What does effective gas exchange depend on?
An approximately even distribution of gas (ventilation) and blood (perfusion) in all portions of the lungs
What can obstruct airways, making breathing more difficult?
Bronchospasm or mucous plugging, such as in asthma or bronchitis.
Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

What does effective gas exchange depend on?

An approximately even distribution of gas (ventilation) and blood (perfusion) in all portions of the lungs

Airway Resistance and Its Factors

What can obstruct airways, making breathing more difficult?

Bronchospasm or mucous plugging, such as in asthma or bronchitis.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What does a systolic blood pressure of 120 mmHg indicate?

That systolic pressure is 120 mmHg above barometric pressure

Compliance and Elastic Recoil in the Lungs

What requires more muscular effort when lung compliance is decreased?


Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What is a gas made up of?

Millions of molecules moving randomly.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What happens if any step in gas transport is impaired by a respiratory or cardiovascular disorder?

Gas exchange at the cellular level is compromised

Compliance and Elastic Recoil in the Lungs

Where is most of the tidal volume distributed during ventilation?

To the bases of the lungs, where compliance is greater.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What happens as gas molecules move and collide with each other and the wall of their container?

They exert pressure.

Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

What happens if the gas pressure in the alveoli exceeds the blood pressure in the capillary?

The capillary collapses and flow ceases.

Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

Where is Zone I typically located in the lung?

At the apex of the lung.

Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

How does blood flow through the pulmonary capillary bed change from the apex to the base of the lung?

It increases in regular increments.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What are the four steps of gas transport?

1. Ventilation of the lungs, 2. Diffusion of oxygen from the alveoli into the capillary blood, 3. Perfusion of systemic capillaries with oxygenated blood, 4. Diffusion of oxygen from systemic capillaries into the cells

Work of Breathing and Energy Requirements

What can increase considerably in disease states that disrupt the equilibrium between forces exerted by the lung and chest wall?

The work of breathing.

Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

Why are the bases of the lungs better perfused than the apexes?

Because greater pressure causes greater perfusion, and the bases have higher blood pressure.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What is the partial pressure of oxygen at sea level?

149 mmHg

Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

How are the lungs suspended in the thoracic cavity?

From the hila

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What increases if more gas molecules are present in a space?

The pressure or number of collisions.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What is the barometric pressure at sea level?

760 mmHg.

Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

What characterizes Zone II of the lung?

Alveolar pressure is greater than venous pressure but not greater than arterial pressure, allowing blood flow that is somewhat impeded by alveolar pressure.

Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

Where are blood flow and ventilation greater in the lungs?

At the base of the lungs.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

How much oxygen is transported to the cells each minute?

Approximately 1000 ml (1 L) of oxygen is transported to the cells each minute.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

Why is PaO2 important?

PaO2 is important because it provides the driving pressure that loads the hemoglobin with oxygen.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What does the total oxygen content of the blood depend on?

The total oxygen content of the blood depends on the amount of oxygen chemically combined with hemoglobin and that dissolved in the blood.

Muscles of Inspiration and Expiration

How do the abdominal muscles assist in expiration?

When the abdominal muscles contract, intra-abdominal pressure increases, pushing up the diaphragm and decreasing the volume of the thorax.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What is a major compensatory mechanism in pulmonary diseases that impair gas exchange?

An increase in hemoglobin concentration is a major compensatory mechanism in pulmonary diseases that impair gas exchange.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

How is barometric pressure considered on scales used in pulmonary function laboratories?

Zero, with pressure varying up or down from zero

Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

Why are the larger alveoli in the upper portions of the lung more difficult to inflate?

Because surface tension increases as the alveoli become larger

Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

What happens to blood pressure as it is pumped into the lung apexes of a sitting or standing individual?

Some blood pressure is dissipated in overcoming gravity, resulting in lower blood pressure at the apexes than at the bases.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What is the partial pressure of a gas?

The portion of the total pressure exerted by any individual gas.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What pressure does water vapor exert at body temperature (37°C, 98.6°F)?

