What occurs during the acting phase of Action Research?
Implementing the plan in a real-world educational context.
What are quantitative data collection methods in Action Research?
Surveys, tests, and statistical analysis.
Phases of Action Research

What occurs during the acting phase of Action Research?

Implementing the plan in a real-world educational context.

Data Collection Methods

What are quantitative data collection methods in Action Research?

Surveys, tests, and statistical analysis.

Contextual Application in Higher Education

How does Action Research apply in higher education?

It focuses on improving teaching methods, curriculum design, and student learning outcomes in colleges and universities.

Phases of Action Research

What does the planning phase of Action Research involve?

Developing a strategy to address the identified problem.

Phases of Action Research

What is involved in the reflecting phase of Action Research?

Analyzing the data to understand the impact and refine future actions.

Collaboration in Action Research

What is a community of practice?

A group of individuals who share a concern or passion for something they do and learn how to do it better through regular interaction.

Action Research Overview

What is reflective practice?

Continuous learning through self-assessment and feedback.

Purpose of Action Research

What is the purpose of Action Research?

To improve educational practices through systematic inquiry.

Outcomes of Action Research

What are the outcomes of Action Research?

Enhanced teaching practices, professional development, and empowerment of educators.

Phases of Action Research

What is the first phase of Action Research?

Identifying a Problem: Recognizing an area of concern within the educational setting.

Phases of Action Research

What is the purpose of the observing phase in Action Research?

Collecting data to evaluate the effectiveness of the action taken.

Action Research Overview

What is Action Research?

A reflective process of progressive problem-solving led by individuals working with others in teams or as part of a community of practice.

Iterative Process of Improvement

What characterizes the iterative process of Action Research?

It is cyclical, allowing for continuous improvement and adaptation based on findings.

Data Collection Methods

What are qualitative data collection methods in Action Research?

Interviews, focus groups, and observations.

Collaboration in Action Research

Who are the participants involved in Action Research?

Educators, students, and community members.

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