What is the purpose of signage in crowd management?
To warn, instruct, inform, and direct a crowd.
What role does security play during a crisis evacuation?
Security should prohibit and control re-entry to avoid contraflow problems.
Signage and Its Importance

What is the purpose of signage in crowd management?

To warn, instruct, inform, and direct a crowd.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What role does security play during a crisis evacuation?

Security should prohibit and control re-entry to avoid contraflow problems.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What is a key aspect of evacuation procedures during a crisis?

Communication to the audience by an experienced announcer to prevent panic.

Managing Event Safety

What is a key aspect of managing crowd behavior at events?

Ensuring event safety.

Post-Crisis Evaluation and Incident Reporting

What should event organizers conduct after a crisis?

An event team debrief.

On-Site Communication Strategies

What year did O'Toole emphasize the importance of OSC?


Impact of Alcohol on Crowd Behavior

What did Glassman et al (2007) find about sports event fans and alcohol consumption?

Fans drink significantly more on game day than during their last socialization.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What should event staff, security, and law enforcement do during a crisis stage?

Implement other control methods to manage audience incidents.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

When can forceful strategies be effective in crowd management?

In the right context, such as ejection from the event.

On-Site Communication Strategies

What is the primary goal of successful communication in event management?

To lead to successful coordination.

Impact of Alcohol on Crowd Behavior

What do experts agree about alcohol and crowds?

Alcohol and crowds don't mix.

Impact of Alcohol on Crowd Behavior

What role does alcohol play in event experiences?

It is an inherent part of the event experience for many.

Signage and Its Importance

What type of signage includes legal requirements?

Statutory signage.

Post-Crisis Evaluation and Incident Reporting

What is a key component of the post-crisis stage?


On-Site Communication Strategies

What is one key method of on-site communication according to Watt (1998)?

Verbal communication.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What is a key strategy in volatile situations?


On-Site Communication Strategies

What is one method of on-site promotion for events?

Sponsor promotion.

Impact of Alcohol on Crowd Behavior

What behaviors can alcohol generate in crowds?

Bravado, aggression, violence, loss of rational thought, illness, etc.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What year is the Wireless Festival Show Stop Procedure from?


Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

How should event staff behave during a crisis?

They should remain calm.

Definition of Crowd Management and Control

What is the purpose of crowd management?

To ensure safety and order during events.

Signage and Its Importance

What are operational signs?

Signs that guide the operational flow and procedures within an event.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What can cause crowd incidents to erupt despite precautionary measures?

External event conditions beyond the organizers’ control or organizer error.

Key Considerations in Site Planning for Events

What must event safety managers do during the site planning phase?

Identify and install barriers at all perimeters, no-go areas, and potential hazard spots.

Signage and Its Importance

What is the purpose of 'Entrance' signage?

To guide individuals into a specific area.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What can be partially attributed to disasters during events?

Poor crisis-stage crowd control.

Signage and Its Importance

What does 'unambiguous' mean in the context of signage?

It means that the signage should be clear and not open to multiple interpretations.

On-Site Communication Strategies

Why is verbal communication often less effective?

Because it cannot be witnessed.

Preventing Crowd Problems

What does crowd control involve according to Rutherford-Silvers?

Devising measures that include a progression of triggers or thresholds for implementation.

Key Considerations in Site Planning for Events

What is the role of 'Area D'?

To designate another specific zone within the event or venue.

Key Considerations in Site Planning for Events

What role does the event organizer play in relation to security?

A part of crowd management planning.

Key Considerations in Site Planning for Events

What is one key consideration in site planning for safe events?

A site's legibility.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

Why is training important in crowd management?

To prevent poor decision-making and ensure effective safety planning.

On-Site Communication Strategies

What is a downside of using social media for event communication?

Misinformation can spread quickly and be hard to control.

Signage and Its Importance

What are facility-based signs?

Signs that provide information about the facilities available in a venue.

Post-Crisis Evaluation and Incident Reporting

What type of review should be conducted post-crisis?

A safety and planning review.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

When should law enforcement officers be called in during an event?