47 mmHg.

Elastic Properties of the Lung and Chest Wall

What allows the lungs to deflate during expiration?

Relaxation of respiratory muscles, allowing elastic recoil of the lungs.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

Does PaO2 give information about the amount of oxygen carried in the blood?

No, PaO2 gives little information about the amount of oxygen carried in the blood.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What three values are needed to calculate the total arterial oxygen content?

To calculate the total arterial oxygen content, we must know hemoglobin concentration (Hb in grams per deciliter), oxygen saturation (SaO2), and the partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2).

Alveolar Surface Tension and Surfactant

What is surface tension in the context of alveoli?

Surface tension refers to the tendency for liquid molecules that are exposed to air to adhere to one another, making expansion of the alveoli difficult.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What is the normal venous oxygen content?

Normal venous oxygen content is 15 to 16 ml/dl.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

Why is the measurement of hemoglobin concentration important in assessing individuals with pulmonary disease?

Measurement of hemoglobin concentration is important in assessing individuals with pulmonary disease because it helps determine the body's ability to compensate for impaired gas exchange.

Oxyhemoglobin Association and Dissociation

What can cause the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve to shift to the right or left?

Several factors can change the relationship between PaO2 and SaO2.

Oxyhemoglobin Association and Dissociation

What factors shift the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve to the left?

Alkalosis (high pH) and hypocapnia (decreased PaCO2).

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

How are physiologic pressure measurements involving fluids measured?

As variations from barometric pressure

Work of Breathing and Energy Requirements

What can cause significant morbidity in individuals with severe lung disease?

An increase in the work of breathing.

Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

How does the pulmonary capillary bed differ from the systemic capillary bed?

It is surrounded by gas-containing alveoli.

Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

What factors affect the distribution of perfusion in the lungs?

Alveolar pressure, gravity, arterial blood pressure, and venous blood pressure.

Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

What characterizes Zone III of the lung?

Arterial and venous pressures are greater than alveolar pressure, and blood flow is not affected by alveolar pressure.

Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

Where does perfusion exceed ventilation in the lungs?

In the bases of the lungs.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

Why is the alveolocapillary membrane ideal for oxygen diffusion?

It has a large total surface area (70 to 100 m²) and is very thin (0.5 μm).

Muscles of Inspiration and Expiration

Which muscle usually assists inspiration at rest?

Inspiration at rest is usually assisted by the diaphragm only.

Muscles of Inspiration and Expiration

Are there major muscles involved in normal, relaxed expiration?

There are no major muscles of expiration because normal, relaxed expiration is passive and requires no muscular effort.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What happens as the Pa o2 increases?

Oxygen moves from the plasma into the red blood cells (erythrocytes) and binds with hemoglobin molecules.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

When does diffusion of oxygen cease?

When the Pa o2 and P ao2 equilibrate, eliminating the pressure gradient across the alveolocapillary membrane.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

How much oxygen does plasma carry per 100 ml of blood at sea level?

About 0.3 ml of oxygen.

Oxyhemoglobin Association and Dissociation

What is formed when hemoglobin molecules bind with oxygen?

When hemoglobin molecules bind with oxygen, oxyhemoglobin (HbO2) is formed.

Oxyhemoglobin Association and Dissociation

What happens to the blood CO2 level in the lungs as CO2 diffuses from the blood into the alveoli?

The blood CO2 level is reduced and the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen is increased.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What are the steps in the transport of CO2?

1. Diffusion of CO2 from the cells into the systemic capillaries, 2. Perfusion of the pulmonary capillary bed by venous blood, 3. Diffusion of CO2 into the alveoli, 4. Removal of CO2 from the lung by ventilation

Compliance and Elastic Recoil in the Lungs

What conditions can decrease chest wall compliance?

Spinal deformity or obesity.

Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

In which lung portions are ventilation and perfusion greatest?

