A method where IV medications and fluids enter the bloodstream directly through the vein, acting rapidly to restore fluid volume and deliver medications.
Solutions with small molecules that can be hypertonic, isotonic, or hypotonic, used for fluid replacement and electrolyte balance.
Water toxicity refers to a condition that can develop when excessive amounts of water are consumed, leading to an imbalance of electrolytes in the body.
Lactated Ringer's (LR) is the best choice for this client.
A surgical procedure where a tube is placed through the abdominal wall into the stomach for long-term nutritional support, typically lasting more than 6-8 weeks.
The nurse should first slow the IV infusion.
A simple mask with a reservoir bag that delivers oxygen at a flow rate of 6 – 10 L/min (40 – 60 % FiO2), where the partial rebreather bags should not totally deflate during inspiration to avoid CO2 buildup.
It is used for one-time catheterization.
Patients with small veins, elderly, and pediatric patients.
An insertion spike (trocar), a drip chamber, a roller flow valve/controller, tubing with a secondary port (Y-type), and a protective cap over the connector to the IV catheter (Luer Lock).
Rapid fluid replacement, trauma, and surgery.
Use the smallest-size catheter possible.
A solution with the same concentration as intracellular fluid that stays in the intravascular compartment, such as 0.9% sodium chloride.
A small, color-coded plastic tube of different sizes/gauges used for intravenous access.
The patient's consent is needed.
A colostomy begins to function 3-6 days postoperatively.
The stoma and surrounding skin should be cleaned with warm water and mild soap.
Blood transfusion or blood component therapy is the IV administration of blood components such as RBCs, platelets, or plasma.
A thin, sterile tube inserted into the bladder that is left in place to drain urine, held in place with a balloon filled with sterile water.
A mask that delivers the highest oxygen concentration, equipped with one-way valves that prevent exhaled air from returning to the reservoir bag, with a flow rate of 6 – 15 L/min (60 – 100 % FiO2).
A tap-water (hypotonic) enema should not be repeated after the first installation.
Screening is rigorously done to protect both the donor and the recipient from exposure to blood-borne diseases.
Horizontal traction is used to align the fracture of the humerus.
Positioning the patient in the left SIM’s position enhances the flow of the solution due to the colon's descent on the left side.
The irrigating reservoir should contain 500-1500 ml of lukewarm tap water.
Measure from the nose to the tip of the earlobe and then to a point midway between the umbilicus and the xiphoid process.
To assist the patient in maintaining airway patency and preventing complications, often performed in a semi-Fowler's position using hydrogen peroxide and normal saline.
The catheter advances easily.
Used for blood transfusion and large volume transfusions.
It is also called an indwelling Foley or retention catheter.
A water-based enema meant to be held in the rectum for a short time to flush the colon.
To apply pressure to a limb or extremity to limit blood flow; should be applied 6-8 inches above the venipuncture site.
Vertical traction is used to maintain proper alignment of the forearm.
Russell’s traction is used to immobilize the hip or knees or to reduce fracture.
A system that delivers all the oxygen required during ventilation in precise amounts, regardless of the client’s respirations.
Conditions such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (primarily Ulcerative Colitis), cancers of the colon or rectum, trauma, and birth defects.
Primary END to END Anastomosis is a surgical procedure where a part of the colon is removed and the remaining ends are reconnected without creating an ostomy.
A device used for short-term oxygen therapy, delivering oxygen at a flow rate of 8 - 12L/min (35 – 65% FiO2).
Also known as an intermittent catheter, it is inserted for a one-time evacuation of urine and is not left in place.
A solution with lower solute concentration that hydrates cells, causing them to swell; examples include 0.45% saline and D5W.
To supply fluid when clients cannot take in adequate volumes orally, provide electrolytes, glucose, water-soluble vitamins, and establish a lifeline for medications.
A solution containing 500-1000 ml of tap water that distends the colon, stimulates peristalsis, and softens feces, with a time of effect of 15-20 minutes.
To release flatus and provide relief from gaseous distention by instilling a small volume of solution into the rectum.
A stoma is an end or terminal colostomy that should be beefy red and swollen initially, gradually becoming pink or red; dark blue or purple indicates insufficient blood supply.
Nasogastric tubes are used for feedings & medications for patients unable to eat by mouth, suctioning stomach contents, removing stomach contents for lab analysis, and lavage the stomach in cases of poisoning or overdose.
