Which artery supplies blood to the rectum?
The middle rectal artery supplies blood to the rectum.
What types of fibers do the pelvic parts of the prevertebral plexus carry?
The pelvic parts of the prevertebral plexus carry sympathetic, parasympathetic, and visceral afferent fibres.
Blood Supply of the Pelvis

Which artery supplies blood to the rectum?

The middle rectal artery supplies blood to the rectum.

Innervation of the Pelvis

What types of fibers do the pelvic parts of the prevertebral plexus carry?

The pelvic parts of the prevertebral plexus carry sympathetic, parasympathetic, and visceral afferent fibres.

Pelvic Floor Structure and Function

What separates the pelvic cavity from the perineum?

The pelvic floor, formed by muscles and fascia.

Erectile Tissue and Penis Anatomy

What is the dermis of the penis composed of?

The dermis of the penis contains a layer of smooth muscle, a continuation of dartos muscle, underlying areolar tissue, and allows skin to move freely.

Erectile Tissue and Penis Anatomy

What are the potential benefits of circumcision?

Can help prevent infections and penile cancer

Innervation of the Pelvis

What is the major somatic nerve of the perineum?

The pudendal nerve.

Testes and Epididymis Structure

What is the shape of the testes?

Ellipsoid shape

Accessory Glands and Semen Composition

What is the typical volume of semen released during ejaculation?

2–5 mL

Male Reproductive System Overview

How is the scrotum divided?

Divided into 2 chambers by the raphe of the scrotum.

Male Reproductive System Overview

What structures are enclosed within the spermatic cord?

Vas/ductus deferens, blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatic vessels of the testes.

Male Reproductive System Overview

What are the primary functions of the male reproductive system?

To produce sperm and testosterone.

Pelvic Anatomy

What is the function of the pelvic cavity in males?

It contains the site of connection between the urinary and reproductive tracts.

Male Reproductive System Overview

What is the length of the male urethra?

The male urethra extends 18–20 cm from the urinary bladder to the tip of the penis.

Male Reproductive System Overview

What is the function of ducts in the reproductive system?

Ducts receive and transport gametes.

Perineum and Its Triangles

Are the urogenital triangle and anal triangle in the same plane?

No, the two triangles are not in the same plane.

Male Reproductive System Overview

Where are the testes located?

The testes are located in the scrotum, which is outside the body cavity.

Innervation of the Pelvis

How does the pudendal nerve enter the anal triangle of the perineum?

By passing medially through the lesser sciatic foramen.

Blood Supply of the Pelvis

What do the lumbar trunks continue to?

The lumbar trunks continue to the origin of the thoracic duct.

Accessory Glands and Semen Composition

How many glands open in the wall of the urethra from the prostate?

30-40 glands open in the wall of the urethra from the prostate.

Pelvic Floor Structure and Function

Which ligaments are important architectural elements of the pelvic walls?

The sacrospinous and sacrotuberous ligaments.

Male Reproductive System Overview

What is the function of the dartos muscle in the scrotum?

The dartos muscle is a layer of smooth muscle in the dermis of the scrotum that causes the characteristic wrinkling of the scrotal surface.

Pelvic Floor Structure and Function

What shape is the pelvic diaphragm described as?

A bowl or funnel-shaped structure.

Erectile Tissue and Penis Anatomy

What do the corpora cavernosa form at their bases?

Crus of the penis

Blood Supply of the Pelvis

Which artery is the third branch of the posterior trunk of the internal iliac artery?

The superior gluteal branch.

Erectile Tissue and Penis Anatomy

What is circumcision?

Surgical removal of the foreskin

Blood Supply of the Pelvis

Where do lymphatics from most pelvic viscera drain?

They drain mainly into lymph nodes distributed along the internal iliac and external iliac arteries.

Male Reproductive System Overview

Where does the Vas/Ductus Deferens begin?

At the tail of the epididymis

Male Reproductive System Overview

What is the midline structure that divides the scrotum?

Midline raphe

Pelvic Floor Structure and Function

What is the perineal membrane?

The perineal membrane is a thick, triangular fascial sheet that fills the space between the arms of the pubic arch.

Pelvic Anatomy

Which anatomical landmarks can be palpated in the pelvic outlet?

The pubic symphysis, ischial tuberosities, and coccyx.