In the lower lobes.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

How is the partial pressure of oxygen at sea level calculated?

By multiplying the percentage of oxygen in the air (20.9%) by the total pressure (760 mmHg), resulting in 159 mmHg.

Elastic Properties of the Lung and Chest Wall

What happens at the end of expiration in terms of chest wall and lung recoil?

The outward recoil of the chest wall equals the inward recoil of the lungs.

Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

Where does ventilation exceed perfusion in the lungs?

In the apexes of the lung.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What is responsible for oxygen’s partial pressure (PaO2) in the blood?

The small amount of oxygen dissolved in plasma is responsible for oxygen’s partial pressure (PaO2) in the blood.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

How is the amount of oxygen in the blood measured?

The amount of oxygen in the blood is measured in milliliters per deciliter (1 dl = 100 ml) of blood.

Muscles of Inspiration and Expiration

What are the accessory muscles of expiration?

The accessory muscles of expiration are the abdominal and internal intercostal muscles.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What values are substituted to calculate the oxygen content of venous blood?

To calculate the oxygen content of venous blood, the partial pressure of mixed venous blood (PvO2) and venous oxygen saturation (SvO2) are substituted for the arterial values in the basic formula.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

How does hemoglobin concentration affect the oxygen content of the blood?

Increases in hemoglobin concentration affect the oxygen content of the blood, while decreases in hemoglobin concentration below the normal value reduce oxygen content.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What is the body’s initial response to low oxygen content if cardiovascular function is normal?

The body’s initial response to low oxygen content is to accelerate cardiac output.

Oxyhemoglobin Association and Dissociation

Where does the binding of hemoglobin with oxygen occur?

The binding of hemoglobin with oxygen occurs in the lungs.

Oxyhemoglobin Association and Dissociation

What is associated with decreased (low P50) or increased (high P50) availability of O2 to tissues?

Variation from the normal P50.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What do pulmonary function laboratories specify when making pressure and volume measurements?

The temperature and humidity of a gas at the time of measurement

Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

What happens to the lungs when an individual is in an upright position?

Gravity pulls the lungs down toward the diaphragm and compresses their lower portions or bases

Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

What challenge does the heart face when perfusing the pulmonary circulation?

The heart pumps against gravity to perfuse the pulmonary circulation.

Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

What factor affects the distribution of perfusion in the pulmonary circulation?

Alveolar pressure (gas pressure in the alveoli).

Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

Where is capillary collapse most likely to occur in the lung?

In portions of the lung where blood pressure is lowest and alveolar gas pressure is greatest, such as the apex of the lung.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What happens to gas that enters the lungs?

It becomes saturated with water vapor (humidified) as it passes through the upper airway.

Muscles of Inspiration and Expiration

What maintains lung expansion at the end of inspiration?

Respiratory muscle contraction.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

In what two forms is oxygen transported in the blood?

A small amount dissolves in plasma, and the remainder binds to hemoglobin molecules.

Muscles of Inspiration and Expiration

What is the role of the external intercostal muscles during breathing?

Contraction of external intercostal muscles elevates the anterior portion of the ribs, increasing the volume of the thoracic cavity by increasing its anteroposterior (AP) diameter.

Muscles of Inspiration and Expiration

When do the accessory muscles of inspiration assist in breathing?

The accessory muscles of inspiration assist when the minute volume is very high, such as during strenuous exercise or when the work of breathing is increased because of disease.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What happens as oxygen diffuses across the alveolocapillary membrane?

It dissolves in the plasma, where it exerts pressure (the partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood, or Pa o2).

Alveolar Surface Tension and Surfactant

What role does surfactant play in alveolar ventilation?

Surfactant lowers the surface tension by coating the air-liquid interface in the alveoli, making alveolar ventilation or distention possible.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

Why does most of the oxygen bind with hemoglobin?

Because oxygen is not very soluble in plasma.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What happens in individuals with both pulmonary and cardiovascular disease regarding compensatory mechanisms?

