What is involved in the 'Pembuatan Obat' process?
The manufacturing of medicines.
Berapa jumlah bidang kompetensi dalam Standar Kompetensi Apoteker?
Enam bidang kompetensi.
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Evolution

What is involved in the 'Pembuatan Obat' process?

The manufacturing of medicines.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

Berapa jumlah bidang kompetensi dalam Standar Kompetensi Apoteker?

Enam bidang kompetensi.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

Apa tema utama dari UU Nomor 17 Tahun 2023?


Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Evolution

What is the goal of pharmaceutical manufacturing?

To economically develop and produce the latest drugs in immense quantities.

Development of Apothecary Shops

Apa itu apoteker?

Apoteker adalah profesional kesehatan yang memiliki pengetahuan tentang obat-obatan dan bertanggung jawab untuk memberikan layanan terkait obat kepada pasien.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

What is the main focus of Miller's Pyramid Concept?

Assessing competency.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

Is 'Apoteker' considered a job or a profession?

It is considered a profession.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

What does 'Locally Rooted, Globally Respected' imply in the context of pharmacy practice?

It suggests a strong foundation in local practices while gaining international recognition.

History of Pharmacy

How did the Arabs contribute to the preservation and advancement of medical knowledge?

They preserved Greco-Roman wisdom and added to it using their natural resources.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

What is the primary focus of Miller's Pyramid Concept?

To provide a framework for evaluating the competencies of healthcare professionals.

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Evolution

What does manufacturing Pharmacy utilize to develop drugs?

The latest technical advances from every branch of science.

Pharmacy in Ancient Babylonia

How do Ancient Babylonian methods relate to modern practices?

They find counterparts in today's pharmaceutical, medical, and spiritual care of the sick.

Ancient Practices in Pharmacy

How did ancient man learn about medicinal applications?

Through instinct and observation of birds and animals.

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Evolution

Who benefits from the drugs produced by pharmaceutical manufacturing?

Physicians and pharmacists, for the benefit of all mankind.

Development of Apothecary Shops

Apa yang dimaksud dengan 'locally rooted' dalam konteks apoteker?

'Locally rooted' berarti apoteker memiliki pemahaman yang mendalam tentang kebutuhan kesehatan masyarakat setempat.

Development of Apothecary Shops

What significant development in pharmacy occurred in Baghdad in the late eighth century?

The establishment of the first privately owned drug stores.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

What are the ten stars of pharmacists?

They represent key roles and responsibilities of pharmacists in healthcare.

Standardization of Pharmaceuticals

Who was the Chief Chemist at Parke, Davis & Company that developed alkaloidal assay methods?

Dr. Albert Brown Lyons.

Pharmacy in Ancient Babylonia

What did medical texts on clay tablets record?

Symptoms of illness, prescriptions, directions for compounding, and wishes to the gods.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

Apa makna dari frasa 'Locally Rooted, Globally Respected' dalam konteks UU ini?

Menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan kesehatan harus berakar pada kebutuhan lokal namun tetap diakui secara global.

Ancient Practices in Pharmacy

What were some of the first soothing applications used by ancient man?

Cool water, a leaf, dirt, or mud.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

What is the essence of the phrase 'Locally Rooted, Globally Respected' in the context of Miller's Pyramid?

It emphasizes the importance of local relevance while achieving global recognition.

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Evolution

What types of products did the Arabs develop in pharmacy?

Syrups, confections, conserves, distilled waters, and alcoholic liquids.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

Apa makna dari frasa 'Locally Rooted, Globally Respected'?

Menunjukkan bahwa suatu institusi atau individu memiliki dasar yang kuat di tingkat lokal namun diakui secara global.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

Apa yang dimaksud dengan Apoteker?

Apoteker adalah sarjana farmasi yang telah lulus sebagai Apoteker dan telah mengucapkan sumpah jabatan Apoteker.

Ancient Practices in Pharmacy

What process did ancient man use to determine effective remedies?