When crowd situations become unmanageable by the event’s organizers and staff.

Impact of Alcohol on Crowd Behavior

How is alcohol typically accessed at events?

It is easily available.

Impact of Alcohol on Crowd Behavior

How is alcohol perceived in relation to fan identity?

It is seen as a key component of fan identity.

Key Considerations in Site Planning for Events

Why is it important to consider movement and orientation in event planning?

It is crucial for both site design and communication strategy.

Key Considerations in Site Planning for Events

What are the 5 key elements in Crowd Management (CM) Planning?

CM and Communication, CM and Signage, CM, Ushering and Security, CM and Event Conditions, CM and Alcohol Issues.

Barriers in Crowd Management

What are the characteristics of Heras barriers?

Lightweight but strong.

On-Site Communication Strategies

What is a characteristic of non-verbal communication?

It includes body language and gestures, which can be misinterpreted if used alone.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

Why is it important to include emergency exits in a floor plan?

To facilitate safe evacuation during emergencies.

Role of Ushers and Security in Crowd Management

What is the primary basis for the staffing of ushers?

Predominantly volunteer-based.

Key Considerations in Site Planning for Events

What should be established to ensure safety at events?

Capacity limit.

Role of Ushers and Security in Crowd Management

Why are briefings and on-site training important for ushers?

To ensure sufficient knowledge about event site layout, audience information needs, specific roles, health and safety responsibilities, and communication lines.

On-Site Communication Strategies

How do apps enhance communication at events?

They can provide personalized notifications and schedules.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

How can CCTV contribute to event safety?

It allows for swift incident detection.

Key Considerations in Site Planning for Events

What should be done alongside site design planning?

Crowd management and crowd control planning.

On-Site Communication Strategies

What does OSC stand for?

On Site Communication.

Key Considerations in Site Planning for Events

What should be considered in crowd management planning?

Specific considerations related to safety and crowd behavior.

Signage and Its Importance

What are the key considerations in the clarity of signage?

1. Type of sign information 2. Size and dimension 3. Material 4. Wording and language specifications 5. Location 6. Visibility 7. Strategic positioning.

Signage and Its Importance

What are the characteristics that signage should have for maximum effect?

Signage should be clear, concise, unambiguous, well written, and readily recognizable.

Signage and Its Importance

What are directional signs?

Signs that help attendees navigate the venue by indicating directions.

Signage and Its Importance

What type of signage provides information about event operations?

Operational signage.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

How can the traditional physical presence of law enforcement affect crowds?

It can work with some crowds but may aggravate others.

Preventing Crowd Problems

What is a challenge in dense crowds regarding barriers?

Reactive installation of barriers is often not possible, requiring different crowd management measures.

Barriers in Crowd Management

What advantage do ropes provide in crowd management?

They help define less pressured areas.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What is the purpose of an Emergency Action Plan (EAP)?

To outline procedures for various emergency scenarios.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What should be included in safety considerations for NOP?

Site map(s), staff rota, uniform/safety kit, chain of command, and minimum equipment list.

On-Site Communication Strategies

What is the purpose of on-site briefings?

To ensure all staff and volunteers are informed and prepared.

Role of Ushers and Security in Crowd Management

What should ushers be knowledgeable about regarding health and safety?

Their crowd management responsibilities.

On-Site Communication Strategies

What is a benefit of having a dedicated event website?

It serves as a central hub for information and updates.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

Why is the presence of emergency services important at events?

To ensure immediate response capabilities.

Preventing Crowd Problems

What should be tested before an event to ensure safety?

All systems and exits.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

When are emergency procedures typically reserved for?

The most serious crowd incidents and scenarios.

On-Site Communication Strategies

What is one benefit of E-Comms?

Provides instant communication at a distance.

Barriers in Crowd Management

What is a key strategy for crowd management and control?

Use of barriers.

Signage and Its Importance

What does 'Exit' indicate in a crowd management context?

A designated route for leaving the area.

Role of Ushers and Security in Crowd Management

What role do staff play in crowd management?

They have an important role in effective crowd management.

