A supply schedule shows the relationship between the quantity supplied of a good and its price in a form of a table.
What is the effect of a fall in the price of a CD burner on the demand for CD-Rs?
The demand for CD-Rs increases because a CD burner is a complement of a CD-R.
Factors Determining Supply


A supply schedule shows the relationship between the quantity supplied of a good and its price in a form of a table.

Factors Determining Demand

What is the effect of a fall in the price of a CD burner on the demand for CD-Rs?

The demand for CD-Rs increases because a CD burner is a complement of a CD-R.

Influences on Supply

What is Supply?

Supply refers to the amount of a good or service that producers are willing and able to sell at different prices, with the understanding that when the price changes and other influences remain constant, there is a change in the quantity supplied and a movement along the supply curve.

Factors Determining Demand

What is the relationship between Demand and Population?

The larger the population, the greater is the demand for all goods.

Factors Determining Demand

How do Preferences affect Demand?

People with the same income have different demands if they have different preferences.

Market Equilibrium

What is the effect of an increase in both demand and supply on equilibrium price?

The effect on the equilibrium price is uncertain when both demand and supply increase.

Factors Determining Supply

What is a substitute in production?

A substitute in production for a good is another good that can be produced using the same resources.

Demand Schedule and Demand Curve

What is a Demand Schedule?

A demand schedule shows the relationship between the quantity demanded of a good and its price in a form of a table.

Law of Demand

What happens to the quantity of CDs demanded as the price increases?

As the price of CDs increases, the quantity demanded decreases, illustrating the Law of Demand.

Factors Determining Demand

What is a substitute?

A substitute is a good that can be used in place of another good.

Factors Determining Supply

What is a Supply Schedule?

A supply schedule shows the relationship between the quantity supplied of a good and its price in a form of a table.

Factors Determining Demand

What is a complement in the context of demand?

A complement is a good that is typically consumed together with another good, such that a decrease in the price of one leads to an increase in the demand for the other.

Factors Determining Supply

What happens to the supply curve when the price of a substitute in production falls?

The supply of a good increases and its supply curve shifts rightward if the price of a substitute in production falls.

Law of Demand

What happens when the price of a good changes while everything else remains the same?

When the price of a good changes and everything else remains the same (ceteris paribus), there is a change in the quantity demanded and a movement along the demand curve.

Market Equilibrium

What is the effect of an increase in both demand and supply on equilibrium quantity?

An increase in both demand and supply increases the equilibrium quantity.

Differences Between Quantity Demanded and Demand

What is the difference between Quantity Demanded and a Change in Demand?

Quantity Demanded refers to the amount of a good or service that consumers are willing to purchase at a specific price, while a Change in Demand indicates a shift in the entire demand curve due to factors other than price, such as consumer preferences or income.

Factors Determining Demand

What is a substitute?

A substitute is a good that can be used in place of another good.

Factors Determining Demand

What is a complement?

A complement is a good that is used in conjunction with another good.

Influences on Supply

What is an increase in supply?

An increase in supply shifts the supply curve rightward, leading to a surplus at the original price.

Market Equilibrium

What is Market Equilibrium?

Market Equilibrium is the point where the quantity supplied equals the quantity demanded, resulting in a stable market price.

Law of Demand

What occurs to quantity demanded when supply increases?

The quantity demanded increases when there is an increase in supply.

Demand Schedule and Demand Curve

What is a demand curve?

A demand curve shows the relationship between the quantity demanded of a good and its price.

Demand Schedule and Demand Curve

What does a movement along the demand curve indicate?

A movement along the demand curve indicates a change in the quantity demanded due to a change in the price of the good.

Demand Schedule and Demand Curve

What is a demand schedule?

A demand schedule is a table that shows the quantity of a good or service that consumers are willing to purchase at various prices.

Factors Determining Demand

What are Wants?

Wants are the unlimited desires or wishes people have for goods and services.