Erectile Tissue and Penis Anatomy

What do preputial glands secrete?

Waxy material (smegma) that can support bacteria

Male Reproductive System Overview

Which major glands are associated with the male reproductive system in the pelvic cavity?

The prostate and two seminal vesicles.

Male Reproductive System Overview

Where is the scrotum located?

Suspended inferior to the perineum.

Pelvic Floor Structure and Function

What supports the pelvic floor anteriorly?

The pelvic floor is supported anteriorly by the perineal membrane and muscles in the deep perineal pouch.

Male Reproductive System Overview

What do accessory glands do in the reproductive system?

Accessory glands secrete fluids into ducts.

True and False Pelvis

What is the pelvic brim?

The pelvic brim is the edge of the pelvic inlet that divides the true pelvis from the false pelvis.

Testes and Epididymis Structure

What covers the testes inside the scrotum?

The testes are covered by the tunica vaginalis.

Testes and Epididymis Structure

What is the tunica vaginalis?

The tunica vaginalis is a serous membrane that lines the scrotal cavity.

Perineum and Its Triangles

What does the anterior part of the perineum contain?

The urogenital triangle, which contains the roots of the external genitalia.

Accessory Glands and Semen Composition

Where are Bulbourethral Glands located?

They are located lateral to the membranous part of the urethra within the deep perineal pouch.

Male Reproductive System Overview

What are the main functions of the epididymis?

The main functions of the epididymis include sperm maturation (improving motility and ability to fertilize), transporting sperm to the vas deferens, monitoring and adjusting the composition of fluid produced by seminiferous tubules, and recycling damaged sperm.

Blood Supply of the Pelvis

What branches does the internal iliac artery give rise to?

It gives rise to branches that follow nerves into the gluteal region.

Pelvic Anatomy

Where is the true pelvis located?

It is related to the inferior parts of the pelvic bones, sacrum, and coccyx.

Male Reproductive System Overview

What is the pathway of sperm from production to ejaculation?

Testes → Epididymis → Ductus deferens → Ejaculatory duct → Urethra (in penis).

Accessory Glands and Semen Composition

What are the accessory glands in the male reproductive system?

Prostate, seminal vesicles, and bulbourethral glands.

Perineum and Its Triangles

What role does the perineum play in relation to external genitalia?

It anchors the roots of the external genitalia.

Pelvic Floor Structure and Function

What forms the base of the pelvic diaphragm?

The muscles of the pelvic diaphragm.

Male Reproductive System Overview

What is the location of the prostate gland in relation to the bladder and rectum?

The prostate gland is inferior to the bladder, posterior to the pubic symphysis, and anterior to the rectum.

Blood Supply of the Pelvis

After the common iliac arteries, where do the lymphatics from the pelvis ultimately drain?

They drain into the lateral aortic or lumbar nodes associated with the lateral surfaces of the abdominal aorta.

Erectile Tissue and Penis Anatomy

What surrounds the Corpora Spongiosum and contains more elastic fibers than that of corpora cavernosa?

A sheath

Blood Supply of the Pelvis

What is the major artery of the pelvis and perineum?

The major artery is the internal iliac artery on each side.

Innervation of the Pelvis

What type of nerves are mainly sensory in the perineum?

Branches of the ilio-inguinal, genitofemoral, posterior femoral cutaneous, and anococcygeal nerves.

Blood Supply of the Pelvis

Which artery supplies the pelvic wall?

The obturator artery supplies the pelvic wall.

Pelvic Anatomy

What shape is the pelvic outlet?


Male Reproductive System Overview

What are gonads?

Gonads are organs that produce gametes (reproductive cells) and hormones.

Male Reproductive System Overview

What is the spermatic cord?

A collection of vessels, nerves, and ducts that run to and from the testes.

True and False Pelvis

What structures pass between the abdomen and the pelvic cavity?

Structures pass through the pelvic inlet.

Pelvic Anatomy

What ligament continues the margin of the pelvic outlet posteriorly?

The sacrotuberous ligament.

Pelvic Floor Structure and Function

Which muscles make up the pelvic diaphragm?

Two levator ani muscles and the coccygeus muscle.

Erectile Tissue and Penis Anatomy

What is the glans of the penis?

The expanded free end of the corpus spongiosum.

Testes and Epididymis Structure

What is the role of the epididymis in relation to the testes?