By trial and learning which applications served him best.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

What is the primary focus of the term 'Apoteker'?

It refers to the profession of pharmacists.

Standardization of Pharmaceuticals

What caused the variation in plant drugs during the 19th century?

Wide differences in active alkaloidal and glucosidal content.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

What does 'Locally Rooted, Globally Respected' signify in pharmacy?

It emphasizes the importance of local practices while gaining international recognition.

Standardization of Pharmaceuticals

What significant product did Parke, Davis & Company introduce in 1879?

Standardized 'Liquor Ergotae Purificatus'.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

Apa nomor keputusan Menteri Kesehatan yang mengatur Standar Profesi Kesehatan?


Ancient Practices in Pharmacy

What is the origin of the profession of Pharmacy?

It began from remote and simple practices of ancient man.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

What do pharmacist graduates know at Ability Level 1?

Theoretical knowledge including pharmaceutical, clinical, social, and administrative aspects of pharmacist skills.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

Di sektor mana apoteker dapat bekerja?

Di instansi pemerintah dan industri.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

Apa yang dimaksud dengan Standar Kompetensi Apoteker?

Standar yang terdiri dari 6 bidang kompetensi berdasarkan peran, fungsi, tugas, dan tanggung jawab Apoteker dalam Praktek Kefarmasian.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

Apa dasar penyusunan Standar Kompetensi Apoteker?

Berdasarkan peran, fungsi, tugas, dan tanggung jawab Apoteker.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

Apa judul dari Undang-Undang yang dibahas?

Undang-Undang (UU) Nomor 17 Tahun 2023 tentang Kesehatan.

Pharmacy in Ancient Babylonia

Who were the practitioners of healing in Ancient Babylonia?

Priest, pharmacist, and physician, all in one.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

Apa peran apoteker klinis?

Memberikan layanan farmasi yang berfokus pada pasien dan berkolaborasi dengan tim kesehatan.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

What is the role of Tenaga Kesehatan?

To provide healthcare services and support within local communities.

Development of Apothecary Shops

Apa peran utama apoteker?

Peran utama apoteker adalah memastikan penggunaan obat yang aman dan efektif, serta memberikan informasi kepada pasien tentang obat yang mereka konsumsi.

Development of Apothecary Shops

Mengapa apoteker dihormati secara global?

Apoteker dihormati secara global karena kontribusi mereka dalam kesehatan masyarakat dan pengelolaan terapi obat.

Development of Apothecary Shops

What does 'Locally Rooted, Globally Respected' signify in the context of pharmacy?

It emphasizes the importance of local practices while gaining international recognition.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

Where can more information about Miller's Pyramid Concept be found?

On the website www.gp-training.net.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

What is the focus of Praktik Kefarmasian?

It emphasizes the importance of local pharmacy practices and their global impact.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

Siapa yang dapat menemukan peluang pekerjaan sebagai peneliti dan akademisi?

Mereka yang memiliki latar belakang pendidikan yang relevan dan pengalaman di bidang penelitian.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

How can assessment be conducted for Ability Level 1?

Using a written exam or true/false exams.

History of Pharmacy

Mengapa sejarah ilmu farmasi penting untuk dipahami?

Karena memberikan konteks tentang perkembangan praktik dan pengetahuan farmasi dari waktu ke waktu.

Standardization of Pharmaceuticals

What was a common issue with 19th-century vegetable drug preparations?

Seldom did two preparations have the same strength, even when prepared by identical processes.

Pharmacy in Ancient Babylonia

What is the earliest known record of pharmacy practice?

The art of the apothecary in Ancient Babylonia.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

How are pharmacists regarded in the community?

As among the community's finest educated people.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

What does Ability Level 3 in Miller's Pyramid Concept signify?

Skilled at doing or applying under supervision.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

What is the first ability level in Miller's Pyramid Concept?

Ability Level 1 (Knows): Knowing and identifying.

Chinese Contributions to Pharmacy

What significant work did Shen Nung write?