Barriers in Crowd Management

How do barriers aid in crowd safety?

They help direct and calm crowd flow and manage pinch points.

Signage and Its Importance

What type of signage is specific to the facilities being used?

Facility-based signage.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What should security be prepared to act on during emergencies?

Emergency procedures.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What is the purpose of assembling a safety team for an event?

To manage risk and provide legal counsel to achieve the highest level of safety possible.

Preventing Crowd Problems

What must organizers consider to prevent crowd problems?

All potential triggers of crowd problems.

Key Considerations in Site Planning for Events

What should be considered regarding accessibility in a floor plan?

Ensure that all areas are accessible to individuals with disabilities.

Role of Ushers and Security in Crowd Management

How can ushers and security be useful in crowd management?

They help maintain order, guide attendees, and ensure safety.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What procedures should be included in the EAP for emergencies?

Fire, terror attack/threat, missing person, weather event, criminal activity/disorder, and crowd safety incident.

On-Site Communication Strategies

What is an advantage of using social media sites for events?

They facilitate real-time updates and audience engagement.

Key Considerations in Site Planning for Events

What should be taken into account regarding event setup?

Considerations around event staging and structures.

Preventing Crowd Problems

How can vehicle and pedestrian movement be separated?

By implementing designated pathways.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What can ignorance to internal crowd dynamics lead to?

An important 'blindness in strategies' for proper crowd management.

Key Considerations in Site Planning for Events

What is the second stage of Crowd Control Planning as outlined by Abbot and Geddie (2001)?

Development of a crowd management plan.

Preventing Crowd Problems

What are crowd surges and safety scenarios often considered?

Not always avoidable.

On-Site Communication Strategies

What do people do as they enter an event?

They look around to orient themselves.

Preventing Crowd Problems

What dangers are crowds often unaware of in dense situations?

Domino-effect dangers.

Barriers in Crowd Management

What is the purpose of Mojo barriers?

To manage crowd pressure points.

Role of Ushers and Security in Crowd Management

What is crucial in the recruitment of ushers and security personnel?

Careful recruitment is required.

Key Considerations in Site Planning for Events

Why are the five elements of CM planning considered fundamental?

They are commonly agreed upon as essential to crowd management strategy.

Key Considerations in Site Planning for Events

What does 'Area C' refer to?

A specific section within the event or venue.

On-Site Communication Strategies

What is the purpose of an event operational manual?

To provide guidelines and procedures for event management.

Barriers in Crowd Management

What is a key benefit of using comfortable crowd-side barriers?

To enhance the experience of attendees.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What is a key component of the Emergency Action Plan regarding decision-making?

Agreed decision-making primacy.

On-Site Communication Strategies

What is a disadvantage of relying on mobile phones?

They can be prone to battery issues and network outages.

On-Site Communication Strategies

What should ushers know about communication?

Lines of communication in case of any problems.

On-Site Communication Strategies

What is a potential drawback of using apps for events?

Not all attendees may have access to smartphones or the app.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

Why is site planning important for events?

To minimize safety hazards and manage scenarios effectively.

Definition of Crowd Management and Control

What is the focus of Lecture 5?

Crowd Management & Control for events.

On-Site Communication Strategies

Who should communication be effective between during an event?

Employees and guests, as well as management and guests.

On-Site Communication Strategies

What is a key requirement for effective OSC?

Clarity in communication.

Signage and Its Importance

What type of signage helps people find their way?

Directional signage.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What is the purpose of the Show Stop Procedure?

To outline the steps to take in case of an emergency during an event.

On-Site Communication Strategies

What type of updates can E-Comms facilitate?

New information must be communicated, such as updates.

Role of Ushers and Security in Crowd Management

What must security ensure at an event?

A safe event environment.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

Who usually works with the safety team during an event?

Internal and external stakeholders, including emergency services and local authorities.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What is a common mistake made by organizers during a crisis?

Failing to implement effective crowd control measures.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What does Document 1b include?

Artist’s show stop agreement form, highlighting banned performer actions and space for agreed deviations.

