What edition of the APA Publication Manual is referenced?
7th edition.
What is a preferred way to lead into a quotation?
Use a complete sentence followed by a colon.
Introduction to APA Documentation

What edition of the APA Publication Manual is referenced?

7th edition.

Quoting Information

What is a preferred way to lead into a quotation?

Use a complete sentence followed by a colon.

Introduction to APA Documentation

What is the copyright year of the APA documentation guide?


References Page Formatting

What is the DOI for the APA Publication Manual?


Quoting Information

What should be included in a lead-in for a block quotation?

A lead-in should introduce the quotation contextually, setting up the reader for the information that follows.

In-Text Citations

How do you cite from two or more sources?

Include both sources in the citation, separated by a semicolon.

Understanding Plagiarism

What is self-plagiarism?

Reusing one's own previously published work without proper citation.

References Page Formatting

What is the general format for a references page?

Entries should be listed alphabetically by the author's last name.

Understanding Plagiarism

What does Aidan Gomez believe about the focus on AI?

He believes that spending time on existential fear of AI is a distraction and that the world should focus on other issues with AI.

Understanding Plagiarism

What should each assignment submitted be?

New work, not previously submitted material.

References Page Formatting

What should you do when citing a work with no authors?

Use the title of the work in place of the author.

References Page Formatting

What is included in the SAMPLE REFERENCES LIST?

Examples of how to format various types of sources.

References Page Formatting

How should illustrations, pictures, or charts be referenced?

Follow the specific format for visual materials in the references.

Quoting Information

How should you format quotations that are forty words or more?

Use block format without quotation marks.

In-Text Citations

What are in-text citations?

References within the text that credit the source of information.

Paraphrasing Techniques

What did Canada's Innovation Minister reveal at a tech conference?

A voluntary code of conduct for generative AI.

Summarizing Information

What should be included in the first sentence of a formal summary?

The author’s name and the title of the passage.

Introduction to APA Documentation

What year was the 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual published?


Quoting Information

What is the format for a block quotation of 40 words or more?

A block quotation appears as a freestanding block, starts on a new line, is indented 1.27 cm, double spaced, and does not require quotation marks. The period appears before the parenthetical reference.

Understanding Plagiarism

What are the three priorities suggested by Aidan Gomez regarding AI?

Protecting sensitive data, mitigating bias and misinformation, and knowing when to keep humans in the loop for oversight.

Importance of Documentation

What is the purpose of documentation?

To provide credit for sources and avoid plagiarism.

Conducting Effective Research

Why should outdated sources be avoided?

They may not provide the most recent and relevant information on a topic.

Conducting Effective Research

What is a reliable research tool mentioned in the text?

The databases available through Lambton’s Library Resource website.

Quoting Information

What does Geoffrey Hinton express about public awareness of AI's dangers?

He is optimistic that people are listening to the warnings about AI's risks.

Summarizing Information

What is the main purpose of summarizing?

To select key ideas from a passage and express them in your own words.

Summarizing Information

What should you avoid using in a formal summary?

Quoted material.

Understanding Plagiarism

What must you provide when using information in an essay about AI?

Proper credit in the body of your paper.

Understanding Plagiarism

What is the consequence of not including an in-text citation?

It constitutes plagiarism.

Introduction to APA Documentation

When was the blog post on how to cite ChatGPT published?

February 23, 2024.

Understanding Plagiarism

What must you do when using secondary sources in your work?

Give credit to your sources for the information they provide.

Conducting Effective Research

What types of sources should be included in research?

Books, newspapers, magazines, journals, brochures, government documents, university research material, internet sources, movies, videos, television programs, and interviews.

References Page Formatting

How should the reference for Deschamps (2023) be formatted?

Deschamps, T. (2023, October 17). AI pioneer Geoffrey Hinton says the world is heeding warnings about the technology. Toronto Star. https://www.thestar.com/business/ai-pioneer-geoffrey-hinton-says-the-world-is-heeding-warnings-about-the-technology/article_aa2d2a32-1efd-5a6f-8618-e6b36733c898.html

References Page Formatting

What is the format for citing a Wikipedia entry?

Include the title, the date of last update, and the URL.

Conducting Effective Research

What is a caution regarding online sources?

They are transitory and may change or disappear.

Paraphrasing Techniques

What was Tobi Lütke's stance on the voluntary code of conduct?

He labeled it as 'another case of EFRAID' and stated that Canada needs more builders, not referees.

Understanding Plagiarism

What happens if the sentence structure remains too close to the original when paraphrasing?

It is considered improper paraphrasing.

Documenting Presentations

What must be documented in presentations?

Text, images, and references.

