Why is studying the humanities considered important now?
It helps us understand ourselves and create a better world in a rapidly changing environment.
What disciplines are traditionally included in the humanities?
History, sociology, philosophy, politics, English literature, and Indigenous studies.
Importance of Studying Humanities

Why is studying the humanities considered important now?

It helps us understand ourselves and create a better world in a rapidly changing environment.

Importance of Studying Humanities

What disciplines are traditionally included in the humanities?

History, sociology, philosophy, politics, English literature, and Indigenous studies.

Cultural Understanding through Humanities

How do the humanities contribute to our understanding of identity?

They help us understand who we are as a people, society, and culture.

Importance of Studying Humanities

What role do the humanities play in addressing world issues?

They provide insights and equip us with skills to tackle various problems.

Skills Gained from Humanities Education

How does studying history benefit us?

It helps us understand our past and learn lessons for the future.

Skills Gained from Humanities Education

What does English literature teach us?

It explores themes of human interaction and helps us understand each other better.

Skills Gained from Humanities Education

What insights does sociology provide?

It helps us understand human behavior, culture, and the workings of society.

Skills Gained from Humanities Education

How does philosophy contribute to our thinking?

It helps us think clearly, ethically, and logically.

Skills Gained from Humanities Education

What is the significance of studying politics?

It helps us understand political processes and their impacts on social change.

Cultural Understanding through Humanities

Why is Indigenous studies important in Australia?

Because Australia has an Indigenous population and understanding their perspective is essential for creating a world worth living in.

Career Opportunities in Humanities

What are some career opportunities for humanities graduates?

Public service, non-governmental organizations, corporate sector, social work, teaching, and policy work.

Cultural Understanding through Humanities

What is the original language of Gulzar's novel 'Two'?


Language as a Tool for Power and Responsibility

What does the blind woman's silence represent in the context of the visitors' question?

Her silence represents her awareness of their mockery and the power dynamics at play.

Balance in Education Systems

What does the author compare the experience of appreciating stars to?

Finding a balance in different kinds of knowing.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

How did the Queen react to Princess September's grief?

She brushed it aside as nonsense and ordered the maids to put her to sleep without supper.

Skills Gained from Humanities Education

How does Rumi describe the two kinds of intelligence?

One is memorization learned in school, while the other is an innate intelligence that flows from within.

Career Opportunities in Humanities

What do employers prefer in potential employees?

Employees who have well-honed soft skills, as they can teach technical knowledge but not always soft skills.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

What did the sisters receive as a result of their disgrace?

They were given away to the councilors with a pound of tea and a Siamese cat.

Cultural Understanding through Humanities

What historical examples are given to support the importance of arts and humanities?

Ancient civilizations' etchings, carvings, and the philosophies of the ancient Greeks.

Humanities vs. STEM Fields

What is the common perception of liberal arts and humanities in the current educational climate?

They are often seen as expensive and not very useful compared to STEM fields.

Cultural Understanding through Humanities

What does the author believe about the connection between disciplines?

Education should focus on the connections between history, art, math, and science for a comprehensive understanding.

Toni Morrison's Nobel Prize Speech

Who was the first African American woman to receive the Nobel Prize?

Toni Morrison.

Toni Morrison's Nobel Prize Speech

What was the date when Toni Morrison accepted her Nobel Prize?

December 7, 1993.

Cultural Understanding through Humanities

Which dialects are included in Gulzar's novel 'Two'?

Punjabi, Siraiki, and other dialects spoken in Punjab.

Skills Gained from Humanities Education

Who helped translate Gulzar's novel into English?

Sukrita Paul.

Skills Gained from Humanities Education

Why are soft skills important for humanities graduates?

They are transferable and help graduates adapt to changing roles and careers.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

What phrases could the parrots utter?

'God save the King' and 'Pretty Polly'.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

What was the outcome for September compared to her sisters?

September grew up to be a paragon of beauty, while her sisters became uglier.

Importance of Studying Humanities

How does education impact society according to the lecture?

It affects how society deals with issues like climate change, world relations, and technological advancements.

Language as a Tool for Power and Responsibility

What does Morrison mean by language's reach toward the ineffable?