In individuals with both pulmonary and cardiovascular disease, the compensatory mechanism of accelerating cardiac output does not work, making increased hemoglobin concentration an even more important compensatory mechanism.

Oxyhemoglobin Association and Dissociation

What would happen if the relationship between SaO2 and PaO2 were linear instead of flat between 60 and 100 mmHg?

There would be inadequate saturation of hemoglobin with oxygen.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

How are many pressure measurements stated in pulmonary function laboratories?

As variations from barometric pressure

Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

How do the alveoli in the upper portions of the lungs compare to those in the lower portions?

They contain a greater residual volume of gas and are larger and less numerous

Work of Breathing and Energy Requirements

What can result from an increase in the work of breathing?

A marked increase in oxygen consumption and metabolic demand.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

Why is pressure greater in a smaller container with the same number of gas molecules?

Because more collisions occur in the smaller space.

Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

Into how many zones are the lungs divided based on factors affecting pulmonary blood flow?

Three zones.

Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

Where is Zone II typically located in the lung?

Above the level of the left atrium.

Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

Are blood flow and ventilation perfectly matched in any of the lung zones?

No, they are not perfectly matched in any of the zones.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

Why is hemoglobin important for oxygen transport?

Without hemoglobin, oxygen would not reach the cells in amounts sufficient to maintain normal metabolic function.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

How can the P ao2 be estimated?

By using the alveolar gas equation: P AO2 = F iO2 – P aCO2 / 0.8 (the respiratory quotient).

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

How long does blood remain in the pulmonary capillary?

About 0.75 second.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

How can the oxygen content of arterial blood be calculated?

If specific values are known, the oxygen content of arterial blood can be calculated using the hemoglobin concentration, oxygen saturation, and partial pressure of oxygen.

Alveolar Surface Tension and Surfactant

What is the function of SP-A and SP-D surfactant proteins?

SP-A and SP-D are large hydrophilic molecules called collectins that are capable of inhibiting foreign pathogens.

Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

What happens in zone II of the lung regarding blood flow?

Arterial pressure (P a) exceeds alveolar pressure, but alveolar pressure exceeds venous pressure (P V). Blood flow occurs in this zone, but alveolar pressure compresses the venules (venous ends of the capillaries).

Oxyhemoglobin Association and Dissociation

What happens to hemoglobin’s affinity for oxygen in the tissues with increased levels of CO2 and hydrogen ions?

The affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen decreases.

Oxyhemoglobin Association and Dissociation

What is the horizontal or flat segment of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve sometimes called?

The arterial portion.

Oxyhemoglobin Association and Dissociation

What is the steep part of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve indicative of?

The rapid dissociation of oxygen from hemoglobin.

Oxyhemoglobin Association and Dissociation

What does a lower than normal P50 represent?

Increased affinity of hemoglobin for O2.

Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

How does body position affect ventilation and perfusion?

The areas of the lungs that are most dependent become the best ventilated and perfused when a standing individual assumes a supine or side-lying position.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What is barometric pressure?

The pressure exerted by gas molecules in air at specific altitudes.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What determines the amount of water vapor contained in a gas mixture?

The temperature of the gas.

Muscles of Inspiration and Expiration

What overcomes the tendency of the lungs to recoil during inspiration?

Contraction of respiratory muscles, assisted by chest wall recoil.

Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

What is the normal ˙V/˙Q ratio?

The normal ˙V/˙Q ratio is 0.8.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What factors determine the amount of oxygen in the alveoli (P ao2)?

The amount of oxygen in the inspired air and the amount of air that remains in the alveoli and tracheobronchial tree between breaths (physiologic dead space).

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What facilitates the diffusion of oxygen from the alveolus into the capillary?

A pressure gradient of approximately 60 mmHg.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

Does oxygen have ample time to diffuse into the blood during increased cardiac output?

Yes, even during increased cardiac output, which speeds blood flow, shortening the time the blood remains in the capillary.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

When does oxygen continue to bind with hemoglobin?