The epididymis stores and matures sperm produced in the testes.

Perineum and Its Triangles

What are the principal structures found in the superficial perineal pouch?

The principal structures are the erectile tissues of the penis and clitoris, along with associated skeletal muscles.

Male Reproductive System Overview

What are the internal divisions of the testes called?

Lobules, which are separated by septa.

Blood Supply of the Pelvis

What is the first branch of the posterior division of the internal iliac artery?

The iliolumbar artery, which supplies the psoas major and quadratus lumborum muscles.

Pelvic Floor Structure and Function

Through which foramen does the piriformis muscle enter?

The greater sciatic foramen.

Pelvic Floor Structure and Function

Through which foramen does the obturator internus muscle enter?

The lesser sciatic foramen.

Male Reproductive System Overview

What are the primary functions of the testes?

The primary functions of the testes are to produce sperm and to secrete hormones, primarily testosterone.

Blood Supply of the Pelvis

What nodes do pelvic lymphatics drain into after the internal and external iliac arteries?

They drain into nodes associated with the common iliac arteries.

Erectile Tissue and Penis Anatomy

What structures make up the root of the penis?

2 crura and bulb of penis.

Perineum and Its Triangles

What divides the perineum into two triangular regions?

An imaginary line between the ischial tuberosities.

Pelvic Floor Structure and Function

Where is the deep perineal pouch located?

The deep perineal pouch is a narrow region superior to the perineal membrane.

Accessory Glands and Semen Composition

What are Bulbourethral Glands?

Small (~10mm diameter) pea-shaped mucous glands that lie within the deep perineal pouch.

Accessory Glands and Semen Composition

What role do accessory glands play in the reproductive tract?

They help propel sperm and fluids along the reproductive tract through peristaltic contractions.

Erectile Tissue and Penis Anatomy

What encircles the corpora cavernosa?

A dense collagenous sheath

Testes and Epididymis Structure

What is the tunica albuginea?

The tunica albuginea is a dense layer of connective tissue deep to the tunica vaginalis, rich in collagen fibers.

Pelvic Floor Structure and Function

What are the two openings in the pelvic diaphragm?

Urogenital hiatus and rectal hiatus.

Pelvic Floor Structure and Function

What muscles complete the walls of the pelvis?

The obturator internus and piriformis muscles.

Male Reproductive System Overview

Which nerve branches supply the testes?

The testes are supplied by branches of the genitofemoral nerve from the lumbar plexus.

Innervation of the Pelvis

What is the function of the pelvic parts of the prevertebral plexus?

They are associated with innervating pelvic viscera and erectile tissues of the perineum.

Erectile Tissue and Penis Anatomy

What are the two main types of erectile tissue in the penis?

2 corpora cavernosa and 1 corpus spongiosum with urethra.

Perineum and Its Triangles

What forms the margin of the perineum?

The pelvic outlet.

Erectile Tissue and Penis Anatomy

What structure extends to the tip of the penis and expands to form the glans penis?

Corpora Spongiosum

Male Reproductive System Overview

What are perineal structures collectively known as?

Perineal structures are collectively known as external genitalia.

Accessory Glands and Semen Composition

What is the function of the seminal vesicle?

The seminal vesicle contributes significantly to the volume of semen.

Pelvic Floor Structure and Function

How does the urethra interact with the pelvic floor?

The urethra penetrates the pelvic floor to pass from the pelvic cavity to the perineum.

Male Reproductive System Overview

What is the structure of the epididymis?

The epididymis is a single, long coiled duct located on the posterolateral side of the testis, consisting of a head formed from efferent ducts from the rete testis, a body formed by heavily coiled ducts, and a tail that marks the origin of the vas deferens.

Blood Supply of the Pelvis

What does the internal iliac artery supply blood to?

It supplies blood to most of the pelvic viscera, pelvic walls and floor, and structures in the perineum, including erectile tissues.

Accessory Glands and Semen Composition

What is the function of Bulbourethral Glands?

They contribute to the lubrication of the urethra and pre-ejaculatory emission from the penis.

Male Reproductive System Overview

Where do developing sperm collect after traveling through the seminiferous tubules?

In the rete testes.

Blood Supply of the Pelvis

What does the internal pudendal artery supply?

The internal pudendal artery supplies the perineum (external genitalia).