Post-Crisis Evaluation and Incident Reporting

What are 'near misses' in the context of incident reporting?

Unplanned incidents that should also be reported.

On-Site Communication Strategies

What is a common issue with written communication?

It is often misused; lengthy messages don’t work and must be succinct to grab attention.

On-Site Communication Strategies

What are some examples of digital communications used at events?

SMS, Twitter, and web announcements.

Role of Ushers and Security in Crowd Management

What are some key responsibilities of ushers?

Guiding, observing, and providing important information for visitors.

Key Considerations in Site Planning for Events

What is essential for managing waiting times at events?

Queue management strategy.

Key Considerations in Site Planning for Events

What two aspects should be balanced in site planning?

Way-finding and safety.

Preventing Crowd Problems

What enhances security and helps avoid hazards?

Visible on-site security and staff radios.

On-Site Communication Strategies

What will the next session focus on?

Onsite crowd management strategies (real-time crowd management).

Definition of Crowd Management and Control

What role does crowd control play in event planning?

It helps in designing safe events.

Key Considerations in Site Planning for Events

What is the first stage of Crowd Control Planning according to Abbot and Geddie (2001)?

Assessment of the event and its potential crowd dynamics.

Signage and Its Importance

What are statutory signs?

Signs that convey legal requirements and safety regulations.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What covert tactic can be used to manage crowds?

The use of spotters to identify, locate, and deal with issues before they escalate.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What is essential for event organizers to have in place for effective crowd control?

A good crisis/emergency services procedure within the operational plan.

Impact of Alcohol on Crowd Behavior

What effect does alcohol have on inhibitions?

It leads to a loss of inhibitions.

Impact of Alcohol on Crowd Behavior

What social function does alcohol serve for event attendees?

It provides a bond with fellow visitors.

Preventing Crowd Problems

What should organizers do when developing crowd management strategies?

Build a profile of the audience likely to attend and map it against event design and site plan.

Role of Ushers and Security in Crowd Management

What qualities should security personnel possess?

Experience and training in dealing with crowd disorders.

Impact of Alcohol on Crowd Behavior

What challenge do many people face regarding alcohol at events?

They find it difficult to conceptualize attending events without drinking before, during, or after.

Barriers in Crowd Management

How can barriers be implemented during an event?

With flexible implementation.

Role of Ushers and Security in Crowd Management

What is the significance of ushering and security in CM?

They help maintain order and ensure safety during events.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What role do risk management professionals play in event planning?

They are part of the event board to assess and manage risks.

Preventing Crowd Problems

What are crowd stressors that should be avoided?

Wait times and bottlenecks.

On-Site Communication Strategies

Why is OSC important in site design?

It helps in communicating changes and important updates to the audience.

On-Site Communication Strategies

How does E-Comms benefit communication to audiences?

It allows for instant communication to large audiences.

On-Site Communication Strategies

How does movement affect customer entry at an event?

Movement slows down as customers enter the event.

Role of Ushers and Security in Crowd Management

What is one of the primary responsibilities of security at events?

To deal with disputes.

Post-Crisis Evaluation and Incident Reporting

What should incident reports log in the post-crisis stage?

Crimes, arrests, injuries, pedestrian/traffic accidents, property damage, crowd disturbances, and unplanned incidents.

Role of Ushers and Security in Crowd Management

Why is planning for the right number of staff important in crowd management?

It ensures effective crowd management strategies.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What should event safety managers do during the event regarding barriers?

Walk the site and monitor all event areas for barrier efficacy and new safety hotspots.

Post-Crisis Evaluation and Incident Reporting

Why is it important to collect data on event crowds and incidents?

It aids the learning process for the safe planning of future or recurring events.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What is a limitation of modern 'rational' approaches to crowd management?

They do not always address the impact of internal crowd dynamics on emotional arousal.

Key Considerations in Site Planning for Events

How does CM relate to communication?

Effective communication is a key element in managing crowds.

On-Site Communication Strategies

What is a drawback of using two-way radios?

Limited range and potential interference from other devices.

On-Site Communication Strategies

How do mobile phones benefit event communication?