Until the hemoglobin binding sites are filled or saturated.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

How much oxygen is normally transported per 100 ml of blood?

Approximately 20 ml of oxygen.

Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

What happens in zone I of the lung regarding blood flow?

Alveolar pressure (P A) is greater than arterial and venous pressure, and no blood flow occurs.

Oxyhemoglobin Association and Dissociation

What does a shift to the left in the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve depict?

Hemoglobin’s increased affinity for oxygen, which promotes association in the lungs and inhibits dissociation in the tissues.

Oxyhemoglobin Association and Dissociation

What does the flat part of the curve allow for in terms of hemoglobin saturation?

Adequate hemoglobin saturation at a variety of altitudes.

Oxyhemoglobin Association and Dissociation

What is P50 in the context of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve?

The PaO2 at which hemoglobin is 50% saturated, normally 26.6 mmHg.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What effect does heat have on gas molecules?

It increases their speed and the number of collisions.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What gases make up the air at sea level?

Oxygen (20.9%), nitrogen (78.1%), and a few other trace gases.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What must be subtracted from the barometric pressure before determining the partial pressure of other gases in a mixture?

The partial pressure of water vapor (47 mmHg).

Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

What effect does body position have on the distribution of pulmonary blood flow?

Body position has a significant effect on the distribution of pulmonary blood flow.

Structure and Function of the Diaphragm

What is the diaphragm?

The diaphragm is a dome-shaped muscle that separates the abdominal and thoracic cavities.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What is the approximate P ao2 value at sea level with relaxed breathing?

Approximately 104 mmHg.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

How long is required for oxygen concentration to equilibrate across the alveolocapillary membrane?

Only 0.25 second.

Alveolar Surface Tension and Surfactant

What does the law of Laplace state regarding alveolar inflation?

The law of Laplace states that the pressure required to inflate a sphere is equal to two times the surface tension divided by the radius of the sphere (P = 2T/r).

Alveolar Surface Tension and Surfactant

How does surfactant affect the law of Laplace in the alveoli?

Surfactant reverses Laplace’s law by decreasing surface tension as the radius of the alveolus grows smaller and increasing surface tension as the radius grows larger.

Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

What happens in zone III of the lung regarding blood flow?

Both arterial and venous pressures are greater than alveolar pressure and blood flow fluctuates, depending on the difference between arterial and venous pressures.

Oxyhemoglobin Association and Dissociation

What is the shift in the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve caused by changes in CO2 and hydrogen ion concentration called?

The Bohr effect.

Oxyhemoglobin Association and Dissociation

What happens during the steep phase of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve?

Oxygen diffuses rapidly from the blood into tissue cells.

Oxyhemoglobin Association and Dissociation

What does a higher than normal P50 indicate?

Decreased affinity of hemoglobin for O2.

Alveolar Surface Tension and Surfactant

What is responsible for keeping the alveoli free of fluid?

The decrease in surface tension caused by surfactant.

Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

What characterizes Zone I of the lung?

Alveolar pressure exceeds pulmonary arterial and venous pressures, causing the capillary bed to collapse and normal blood flow to cease.

Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

Where is Zone III typically located in the lung?

In the base of the lung.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What promotes rapid diffusion of oxygen from the alveolus into the capillary?

The partial pressure of oxygen molecules (P o2) is much greater in alveolar gas than in capillary blood.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

What is the maximum amount of oxygen that can be transported by hemoglobin?

The maximum amount of oxygen that can be transported by hemoglobin is 1.34 ml/g.

Alveolar Surface Tension and Surfactant

What are the components of surfactant?

Surfactant is a lipoprotein produced by type II alveolar cells, consisting of 90% lipids and 10% protein, including two groups of surfactant proteins.

Oxyhemoglobin Association and Dissociation

What is the process called when oxygen is released from hemoglobin in body tissues?

Hemoglobin desaturation.