Importance of Documentation

Why is attention to detail important in documentation?

Because documentation follows strict rules.

In-Text Citations

What is an indirect citation?

Citing a source that is referenced in another source.

Quoting Information

What are the three ways to include borrowed information in your work?

Quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing.

Paraphrasing Techniques

What are tips for effective paraphrasing?

Use your own words and structure while retaining the original meaning.

Quoting Information

What should you do if you leave out material within a quotation?

Use an ellipsis (three spaced periods . . . ).

Quoting Information

What event raised concerns about privacy and surveillance?

The Cambridge Analytica scandal involving Facebook.

Summarizing Information

What should you do with the key points after identifying them?

Write them out in your own words.

Introduction to APA Documentation

What is the title of the publication manual referenced in the guide?

Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).

Introduction to APA Documentation

Who authored the blog post on how to cite ChatGPT?

T. McAdoo.

Quoting Information

How should square brackets be used in quotations?

Square brackets are used to clarify a quotation, such as adding the year to provide context.

Conducting Effective Research

What factors determine the effectiveness of a research paper?

The sources used in the paper.

Understanding Plagiarism

What is Tobi Lütke's reasoning for wanting other countries to create AI regulations?

To attract more AI creators to Canada.

Quoting Information

Where does the final period appear when using a short quotation?

The final period appears after the closing parentheses of the in-text citation.

Paraphrasing Techniques

What does paraphrasing involve?

Rewriting a passage in your own words without evaluating it, while retaining the original meaning.

In-Text Citations

What must be included in an in-text citation for a paraphrase?

The author's name (or part of the title if there is no author) and the year.

Summarizing Information

Why is it important to examine the introduction and conclusion?

To understand the connection between the two.

Understanding Plagiarism

What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism is representing the work of others as one’s own.

Understanding Plagiarism

What are the three priorities suggested by Gomez regarding AI?

Protecting sensitive data, mitigating bias and misinformation, and knowing when to keep humans in the loop for oversight.

References Page Formatting

What is the URL for the blog post on how to cite ChatGPT?


Understanding Plagiarism

What is Aidan Gomez's perspective on existential fear of AI?

He believes that focusing on existential fear distracts from more pressing issues like data protection and bias mitigation.

Conducting Effective Research

What types of sources are considered reputable?

Government documents, reputable university sites, and well-established magazines, journals, and newspapers.

Conducting Effective Research

What should you examine when using online sources?

The author or sponsor of the site and the date it was posted.

Quoting Information

How can the author's name and year of publication be presented in a quotation?

They can appear in the lead-in or at the end of the quotation.

Quoting Information

What should you do with double quotation marks in a short quotation?

Change them to single quotation marks.

Summarizing Information

What is the first step in summarizing a passage?

Read the passage carefully.

Introduction to APA Documentation

Which department at Lambton College provided the APA documentation guide?

Communications Department.

Understanding Plagiarism

What does plagiarism include?

Submitting someone else's work as your own, failing to give proper credit, presenting derived ideas as original, and downloading material without credit.

Quoting Information

What should you do with double quotation marks within a quotation?

Change the double quotation marks to single quotation marks and leave a space between them if they are side by side.

Documenting Presentations

What are Non-Retrievable Sources?

Sources that cannot be accessed again, including Artificial Intelligence Tools.

Importance of Documentation

What should you do if your professor prefers a different format for your papers?

Always follow your professor’s directions.

Quoting Information

What is a short quotation?

A brief excerpt from a source, typically less than 40 words.

Quoting Information

What should be included before a short quotation?

A lead-in should be included.

Paraphrasing Techniques

What should you do before paraphrasing a passage?

Read the passage carefully and identify key ideas, then make notes.

Summarizing Information

How does a summary differ from the original passage?

A summary is much shorter than the original passage.

Quoting Information

What indicates exact words taken from a source?

Quotation marks.

Understanding Plagiarism

How can one avoid plagiarism?

By using quotations correctly, paraphrasing and summarizing appropriately, and providing proper documentation in APA style.

In-Text Citations

What is the purpose of the checklist for In-text Citations?

To ensure proper citation practices are followed.

Conducting Effective Research

What companies have signed the Canadian federal government's code of conduct?

BlackBerry, Cohere, and OpenText Corp.

References Page Formatting

How should lecture notes or PowerPoint presentations be cited?

Cite them as personal communications if they are not recoverable.

Quoting Information

What is the format for a short quotation in APA style?

A short quotation appears within the body of a paragraph surrounded by double quotation marks, with the in-text citation placed after the closing quotation marks.

Conducting Effective Research

What should be done with information retrieved online?

Always save it as a PDF for future reference.