Language strives to express what cannot be fully captured or defined.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

What was the reaction of the royal couple to the little bird's singing?

They were impressed and the Queen claimed credit for sending September to bed without supper.

Cultural Understanding through Humanities

What is the risk of predominantly funding STEM fields?

It may lead to a close-minded worldview and a lack of understanding of diverse perspectives.

Importance of Studying Humanities

What is the focus of Week 3 Lecture 2?

The content is not specified.

Skills Gained from Humanities Education

What is a key concern regarding job security in the context of humanities education?

The rise of job automation.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

What did the bird say had robbed him of his zeal to sing?

The confines of the cage.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

What did the princess do when she was moved by the bird's lifeless voice?

She opened the cage door and brought the bird out.

Importance of Studying Humanities

What is the role of human input in technology decision-making?

Humans are needed to work through ethical dilemmas and utilize critical thinking and compassion.

Language as a Tool for Power and Responsibility

How does the misuse of language affect human potential?

It actively thwarts intellect, stalls conscience, and suppresses potential.

Importance of Studying Humanities

What virtues are emphasized for leading a righteous life?

Virtues that connect individuals to the divine and nature, fostering a moral understanding.

Importance of Studying Humanities

What do humanities and social sciences promote?

Abstract thought and expansive thinking.

Language as a Tool for Power and Responsibility

What does the bird symbolize for the blind woman?

The bird symbolizes language and its potential for life or death.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

What did the little bird sing about?

It sang in praise of the palace garden, the nearby lake, and the goldfish in the waters.

Balance in Education Systems

What is the purpose of education according to the text?

To create unique, multi-faceted individuals who can think creatively and solve problems.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

What was September's initial reaction to the bird's absence?

She became worried and pondered various ominous thoughts.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

What happened to the royal treasury over time?

It gradually became empty due to the king's generosity.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

What was Princess September's response to her sisters' offer of a new parrot?

She turned down the offer, asserting that her new bird had a golden voice and its company was better than the dead parrot.

Importance of Studying Humanities

What is the focus of Week 3 Lecture 1?

The content is not specified.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

What promise did the bird make to the princess?

To return and sing the most melodious songs for her.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

What did the king give to his daughters on his birthday?

A nice green parrot kept inside a golden cage.

Cultural Understanding through Humanities

How is the old woman perceived by her community?

She is both the law and its transgression, held in honor and awe.

Skills Gained from Humanities Education

How does a well-rounded education benefit individuals in the workplace?

It equips them with unique skills that foster creativity and interest in work.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

What warning did the elder sisters give September about the bird?

They suggested that the bird could fly away and leave her high and dry.

Role of Arts and Humanities in Education

What does Deborah K. Fitzgerald argue about real-life problems?

They are always a mixture of disciplines and not confined to one area.

Importance of Studying Humanities

Why is a well-rounded approach to education important?

It creates a full understanding of topics, not just one based on facts.

Language as a Tool for Power and Responsibility

What does Morrison mean by 'word-work'?

It is generative and creates meaning that reflects our human differences.

Cultural Understanding through Humanities

What is necessary for understanding people in a globalized world?

Social and cultural understanding balanced with scientific facts.

Role of Arts and Humanities in Education

What should children be exposed to regarding constellations?

The factual science of constellations and the awe of the stars.

Language as a Tool for Power and Responsibility

What question do the young visitors ask the blind woman?

They ask whether the bird they are holding is living or dead.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

What unique naming convention did the king use for his daughters?

He named them after the days of the week and later the months of the year.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

What were the names of the first two daughters?

'Night' and 'Day'.

Language as a Tool for Power and Responsibility

What does the blind woman believe about a dead language?

She believes it is unyielding and content to admire its own paralysis.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

What helped lift Princess September's spirits after her loss?

A small bird intruded into her chamber and began to sing melodiously.

Role of Arts and Humanities in Education

What role do arts and humanities play in education?

They foster creativity and curiosity, connecting to the world on a deeper level than math and science.

Career Opportunities in Humanities

What types of careers can studying humanities lead to?

A wide range of careers, even if one is unsure of their specific path.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

What was the queen's reaction to the king's naming decisions?

She watched resignedly, knowing she couldn't change his mind.

