What experimental method was used to grow single crystals of DMAAl 1 − x Cr x S?
Single crystals of DMAAl 1 − x Cr x S were grown using the slow evaporation method from a water solution containing the metal sulfate.
What happens to the phase transition temperature T c1 when chromium concentration increases to x = 0.2?
The phase transition temperature T c1 shifts toward lower temperatures when chromium concentration increases to x = 0.2.
Experimental Methods for Crystal Analysis

What experimental method was used to grow single crystals of DMAAl 1 − x Cr x S?

Single crystals of DMAAl 1 − x Cr x S were grown using the slow evaporation method from a water solution containing the metal sulfate.

Impact of Chromium Concentration on Phase Transition

What happens to the phase transition temperature T c1 when chromium concentration increases to x = 0.2?

The phase transition temperature T c1 shifts toward lower temperatures when chromium concentration increases to x = 0.2.

Ferroelectric Phase Transition

What type of phase transition occurs in DMAAS crystals?

DMAAS crystals undergo a second order phase transition of the order-disorder type.

Ferroelectric Phase Transition

What is the phase transition temperature T c1 for DMAAS crystals?

The phase transition temperature T c1 for DMAAS crystals is 152 K.

Curie-Weiss Law in Ferroelectric Phases

What is the significance of the temperature T c2 in the study of DMAAS?

The temperature T c2 = 110.5 K is considered as a limit of the region of ferroelectric and antiferroelectric phase coexistence.

Impact of Chromium Concentration on Phase Transition

What effect does chromium concentration have on the dielectric dispersion in DMAAl 1 − x Cr x S crystals?

The presence of chromium affects the parameters of the fundamental ferroelectric dispersion observed around T c1.

Calorimetric Measurements and Phase Transition Characterization

What type of calorimeter was used for DSC measurements in the study?

A Perkin-Elmer TMA-7 calorimeter was used for DSC measurements.

Thermal Stability of DMAAl1−xCrxS Crystals

What contributes to the thermal stability of DMAAl1−xCrxS crystals?

The substitution of Al ions by Cr enhances thermal stability due to stronger Cr–O bonds compared to Al–O bonds.

Curie-Weiss Law in Ferroelectric Phases

What does the temperature dependence of susceptibility in DMAAl1−xCrxS crystals obey near the ferroelectric phase transition?

The temperature dependence of susceptibility obeys the Curie-Weiss law in both paraelectric and ferroelectric phases.

Dielectric Properties of DMAAl1−xCrxS Crystals

What behavior is observed in the dielectric parameters of DMAAl1−xCrxS crystals at higher frequencies?

At higher frequencies, the temperature dependences of ε' show a sharp minimum at Tc1 instead of a peak, and the tangent of dielectric losses tan δ shows maxima at Tc1.

Isomorphous Substitution Effects

How does partial isomorphous substitution of metal ions affect the dielectric properties of DMAAl1−xCrxS crystals?

It leads to noticeable changes in the ferroelectric phase transition, thermal decay temperatures, and relaxation time, with critical slowing-down observed at T c1.

Impact of Chromium Concentration on Phase Transition

What was the phase transition temperature T c1 for the sample with x = 0.065?

The phase transition temperature T c1 for the sample with x = 0.065 was shifted toward higher temperatures by 2.4 K compared to the pure DMAAS.

Impact of Chromium Concentration on Phase Transition

How does isomorphous substitution of metal ions affect the phase transition temperature in DMAAl 1 − x Cr x S crystals?

Isomorphous substitution of metal ions noticeably changes the temperature of phase transition, shifting it toward higher temperatures when chromium is added.

Impact of Chromium Concentration on Phase Transition

What is the relationship between chromium concentration and the temperature parameters of relaxation time in DMAAl1−xCrxS crystals?

Increasing chromium concentration results in a decrease in the temperature parameter of relaxation time and phase transition temperature T c1, approaching values seen in pure DMAAS crystals.

Cluster Dynamics in Ferroelectric Materials

What role do local electric fields play in the behavior of dipole clusters in DMAAl1−xCrxS crystals?

Chromium ions generate local electric fields that lead to the formation of more massive dipole clusters near the ferroelectric phase transition.

Dielectric Properties of DMAAl1−xCrxS Crystals

What does the temperature maximum of ε' indicate in the dispersion region?

The temperature maximum of ε' in the dispersion region is observed at Tmax = Θ ± ωτ0, indicating the relationship between frequency and phase transition.

Dielectric Properties of DMAAl1−xCrxS Crystals

How does the dielectric permittivity ε′ behave at the phase transition temperature T c1?

The dielectric permittivity ε′ shows sharp anomalies at the temperature T c1 characteristic of the proper ferroelectric phase transition.

Temperature Dependence of Heat Capacity

What does the heat capacity measurement indicate about the phase transition character?

The heat capacity measurements indicate that the phase transition has a second order character at any composition.

Dielectric Properties of DMAAl1−xCrxS Crystals

What is the relationship between chromium ions and the local electric field in DMAAl1−xCrxS crystals?

Chromium ions create stronger Cr-O bonds compared to Al-O bonds, which generate local electric fields that cause reorientation of neighboring dipoles.

Temperature Dependence of Heat Capacity

What is the significance of the relaxation time τ in the vicinity of the phase transition?

The relaxation time τ increases in the vicinity of the phase transition, indicating critical slowing down in the paraelectric phase and speeding up in the ferroelectric phase.

Impact of Chromium Concentration on Phase Transition

What effect does the introduction of Cr3+ have on the decay temperature in DMAAl1−xCrxS crystals?

The introduction of Cr3+ causes a considerable shift of the decay temperature toward higher values, especially for samples with lower chromium concentration.

Impact of Chromium Concentration on Phase Transition

What is the effect of chromium concentration on the formation of dipole clusters in DMAAl1−xCrxS crystals?

At comparatively low concentrations, chromium ions cause the formation of larger dipole clusters near the ferroelectric phase transition. Higher concentrations lead to fragmentation of these clusters and smaller temperature parameters of relaxation time.

Ferroelectric Phase Transition

What happens to the polar DMA cations during the phase transition in DMAAS?

The polar DMA cations execute hindered rotations in the paraelectric phase and order in the spatio-temporal average in the ferroelectric phase.

Experimental Methods for Crystal Analysis

What technique was used to measure the dielectric parameters of the samples?

The dielectric parameters were measured using a traditional method of capacitor capacitance measurement with an automated setup based on an LCR-meter.

Impact of Chromium Concentration on Phase Transition

How does chromium concentration affect the formation of dipole clusters near the ferroelectric phase transition?

At low chromium concentrations, conditions arise that lead to the formation of more massive dipole clusters, while higher concentrations cause fragmentation of these clusters.

Dielectric Properties of DMAAl1−xCrxS Crystals

How is the dispersive equation for ε*(ω) derived in the context of dielectric properties?

The dispersive equation is derived from the Debye equation, relating ε*(ω) to ε' and ε'' through the parameters of the system.

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