Differences Between Quantity Demanded and Demand

What is Quantity Demanded?

Quantity demanded is the amount that consumers plan to buy during a particular time period and at a particular price.

Market Equilibrium

What happens when the price of a disc is $2?

When the price of a disc is $2, the quantity supplied exceeds the quantity demanded, leading to a surplus of discs.

Influences on Supply

What is the effect of expected future prices on supply?

If the price of a good is expected to fall in the future, current supply increases and the supply curve shifts rightward.

Factors Determining Demand

What is the price at which 4 units of CDs are demanded?

4 units of CDs are demanded at a price of $2.00.

Factors Determining Demand

How does population influence demand?

An increase in population generally leads to an increase in demand for goods and services.

Factors Determining Supply

How does available technology influence supply?

Available technology affects the efficiency and capacity of production, thereby influencing the amount of goods a firm can supply.

Factors Determining Demand

What is a change in demand?

A change in demand occurs when one of the other factors that influence buying plans changes, resulting in a shift of the demand curve.

Market Equilibrium

What happens when the price of a disc is $1?

When the price of a disc is $1, the quantity demanded exceeds the quantity supplied, resulting in a shortage of discs.

Market Equilibrium

What occurs at a price of $1.50 for discs?

At a price of $1.50, the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied, indicating that there is neither a shortage nor a surplus of discs.

Influences on Supply

What is the impact of Supply Technology on supply?

Advances in technology create new products and lower the cost of producing existing products, increasing supply and shifting the supply curve rightward.

Market Equilibrium

What is a Change in Both Demand and Supply?

A change in both demand and supply alters the equilibrium price and quantity, requiring an understanding of the relative magnitudes of these changes to predict their consequences.

Factors Determining Demand

What is Demand?

Demand is the desire for a good or service that includes wanting it, being able to afford it, and having a definite plan to buy it.

Factors Determining Demand

How do complementary goods affect demand?

When the price of a complementary good falls, the demand for the related good increases.

Price Adjustments in Equilibrium

What happens to price when there is an increase in supply?

The price falls as a result of an increase in supply.

Factors Determining Supply

What is a Change in Supply?

A Change in Supply refers to a shift in the entire supply curve, indicating that suppliers are willing to sell different quantities at every price level.

Factors Determining Supply

What is a Change in the Quantity Supplied?

A Change in the Quantity Supplied refers to a movement along the supply curve due to a change in the price of the good or service.

Influences on Supply

How does the number of suppliers affect supply?

The larger the number of suppliers of a good, the greater is the supply of the good. An increase in the number of suppliers shifts the supply curve rightward.

Law of Demand

How does the price of the good influence demand?

The price of the good results in movement along the demand curve, affecting the quantity demanded.

Market Equilibrium

What happens to the equilibrium price and quantity of butter when workers producing butter are paid higher salaries and the price of bread increases?

The supply of butter may decrease due to higher production costs, while the demand may increase due to the higher price of bread, leading to an ambiguous effect on equilibrium price and quantity.

Law of Demand

What is the Law of Demand?

The Law of Demand states that, all else being equal, an increase in the price of a good leads to a decrease in the quantity demanded.

Factors Determining Supply

What are complements in production?

Goods that must be produced together in joint production.

Influences on Supply

What is the Supply Curve?

The Supply Curve is a graphical representation showing the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity supplied, indicating that as price rises, the quantity supplied typically increases.

Differences Between Quantity Demanded and Demand

What is a Change in the Quantity Demanded?

A change in the quantity demanded refers to a movement along the demand curve due to a change in the price of the good, resulting in a different quantity being purchased.

Influences on Supply

What is the Supply Curve?

The supply curve shows the relationship between the quantity supplied of a good and its price when all other influences on producers’ planned sales remain the same.

Influences on Supply

What is an advance in technology in relation to supply?

An advance in technology refers to improvements or innovations that enhance the efficiency of production processes, leading to an increase in the supply of goods.