Erectile Tissue and Penis Anatomy

What is the fold of skin surrounding the tip of the penis called?


Perineum and Its Triangles

What is the orientation of the urogenital triangle?

The urogenital triangle is oriented in the horizontal plane.

Perineum and Its Triangles

How is the anal triangle oriented compared to the urogenital triangle?

The anal triangle is tilted upward and faces more posteriorly.

Male Reproductive System Overview

How many parts is the male urethra divided into?

The male urethra is divided into 4 parts: Preprostatic, Prostatic, Membranous, and Spongy.

Accessory Glands and Semen Composition

What is the normal sperm count range per mL of semen?

20–100 million sperm/mL

Innervation of the Pelvis

From which spinal cord levels does the pudendal nerve carry fibers?

S2 to S4.

Male Reproductive System Overview

Where does the spermatic cord begin?

At the entrance to the inguinal canal.

Perineum and Its Triangles

What is the superficial perineal pouch?

The superficial perineal pouch is located between the perineal membrane and the membranous layer of superficial fascia.

Male Reproductive System Overview

How does the spermatic cord descend into the scrotum?

Via the superficial inguinal ring.

Male Reproductive System Overview

What happens to the lumen of the Vas/Ductus Deferens as it approaches the prostate?

It enlarges into the ampulla of ductus deferens

Pelvic Anatomy

What are the two regions of the pelvis?

True pelvis (lesser pelvis) and false pelvis (greater pelvis).

Erectile Tissue and Penis Anatomy

What is the composition of each erectile structure?

Each erectile structure consists of a central core of expandable vascular tissue and its surrounding connective tissue capsule.

Male Reproductive System Overview

What is the function of seminiferous tubules in the testes?

They aid in the production and maturation of spermatozoa and testosterone production.

Male Reproductive System Overview

What is the function of the ejaculatory ducts in relation to the prostate gland?

The ejaculatory ducts pass through the posterior aspect of the prostate gland to open in the urethra.

Male Reproductive System Overview

What is the role of efferent tubules in the male reproductive system?

They transport sperm from the rete testes to the epididymis for storage and maturation.

Testes and Epididymis Structure

What is the structure of the testes?

The testes are composed of seminiferous tubules where sperm production occurs, and interstitial cells that produce hormones.

Blood Supply of the Pelvis

What does the lateral sacral artery supply?

It is the second branch of the posterior trunk of the internal iliac artery.

Testes and Epididymis Structure

Where do the testes hang?

Within the scrotum, each testis in a separate scrotal cavity

Male Reproductive System Overview

What is the length of the Vas/Ductus Deferens?

40–45 cm long

Pelvic Anatomy

What forms the margin of the anterior half of the pelvic outlet?

The inferior margin of the pelvic bone.

Erectile Tissue and Penis Anatomy

What does the subcutaneous layer of the penis contain?

The subcutaneous layer contains superficial arteries, veins, and lymphatic vessels.

Male Reproductive System Overview

What systems use the male urethra?

The male urethra is used by both the urinary and reproductive systems.

Accessory Glands and Semen Composition

What are the main components of semen?

Sperm, seminal fluid, enzymes, a protease, seminal plasmin (antibiotic protein), prostatic enzyme, fibrinolysin

Male Reproductive System Overview

How long can the Vas/Ductus Deferens store sperm?

For several months in an inactive state with low metabolic rates

Perineum and Its Triangles

What penetrates the pelvic floor to pass from the pelvic cavity to the perineum?

The urethra.

Erectile Tissue and Penis Anatomy

What covers the body of the penis?


Male Reproductive System Overview

What surrounds the spermatic cord?

Fascia forming a cord-like structure.

Erectile Tissue and Penis Anatomy

What happens to arterial branches in the resting state of the penis?

Arterial branches are constricted.

Male Reproductive System Overview

What is the raised border around the glans penis known as?

Corona of glans

Perineum and Its Triangles

What structure forms the ceiling of the anal triangle?

The pelvic diaphragm forms the ceiling of the anal triangle.

Male Reproductive System Overview

What is the retractable fold of skin covering the glans penis called?


Blood Supply of the Pelvis

What is the median sacral artery associated with in females?

The median sacral artery is associated with ovarian arteries in females.

Male Reproductive System Overview

What are the main blood vessels supplying the testes?

The main blood vessels supplying the testes are the deferential artery, testicular artery, and the pampiniform plexus of testicular vein.

