What is a T test?
A T test is a statistical method used to determine if there is a significant difference between the means of two groups or between a group and a known value.
What does an Independent T Test compare?
An Independent T Test compares the means of two independent groups and assumes that the two groups are unrelated.
Definition of T Test

What is a T test?

A T test is a statistical method used to determine if there is a significant difference between the means of two groups or between a group and a known value.

Types of T Tests

What does an Independent T Test compare?

An Independent T Test compares the means of two independent groups and assumes that the two groups are unrelated.

Types of T Tests

What does a One-Sample T Test do?

A One-Sample T Test compares the mean of a single group against a known value or population mean.

Types of T Tests

What is the purpose of a Paired T Test?

A Paired T Test compares means from the same group at different times, useful for repeated measures or matched subjects.

Applications of T Tests

What role do T Tests play in business analytics?

T Tests help in comparing performance metrics between different groups or time periods.

Assumptions of T Tests

What does Independence mean in the context of T Tests?

Observations should be independent of each other.

Interpretation of Results

What is a Confidence Interval in the context of T Tests?

A Confidence Interval provides a range of values within which the true mean difference is likely to fall.

Assumptions of T Tests

What is meant by Homogeneity of Variance in T Tests?

Variances in the two groups should be equal for independent T tests.

Applications of T Tests

How are T Tests applied in research?

T Tests are used to analyze experimental data to determine the effectiveness of interventions.

Assumptions of T Tests

What is the assumption of Normality in T Tests?

Data should be approximately normally distributed.

Applications of T Tests

How are T Tests used in academic studies?

T Tests are commonly used in educational research to assess the impact of teaching methods or curricula.

Interpretation of Results

What does a p-value indicate in T Test results?

A p-value less than the significance level (commonly 0.05) indicates a statistically significant difference.

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