Quoting Information

What is one of the dangers of AI that Geoffrey Hinton has highlighted?

Bias and discrimination.

Paraphrasing Techniques

What did Champagne emphasize after Lütke's remarks?

That the code is voluntary.

In-Text Citations

What is required alongside quotation marks when citing a source?

In-text citation.

Documenting Presentations

What types of sources are included under Online Media?

Social Media Posts, Audio Visual Works, Personal Letters, Memos, Emails, Lectures, or Interviews.

Understanding Plagiarism

What does Gomez suggest is less extraordinary than the idea of a technology-enabled terminator?

The three areas of protecting data, mitigating bias, and ensuring human oversight.

Documenting Presentations

What is the significance of documenting PowerPoint presentations?

To provide proper attribution for text and images used.

Documenting Presentations

What are Artificial Intelligence Tools in the context of documentation?

Tools that assist in generating content but may not provide retrievable sources.

Quoting Information

What is a block quotation?

A quotation that is longer than 40 words, formatted as a separate block of text.

References Page Formatting

How should you cite a government document?

Include the name of the government agency as the author.

Paraphrasing Techniques

What is a key step in the paraphrasing process?

Rewrite the passage using different order, sentence structure, and vocabulary without looking at the original.

Paraphrasing Techniques

What is expected regarding the federal government's AI regulation bill?

It is expected to be implemented no earlier than 2025.

Understanding Plagiarism

What are potential sanctions for academic dishonesty at Lambton College?

Sanctions can include a zero on the assignment and suspension from the College.

Introduction to APA Documentation

What is the purpose of this guide?

To help Lambton College students provide proper documentation for their research and set up research papers with proper formatting.

References Page Formatting

What does the checklist for References Page help with?

It assists in formatting and organizing references correctly.

Conducting Effective Research

What is the purpose of the Canadian federal government's code of conduct?

To address negative fallout of AI, such as bias.

Conducting Effective Research

What should be noted when conducting research?

The credibility and relevance of sources.

References Page Formatting

How do you cite a book with multiple authors?

List all authors in the order they appear on the title page.

Conducting Effective Research

Why should reference materials like textbooks and encyclopedias be limited in research?

They lack the depth needed for most research papers.

In-Text Citations

What must you provide for all quoted material?

In-text citations including author, year, and specific page numbers.

Introduction to APA Documentation

Who is credited with the student paper in the APA documentation guide?

Payton Turner.

In-Text Citations

How should you cite a quotation from someone other than the author of your article?

Use the name of the speaker and their qualifications in the lead-in, followed by 'as cited in' before the name of the author of your article.

Introduction to APA Documentation

Which edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association is this guide based on?

The 7th edition (2020).

Understanding Plagiarism

What existential risk does Geoffrey Hinton warn about?

He warns that technology smarter than humans will create subgoals for efficiency, potentially leading to loss of control.

Understanding Plagiarism

Who is Tobi Lütke and what is his stance on the new code of conduct?

He is the founder and CEO of Shopify and does not support it, preferring that other countries create regulations.

Quoting Information

When should you use a direct quotation?

When the expression is striking, unclear if paraphrased, or needs expert backing.

Summarizing Information

What is the purpose of summarizing?

To condense information into a brief overview while capturing the main ideas.

Quoting Information

How should you handle errors in the original quotation?

Do not correct it; instead, put [sic] after the error.

Summarizing Information

What is a formal summary?

A quick overview of material, often with a word limit.

Quoting Information

What should you use in lead-ins when quoting an author?

The author's full name or last name.

Understanding Plagiarism

What is self-plagiarism?

Reusing work from a previous assignment for credit in a new course.

Importance of Documentation

What documentation style does the Communications Department at Lambton College recommend?

APA style.

Understanding Plagiarism

What types of intellectual property are protected by copyright law?

Books, articles, pictures, art, websites, programming, film, etc.

References Page Formatting

What types of personal communications can be cited?

Letters, memos, emails, interviews, or lectures.

Quoting Information

What should you do with phrases or sentences taken directly from a source that are less than forty words?

Put double quotation marks around them.

Importance of Documentation

What must be documented in academic writing?

All sources of information, including quotes, paraphrases, and ideas.

Quoting Information

What significant action did Geoffrey Hinton take regarding his job?

He left his job at Google to discuss AI's dangers more freely.

Summarizing Information

What should you look for in the title of a passage?

What it suggests about the passage's main point.

In-Text Citations

How should multiple authors be cited in-text?

List all authors' last names the first time, and use 'et al.' for subsequent citations if there are three or more.

Summarizing Information

What does an abstract provide?

A preview of the content of a paper or report.

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