What are the business objectives mentioned?
Increase access, lower costs, improve the quality of care.
What is the business portfolio?
The business portfolio is the collection of businesses and products that make up the company.
Setting Company Objectives and Goals

What are the business objectives mentioned?

Increase access, lower costs, improve the quality of care.

Business Portfolio Design and Analysis

What is the business portfolio?

The business portfolio is the collection of businesses and products that make up the company.

Strategic Planning in Marketing

Why is it important to understand the overall strategic planning process for marketing?

To understand the role of marketing, one must first understand the organization’s overall strategic planning process.

Strategic Planning in Marketing

What do annual and long-range plans focus on?

They deal with the company’s current businesses and how to keep them going.

Strategic Planning in Marketing

What is the primary focus of strategic plans?

Adapting the firm to take advantage of opportunities in its constantly changing environment.

Market-Oriented Mission Statements

How should a company's mission statement not be phrased?

A company's mission should not be stated as making more sales or profits.

Setting Company Objectives and Goals

Why is setting objectives important in strategic planning?

Setting objectives provides direction and measurable targets for the organization to achieve during the strategic planning process.

Strategic Planning in Marketing

What are the types of plans a company can have?

Annual plans, long-range plans, and strategic plans.

Market-Oriented Mission Statements

What characteristics should mission statements possess?

Mission statements should be meaningful, specific, yet motivating.

Marketing Control and ROI Measurement

How is performance monitored in strategic planning?

Performance is monitored through regular reviews and evaluations against the set objectives and goals to ensure the plan is on track.

BCG Growth-Share Matrix

What are the two key dimensions used in the BCG Growth-Share Matrix?

The two key dimensions are market growth rate and relative market share.

Market-Oriented Mission Statements

What is an example of a well-defined mission statement?

Microsoft's mission statement is 'To empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more', which emphasizes customer empowerment rather than just software.

Business Portfolio Design and Analysis

What characterizes the best business portfolio?

The best business portfolio is the one that best fits the company’s strengths and weaknesses to opportunities in the environment.

Business Portfolio Design and Analysis

What are strategic business units (SBUs)?

Can be a company division, a product line within a division, or sometimes a single product or brand.

Market-Oriented Mission Statements

What is McDonald's mission statement focused on?

McDonald's mission is 'to be our customers' favorite place and way to eat.'

Strategic Planning in Marketing

What does it mean to implement a strategic plan?

Implementing a strategic plan involves putting the developed strategies into action to achieve the set objectives.

Business Portfolio Design and Analysis

Why have many companies moved away from formal matrix methods?

They prefer more customized approaches that better suit their specific situations.

BCG Growth-Share Matrix

What does relative market share measure in portfolio analysis?

It serves as a measure of company strength in the market.

Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy

How does CVS Health tailor its services for customers managing chronic health conditions?

By including tailored advising to customers managing chronic and specialty health conditions.

Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy

How has Starbucks become the world's largest coffeehouse?

By skillfully engaging customers and delivering superior customer value.

Setting Company Objectives and Goals

What is the purpose of setting detailed supporting objectives for each level of management?

To turn the company's mission into actionable steps that guide management decisions.

Strategic Planning in Marketing

What is a SWOT analysis?

SWOT analysis is a tool used to identify the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of an organization.

BCG Growth-Share Matrix

What is the BCG Growth-Share Matrix used for?

It evaluates a company’s SBUs in terms of market growth rate and relative market share.

Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy

What is the main product that Starbucks sells?

Starbucks sells 'The Starbucks Experience' rather than just coffee.

Business Portfolio Design and Analysis

What does the portfolio analysis process assess?

The attractiveness of its various SBUs.

Strategies for Growth and Downsizing

What is the product/market expansion grid?

A portfolio-planning tool for identifying company growth opportunities through market penetration, market development, product development, or diversification.

Strategic Planning in Marketing

What role does marketing play in a company's strategic planning?

Marketing provides a guiding philosophy, inputs for identifying attractive market opportunities, and helps design strategies for individual business units.

Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy

What is a key marketing strategy emphasized by Starbucks?

Engaging customers through sensory experiences, such as the smell of coffee.

Setting Company Objectives and Goals

How does the company aim to achieve its business objectives?

Through the products it sells at its retail pharmacies and taking a more active role in overall healthcare management.

BCG Growth-Share Matrix

How should a company typically handle 'Stars' in the BCG Growth-Share Matrix?

A company should invest in 'Stars' to maintain their growth and market leadership.

BCG Growth-Share Matrix

What does the market growth rate measure in portfolio analysis?

It provides a measure of market attractiveness.

Setting Company Objectives and Goals

What is one of CVS Health's marketing objectives?

Improving customer engagement and raising the company’s share of the health-care market.

Strategies for Growth and Downsizing

What does diversification mean in the context of the product/market expansion grid?