They provide a versatile platform for calls, texts, and apps.

Impact of Alcohol on Crowd Behavior

What issues related to alcohol must be considered in CM?

Alcohol can influence crowd behavior and increase risks.

Key Considerations in Site Planning for Events

What consideration is crucial for inclusivity at events?

Special needs / accessibility planning.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

Why should staff, stewards, and security be clearly visible?

To ensure they are recognized and ready to respond.

Definition of Crowd Management and Control

How does Getz define crowd management?

As security measures and site design factors that enhance customer service and the overall event experience.

On-Site Communication Strategies

What must communication strategies remain in case the event environment changes?


Role of Ushers and Security in Crowd Management

What role do ushers and security play in crowd management strategies?

They help manage crowd situations and ensure safety.

On-Site Communication Strategies

When is E-Comms particularly useful?

When the event environment changes, such as weather or schedule.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What is crucial to have in place during a crisis stage?

Procedures for rapid but orderly evacuation, such as show stop procedures.

Barriers in Crowd Management

What are Heras barriers used for in crowd management?

To create perimeters and pathways.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

Why is it important to know when to employ specific strategies during a crisis?

Because different situations may require different approaches for effective crowd management.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What document provides emergency show stop procedure details?

Document 1a on the portal.

Key Considerations in Site Planning for Events

What is the significance of 'Area B'?

Another designated zone within the event or venue.

Role of Ushers and Security in Crowd Management

What type of roles are often filled close to event delivery?

Temporary roles and transient teams.

Role of Ushers and Security in Crowd Management

What is a key ability that security must have regarding troublemakers?

The ability to restrain troublemakers.

On-Site Communication Strategies

What is a benefit of using two-way radios for event communication?

They allow for instant communication between team members.

Signage and Its Importance

What role does signage play in a floor plan?

To guide attendees and provide information about the layout.

On-Site Communication Strategies

What are visual and audio cues used for in events?

To guide and inform attendees.

Barriers in Crowd Management

How can a floor plan assist in planning for crowd control?

By identifying areas where barriers or security may be needed.

Preventing Crowd Problems

What should be avoided to prevent crowd congestion?

Dead-ends and bottlenecks.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What is the purpose of having plain-clothed security officers?

To monitor the crowd discreetly and respond to incidents.

Signage and Its Importance

What are the four categories of event signage according to O’Toole (2011)?

Directional, Statutory, Operational, Facility-based.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What is necessary for effective crowd management?

A balance between policing through conversations and communication of desired actions.

Post-Crisis Evaluation and Incident Reporting

What is the purpose of evaluating after a crisis?

To learn from mistakes and rectify issues and procedures for the future.

Preventing Crowd Problems

What are some examples of event-specific catalysts that can affect audience behavior?

Performing acts, no-shows, delays, and crowd mood.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

Which event's Show Stop Procedure is referenced?

Wireless Festival.

Key Considerations in Site Planning for Events

What does 'Area A' signify?

A specific designated zone within the event or venue.

Key Considerations in Site Planning for Events

What is the primary purpose of a floor plan?

To provide a visual representation of the layout of a space.

Impact of Alcohol on Crowd Behavior

Why do many attendees drink at events?

To pass the time waiting for entertainment.

On-Site Communication Strategies

What type of communication involves radio, PA announcements, and mobiles?

Voice communications.

Role of Ushers and Security in Crowd Management

What is a key consideration when recruiting staff for events?

The timing of recruitment, often close to event delivery.

Role of Ushers and Security in Crowd Management

What are ushers also known as?


On-Site Communication Strategies

What is the most pertinent method of communication nowadays?

Electronic communication.

Key Considerations in Site Planning for Events

How do event conditions impact Crowd Management?

Event conditions can affect crowd behavior and safety measures.

On-Site Communication Strategies

What types of print materials are commonly used at events?

Programmes, leaflets, and news sheets.

Key Considerations in Site Planning for Events

What should be planned to ensure smooth movement at events?

Traffic and pedestrian flow planning.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What is a key factor in the pre-crisis stage for events?