Skills Gained from Humanities Education

What unique quality do humans possess that machines cannot replicate?

Social and emotional intelligence.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

What was the bird's reaction to being caged the next morning?

The bird called out loudly to be freed and wanted to enjoy the morning air.

Skills Gained from Humanities Education

What skills gained from studying humanities are resistant to automation?

Critical thinking, cultural understanding, and creative problem solving.

Language as a Tool for Power and Responsibility

What does the blind woman emphasize in her response to the visitors?

She emphasizes that the bird is in their hands, highlighting their responsibility.

Toni Morrison's Nobel Prize Speech

What does Morrison's speech serve as a manifesto for?

The responsibility embedded in how we wield language.

Language as a Tool for Power and Responsibility

How does the blind woman interpret the concept of language?

She sees language as a living thing that can be controlled and has consequences.

Importance of Studying Humanities

Why is human wisdom essential in today's world?

It fosters discussions, creativity in education, and a variety of experiences that are crucial for problem-solving.

Cultural Understanding through Humanities

What subject did Gulzar wish to examine in his novel?

The status of refugees after the Partition.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

How did the frequent name changes affect the eldest daughters?

They resented the practice and felt their personalities were distorted.

Language as a Tool for Power and Responsibility

What does James Baldwin's quote suggest about language and experience?

Experience shapes language, and language controls experience.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

What excuse did September give for encaging the bird?

She claimed it was for the bird's safety from palace cats.

Balance in Education Systems

What approach to education is suggested for the youth?

A more well-rounded approach.

Cultural Understanding through Humanities

What does the text suggest about the relationship between technology and globalization?

Rapid influx of technology leads to rapid globalization and acculturation.

Balance in Education Systems

What is the main argument of the lecture 'A Call for Balance in our Schools'?

The importance of valuing arts and humanities equally with STEM fields in education.

Cultural Understanding through Humanities

What distinguishes human wisdom from mere information?

Human wisdom comes from a deeper understanding of the world, while information is just facts with little interpretation.

Language as a Tool for Power and Responsibility

What does Toni Morrison suggest about the vitality of language?

It lies in its ability to express the actual, imagined, and possible lives of its speakers.

Role of Arts and Humanities in Education

How does philosophy contribute to learning?

It requires invigorating discussions and debating ethical dilemmas without clear answers.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

What do the young people intend to do when they visit the old woman?

They plan to disprove her clairvoyance and expose her as a fraud.

Balance in Education Systems

What shift has MIT made in its educational approach?

MIT has moved towards a more well-rounded approach to education, integrating humanities with STEM.

Cultural Understanding through Humanities

What role has religion played in the arts and humanities?

It has inspired many artists and writers throughout the centuries.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

How did the little bird perform when introduced to Princess September's sisters?

It sang a different song for each of the eight sisters, showcasing its unparalleled singing talent.

Language as a Tool for Power and Responsibility

What is the danger of relying solely on technology?

It may lead to unethical decisions if human implications are not considered.

Skills Gained from Humanities Education

Why are skills from humanities education increasingly in demand?

Because they are resistant to automation.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

How many children did the king of Siam have?

Thirteen children: nine daughters and four sons.

Career Opportunities in Humanities

How do employers view humanities graduates?

They are increasingly valued for their important, sought-after skill sets.

Humanities vs. STEM Fields

Why do math and science dominate schools?

They often have clear right and wrong answers, making them more concrete and allowing for less discussion.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

What did the loyal bird do to prove the sisters wrong?

He returned to September, sat on her shoulder, and sang.

Importance of Studying Humanities

What societal shift is discussed in the lecture?

A shift towards valuing technical fields over arts and humanities.

Language as a Tool for Power and Responsibility

What does the President's quote signify about language?

It acknowledges the limitations of language in capturing the reality of death and loss.

Cultural Understanding through Humanities

What significant anniversary did Gulzar mention in relation to the Partition?

Seventy years.

Balance in Education Systems

What do students report feeling in American schools according to a recent study?

One third of high school students report feeling bored at school.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

How did the bird feel about being caged?

The bird was surprised and shocked, finding it hard to accept captivity.

Career Opportunities in Humanities

In which government department do history graduates often find employment?

