According to the Pakistan Maternal Mortality Survey (PMMS) 2019, which province had the highest maternal mortality?
e. Baluchistan.
What are the ocular manifestations of Vitamin A deficiency?
Corneal xerosis and ulcerations.
Prevention of Maternal Mortality

According to the Pakistan Maternal Mortality Survey (PMMS) 2019, which province had the highest maternal mortality?

e. Baluchistan.

Conditions Contributing To Different Disabilities

What are the ocular manifestations of Vitamin A deficiency?

Corneal xerosis and ulcerations.

Conditions Contributing To Different Disabilities

What does Vitamin A deficiency cause in the mucus-secreting epithelium?

Metaplasia and keratinization.

Conditions Contributing To Different Disabilities

What are the changes in the mucus-secreting epithelium due to Vitamin A deficiency an example of?

Structure damage.

Conditions Contributing To Different Disabilities

What is the term for the changes caused by Vitamin A deficiency in the mucus-secreting epithelium?


Continuous Monitoring Of Fetal Development

What are the components of continuous monitoring of fetal development?

Abdominal examination, ultrasound, other examinations (RH Immunoglobulin).

Antenatal Care

What is the schedule of antenatal visits according to the WHO Focused antenatal care model?

First visit: 8-12 weeks, Second visit: 24-26 weeks, Third visit: 32 weeks, Fourth visit: 36-38 weeks.

Prevention of Maternal Mortality

What is the estimated time of death if untreated in the case of postpartum hemorrhage?

On average in 2 hours.

Prevention of Maternal Mortality

What is the estimated time of death if untreated in the case of obstructed labor?

On average in 2 days.

Continuum of Care in Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health

What are the specific objectives of MCH Services as part of the Continuum of Care?

1. Promotion of reproductive health 2. Reduction of maternal, perinatal, infant, and childhood mortality and morbidity 3. Promotion of physical and psychological development of child and adolescent.

Prevention of Maternal Mortality

What is a major contributing factor of maternal mortality?

Unfair and inequitable distribution of health resources.

Preventive Medicine in Obstetrics

What values are aimed to be inculcated in health professionals according to RMU's mission statement?

Mutual respect, ethical practice of healthcare, and social accountability.

Specific Health Protection In Pregnancy

What are some examples of specific health protection in pregnancy?

Anemia, other nutritional deficiencies, asymptomatic bacteriuria, toxemia of pregnancy, tetanus, syphilis, German measles, Rh status, HIV infection, hepatitis B infection, gestational diabetes, prenatal genetic counseling.

Prenatal Advice

What are the components of prenatal advice?

Diet, personal hygiene, personal cleanliness, rest & sleep, bowels, exercise, smoking, alcohol, dental care, drugs, radiations, warning signs, child care.

Continuous Monitoring of Maternal Well Being

What are some conditions that require continuous monitoring of maternal well-being during pregnancy?

Routine check-up, hypertension in pregnancy, gestational diabetes, pregnancy anemia, miscellaneous conditions.

Antenatal Care

What are the objectives of Antenatal Care?

To promote, maintain and protect the health of the mother during pregnancy, detect 'high risk' cases, foresee complications, prevent anxiety, teach elements of child care, nutrition, personal hygiene, environmental sanitation, sensitize for family planning, and attend under five accompanying mothers.

Disability Prevention

What is the example of tertiary prevention in disability prevention?

Vocational rehabilitation in case of foot amputation in uncontrolled diabetes.

Continuum of Care in Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health

What is the Continuum of Care in the context of RMNCH?

An approach to integrate the care that a woman should receive for safe motherhood or safe childbirth, including integrated service delivery for mothers and children from pre-pregnancy to childhood.

Continuum of Care in Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health

What does the 'Stages of the life cycle (Time)' dimension of Continuum of Care entail?

Continuous care that a woman should get at every stage of life from her own family, community, and health facilities.

Prevention of Maternal Mortality

What are the components of pre-conception guidance?

Avoid medications, take folic acid, eat a healthy diet, exercise in moderation, obtain necessary vaccinations, identify and remove health hazards, achieve a healthy weight, discontinue cigarettes, alcohol and other drugs, test for infectious diseases, and screen for other medical problems.

Disability & Handicap Definitions

What is the definition of handicap?

Any restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity in the manner or with in the range considered normal for a human being.

Antenatal Care

What are the learning outcomes related to antenatal care?