Clear and detailed staff safety briefings.

Preventing Crowd Problems

What should signs and announcements do in a crowd?

Advise the crowd of rules and procedures.

Preventing Crowd Problems

What factors influence audience behavior at events?

Design of the event environment, site planning, event-specific catalysts, and external influences.

Key Considerations in Site Planning for Events

What is the third stage of Crowd Control Planning according to Abbot and Geddie (2001)?

Implementation and evaluation of the crowd management plan.

Signage and Its Importance

Why is strategic positioning important for signage?

To ensure that the signage is easily visible and effective in conveying information.

Preventing Crowd Problems

What external influences can impact audience behavior?

Weather and high destination crime levels.

Preventing Crowd Problems

What is essential for forward planning in crowd control?

Dealing with orderly crowds that may become disorderly.

On-Site Communication Strategies

In what ways can communication help with customer orientation at events?

Effective signage, staff guidance, and clear announcements can assist in orientation.

Key Considerations in Site Planning for Events

How can a floor plan enhance crowd management?

By identifying pathways, exits, and areas for crowd control.

Key Considerations in Site Planning for Events

What does CM stand for in the context of event planning?

Crowd Management.

Preventing Crowd Problems

What types of behavior should crowd control measures account for?

Orderly crowd situations to those involving unlawful or unsafe behavior.

Role of Ushers and Security in Crowd Management

What type of team are ushers considered?

Transient team, event delivery only.

Key Considerations in Site Planning for Events

What strategy is important for managing crowds at events?

Crowd management strategy.

On-Site Communication Strategies

What is a limitation of event websites?

They may not reach all attendees if not promoted effectively.

Preventing Crowd Problems

What role do staff play in crowd management?

Ensure staff are on hand to assist visitors.

Post-Crisis Evaluation and Incident Reporting

What specific details should be included in incident reports?

Dates, times, locations, witnesses, victims, suspects, the incident itself, and all actions taken.

Impact of Alcohol on Crowd Behavior

What is one of the crowd warning signs related to alcohol?

Alcohol consumption is considered one of the crowd warning signs.

Preventing Crowd Problems

What are two strategies to prevent overcrowding?

Limiting the number of tickets sold and establishing ceiling capacity.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What does NOP stand for?

Normal Operating Procedure.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What effect can internal crowd dynamics have on behavior?

They can make crowds 'irrational'.

On-Site Communication Strategies

How is visual communication typically used?

To train employees or promote a product.

On-Site Communication Strategies

What role do information booths play at events?

They provide attendees with information and assistance.

Preventing Crowd Problems

What is a key consideration for flow of movement in a floor plan?

To minimize congestion and ensure smooth transitions.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What is a common issue linked to crowd incidents in recent years?

Poor decision-making and lack of training for incident-based procedures.

Preventing Crowd Problems

Why is adequate signage important in crowd management?

To guide and inform visitors effectively.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What is the function of a designated control/command center on site?

To make major safety/security emergency decisions and facilitate orderly operations.

Role of Ushers and Security in Crowd Management

What is the goal of security in maintaining order at events?

To restore order before having to shut the event down.

Signage and Its Importance

What role does signage play in Crowd Management?

Signage is crucial for guiding and informing the crowd.

Key Considerations in Site Planning for Events

How can a floor plan help in resource allocation?

By designating areas for services, vendors, and facilities.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What should be included in the daily checks of NOP?

Patrol details and telephone directory.

Preventing Crowd Problems

What is a key consideration for preventing crowd problems at events?

Ample space at key points such as exits.

Preventing Crowd Problems

What should be done to ensure safety in no-go areas?

Block off no-go areas.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

Are these safety tactics applicable to smaller events?

Yes, but they are often more frequently planned for larger, high-risk events.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What is the significance of the link to EAP and risk assessments in NOP?

To ensure comprehensive safety planning and preparedness.

Preventing Crowd Problems

What is one strategy to manage services across an event site?

Disperse services and functional areas across the site.

Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures

What must be monitored and adhered to regarding event capacity?

Capacity limits.

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