What is market research?
Market research is the gathering and analysis of information on a market, required to make business decisions for a product.
Why is market research important?
It helps identify consumer wants, reduces the risk of failure, identifies new opportunities, monitors competitors, and aids in decision making.
Market Research Importance

What is market research?

Market research is the gathering and analysis of information on a market, required to make business decisions for a product.

Market Research Importance

Why is market research important?

It helps identify consumer wants, reduces the risk of failure, identifies new opportunities, monitors competitors, and aids in decision making.

Types of Market Research

What are the two orientations a business can have?

A business can be product-oriented, focusing on the product itself, or market-oriented, conducting market research to create products based on findings.

Types of Market Research

What is primary research?

Primary research is the collection of original data conducted by the business, also known as field research.

Types of Market Research

What are some methods of primary research?

Methods include questionnaires, interviews, online surveys, and focus groups.

Types of Market Research

What is secondary research?

Secondary research is the usage of information already collected by others, also known as desk research.

Quantitative and Qualitative Information

What are the two types of information obtained from market research?

Quantitative information, which is numerical data, and qualitative information, which includes consumer opinions.

Sampling Methods

What is a sample in market research?

A sample is a group of people representing a market who answer questions to collect data.

Sampling Methods

What are the two types of samples?

Random sample, where people are picked at random, and quota sample, where people from a certain demographic are chosen.

Factors Affecting Market Research Accuracy

What factors affect the accuracy of market research?

Factors include sample size, bias, and recency of information.

The Marketing Mix Components

What are the 4 Ps of the marketing mix?

Product, Price, Place, and Promotion.

Promotion Methods and Influencing Factors

What are some promotional methods?

Promotional methods include advertising, personal selling, publicity, and sales promotions.

Pricing Strategies

What is brand loyalty?

Brand loyalty is when consumers repeatedly choose to buy the same product from a certain brand.

Pricing Strategies

What is penetration pricing?

Penetration pricing is when the price is set lower than competitors' prices when entering a market.

Promotion Methods and Influencing Factors

What factors influence promotion decisions?

Factors include budget, target market, product type, and market conditions.

Product Development Process

What factors affect the likelihood of a product being bought?

Factors include variety, quality, design, brand, and packaging.

The Marketing Mix Components

What are distribution channels?

Distribution channels are the processes through which a product is passed from the producer to the consumer.

Pricing Strategies

What is competitive pricing?

Competitive pricing is when the price is set just below competitors' prices.

Marketing Strategy

What is a marketing strategy?

A marketing strategy is when a business combines the right elements of the marketing mix to achieve a marketing goal.

Product Development Process

What is the product life cycle?

The product life cycle describes the stages of a product’s growth in a market: Development, Introduction, Growth, Maturity, Saturation, and Decline.

Product Development Process

What is a unique selling point?

A unique selling point is a feature that distinguishes a product from competitors, allowing expansion into other markets.

Pricing Strategies

What is cost-plus pricing?

Cost-plus pricing is when the manufacturing cost is added to a profit markup.

The Marketing Mix Components

What is the marketing mix?

The marketing mix is the combination of all activities required for marketing that convinces a consumer to buy a product.

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