Factors Determining Supply

What is the price of the good in relation to supply?

The price of the good influences the amount a firm plans to supply, resulting in movement along the supply curve.

Factors Determining Supply

What is a change in supply?

A change in supply occurs when one of the other factors that influence selling plans changes, resulting in a shift of the supply curve.

Factors Determining Supply

What happens to supply when the price of resources rises?

A rise in the price of productive resources decreases supply and shifts the supply curve leftward.

Factors Determining Supply

What is the effect of rising resource prices on the minimum price suppliers are willing to accept?

If the price of a resource used to produce a good rises, the minimum price that a supplier is willing to accept for producing each quantity of that good rises.

Factors Determining Demand

What is a complement?

A complement is a good that is used in relation with another good.

Law of Demand

What is the definition of Demand?

Demand refers to the quantity of a good that consumers are willing and able to purchase at various prices, holding all other factors constant (ceteris paribus).

Market Equilibrium

What is a surplus?

A surplus occurs when the quantity supplied exceeds the quantity demanded at a given price, leading to downward pressure on the price.

Market Equilibrium

What is a shortage?

A shortage occurs when the quantity demanded exceeds the quantity supplied at a given price, leading to upward pressure on the price.

Market Equilibrium

What happens at the equilibrium price?

At the equilibrium price, buying plans and selling plans agree, resulting in no change in price.

Factors Determining Demand

What is the quantity of CDs demanded at a price of $1.00?

At a price of $1.00, the quantity of CDs demanded is 8 units.

Factors Determining Demand

What happens to the equilibrium price and quantity of butter when income increases and butter is considered an inferior product?

The demand for butter will decrease as consumers will buy less of an inferior good when their income rises, leading to a lower equilibrium price and quantity.

Factors Determining Demand

How do substitutes affect demand?

If the price of a substitute good, such as oranges, increases, the demand for the other substitute good, such as apples, increases.

Law of Demand

What happens to quantity demanded when there is a rise in price?

A rise in price, with other factors remaining constant, results in a decrease in the quantity demanded.

Law of Demand

What is the Law of Demand?

The Law of Demand states that, all else being equal, as the price of a good or service decreases, the quantity demanded increases, and vice versa.

Influences on Supply

What happens to quantity supplied when there is a rise in price?

A rise in price, with other factors remaining constant, leads to an increase in the quantity supplied and a movement along the supply curve.

Factors Determining Demand

What is a Change in Demand?

A Change in Demand refers to a shift in the demand curve, which can occur due to various factors, leading to a new quantity demanded at every price level.

Market Equilibrium

What is the effect of a rightward shift in the demand curve?

A rightward shift in the demand curve indicates an increase in demand, resulting in a shortage at the original price and prompting a rise in price and quantity supplied.

Factors Determining Demand

What determines demand?

The amount of any particular good or service that consumers plan to buy is influenced by factors such as the price of the good, the prices of other goods, expected future prices, income, population, and preferences.

Factors Determining Demand

What happens to the equilibrium price and quantity of butter when there is a rise in the price of bread?

The demand for butter may increase as bread and butter are complementary goods, resulting in a higher equilibrium price and quantity.

Factors Determining Supply

How does the price of a complement in production affect supply?

If the price of a complement in production rises, the supply of a good increases and its supply curve shifts rightward.

Factors Determining Demand

What happens to demand when income increases?

When income increases, consumers typically buy more of most goods, causing the demand curve to shift rightward.

Influences on Supply

What is the effect of increased supply on CD-Rs?

The effect of increased supply on CD-Rs is a rightward shift in the supply curve, indicating that more CD-Rs are available for consumers.

Factors Determining Demand

What is an inferior good?

An inferior good is a good for which demand decreases as income increases.

Factors Determining Demand

What is the price of CDs when the quantity demanded is 10 units?

The price of CDs when the quantity demanded is 10 units is $0.50.

