Dark Age/Early Iron Age?

The palace system.

Dark Age and Early Iron Age

What was a major characteristic of the Iron Age in terms of population movement?

Significant migrations of various peoples.

Roman Period and Transition from Republic to Empire

Around what year was the Tomb of the Leopard created?

Around 470 BC.

Archaic Period Developments

Where was the pithos found?

- Near Thebes

Roman Period and Transition from Republic to Empire

Which period does the reign of Trajan belong to in the history of the Roman Empire?

The Roman Empire period.

Bronze Age Cultures: Minoan and Mycenaean

What is the name of the undeciphered script used by the Minoans?

Linear A

Bronze Age Cultures: Minoan and Mycenaean

What were the political, religious, and economic centers in Mycenaean civilization?


Hellenistic Period and Successor Kingdoms

What is the Altar of Pergamum?

A monumental structure built between 180-159 BC.

Dark Age and Early Iron Age

What significant period followed the Bronze Age in ancient history?

The Iron Age.

Archaic Period Developments

What is the name of the item located to the right in a symposium?

- Bell Krater

Rise of Macedonia and Alexander the Great

Who led Macedonia to prominence in Northern Greece?

Philip II (382-336).

Classical Period and Persian Wars

Who created the original Aphrodite of Knidos and around what year?

- Praxiteles - Around 364 BC

Rise of Macedonia and Alexander the Great

When and where did Alexander the Great die?

In Babylon in 323 BC.

Golden Age of Athens

What did the Delian League eventually become?

The Athenian Empire.

Archaic Period Developments

What political phenomenon rose during the Archaic Age?

The rise of the Tyrants.

Bronze Age Cultures: Minoan and Mycenaean

During which period did the Minoan Civilization flourish?

Late Bronze Age (1700-1450 BCE)

Bronze Age Cultures: Minoan and Mycenaean

What type of language was used by the Minoan Civilization?

Not an Indo-European Language

Roman Period and Transition from Republic to Empire

Where is the Tomb of the Leopard located?


Archaic Period Developments

What is the name of the drinking cup located at the top left in a symposium?

- Kylix

Golden Age of Athens

What is the most famous structure on the Acropolis of Athens?

The Parthenon.

Hellenistic Period and Successor Kingdoms

By what year were the successor kingdoms established and stabilized?

By 281 BC.

Rise of Macedonia and Alexander the Great

Who succeeded Philip II and what major campaign did he undertake?

Alexander the Great, Philip’s son, who invaded the Persian Empire in 334 BCE.

Dark Age and Early Iron Age

What happened to trade and communication routes during the Dark Age/Early Iron Age?

They collapsed.

Bronze Age Cultures: Minoan and Mycenaean

Where was the principal palace of the Minoan Civilization located?

Knossos, Crete

Archaic Period Developments

Around what year was the pithos made?

- ca. 670 BC

Archaic Period Developments

What is the approximate date of the Peplos Kore?

ca. 530 BC

Golden Age of Athens

When was democracy established in Athens?

508 BCE.

Golden Age of Athens

During which period was the Acropolis of Athens primarily constructed?

During the Golden Age of Athens, particularly under the leadership of Pericles.

Classical Period and Persian Wars

Who led the invasion of Greece during the 2nd Persian War?

- Xerxes

Archaic Period Developments

When did the Archaic Age traditionally start?

776 BC, marked by the first Olympic games.

Archaic Period Developments

What were the notable interstate Greek sanctuaries during the Archaic Age?

Olympia and Delphi.

Roman Period and Transition from Republic to Empire

What is the Tomb of the Leopard?

An Etruscan tomb located at Tarquinia.

Archaic Period Developments

What is the name of the drinking vessel located at the top middle in a symposium?

- Kantharos

Archaic Period Developments

What is the name of the item located to the left in a symposium?

- Table - Amphora

Golden Age of Athens

What significant military investment did Athens make during the inter-war period of the Persian wars?

Invested heavily in a navy.

Archaic Period Developments

What significant political formation occurred during the Archaic Age?

The formation of the Polis, or 'citizen state'.

Archaic Period Developments

Where was the pithos made?

- Tinos

Roman Period and Transition from Republic to Empire

What is the Ludovisi Cnidian Aphrodite and when was it created?

- A Roman copy of the Aphrodite of Knidos - Created in the 1st to 2nd century AD

Roman Period and Transition from Republic to Empire

Who became the sole ruler of the Roman Empire in 31 BC?

Gaius Octavius.

Peloponnesian War

When did the Peloponnesian War take place?