The first Pen T-Sao, recording 365 drugs.

Influence of Ibn Sina (Avicenna)

What was the impact of Avicenna's pharmaceutical teachings?

They were accepted as authority in the Western world until the 17th century and remain influential in the Eastern world.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

What does the phrase 'Locally Rooted, Globally Respected' imply in the context of Miller's Pyramid?

It suggests a balance between local relevance and global standards in competency assessment.

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Evolution

In which century did pharmaceutical manufacturing really get underway?

In the middle of the 1700s.

Development of Apothecary Shops

What does a retail pharmacist provide when filling a prescription?

A professional service incorporating education, research, development, standards, production, and distribution.

Development of Apothecary Shops

What activity is depicted involving an apothecary in the text?

Examining logs of sandalwood offered by a traveling merchant.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

How can pharmacist graduates demonstrate their skills at Ability Level 3?

By practicing under supervision or in Pharmacy Practice simulations using standardized teaching aids or actors.

Ancient Practices in Pharmacy

What is the relationship between ancient methods and modern medicines?

Many modern medicines spring from simple sources used by early man.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

What is used to assess capabilities at Ability Level 4?

Experience in the logbook or portfolio.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

How can assessment be conducted for Ability Level 2?

Through multiple choice exams or written/oral settlement of cases.

Egyptian Pharmaceutical Records

How many prescriptions are contained in the 'Papyrus Ebers'?

800 prescriptions.

Influence of Ibn Sina (Avicenna)

During which era did Avicenna contribute to the sciences of Pharmacy and Medicine?

The Arabian era.

Pharmacy in Ancient Babylonia

What is Babylon often referred to as?

The cradle of civilization.

Development of Apothecary Shops

What is the source of the phrase 'Locally Rooted, Globally Respected'?

Rumah Sehat dan Apotek UGM.

History of Pharmacy

What has pharmacy gone through over the years?

Many revolutions and changes, discarding older ways.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

How do the ten stars of pharmacists relate to global pharmacy practice?

They provide a framework for pharmacists to enhance their roles worldwide.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

What methods can be used for ability assessment at Level 3?

Case studies or OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination).

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

Apa yang wajib dimiliki oleh Apoteker dan Tenaga Teknis Kefarmasian?

Surat izin praktik sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan.

Influence of Ibn Sina (Avicenna)

What were some of Ibn Sina's professions?

Pharmacist, poet, physician, philosopher, and diplomat.

Chinese Contributions to Pharmacy

How did Shen Nung test the herbs?

He reputedly tested many of them on himself.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

What are the key components of Pilar Farmasi?

Bahan Obat, Produk, Pasien, Penemuan.

Standardization of Pharmaceuticals

What does 'Distribusi' mean in the context of pharmacy?

Distribution of pharmaceutical products.

History of Pharmacy

Apa yang dimaksud dengan 'sejarah ilmu farmasi'?

Studi tentang perkembangan dan evolusi ilmu farmasi dari masa ke masa.

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Evolution

When did pharmaceutical manufacturing begin as an industry?

About 1600.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

What does Miller's Pyramid Concept assess?


Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Evolution

Which countries were the first to develop pharmaceutical manufacturing?

Germany, England, and France.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

Why are the ten stars of pharmacists important?

They highlight the diverse contributions pharmacists make to patient care and public health.

Influence of Ibn Sina (Avicenna)

What cultural influence did the Moslems have on pharmacy in Europe?

They introduced a new pattern of pharmacy that western Europe soon assimilated.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

What will contribute to the growth of pharmacy's professional stature in the future?

The heritage and tradition of service passed on from teacher to student, and from father to son.

Ancient Practices in Pharmacy

What indulgence do children partake in, as mentioned in the text?

Indulging their taste for sweets with stalks of sugar cane.

Chinese Contributions to Pharmacy

Who is considered the legendary founder of Chinese Pharmacy?

Shen Nung.

Chinese Contributions to Pharmacy

Around what year did Shen Nung live?