ABO antigen type refers to the classification of blood into types A, B, AB, or O based on the presence of specific antigens on blood cells.
To promote relaxation, which might help to pass the catheter through the urinary sphincter.
Designed for very fragile veins, elderly, and pediatric patients.
A condition where there is an abnormality in the levels of fluids and electrolytes in the body, which can lead to various health issues.
An ileostomy produces liquid fecal drainage that contains digestive enzymes, which can be damaging to the skin, and has minimal odor due to fewer bacteria present.
A system that delivers oxygen via small-bore tubing, providing less than the total oxygen required during ventilation.
Ask the patient to hyperextend the neck and tilt the head forward while swallowing.
A tracheostomy tube surrounded by an inflatable cuff that produces an airtight seal between the tube and the trachea, preventing aspiration and air leakage.
Physiological normal saline is the safest enema solution for infants due to their predisposition to fluid imbalance.
Quickly restores blood volume (hemorrhage, burns, injury), combats shock, and treats severe anemia.
Multipurpose; for medications, hydration, and routine therapies.
Cross matching is the process of identifying possible interactions of the antigens with their corresponding antibodies.
Used to hang the IV fluid solution container, with adjustable height.
Colostomy irrigation is performed to empty feces, gas, or mucus, preferably after a meal and at the same time each day.
The most common and inexpensive device for oxygen delivery, providing a simple and comfortable method for precise oxygen delivery at a flow rate of 2 – 6L/min (24 – 45% FiO2).
Antigens are substances that trigger the body’s immune response, determining blood types based on the presence of antigen A, B, both, or neither.
A solution with higher solute concentration that dehydrates cells, causing them to shrink; examples include 5% saline and 3% saline.
Blood typing is the process of determining an individual's blood group and Rh factor.
People with blood type O are considered universal donors because their blood can be transfused to any blood type.
An enema that uses a solution with the same osmotic pressure as body fluids, typically consisting of 500-1000 ml of normal saline, to stimulate peristalsis and soften feces.
A transverse colostomy produces malodorous, mushy drainage.
Measure from the tip of the nose to the tip of the earlobe and from the tip of the earlobe to the tip of the xiphoid.
A surgical procedure where a section of the diseased colon is removed, resulting in two stomas: one for discharging effluent and the second for secreting mucus.
A surgical procedure where a tube is placed through the abdominal wall into the jejunum for long-term nutritional support, typically lasting more than 6-8 weeks.
Solutions with large molecules that stay in the intravascular spaces longer than crystalloids, used for fluid replacement.
The Rh factor indicates whether a person is Rh-Positive or Rh-negative, based on the presence of the Rh antigen.
Assessing the patient for allergies related to latex, antiseptic, tape, and/or iodine-based substances.
A solution containing 90-120 ml of sodium phosphate that draws water into the colon and has a time of effect of 5-10 minutes.
To expel flatus and stimulate peristalsis by instilling a large volume of fluid in increments and then drawing it out to remove gas.
Withdraw, relubricate, and insert it in the other nostril; the tube should never be forced against resistance.
A high-flow oxygen delivery device that has wide-bore tubing and color-coded jet adapters corresponding to precise oxygen concentrations and liter flow, with a flow rate of 4 - 10 L/min (24 – 40% or 50 % FiO2).
It is used to stimulate stool evacuation, relieve severe constipation, and prevent involuntary escape of fecal material during surgical procedures.
People with blood group AB are called universal receivers because they can receive blood from any blood type.
A nurse should make no more than 2 attempts.
An enema that introduces oil or medication into the rectum and sigmoid colon, retained for a prolonged time to soften feces and lubricate the rectum.
Pelvic traction is used to relieve back pain.
A Halo Vest is used to immobilize the cervical spine.
Patients should avoid foods that cause excessive odor and gas, such as cabbage family, eggs, fish, beans, and high-cellulose products like peanuts.
A device used to insert the outer cannula of a tracheostomy tube and then removed; it is kept at the bedside for reinsertion if the tube becomes dislodged.
Possible irritation and damage to the mucosa due to the soap used in the solution.
A descending colostomy produces increasingly solid fecal drainage.
To treat or prevent symptoms of hypoxia, reduce the workload of the respiratory system, and decrease the heart's effort in pumping blood.
A surgical incision in the trachea just below the larynx for clients who need long-term airway support.
A type of ostomy where only one stoma is created, with the non-functional end of the bowel stitched or stapled shut and left inside, usually with the goal to reconnect.