What are the lower structures in structured programming called?
How are system parameters and resources managed in structured programming?
They are saved on a stack organized as LIFO (last in, first out).
Components of Structured Programming

What are the lower structures in structured programming called?


Components of Structured Programming

How are system parameters and resources managed in structured programming?

They are saved on a stack organized as LIFO (last in, first out).

Types of Structured Programming Languages

What is the focus of Microservice Programming?

Creating modules that do not store data internally, making them scalable and resilient in cloud deployment.

Components of Structured Programming

What can modules in structured programming contain?

Calls to other lower-level modules and blocks representing structured condition/action combinations.

Model-based Programming

What is an example of a model-based structure mentioned?

Reverse Polish Notation (RPN).

Object-oriented Programming (OOP)

How does Object-oriented Programming (OOP) define a program?

As a set of objects or resources to which commands are sent.

Advantages of Structured Programming

How does structured programming promote code reuse?

By allowing even internal modules to be extracted and made independent.

Advantages of Structured Programming

Why is structured programming widely used in modern software development?

Because its advantages are seen as compelling and nearly decisive.

Model-based Programming

What is a common example of Model-based Programming?

Database query language.

Procedural Programming

What are the subdivisions of Procedural Programming?

Service-oriented Programming, Microservice Programming, Functional Programming.

Disadvantages of Structured Programming

What can happen if the wrong type of structure is selected in structured programming?

It can be applied incorrectly for the task at hand.

Components of Structured Programming

What is a key characteristic of structured programming?

It consists of a structural hierarchy starting with the main process and decomposing downward.

Disadvantages of Structured Programming

What causes the problems of execution efficiency and memory usage in structured programming?

The introduction of calls to a module or process.

Procedural Programming

What is a procedure in programming?

A unit of code that performs a specific task, usually referencing a common data structure available to the program.

Components of Structured Programming

How is the interface description handled in some programming languages?

It is abstracted into a separate file, which is then implemented by one or more units of code.

Disadvantages of Structured Programming

What happens when more program logic is decomposed in structured programming?

The greater the overhead associated with the module interface.

Advantages of Structured Programming

What is a key advantage of structured programming?

It improves development time and code quality.

Disadvantages of Structured Programming

What follows the reduction in execution efficiency in structured programming?

Greater memory usage.

Procedural Programming

What is Procedural Programming?

Defines a process which is then given data; it is the most common category of structured programming.

Procedural Programming

What is RPL in the context of programming?

An efficient way to state and solve math problems.

Types of Structured Programming Languages

What does Functional Programming emphasize?

Modules are written from functions, with outputs derived only from their inputs.

Advantages of Structured Programming

What is one advantage of structured programming?

It encourages top-down implementation, improving both readability and maintainability of code.

Types of Structured Programming Languages

What does Service-oriented Programming define reusable modules as?

Services with advertised interfaces.

Structured Programming Paradigm

What is Structured Programming?

A programming paradigm that facilitates the creation of programs with readable and reusable components.

Module Classification: Procedures vs Functions

How can modules be classified in structured programming?

As 'procedures' or 'functions'.

Disadvantages of Structured Programming

What is a risk associated with all structured programming languages?

Overstructuring and loss of efficiency.

Procedural Programming

What is a function in programming?

A unit of code that operates on specific inputs and returns a result when called.

C as a Structured Language

Why is C considered a structured language?

Because it divides a large program into smaller modules called functions or procedures, each handling a specific responsibility.

Model-based Programming

What does Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) help with?

Efficient solving of complex expressions.

Procedural Programming

Why is RPL considered more efficient for solving math problems?

It eliminates the need to explicitly state execution order and recursion in code.

Disadvantages of Structured Programming

What is the biggest disadvantage of structured programming?

A reduction in execution efficiency.

Components of Structured Programming

How can modules be organized in structured programming?

They can be combined into a single module or broken down into multiple modules resident in libraries.

Disadvantages of Structured Programming

How does structured programming compare to RPL for solving math problems?

Structured programming procedural or object form would result in less efficient code than RPL.

Components of Structured Programming

What do structural programs typically include?

A header file or section that describes the modules or libraries referenced and the structure of the parameters and module interface.

Types of Structured Programming Languages

What are the three types of structured programming languages?

Procedural Programming, Object-oriented Programming, Model-based Programming.

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