Diversification refers to introducing new products into new markets, which can be riskier but offers potential for high rewards.

Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy

What is the marketing mix?

The marketing mix refers to the combination of elements that a company uses to promote its products or services, typically including product, price, place, and promotion.

Strategic Planning in Marketing

What are the sections included in marketing planning?

Executive summary, current marketing situation, full SWOT analysis, marketing strategy, action programs, marketing budget, and controls.

Market-Oriented Mission Statements

What is a common flaw in many mission statements?

Many mission statements are written for public relations purposes and lack specific, workable guidelines.

BCG Growth-Share Matrix

What is the focus of the Boston Consulting Group approach in analyzing business portfolios?

The focus is on evaluating the position of various business units in terms of market growth and relative market share, helping to identify which units should be invested in, maintained, or divested.

Strategies for Growth and Downsizing

What is the purpose of the product/market expansion grid?

The product/market expansion grid helps businesses determine their growth strategies by analyzing existing and new products in relation to existing and new markets.

Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy

What common issues can arise between different departments in a company?

Conflicts and misunderstandings.

Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy

What defines a market segment?

A market segment is a group of consumers who respond in a similar way to a given set of marketing efforts.

Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy

What does market positioning involve?

Arranging for a product to occupy a clear, distinctive, and desirable place relative to competing products in the minds of target consumers.

Strategic Planning in Marketing

What do many managers believe about implementation compared to strategy?

Many managers think that 'doing things right' (implementation) is as important as, or even more important than, 'doing the right things' (strategy).

Strategic Planning in Marketing

What is the purpose of strategic planning in marketing?

Strategic planning is the process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organization’s goals and capabilities, and its changing marketing opportunities.

Strategic Planning in Marketing

What are the key steps in strategic planning?

1. Define the mission and vision. 2. Conduct a SWOT analysis. 3. Set objectives and goals. 4. Develop strategies. 5. Implement the plan. 6. Monitor and evaluate performance.

Business Portfolio Design and Analysis

What are the four potential roles a company can assign to its Strategic Business Units (SBUs)?

1. Hold the SBU’s share at the current level. 2. Invest more to build its share. 3. Harvest the SBU for short-term cash flow. 4. Divest the SBU by selling it or phasing it out.

BCG Growth-Share Matrix

What are the two important dimensions most standard portfolio analysis methods evaluate SBUs on?

Market growth rate and relative market share.

Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy

What service did CVS Health introduce to enhance customer contact?

CVS MinuteClinic locations.

Value Chain and Value Delivery Network

What constitutes a value delivery network?

A value delivery network is made up of the company, suppliers, distributors, and ultimately customers who partner with each other to improve performance of the entire system.

Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy

What promise do Cascadian Farm products make?

Certified Organic. Guaranteed Delicious.

Marketing Control and ROI Measurement

Why is calculating ROMI important for businesses?

Calculating ROMI is important because it helps businesses assess the success of their marketing strategies and determine how to allocate future marketing budgets more effectively.

Market-Oriented Mission Statements

What is a market-oriented mission statement?

A market-oriented mission statement defines an organization's purpose in terms of satisfying basic customer needs rather than focusing solely on products or technologies.

Market-Oriented Mission Statements

What is CVS primarily known for?

A chain of retail pharmacies selling prescription and over-the-counter medicines, personal care products, and convenience items.

Business Portfolio Design and Analysis

What is the purpose of portfolio analysis in business?

The process by which management evaluates the products and businesses that make up the company.

Setting Company Objectives and Goals

What significant action did CVS Health take to align with its 'better health' mission?

It recently stopped selling tobacco products.

Strategies for Growth and Downsizing

What is market penetration in the product/market expansion grid?

Making more sales without changing its original product.

Setting Company Objectives and Goals

What is the significance of marketing in individual business units?

Within individual business units, marketing designs strategies for reaching the unit’s objectives.

Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy

What is an integrated marketing mix?

An integrated marketing mix is a strategy that combines various marketing tools and channels to create a cohesive marketing plan that promotes a product or service effectively.

Business Portfolio Design and Analysis

What are the two steps involved in business portfolio planning?

The first step is to analyze the current business portfolio to determine investment priorities. The second step is to shape the future portfolio by developing strategies for growth and downsizing.

Business Portfolio Design and Analysis

What is the first step in the portfolio analysis process?

Identify strategic business units (SBUs).

BCG Growth-Share Matrix

What categories do business units fall into within the BCG Growth-Share Matrix?

The categories are Stars, Question Marks, Cash Cows, and Dogs.

BCG Growth-Share Matrix

Which consulting firm developed the best-known portfolio-planning method?

The Boston Consulting Group.

Strategies for Growth and Downsizing

What does diversification mean in the product/market expansion grid?