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Balance in Education Systems

Why is balance important in education according to the text?

To create a better, more sustainable future.

Skills Gained from Humanities Education

What are some key skills gained from studying humanities?

Effective communication, critical thinking, creative thinking, emotional intelligence, teamwork, cultural understanding, and problem solving.

Language as a Tool for Power and Responsibility

What is the primary purpose of the policing duties mentioned?

To maintain exclusivity and dominance.

Skills Gained from Humanities Education

What is essential for students to truly learn according to the text?

Students must talk about what they are learning, write about it, relate it to past experiences, and apply it to their daily lives.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

What event caused Princess September to suffer heartbreak?

She found her lovely parrot lying dead inside her cage.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

What did the sisters do when they learned of the bird's departure?

They came to taunt September.

Cultural Understanding through Humanities

What was Gulzar's concern about the English translation of his novel?

It did not read like the original Urdu, lacking the blending of tones and dialects.

Cultural Understanding through Humanities

What is the background of the old woman in Morrison's story?

She is the daughter of slaves, black, American, and lives alone.

Career Opportunities in Humanities

What is the significance of studying humanities in a changing job market?

It equips graduates with well-rounded, transferable skills that are essential as careers become more unpredictable.

Career Opportunities in Humanities

What traits does author George Anders highlight as essential in the workplace?

Curiosity, creativity, and empathy.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

How did the sisters react to September's love for the bird?

They took it as an affront and expressed disapproval.

Language as a Tool for Power and Responsibility

What is the underlying message of the blind woman's response regarding responsibility?

The message is that those who wield power over language must take responsibility for its use and consequences.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

What unusual habit did the king have on his birthday?

He gave away gifts to those who came to celebrate him.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

How did Princess September treat the little bird?

She fawned over it, made it eat rice from her palms, and let it bathe in her saucer.

Cultural Understanding through Humanities

What does Gulzar acknowledge about the English translation of his novel?

It may not be 'perfect' or 'proper' English, but it contains stories of refugees.

Language as a Tool for Power and Responsibility

How does Morrison view the relationship between language and human difference?

Language secures our human difference and expresses our unique existence.

Importance of Studying Humanities

What is the risk of prioritizing math and science due to funding cuts?

The world may become small-minded and lack human touch in workplaces.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

What did September decide to do when the bird returned?

She decided to encage the bird to prevent it from abandoning her.

Balance in Education Systems

What is the criticism of the current education system mentioned in the text?

It fails to provide enough well-rounded mental stimulation, leading to disengaged students.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

What did September hope would happen over time regarding the bird's captivity?

She hoped the bird would get used to being in the cage.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

What was the devastating outcome for September the next morning?

The bird lay motionless and drained, indicating it had died.

Toni Morrison's Nobel Prize Speech

What themes did Toni Morrison address in her Nobel Prize acceptance speech?

The power of language to oppress and liberate, scar and sanctify, plunder and redeem.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

How did September feel about the bird's departure?

It was heart-rending, but she bore it with grace and fortitude.

Storytelling and Its Impact on Society

What story does Morrison reference in her speech?

The story of an old woman who is blind but wise.

Balance in Education Systems

Why is balance important in education according to the lecture?

It allows for a smooth and full functioning of the education system.

Language as a Tool for Power and Responsibility

What does Morrison imply about language's relationship with experience?

Language displaces experience but is not a substitute for it.

Cultural Understanding through Humanities

How long did it take for refugees to settle down after the Partition, according to Gulzar?

Decades, and the process is still ongoing.

Balance in Education Systems

What is the benefit of a well-rounded education?

It helps students connect learning across disciplines and transfer new approaches to learning.

Cultural Understanding through Humanities

Why is understanding culture's history and art important?

They are essential to defining a culture more than its scientific and mathematical discoveries.

Importance of Studying Humanities

What is the consequence of prioritizing wealth acquisition in society?

It undermines the value of arts and humanities, which are essential for a thriving society.

Cultural Understanding through Humanities

How can studying art contribute to empathy?

It allows individuals to experience different viewpoints and understand the world through the artist's perspective.

Study Smarter, Not Harder
Study Smarter, Not Harder