Oxyhemoglobin Association and Dissociation

What does a shift to the right in the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve depict?

Hemoglobin’s decreased affinity for oxygen or an increase in the ease with which oxyhemoglobin dissociates and oxygen moves into the cells.

Oxyhemoglobin Association and Dissociation

What other factors can shift the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve?

Changes in body temperature and levels of 2,3-biphosphoglycerate (2,3-BPG).

Oxyhemoglobin Association and Dissociation

Why is the flat part of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve significant?

Because partial pressure changes of oxygen between 60 and 100 mmHg do not significantly alter the percent saturation of hemoglobin with oxygen.

Elastic Properties of the Lung and Chest Wall

What causes the elasticity of the lungs?

The elasticity of the lungs is caused by elastin fibers in the alveolar walls and surrounding the small airways and pulmonary capillaries, and by surface tension at the alveolar air-liquid interface.

Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship

What is the ventilation-perfusion ratio?

The relationship between ventilation and perfusion expressed as a ratio called the ventilation-perfusion ratio, or ˙V/˙Q.

Structure and Function of the Diaphragm

What happens when the diaphragm contracts?

When the diaphragm contracts, it flattens downward, increasing the volume of the thoracic cavity and creating a negative pressure that draws gas into the lungs through the upper airways and trachea.

Muscles of Inspiration and Expiration

What are the accessory muscles of inspiration?

The accessory muscles of inspiration are the sternocleidomastoid and scalene muscles.

Gas Transport Mechanisms in the Body

How much oxygen can be physically dissolved in blood per mmHg?

The amount of oxygen that can be physically dissolved in blood is 0.003 ml/dl per mmHg.

Alveolar Surface Tension and Surfactant

What is the function of SP-B and SP-C surfactant proteins?

SP-B and SP-C are small hydrophobic molecules that have a detergent-like effect, separating the liquid molecules and decreasing alveolar surface tension.

Alveolar Surface Tension and Surfactant

What happens if surfactant production is disrupted?

If surfactant production is disrupted, alveolar surface tension increases, causing alveolar collapse, decreased lung expansion, increased work of breathing, and severe gas-exchange abnormalities.

Oxyhemoglobin Association and Dissociation

What is the process of hemoglobin binding with oxygen in the lungs called?

The process of hemoglobin binding with oxygen in the lungs is called oxyhemoglobin association or hemoglobin saturation with oxygen.

Oxyhemoglobin Association and Dissociation

What effect does hyperthermia and increased 2,3-BPG levels have on the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve?

They shift the curve to the right.

Oxyhemoglobin Association and Dissociation

What is the hemoglobin saturation with oxygen at sea level with a PaO2 of 100 mmHg?


Alveolar Surface Tension and Surfactant

What happens in the absence of surfactant?

The surface tension tends to attract fluid into the alveoli.

Alveolar Surface Tension and Surfactant

How does surfactant participate in host defense?

Surfactant participates in host defense against respiratory pathogens.

Elastic Properties of the Lung and Chest Wall

What elastic properties do the lung and chest wall have?

The lung and chest wall have elastic properties that permit expansion during inspiration and return to resting volume during expiration.

Oxyhemoglobin Association and Dissociation

What is the result when hemoglobin saturation and desaturation are plotted on a graph?

A distinctive S-shaped curve known as the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve.

Oxyhemoglobin Association and Dissociation

What factors shift the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve to the right?

Acidosis (low pH) and hypercapnia (increased PaCO2).

Oxyhemoglobin Association and Dissociation

What is the hemoglobin saturation at an altitude of 5000 feet with a PaO2 of about 70 mmHg?

94%, only 4% less than at sea level.

Compliance and Elastic Recoil in the Lungs

When might passive elastic recoil be insufficient?

Passive elastic recoil may be insufficient during labored breathing (high minute volume), in which case the accessory muscles of expiration may be needed.

Compliance and Elastic Recoil in the Lungs

What does normal elastic recoil permit?