About 2000 B.C.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

What skills do pharmacist graduates master at Ability Level 2?

Theoretical knowledge that underlies pharmacist skills, used in analyzing, interpreting data, and problem-solving.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

What is the motto of Pilar Farmasi?

Locally rooted, globally respected.

Pharmaceutical Care

What is the focus of 'Dispensing' in pharmacy?

Providing medications to patients.

Development of Apothecary Shops

In what language was the Nuovo Receptario originally written?


Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

Siapa yang membantu Apoteker dalam pekerjaan kefarmasian?

Tenaga Teknis Kefarmasian.

Ancient Practices in Pharmacy

How did ancient man's knowledge benefit others?

He applied his learned knowledge for the benefit of others.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

Apa saja yang termasuk dalam Tenaga Teknis Kefarmasian?

Sarjana Farmasi, Ahli Madya Farmasi, dan Analis Farmasi.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

What does Ability Level 4 in Miller's Pyramid Concept signify?

Skilled at doing independently.

Egyptian Pharmaceutical Records

Where did pharmacists in ancient Egypt likely work?

In the 'House of Life'.

Pharmaceutical Care

What does 'Patient oriented' imply in pharmacy practice?

Focusing on the needs and care of patients.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

What is the second ability level in Miller's Pyramid Concept?

Ability Level 2 (Knows How): Have seen or demonstrated.

Chinese Contributions to Pharmacy

What did Shen Nung investigate?

The medicinal value of several hundred herbs.

Influence of Ibn Sina (Avicenna)

What nickname is often given to Avicenna?

The 'Persian Galen'.

Chinese Contributions to Pharmacy

What types of plants did Shen Nung examine?

Herbs, barks, and roots.

Egyptian Pharmaceutical Records

How might the 'Papyrus Ebers' have been created?

Dictated to a scribe by a head pharmacist during compounding activities.

Influence of Ibn Sina (Avicenna)

Who was Ibn Sina?

A Persian polymath known as Avicenna in the Western world, who contributed significantly to Pharmacy and Medicine.

Egyptian Pharmaceutical Records

What is the most important pharmaceutical record from ancient Egypt?

The 'Papyrus Ebers'.

Egyptian Pharmaceutical Records

How many drugs are mentioned in the 'Papyrus Ebers'?

700 drugs.

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Evolution

What does 'Bahan Obat' refer to?

Medicinal ingredients or substances.

Egyptian Pharmaceutical Records

What role did the head pharmacist play in the drug room?

Directed compounding activities.

Development of Apothecary Shops

What was the significance of the Nuovo Receptario for Florence?

It became the legal standard for the city-state.

Pharmacy Education and Competency Standards

How do pharmacist graduates demonstrate their skills at Ability Level 4?

By carrying out pharmacist skills independently and demonstrating mastery of theory, principles, procedures, objectives, and controls.

Egyptian Pharmaceutical Records

What is the approximate date of Egyptian medicine?

About 2900 B.C.

Development of Apothecary Shops

Where did the idea of an official pharmacopoeia originate?

In Florence.

Chinese Contributions to Pharmacy

What is Shen Nung's significance in Chinese drug guilds?

He is worshiped as their patron god.

Egyptian Pharmaceutical Records

What were the two main roles in ancient Egyptian pharmacy?

Gatherers and preparers of drugs, and 'chiefs of fabrication' (head pharmacists).

Influence of Ibn Sina (Avicenna)

In what language did Avicenna write?


Development of Apothecary Shops

What was the name of the pharmacopoeia published in 1498?

Nuovo Receptario.

Standardization of Pharmaceuticals

What does 'Product oriented' imply in pharmacy practice?

Focusing on the products and their efficacy.

Development of Apothecary Shops

Which two groups collaborated to create the Nuovo Receptario?

The Guild of Apothecaries and the Medical Society.

Development of Apothecary Shops

What does the Nuovo Receptario represent in terms of professional relations?

One of the earliest manifestations of constructive interprofessional relations.

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