1. Explain the concept of dimensions of continuum of care. 2. Describe in detail the services for mother during the antenatal period. 3. Describe in detail the relevance of antenatal care to the health of the mother and pregnancy outcome.

Disability Intervention & Rehabilitation Medicine

What is the definition of rehabilitation medicine?

The combined and coordinated use of medical, social, educational, and vocational measures for training and retraining individuals to the highest possible level of functional ability.

Intervention & Rehabilitation Medicine

What are the components of the integrated approach in rehabilitation medicine?

Physiotherapy, audiology, psychology, education, social work, speech therapy, occupational therapy, vocational guidance, and placement services.

Types Of Rehabilitation

What are the types of rehabilitation mentioned in the text?

Medical rehabilitation, vocational rehabilitation, social rehabilitation, and psychological rehabilitation.

Antenatal Care

What are some components of routine antenatal care during pregnancy?

History, physical examination, abdominal examination, assessment of gestational age, investigation, prescription of medications, counseling, immunization, and rescheduling next visit.

Preventive Medicine in Obstetrics

What is the schedule for Tetanus Toxoid (TT) vaccinations for pregnant women according to WHO?

TT1: At first contact or as early as possible during pregnancy, TT2: Four weeks after TT1, TT3: Six months after TT2, TT4: One year after TT3, TT5: One year after TT4 or during next pregnancy.

Continuum of Care in Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health

What are the two dimensions of Continuum of Care?

1. Stages of the life cycle (Time) 2. Places where care is provided.

Prevention of Maternal Mortality

What does EmOC stand for in the context of maternal mortality prevention?

Emergency obstetric care.

Disability & Handicap Definitions

What is the definition of disability?

A disadvantage for a given individual resulting from an impairment or disability that limits or prevents the fulfillment of the role expected of him in the society that is normal for that individual.

Prevention of Maternal Mortality

When is the mother psychologically more receptive to advice on family planning?

During the antenatal period.

Antenatal Care

What educational and motivational efforts must be initiated during the antenatal period for family planning?

Efforts to advise on family planning.

Continuum of Care in Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health

What is the purpose of attending under 5 children accompanying their mother?

Paediatric component of care.

Promoting IT and research culture

Where can one find resources for promoting IT and research culture, including steps to access the HEC Digital Library?

HEC National Digital Library website.

Disability Prevention

What are the examples of primary prevention in disability prevention?

Immunization against polio.

Antenatal Care

What are some examples of investigations done during routine antenatal care?

Pregnancy test, complete blood picture, urine analysis, blood group and Rh factor, HIV testing, VDRL, and HBsAg for Hepatitis B infection.

Prevention of Maternal Mortality

What are some characteristics of high-risk pregnancies?

Women less than 18 or more than 30 years of age, short-statured women, grand multipara, women delivering less than 2 years after the last confinement, women with multiple pregnancies, and women with mal-presentations.

Prevention of Maternal Mortality

What is the estimated time of death if untreated in the case of infection?

On average in 6 days.

Prevention of Maternal Mortality

What is the aim of antenatal care?

To prevent and detect problems of pregnancy at an early stage to reduce maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality.

Preventive Medicine in Obstetrics

What is the mission statement of RMU in relation to health professional education?

To impart evidence-based research-oriented health professional education.

Conditions Contributing To Different Disabilities

What are the major contributing causes of disability in developing countries?

Communicable diseases, malnutrition, low quality perinatal care, accidents.

Disability Prevention

What is the most effective way of dealing with disability in developing countries?

Primary prevention.

Antenatal Care

What is the ideal frequency of examination for a pregnant woman until 7 months of pregnancy?

Every month.

Antenatal Care

What is the recommended frequency of examination for a pregnant woman after 7 months of pregnancy, if everything is normal?

Fortnightly for the next four weeks, and weekly after that.

Mental Preparation

What is the purpose of mental preparation during pregnancy?

To give expectant mother sufficient time & opportunity to have free & frank talk on all aspects of pregnancy & delivery.

Medication Management in Disability

What is the focus of medication management in disability/mobility limitations?

Diabetes and disability.

Prevention of Maternal Mortality

What is the estimated time of death if untreated in the case of antepartum hemorrhage?

On average in 12 hours.

Continuum of Care in Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health

Where can MNCH interventions be delivered with respect to the place-of-care dimension of the Continuum of Care?

At a household and in a community, through outreach from first-level facilities, and at district or referral hospitals.

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