Normal elastic recoil permits passive expiration, eliminating the need for major muscles of expiration.

Compliance and Elastic Recoil in the Lungs

What happens if disease compromises elastic recoil?

If disease compromises elastic recoil (e.g., in emphysema) or blocks the conducting airways, the accessory muscles of expiration may be needed.

Compliance and Elastic Recoil in the Lungs

What does normal elastic recoil depend on?

Normal elastic recoil depends on an equilibrium between opposing forces of recoil in the lungs and chest wall.

Compliance and Elastic Recoil in the Lungs

What balances the tendency of the chest wall to recoil by expanding?

The tendency of the chest wall to recoil by expanding is balanced by the tendency of the lungs to recoil or collapse around the hila.

Compliance and Elastic Recoil in the Lungs

What is needed to overcome the resistance of the lungs to expansion?

Muscular effort is needed to overcome the resistance of the lungs to expansion.

Compliance and Elastic Recoil in the Lungs

What happens during expiration?

During expiration, the muscles relax and the elastic recoil of the lungs causes the thorax to decrease in volume until balance between the chest wall and lung recoil forces is reached.

Compliance and Elastic Recoil in the Lungs

What does increased compliance indicate?

Increased compliance indicates that the lungs or chest wall is abnormally easy to inflate and has lost some elastic recoil.

Airway Resistance and Its Factors

Where does one half to two thirds of total airway resistance occur?

One half to two thirds of total airway resistance occurs in the nose.

Alveolar Surface Tension and Surfactant

What is the role of SP-D?

SP-D is postulated to activate macrophages and enhance their recognition of pathogens by increasing their cell surface receptors.

Compliance and Elastic Recoil in the Lungs

What is the reciprocal of elasticity?

Compliance is the reciprocal of elasticity.

Compliance and Elastic Recoil in the Lungs

How can compliance be measured?

Compliance can be measured with the formula: C = ΔV / ΔP, where C = compliance in liters per centimeter of water, ΔV = volume change (usually tidal volume), and ΔP = pressure change (airway or pleural pressure) in centimeters of water.

Airway Resistance and Its Factors

What can cause bronchoconstriction?

Bronchoconstriction, which increases airway resistance, can be caused by stimulation of parasympathetic receptors in the bronchial smooth muscle and by numerous irritants and inflammatory mediators.

Airway Resistance and Its Factors

What happens to airway resistance as the diameter of the airways decreases?

Airway resistance increases as the diameter of the airways decreases.

Airway Resistance and Its Factors

What else can increase airway resistance?

Airway resistance can also be increased by edema of the bronchial mucosa and by airway obstructions such as mucus, tumors, or foreign bodies.

Alveolar Surface Tension and Surfactant

What is surfactant produced from?

Surfactant is produced from alveolar type II cells and is a complex molecule made up of glycophospholipid, cholesterol, and protein.

Compliance and Elastic Recoil in the Lungs

What causes the tendency of the lungs to collapse?

The tendency of the lungs to collapse is caused by elastic recoil and surface tension in the alveoli.

Compliance and Elastic Recoil in the Lungs

What happens if the chest is opened without mechanically ventilating the lungs?

If the chest is opened without mechanically ventilating the lungs, the lungs immediately collapse, like inflated balloons that have been released.

Compliance and Elastic Recoil in the Lungs

What happens during inspiration?

During inspiration, the diaphragm and intercostal muscles contract, air flows into the lungs, and the chest wall expands.

Compliance and Elastic Recoil in the Lungs

What determines compliance?

Compliance is determined by the alveolar surface tension and the elastic recoil of the lung and chest wall.

Alveolar Surface Tension and Surfactant

What proteins are included in the protein component of surfactant?

The protein component of surfactant includes surfactant proteins A, B, C, and D (SP-A, SP-B, SP-C, SP-D).

Alveolar Surface Tension and Surfactant

What do SP-A and SP-D regulate?