Pelvic Anatomy

Where does the inferior margin of the pelvic bone project from?

From the pubic symphysis to the ischial tuberosity.

Accessory Glands and Semen Composition

What may abnormally low semen volume indicate?

Problems with prostate or seminal glands

Erectile Tissue and Penis Anatomy

What is the relatively slender erectile body that surrounds the distal portion of the urethra?

Corpora Spongiosum

Erectile Tissue and Penis Anatomy

What are the components of the roots of the external genitalia?

Erectile (vascular) tissues and associated skeletal muscles.

Testes and Epididymis Structure

What is the structure of the testes?

The testes are composed of seminiferous tubules where sperm production occurs, and interstitial cells that produce hormones.

Male Reproductive System Overview

What is the name of the tip of the penis that contains the external urethral orifice?

Glans penis

Erectile Tissue and Penis Anatomy

What separates the two cylindrical masses of erectile tissue in the penis?

A thin septum

Testes and Epididymis Structure

What are the two layers of the tunica vaginalis?

The tunica vaginalis has a parietal (outer) layer and a visceral (inner) layer.

Male Reproductive System Overview

What is the passageway through which the spermatic cord travels?

Through the abdominal musculature.

Erectile Tissue and Penis Anatomy

What occurs to blood flow into erectile tissue during the resting state?

Blood flow into erectile tissue is restricted.

Erectile Tissue and Penis Anatomy

What happens to the penis during an erection?

The penis stiffens and elevates to an upright position.

Testes and Epididymis Structure

What is the function of the tunica albuginea?

It supports blood and lymphatic vessels of the testis and efferent ductules.

Male Reproductive System Overview

What are the four parts of the urethra?

The four parts of the urethra are the prostatic urethra, membranous urethra, spongy (penile) urethra, and the external urethral orifice.

Male Reproductive System Overview

What is the scrotum?

A fleshy pouch that encloses the testes.

Perineum and Its Triangles

What lies inferior to the pelvic floor between the lower limbs?

The perineum.

Pelvic Floor Structure and Function

What lines the pelvic cavity?


Accessory Glands and Semen Composition

What is the primary function of accessory glands in the male reproductive system?

To produce the fluid component of semen, which activates sperm, provides nutrients, propels sperm along the reproductive tract, and produces buffers to counteract acidity.

Accessory Glands and Semen Composition

What is the structure and location of the seminal vesicle?

The seminal vesicle is an elongated (~15cm long), irregular surfaced structure located between the bladder and rectum, lateral to the ductus deferens at the base of the bladder.

Accessory Glands and Semen Composition

What percentage of semen does the secretion from the prostate gland contribute?

The secretion from the prostate gland contributes to 25% of semen.

Pelvic Floor Structure and Function

How do the levator ani muscles connect?

They attach peripherally to the pelvic walls and join at the midline by a connective tissue raphe.

Accessory Glands and Semen Composition

How does the seminal vesicle connect to the reproductive system?

The seminal vesicle joins the vas deferens to become the ejaculatory duct.

Pelvic Anatomy

What is the anatomical relationship of the prostate gland's apex?

The narrow apex of the prostate gland rests on the pelvic floor.

Accessory Glands and Semen Composition

Why do accessory glands produce buffers?

To counteract the acidity of the urethral and vaginal environments.

Pelvic Anatomy

What is the relationship of the false pelvis?

It is the superior region related to the upper parts of the pelvic bones and lower lumbar vertebrae, considered part of the abdomen.

Male Reproductive System Overview

What is the function of the smooth muscle in the wall of the Vas/Ductus Deferens?

Peristaltic contractions propel sperm and fluid

Accessory Glands and Semen Composition

What do the secretions from accessory glands contain?

A mixture of secretions, each with distinctive biochemical characteristics.

Erectile Tissue and Penis Anatomy

What are the two cylindrical masses of erectile tissue located under the anterior surface of the flaccid penis called?

Corpora Cavernosa

Accessory Glands and Semen Composition

How do accessory glands contribute to sperm motility?

They provide nutrients that sperm need for motility.

Erectile Tissue and Penis Anatomy

What does the erectile tissue of the Corpora Spongiosum contain?

A pair of small arteries

Perineum and Its Triangles

What is the orientation of the anal triangle of the perineum?

