How can the partition coefficient (K) be calculated?
Using the equilibrium expression.
What is an example of a solute used to explain the partition coefficient?
Methylamine (CH₃NH₂).
Equilibrium Expression for Partition Coefficient

How can the partition coefficient (K) be calculated?

Using the equilibrium expression.

Example of Methylamine Partitioning

What is an example of a solute used to explain the partition coefficient?

Methylamine (CH₃NH₂).

Concentration Calculations in Different Layers

What is the concentration of CH₃NH₂ in the organic layer?

0.116 mol dm⁻³

Equilibrium Expression for Partition Coefficient

What is the equilibrium expression for the partition coefficient (K)?

K = [CH₃NH₂]_(organic solvent) / [CH₃NH₂]_(aq)

Factors Affecting Partition Coefficient

What does a K value less than 1 indicate?

The solute is more soluble in water than in the organic solvent.

Solubility and Intermolecular Forces

What type of forces does ammonia form with CCl4?

Permanent dipole-induced dipole forces.

Solubility and Intermolecular Forces

How do intermolecular bonds affect solubility?

The strength of intermolecular bonds between solute and solvent determines the degree of solubility.

Calculation of Partition Coefficient

What is the partition coefficient (K)?

It is a ratio used to describe the distribution of a solute between two solvents in the same physical state.

Equilibrium in Immiscible Solvents

What happens when methylamine is mixed with two immiscible solvents?

An equilibrium is established between the organic layer and the aqueous layer.

Determining Moles of Solute

How many moles of CH₃NH₂ are in the organic layer?

8.67 x 10⁻³ mol

Factors Affecting Partition Coefficient

Why is ammonia more soluble in water than in carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)?

Ammonia and water are polar and form hydrogen bonds, while CCl4 is non-polar and forms weaker dipole-induced dipole forces.

Equilibrium Expression for Partition Coefficient

What is the equilibrium equation for methylamine partitioning?

CH₃NH₂ (aq) ⇌ CH₃NH₂ (organic solvent)

Equilibrium Expression for Partition Coefficient

What does the equilibrium expression for the partition coefficient look like?

K = [CH₃NH₂ (organic solvent)] / [CH₃NH₂ (aq)].

Determining Moles of Solute

How many moles of CH₃NH₂ were present in the 100 cm³ aqueous layer?

6.34 x 10⁻³ mol

Calculation of Partition Coefficient

How do you calculate the partition coefficient of methylamine?

K = [CH₃NH₂]_(organic solvent) / [CH₃NH₂]_(aq)

Definition of Partition Coefficient

What is the partition coefficient?

The ratio of methylamine molecules in the organic and aqueous layer once equilibrium has been established.

Definition of Partition Coefficient

What is the partition coefficient (K)?

The ratio of the concentrations of a solute in two different immiscible solvents at equilibrium.

Determining Moles of Solute

How many moles of CH₃NH₂ reacted with HCl at the end-point?

3.18 x 10⁻³ mol

Equilibrium in Immiscible Solvents

In what condition can the partition coefficient be calculated using the equilibrium expression?

When the solute is in the same physical state in the two solvents.

Calculation of Partition Coefficient

What is the value of K when substituting the given values?

K = 1.83.

Equilibrium in Immiscible Solvents

What occurs at equilibrium in the context of methylamine partitioning?

The rate of methylamine molecules moving from the organic layer to the aqueous layer equals the rate moving in the opposite direction.

Factors Affecting Partition Coefficient

What factors determine the partition coefficient (K)?

The solubilities of the solute in the two solvents.

Concentration Calculations in Different Layers

What is the concentration of CH₃NH₂ in the aqueous layer?

0.063 mol dm⁻³

Factors Affecting Partition Coefficient

What does a K value larger than 1 indicate about methylamine's solubility?

Methylamine is more soluble in the organic solvent than in water.

Determining Moles of Solute

What is the total number of moles of CH₃NH₂ initially present?

0.015 mol

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