Factors Determining Demand

What are preferences in the context of demand?

Preferences refer to consumer tastes and preferences, which can significantly influence the demand for certain goods and services.

Factors Determining Demand

What is a Change in Demand?

A change in demand refers to a shift in the entire demand curve, indicating that at every price level, consumers are willing to buy a different quantity than before.

Law of Demand

What is the Law of Demand?

The law of demand states that, other things remaining the same, the higher the price of a good, the smaller is the quantity demanded, assuming ceteris paribus. It indicates an inverse or negative relation between price and quantity demanded.

Market Equilibrium

What is Market Equilibrium?

Market Equilibrium is the point at which the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied, resulting in neither a shortage nor a surplus.

Factors Determining Demand

What are expected future prices?

Expected future prices refer to the anticipated changes in the price of a good, which can influence current demand; if prices are expected to rise, demand will increase now.

Factors Determining Demand

What is a normal good?

A normal good is one for which demand increases as income increases.

Factors Determining Supply

How do expected future prices influence supply?

Expected future prices can lead firms to adjust their current supply levels in anticipation of higher or lower prices.

Factors Determining Demand

What happens to the equilibrium price and quantity of butter when there is a rise in the price of margarine?

The demand for butter will increase as consumers substitute margarine for butter, leading to a higher equilibrium price and quantity.

Demand Schedule and Demand Curve

What is a demand curve?

A demand curve is a graphical representation of the relationship between the price of a good or service and the quantity demanded.

Predicting Changes in Price and Quantity

What happens when there is an increase in demand?

An increase in demand shifts the demand curve rightward, creating a shortage at the original price, which leads to a rise in price and an increase in quantity supplied.

Influences on Supply

What happens to the supply curve when there is an increase in supply?

When there is an increase in supply, the supply curve shifts rightward, indicating that more of the good is available at each price level.

Market Equilibrium

What is a surplus in the context of market equilibrium?

A surplus occurs when the quantity supplied of a good exceeds the quantity demanded at a given price.

Factors Determining Demand

How do expected future prices affect demand?

If consumers expect prices to rise in the future, they may increase their current demand for the good.

Factors Determining Supply

What role do the prices of related goods play in determining supply?

The prices of related goods produced can affect the supply of a particular good, as firms may shift production based on profitability.

Market Equilibrium

What is Equilibrium?

Equilibrium is a situation in which opposing forces balance each other, specifically in a market where the price balances the plans of buyers and sellers.

Market Equilibrium

What is the Equilibrium Price?

The equilibrium price is the price at which the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied.

Market Equilibrium

What is the Equilibrium Quantity?

The equilibrium quantity is the quantity bought and sold at the equilibrium price.

Factors Determining Demand

What impact does income have on demand?

Changes in consumer income can affect demand, as higher income typically increases demand for normal goods, while it may decrease demand for inferior goods.

Influences on Supply

What happens to the equilibrium price and quantity of butter when new technology is introduced in butter production?

The supply of butter will increase due to more efficient production, leading to a lower equilibrium price and a higher quantity.

Demand Schedule and Demand Curve

What is a Demand Schedule?

A Demand Schedule is a table that shows the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity demanded at those prices.

Factors Determining Demand

What role do the prices of other goods play in determining demand?

The prices of other goods can influence the demand for a particular good, as consumers may substitute one good for another based on relative prices.

Factors Determining Supply

How do the prices of resources affect supply?

The prices of resources needed to produce a good influence the firm's ability to supply that good.

Factors Determining Supply

What impact does the number of suppliers have on supply?

The number of suppliers in the market affects the overall supply of a good, as more suppliers typically increase total supply.

Differences Between Quantity Demanded and Demand

What happens to the equilibrium price and quantity of butter when the price of butter increases?

An increase in the price of butter typically leads to a decrease in quantity demanded, while the supply may increase, resulting in a new equilibrium price and quantity.

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