431 - 404 BCE

Golden Age of Athens

What was the outcome for Athens after its success in the Persian Wars?

Became a leading city of Greece.

Golden Age of Athens

Why did Athens become a major centre of crafts, philosophy, and the arts?

It attracted many skilled foreign workers.

Hellenistic Period and Successor Kingdoms

What role did the Library of Alexandria play in the Hellenistic period?

It became a centre of learning.

Bronze Age Cultures: Minoan and Mycenaean

Where is Knossos located?

On the island of Crete.

Dark Age and Early Iron Age

Where did the Greeks colonize during the Dark Age/Early Iron Age?

Cyprus and the coast of Asia Minor.

Archaic Period Developments

What is inscribed on Nestor's Cup?

“I am Nestor’s cup, good to drink from. Whoever drinks this cup empty, straightaway Desire for beautiful-crowned Aphrodite will seize him.”

Bronze Age Cultures: Minoan and Mycenaean

Which Mycenaean palaces were known for being surrounded by large walls by the 13th century?

Palaces of Mycenae and Tiryns.

Archaic Period Developments

What is the time period for Late Geometric Pottery?

760-700 BC

Archaic Period Developments

What is an example of an Attic Late Geometric Krater from around 730 BC?

Menelaus and Helene; Theseus and Ariadne?

Peloponnesian War

When did the Peloponnesian War take place?

431-404 BCE.

Golden Age of Athens

What is the Acropolis of Athens?

A historic citadel located on a rocky outcrop above the city of Athens, containing several ancient buildings of great architectural and historic significance.

Rise of Macedonia and Alexander the Great

What happened to Philip II in 336 BCE?

He was assassinated.

Dark Age and Early Iron Age

What happened to the population during the Dark Age/Early Iron Age?

There was a decline in population.

Archaic Period Developments

What expansion activity did the Greeks undertake during the Archaic Age?

They started to colonize areas around the Mediterranean and Black Sea.

Hellenistic Period and Successor Kingdoms

When was the Altar of Pergamum constructed?

Between 180-159 BC.

Archaic Period Developments

What is the Hirschfeld Krater and where was it found?

An Attic Late Geometric Krater from the Kerameikos, ca. 750-735

Golden Age of Athens

What was the Delian League and when was it created?

An alliance of Greek city-states created in 478/77 BCE.

Rise of Macedonia and Alexander the Great

What did Philip II achieve by 338 BCE?

He had hegemony over most of Greece.

Bronze Age Cultures: Minoan and Mycenaean

Which civilization is associated with Knossos?

The Minoan civilization.

Archaic Period Developments

What is Nestor's Cup and when was it created?

A cup from Pithekoussai, created around 750-700 BC.

Roman Period and Transition from Republic to Empire

What significant event marked the beginning of Gaius Octavius's sole rule of the Roman Empire?

The death of Julius Caesar.

Golden Age of Athens

What is the Acropolis of Athens?

A historic citadel located on a rocky outcrop above the city of Athens.

Golden Age of Athens

What was the primary purpose of the Acropolis of Athens?

To serve as a religious and ceremonial center dedicated to the goddess Athena.

Rise of Macedonia and Alexander the Great

Why did Alexander the Great stop his eastward expansion in 326 BCE?

His army revolted in India.

Dark Age and Early Iron Age

What significant cultural skill was lost during the Dark Age/Early Iron Age?


Bronze Age Cultures: Minoan and Mycenaean

What animal held significant prominence in ancient rituals?

The bull.

Classical Period and Persian Wars

Who led the army that invaded Greece during the 1st Persian War?

- King Darius

Classical Period and Persian Wars

What significant battle took place in 490 BC during the 1st Persian War?

- Battle of Marathon

Dark Age and Early Iron Age

What time period does the Dark Age/Early Iron Age cover?

12th - 8th century BCE.

Dark Age and Early Iron Age

What invasion is traditionally cited as the cause of the collapse during the Dark Age/Early Iron Age?

The Dorian invasions.

Hellenistic Period and Successor Kingdoms

What happened almost immediately after Alexander the Great's death?

His generals started fighting over his realm.

Archaic Period Developments

What significant cultural development occurred in the 8th century BC during the Archaic Age?

The development of the Greek alphabet and writing.

Hellenistic Period and Successor Kingdoms

Who established the Library of Alexandria and where?

Ptolemy I in Alexandria, Egypt.

Archaic Period Developments

Which two famous poets were active during the Archaic Age?

Hesiod and Homer.

Dark Age and Early Iron Age

Who mythologically led the Dorian invasions?

The Heracleidae (descendants of Heracles).

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