What defines an invasive species?
A species that is non-native to a specific location and causes harm to the environment, economy, or human health.
Why do lionfish have very few predators in Atlantic waters?
Because they are not native to those waters.
Definition of Invasive Species

What defines an invasive species?

A species that is non-native to a specific location and causes harm to the environment, economy, or human health.

Lionfish as an Invasive Species

Why do lionfish have very few predators in Atlantic waters?

Because they are not native to those waters.

Impact of Climate Change on Invasive Species

What do invasive species occupy in an ecosystem?

Unnatural niches.

Consequences of Invasive Species

What can happen when invasive species have no natural predators?

They can breed and spread quickly, taking over an area.

Spread of Invasive Species

How can ornamental plants become invasive?

By escaping into the wild.

Phyllobates Terribilis and Saguinus Oedipus

What type of monkey is the cotton-top tamarin?

A small New World monkey.

Impact of Climate Change on Invasive Species

How does climate change affect invasive plant species?

Higher average temperatures and changes in rain and snow patterns enable them to move into new areas.

Phyllobates Terribilis and Saguinus Oedipus

Where is Phyllobates terribilis endemic to?

The Pacific coast of Colombia.

Spread of Invasive Species

What role do ships play in the spread of invasive species?

They can carry aquatic organisms.

Consequences of Invasive Species

What are some direct threats posed by invasive species?

Preying on native species, outcompeting for resources, causing disease, and preventing reproduction.

Phyllobates Terribilis and Saguinus Oedipus

How long can a cotton-top tamarin live?

Up to 24 years, but most die at 13 years.

Cane Toad and Its Impact

What is identified as the most important pathway of direct impact from cane toads?

Lethal toxic ingestion.

Phyllobates Terribilis and Saguinus Oedipus

What type of frog is Phyllobates terribilis?

A poison dart frog.

Definition of Endemic Species

What is an endemic species?

A species that is native to a specific geographic area and is not found naturally anywhere else.

Consequences of Invasive Species

How can invasive species affect the food web in an ecosystem?

By destroying or replacing native food sources.

Impact of Climate Change on Invasive Species

What effect does climate change have on insect pest infestations?

It makes infestations more severe as pests can take advantage of changing weather.

Spread of Invasive Species

How do invasive species typically grow and reproduce?

They grow and reproduce quickly and spread aggressively.

Consequences of Invasive Species

What impact do invasive species have on native species in Colombia?

They compete for resources, potentially leading to the decline or extinction of native species.

Endemic Species in Colombia

What is a common characteristic of endemic species?

They have evolved to adapt to the specific conditions of their native environment.

Phyllobates Terribilis and Saguinus Oedipus

What distinctive feature helps identify the cotton-top tamarin?

The long, white sagittal crest extending from its forehead to its shoulders.

Lionfish as an Invasive Species

What do lionfish primarily feed on?

Small crustaceans and fish, including young commercial fish species.

Definition of Invasive Species

What are invasive species?

Species that are non-native to an ecosystem and cause harm to the environment, economy, or human health.

Spread of Invasive Species

How can smaller boats contribute to the spread of invasive species?

By carrying them on their propellers.

Consequences of Invasive Species

Can invasive species become endemic?

Yes, if they establish a stable population in a new area over time.

Definition of Endemic Species

What is an endemic species?

An endemic species is a species that is native to and restricted to a specific geographic area.

Consequences of Invasive Species

What types of harm can invasive species cause?

They can harm the environment, the economy, or human health.

Invasive Species in Colombia

Can you name an example of an invasive species in Colombia?

The Africanized honeybee.

Consequences of Invasive Species

How do invasive species impact local ecosystems?

They can outcompete native species for resources, disrupt food webs, and alter habitats.

Phyllobates Terribilis and Saguinus Oedipus

What is the common name for Saguinus oedipus?

Cotton-top tamarin.

Cane Toad and Its Impact

What are some ways cane toads affect native species?

Predation on native animals, competition with native species, and poisoning of native predators.

Phyllobates Terribilis and Saguinus Oedipus

What is the common name for Phyllobates terribilis?

Golden frog, golden poison arrow frog, or golden dart frog.

Spread of Invasive Species

What materials can insects get into that contribute to the spread of invasive species?

Wood, shipping palettes, and crates.

Phyllobates Terribilis and Saguinus Oedipus

What is the weight of the cotton-top tamarin?

Less than 0.5 kg.


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Lionfish as an Invasive Species

What characteristic of lionfish limits their predators?

Their venomous spines, which can be very painful.

Spread of Invasive Species

How are invasive species primarily spread?

By human activities, often unintentionally.

Consequences of Invasive Species

Why might native wildlife struggle against invasive species?

They may not have evolved defenses or may not be able to compete with species that have no predators.

Consequences of Invasive Species

What impact can invasive species have on habitat for native wildlife?

They can alter the abundance or diversity of important species.

Definition of Invasive Species

What is an invasive species?

Any living organism that is not native to an ecosystem and causes harm.

Consequences of Invasive Species

Why are invasive species a concern in Colombia?

They threaten native biodiversity and disrupt local ecosystems.

Spread of Invasive Species

How do invasive species typically spread in Colombia?

Through human activities, such as trade, travel, and agriculture.

Spread of Invasive Species

Why are some invasive species released into the wild?

Because people have them as pets, either intentionally or accidentally.

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