SP-A and SP-D regulate the inflammatory response in the lung, have antioxidant properties, and down-regulate allergic reactions.

Compliance and Elastic Recoil in the Lungs

What is elastic recoil?

Elastic recoil is the tendency of the lungs to return to the resting state after inspiration.

Compliance and Elastic Recoil in the Lungs

What happens when the sternum is split during open heart surgery?

When the sternum is split to open the thoracic cavity, the chest wall moves outward laterally.

Airway Resistance and Its Factors

What causes bronchodilation?

Bronchodilation, which decreases resistance to airflow, is caused by β2-adrenergic receptor stimulation.

Alveolar Surface Tension and Surfactant

What are the recent developments in surfactant research leading to?

These findings are leading to exciting developments in the synthesis of therapeutic forms of surfactant that may be useful in treating a broad range of pulmonary disorders.

Elastic Properties of the Lung and Chest Wall

What results in the elasticity of the chest wall?

The elasticity of the chest wall is the result of the configuration of its bones and musculature.

Compliance and Elastic Recoil in the Lungs

When does balance between the outward recoil of the chest wall and the inward recoil of the lungs occur?

Balance between the outward recoil of the chest wall and the inward recoil of the lungs occurs at the resting level, at the end of expiration.

Compliance and Elastic Recoil in the Lungs

What is compliance?

Compliance is the measure of lung and chest wall distensibility, representing the relative ease with which these structures can be stretched.

Compliance and Elastic Recoil in the Lungs

In which conditions is compliance increased?

Compliance is increased in emphysema.

Alveolar Surface Tension and Surfactant

What are the multiple roles of surfactant in immune function?

Surfactant prevents infection and acts as an antioxidant both in the alveoli and in extrapulmonary mucosal tissues.

Compliance and Elastic Recoil in the Lungs

What is the tendency of the chest wall under normal conditions?

Under normal conditions, the chest wall tends to recoil by expanding outward.

Compliance and Elastic Recoil in the Lungs

What creates the small negative intrapleural pressure?

The opposing forces of the chest wall and lungs create, in part, the small negative intrapleural pressure.

Compliance and Elastic Recoil in the Lungs

What does decreased compliance indicate?

Decreased compliance indicates that the lungs or chest wall is abnormally stiff or difficult to inflate.

Compliance and Elastic Recoil in the Lungs

In which conditions is compliance decreased?

Compliance is decreased in acute respiratory distress syndrome, pneumonia, pulmonary edema, and fibrosis.

Airway Resistance and Its Factors

How is resistance computed?

Resistance is computed by dividing change in pressure (P) by rate of flow (F), or R = P/F (Ohm’s law).

Airway Resistance and Its Factors

Where is the next highest resistance after the nose?

The next highest resistance is in the oropharynx and larynx.

Airway Resistance and Its Factors

Why is there very little resistance in the conducting airways of the lungs?

There is very little resistance in the conducting airways of the lungs because of their large cross-sectional area.

Alveolar Surface Tension and Surfactant

What is the primary role of surfactant?

Surfactant’s primary role is to form a lipid monolayer between the surface of the alveoli and the inspired air, reducing surface tension and preventing expiratory alveolar collapse.

Airway Resistance and Its Factors

What determines airway resistance?

Airway resistance is determined by the length, radius, and cross-sectional area of the airways and by the density, viscosity, and velocity of the gas (Poiseuille’s law).

Work of Breathing and Energy Requirements

What determines the work of breathing?

The work of breathing is determined by the muscular effort (and therefore oxygen and energy) required for ventilation.

Alveolar Surface Tension and Surfactant

What are SP-A and SP-D involved in?

SP-A and SP-D are collectins involved in initiating the immune response and clearing pathogens and allergens.

Alveolar Surface Tension and Surfactant

What does SP-A do?

SP-A decreases the growth of certain bacteria and viruses and is also called an opsonin, making microorganisms more vulnerable to phagocytosis.

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