What is the lens equation in photolithography?
The lens equation in photolithography relates the object distance, image distance, and focal length of the lens used to project the pattern onto the substrate.
What factors determine the resist thickness in spin coating?
The resist thickness in spin coating depends on the resist viscosity and the spinning velocity.
Principles of Photolithography

What is the lens equation in photolithography?

The lens equation in photolithography relates the object distance, image distance, and focal length of the lens used to project the pattern onto the substrate.

Spin Coating Methodology

What factors determine the resist thickness in spin coating?

The resist thickness in spin coating depends on the resist viscosity and the spinning velocity.

Photolithography Process Overview

What is the substrate material commonly used in photolithography?

The substrate material used is Silicon wafer.

Photoresist Development and Removal

What is the purpose of applying solvents in the photolithography process?

Solvents are applied to remove the photoresist pattern.

Photoresist Development and Removal

What happens during the etching process in photolithography?

During the etching process, all residue photoresist is removed from the substrate.

Microfabrication Techniques

What is the principal reason for using silicon and silicon compounds for most MEMS and microsystems?

The principal reason for using silicon and silicon compounds for most MEMS and microsystems is because these are the materials used to produce integrated circuits (ICs).

Photolithography Process Overview

What is the photolithography process?

Photolithography process involves the use of an optical image and a photosensitive film to produce desired patterns on a substrate.

Photolithography Process Overview

What is the fourth step in the basic photolithography process?

Pattern Development

Alignment and Exposure Techniques

What is a photomask?

A photomask is a template used in photolithography to transfer patterns onto a substrate using light exposure.

Microfabrication Techniques

What is the sixth step in the basic photolithography process?

Etching on substrate

MEMS-Based Processes

What is typically used as the substrate material in the fabrication of 3D parts at the micro level?

Silicon (Si) is typically used as the substrate material in the fabrication of 3D parts at the micro level.

Photoresist Types and Properties

How can photoresist adhesion be improved?

Photoresist adhesion can be improved by using photoresist primers.

Photolithography Process Overview

What is the role of the optical image in photolithography?

The optical image is originally in macro scale, but is photographically reduced to the micro-scale to be printed on the silicon substrates.

Photoresist Development and Removal

What is the fifth step in the basic photolithography process?

Photoresist Development by applying Solvent

Alignment and Exposure Techniques

What is the role of a light source in photolithography?

The light source in photolithography provides the necessary illumination to transfer patterns from the photomask to the photoresist on the substrate.

Photoresist Development and Removal

What is the purpose of the descumming process?

The descumming process uses O2 plasma to remove the bulk of photoresist after development, ensuring a clean substrate surface.

Photoresist Types and Properties

What are positive photoresists?

Positive photoresists are those which become more soluble when exposed to light. An example is Polymethymethacrylate (PMMA), which is sensitive to UV light and developed in an alkaline solvent such as KOH. They offer better edge definition and higher resolution.

Photoresist Types and Properties

What happens to the photoresist when exposed to light in photolithography?

The photoresist changes solubility when exposed to light.

Surface Cleaning Methods

What is the eighth step in the basic photolithography process?

Post Processing - Cleaning/Baking

Principles of Photolithography

How is light used as a tool in photolithography?

Light is used in photolithography to transfer geometric patterns from a photomask to a light-sensitive chemical photoresist on the substrate.

Surface Cleaning Methods

What is the purpose of surface cleaning in photolithography?

To clean the surface from dirt/impurities such as abrasive particles, fibers, residues from previous photolithography, bacteria at micron level, and oil, water, solvent residues.

Photoresist Development and Removal

What is the seventh step in the basic photolithography process?

Photoresist removal/stripping

Spin Coating Methodology

What is the function of the spinner in a spin coating machine?

The spinner in a spin coating machine is used to dispense solvents evenly across the substrate.

Photoresist Development and Removal

What are common developer agents for positive photoresists?

Common developer agents for positive photoresists are KOH (potassium hydroxide) or TMAH (tetramethylammonium hydroxide).

Spin Coating Methodology

What is the usual practice for obtaining a uniform coating in spin coating?

The usual practice for obtaining a uniform coating in spin coating involves spinning slowly at first, followed by high-speed spinning.

Photolithography Process Overview

What is the first step in the basic photolithography process?

Surface Preparation/Cleaning

Microfabrication Techniques

What process is done on the substrate after the photoresist pattern is removed?

An etching process is done on the substrate.

Photoresist Types and Properties

What factors affect photoresist adhesion?

Factors affecting photoresist adhesion include moisture content on the surface, wetting characteristics of the resist, delay in exposure after the pre-bake, resist chemistry, surface smoothness, stress from the coating process, and surface contamination.

Alignment and Exposure Techniques

What is the third step in the basic photolithography process?

Alignment & Exposure

Photolithography Process Overview

What is Photolithography?

Photolithography is an optical means for transferring patterns onto a wafer, used to pattern oxide/nitride film on a Si substrate. It is the most efficient and viable process for micro-level fabrication of semiconductor-based devices.

Principles of Photolithography

What is the principle of photolithography?

Photolithography is a process used in microfabrication to pattern parts of a thin film or the bulk of a substrate using light.

Spin Coating Methodology

What is spin coating?

Spin coating is a process where a substrate or wafer is kept on a rotated chuck by vacuum, and resist is applied by spinning the substrate at typically 3000-6000 rpm for 15-60 seconds.

Photolithography Process Overview

What material is commonly used to make the light-transparent mask in photolithography?

The light-transparent mask is usually made of quartz.

Principles of Photolithography

What is magnification in the context of photolithography?

Magnification in photolithography refers to the ratio of the size of the image produced by the lens to the size of the object being imaged.

Spin Coating Methodology

What is a common problem associated with spin coating?

A common problem associated with spin coating is bead formation at the edge of the wafer.

Photoresist Development and Removal

What is the purpose of postbaking in the photolithography process?

Postbaking is used to remove the residue of solvent from the photoresist after development, typically done at 120°C for 20 minutes.

Photoresist Types and Properties

What are negative photoresists?

Negative photoresists are those which become more soluble under shadow. Examples include Bisazide rubber and Kodak KTFR. They are less sensitive to x-rays and optical rays but more sensitive to electron beams. The solvent used is Xylene.

Spin Coating Methodology

How is layer thickness controlled in spin coating?

Layer thickness in spin coating is controlled by the spinning time.

Photolithography Process Overview

What is the purpose of the mask in photolithography?

The mask is placed above the top-face of a silicon substrate coated with a thin film of photoresistive materials to transfer the desired patterns.

Spin Coating Methodology

What is the second step in the basic photolithography process?

Photo-resist development - Spin Coating

Photoresist Development and Removal

What developer agent is used for negative photoresists?

Xylene is commonly used as a developer agent for negative photoresists.

Alignment and Exposure Techniques

Why is UV light used in photolithography?

UV light is used in photolithography because it has the appropriate wavelength range (300 to 500 nm) to effectively expose photoresist materials.

Alignment and Exposure Techniques

What are high pressure mercury vapor lamps used for in photolithography?

High pressure mercury vapor lamps are used as a light source in photolithography due to their ability to emit strong UV light.

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