What does the true pelvis contain?
Pelvic viscera.
What bounds the false pelvis on each side?
Iliac fossa.
Pelvic Inlet Division

What does the true pelvis contain?

Pelvic viscera.

Pelvic Inlet Division

What bounds the false pelvis on each side?

Iliac fossa.

Pelvic Inlet Division

What are the two divisions of the pelvic cavity?

False pelvis (greater pelvis) and true pelvis (lesser pelvis).

Superficial Perineal Pouch Structures

Is the superficial perineal pouch open or closed anteriorly?

Open anteriorly.

Perineum Structure and Boundaries

What are the two triangles the perineum is divided into?

Urogenital triangle anteriorly and anal triangle posteriorly.

Perineal Membrane and Pouches

Which structures pierce the perineal membrane?

Urethra, duct of bulbourethral gland, artery bulb of penis, termination of internal pudendal vessels, urethral artery, and dorsal nerve of the penis.

Superficial Perineal Pouch Structures

What can lead to extravasation of urine into the superficial perineal pouch?

Injury to the spongy part of the urethra.

Urogenital Triangle Functions

What structures traverse the urogenital triangle in females?

The urethra and vagina.

Deep Perineal Pouch Contents

What are the two vessels located in the deep perineal pouch?

Internal pudendal vessel and artery of the bulb of the penis.

Perineum Structure and Boundaries

What forms the lateral boundaries of the perineum?

Pubic arches, ischial tuberosity, and sacrotuberous ligament.

Pelvic Inlet Division

What does the false pelvis contain?

Abdominal viscera.

Pelvic Inlet Division

Is the false pelvis of much clinical importance?

No, it is not considered of much clinical importance.

Superficial Perineal Pouch Structures

What fascia layers are involved in the descent of urine extravasation?

Lata fascia and superficial fascia.

Perineum Structure and Boundaries

How far is the perineal body located from the anus?

1.25 cm in front of the anus.

Superficial Perineal Pouch Structures

What are the boundaries of the superficial perineal pouch?

Between the perineal membrane and the superficial fascia of the perineum (Colles' fascia).

Urogenital Triangle Functions

What are the two structures that make up the root of the penis?

Curura and bulb of the penis.

Urogenital Triangle Functions

What structures traverse the urogenital triangle in males?

The urethra.

Perineal Membrane and Pouches

What is another name for the perineal membrane?

Inferior fascia of the urogenital diaphragm.

True Pelvis Characteristics

How is the true pelvis subdivided?

Into the true pelvis proper (above) and perineum (below).

Perineum Structure and Boundaries

What is the perineum?

The lowest region of the trunk below the pelvic diaphragm.

Perineal Membrane and Pouches

What is the perineal membrane?

A triangular membrane attached to the pubic arch, dividing the urogenital triangle into superficial and deep perineal pouches.

Superficial Perineal Pouch Structures

How can urine ascend after an injury to the urethra?

In front of the symphysis pubis to reach the anterior abdominal wall.

Urogenital Triangle Functions

What are the three vessels associated with the penis?

Dorsal artery of the penis, deep artery of the penis, and two scrotal arteries.

Anal Triangle Composition

What traverses the anal triangle in both males and females?

The anal canal.

Pelvic Viscera in Males

What is located anteriorly in the male pelvic cavity?

The bladder (with male genital organs).

Perineum Structure and Boundaries

What is the posterior boundary of the perineum?

Tip of the coccyx.

Superficial Perineal Pouch Structures

How is the superficial perineal pouch closed posteriorly?

By the fused perineal membrane with Colles' fascia.

Superficial Perineal Pouch Structures

Where can urine spread if there is an injury to the spongy urethra?

Into the superficial perineal pouch.

Urogenital Triangle Functions

What does the urogenital triangle contain?

External genital organs, perineal membrane, superficial and deep perineal pouches.

Perineum Structure and Boundaries

What is the function of the perineal body?

Gives attachment to perineal and pelvic muscles and plays a role in visceral support.

Deep Perineal Pouch Contents

What is the significance of the superior and inferior fascia in the deep perineal pouch?

They define the urogenital diaphragm.

Urogenital Triangle Functions

What is the urogenital triangle?

The anterior part of the perineum containing external genitalia and perineal pouches.

Deep Perineal Pouch Contents

What are the contents of the urogenital triangle?

Deep perineal pouch (above) and superficial perineal pouch (below).

Urogenital Triangle Functions

Name the three muscles associated with the penis.

Bulbospongiosus, Ischiocavernosus, and superficial transverse perineal muscles.

Perineum Structure and Boundaries

Where is the perineal body located?

Between the anal canal and the bulb of the penis (male) or vagina (female).

Pelvic Viscera in Males

What structures are located posteriorly in the male pelvic cavity?

The rectum and anal canal.

Perineum Structure and Boundaries

What divides the perineum into two triangles?

An imaginary line passing through two ischial tuberosities.

Perineal Membrane and Pouches

What is fused to the posterior margin of the perineal membrane?

The perineal body.

Pelvic Inlet Division

What closes the true pelvis?

The pelvic outlet.

Deep Perineal Pouch Contents

What are the two urogenital structures found in the deep perineal pouch?

Bulbourethral glands and membranous urethra.

Deep Perineal Pouch Contents

Which nerves are found in the deep perineal pouch?

Dorsal nerve of the penis and perineal nerve.

Perineal Membrane and Pouches

What separates the deep and superficial perineal pouches?

The perineal membrane.

Urogenital Triangle Functions

What is the length of the penile spongy urethra?

15 cm.

Perineum Structure and Boundaries

What is the perineal body?

A fibromuscular mass in the center of the perineum.

Perineum Structure and Boundaries

Why is the perineal body known as the central tendon of the pelvis?

Because it intersects with perineal and pelvic muscles.

Pelvic Viscera in Males

What is the relationship of vessels and nerves to the pelvic viscera?

They lie on either side of the pelvic viscera.

Urogenital Triangle Functions

What are the boundaries of the urogenital triangle?

Anteriorly: Symphysis pubis; Posteriorly: Transverse line through ischial tuberosities; Laterally: Ischiopubic rami & ischial tuberosities.

Perineal Membrane and Pouches

Where does the perineal membrane cover?

The anterior part of the outlet.

Superficial Perineal Pouch Structures

What is one possible descent route for urine extravasation?

To the thigh, between the upper part of the fusion line of the membranous layer.

Urogenital Triangle Functions

What are the three nerves related to the penis?

Dorsal nerve of the penis and two scrotal nerves.

Anal Triangle Composition

What does the anal triangle contain?

The anal canal in the middle and two ischiorectal fossae on the sides.

Perineum Structure and Boundaries

What structures does the perineum include?

All structures that fill the pelvic outlet.

Deep Perineal Pouch Contents

What is the definition of the deep perineal pouch?

A closed space between the superior and inferior fasciae of the urogenital diaphragm.

Deep Perineal Pouch Contents

Which muscles are associated with the deep perineal pouch?

Sphincter urethrae and deep transverse perineal muscles.

Pelvic Viscera in Males

Where do other structures like vessels and nerves lie in relation to the peritoneum?

Deep to the peritoneum in association with the pelvic walls.

Pelvic Viscera in Males

Where are the male pelvic viscera located?

In the midline of the pelvic cavity.

Perineum Structure and Boundaries

What are the anterior boundaries of the perineum?

Inferior margin of the symphysis pubis.

Perineum Structure and Boundaries

What role does the perineal body play in females?

It plays an important role in visceral support, especially due to its larger size.

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