The anal triangle faces posteroinferiorly.

Perineum and Its Triangles

What does the posterior part of the perineum contain?

The anal triangle, which contains the anal aperture.

Testes and Epididymis Structure

How does the tunica albuginea relate to the epididymis?

The tunica albuginea is continuous with fibers surrounding the epididymis.

Erectile Tissue and Penis Anatomy

What does the erectile tissue surround?

A central artery

Pelvic Floor Structure and Function

Does the peritoneum reach the pelvic floor in most regions?

No, it drapes over the superior aspects of the pelvic viscera but does not reach the pelvic floor in most regions.

Male Reproductive System Overview

What are the two main parts of the penis?

Root and body

Pelvic Anatomy

What is the primary function of the pelvis?

Weight bearing, support and protection of viscera, and muscle attachment.

Innervation of the Pelvis

Where does the pudendal nerve travel in the perineum?

Along the lateral wall of the ischio-anal fossa in the pudendal canal.

Pelvic Floor Structure and Function

What are the three muscles that comprise the levator ani?

Iliococcygeus, pubococcygeus, and puborectalis muscles.

Pelvic Floor Structure and Function

What do the sacrospinous and sacrotuberous ligaments convert?

These ligaments convert the greater and lesser sciatic notches on the pelvic bones.

Male Reproductive System Overview

What role does the cremaster muscle play in the scrotum?

The cremaster muscle is a layer of skeletal muscle deep to the dermis that tenses the scrotum and pulls the testes closer to the body, typically due to sexual arousal or decreased temperature.

Male Reproductive System Overview

What is the term for the constricted area just below the glans penis?

Neck of glans

Erectile Tissue and Penis Anatomy

What is the composition of the erectile tissue in the penis?

It consists of a network of vascular channels.

Testes and Epididymis Structure

What is the role of the epididymis in relation to the testes?

The epididymis stores and matures sperm produced by the testes.

Pelvic Anatomy

What predominantly composes the pelvic walls?

The pelvic walls consist predominantly of bone, muscle, and ligaments, including the sacrum, coccyx, and the inferior half of the pelvic bones.

Erectile Tissue and Penis Anatomy

What is the structure that encircles the internal structures of the penis?

A dense network of elastic fibers.

Male Reproductive System Overview

What is the fold of tissue on the underside of the glans called?

Frenulum of glans

Pelvic Anatomy

What separates the true pelvis from the false pelvis?

The pelvic brim.

Accessory Glands and Semen Composition

How do Bulbourethral Glands connect to the urethra?

Their ducts pass through the perineal membrane and open into the bulb of the spongy urethra at the root of the penis.

Perineum and Its Triangles

What major muscle is found in the anal triangle?

The major muscle in the anal triangle is the external anal sphincter.

Perineum and Its Triangles

What defines the anal triangle anteriorly?

A horizontal line between the two ischial tuberosities defines the anal triangle anteriorly.

Perineum and Its Triangles

Which muscles are contained in the superficial perineal pouch?

The pouch contains the ischiocavernosus, bulbospongiosus, and superficial transverse perineal muscles.

Erectile Tissue and Penis Anatomy

To what are the crura of the penis bound?

Ramus of ischium and pubis by tough connective tissue ligaments

Erectile Tissue and Penis Anatomy

What is the state of muscular partitions in the penis during resting?

Muscular partitions are tense.

Pelvic Floor Structure and Function

What muscle does the inferolateral surface of the prostate gland contact?

The inferolateral surfaces of the prostate gland are against the levator ani muscle.

Pelvic Anatomy

What structures are contained within the pelvic girdle?

Pelvic viscera, including reproductive organs, urinary bladder, and rectum.

Perineum and Its Triangles

Where is the anal aperture located in the anal triangle?

The anal aperture occurs centrally in the anal triangle.

Male Reproductive System Overview

What are the primary functions of the testes?

The primary functions of the testes are to produce sperm and to secrete hormones, primarily testosterone.

Testes and Epididymis Structure

What do the fibers of the tunica albuginea form?

The fibers form septa testis that converge near the entrance to the epididymis.

Male Reproductive System Overview

Where are the testes located?

The testes are located in the scrotum, which is outside the body cavity.

Blood Supply of the Pelvis

What do the superior and inferior vesicle arteries supply?

They supply structures of the male reproductive system.

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