Company growth through starting up or acquiring businesses outside the company’s current products and markets.

Value Chain and Value Delivery Network

What is a value chain?

A value chain is a series of departments that carry out value-creating activities to design, produce, market, deliver, and support a firm’s products.

Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy

How do most companies typically enter a new market?

Most companies enter a new market by serving a single segment; if this proves successful, they add more segments.

Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy

Can you give an example of a company that uses market targeting?

NIKE is an example of a company that enters a market by targeting specific segments.

Strategic Planning in Marketing

What does marketing planning involve?

Choosing marketing strategies that help the company attain its overall strategic objectives.

Marketing Control and ROI Measurement

What are the four steps of marketing control?

1. Management sets specific marketing goals. 2. Measures performance in the marketplace. 3. Evaluates the causes of differences between expected and actual performance. 4. Takes corrective action to close the gaps.

Business Portfolio Design and Analysis

What decision is made after assessing the attractiveness of SBUs?

Decides how much support each SBU deserves.

Business Portfolio Design and Analysis

What are some problems associated with matrix approaches in marketing?

Difficult, time-consuming, and costly to implement.

Strategies for Growth and Downsizing

What does market development involve in the product/market expansion grid?

Identifying and developing new markets for its current products.

Market-Oriented Mission Statements

How does marketing help identify market opportunities?

Marketing assists strategic planners by identifying attractive market opportunities and assessing the firm’s potential to take advantage of them.

Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy

Why is it important to adapt the marketing mix?

Adapting the marketing mix is crucial to respond to market changes, consumer preferences, and competitive dynamics, ensuring relevance and effectiveness.

Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy

What is market segmentation?

Market segmentation is the division of a market into distinct groups of buyers who have different needs, characteristics, or behaviors and who might require different marketing strategies or marketing mixes.

Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy

What is the goal of differentiation in customer value-driven marketing strategy?

To actually differentiate the market offering to create superior customer value.

Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy

Why is it important to develop an integrated marketing mix?

Developing an integrated marketing mix ensures that all marketing efforts are aligned and working together to reinforce each other, leading to greater efficiency and effectiveness in reaching target audiences.

BCG Growth-Share Matrix

What strategy is recommended for 'Dogs' in the BCG Growth-Share Matrix?

Companies are generally advised to divest or discontinue 'Dogs' as they neither generate significant cash nor have growth potential.

Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy

How has the digital age impacted marketing managers' ability to adapt plans?

Managers have access to rich and current data, allowing them to adapt quickly to changing conditions and events in their markets.

Strategies for Growth and Downsizing

What is product development in the context of the product/market expansion grid?

Offering modified or new products to current markets.

Strategies for Growth and Downsizing

How is market development different from market penetration?

Market development involves introducing existing products to new markets, whereas market penetration focuses on increasing sales in current markets.

Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy

What is the role of marketing in building customer relationships?

Marketing plays a leading role but cannot produce engagement and superior value for customers alone.

Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy

What are the four elements of the marketing mix?

The four elements of the marketing mix are product, price, place, and promotion.

Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy

What is market targeting?

Market targeting is the process of evaluating each market segment’s attractiveness and selecting one or more segments to enter.

Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy

What is the marketing mix?

The marketing mix is the set of controllable, tactical marketing tools — product, price, place, and promotion — that the firm blends to produce the response it wants in the target market.

Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy

What is BMW's promise in their marketing strategy?

Sheer driving pleasure.

Marketing Control and ROI Measurement

Why can measuring marketing ROI be challenging?

Because benefits like advertising impact aren’t easily quantified in dollar returns, requiring a leap of faith to estimate a number.

Marketing Control and ROI Measurement

What action should management take if there are gaps between goals and actual performance?

Management should take corrective action to close the gaps.

Strategies for Growth and Downsizing

Why must companies develop strategies for downsizing their business portfolios?

Companies must develop strategies for downsizing because they may have grown too fast, entered unfamiliar areas, faced changing market conditions, or have products or units that age and die.

Strategies for Growth and Downsizing

What does market penetration involve?

Market penetration involves increasing sales of existing products to existing markets.

Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy

Why might other departments resist the marketing department’s efforts?

Due to the negative impacts of marketing actions on their operations.

Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy

How does the marketing mix contribute to a marketing strategy?

The marketing mix helps businesses tailor their offerings to meet consumer needs and preferences, ultimately guiding their overall marketing strategy.

Marketing Control and ROI Measurement

What is Return on Marketing Investment (marketing ROI)?

It is the net return from a marketing investment divided by the costs of the marketing investment, measuring the profits generated by investments in marketing activities.

Marketing Control and ROI Measurement

Why is it important to evaluate the causes of differences between expected and actual performance in marketing?

It helps management identify issues and take corrective actions to ensure that marketing objectives are achieved.

Strategies for Growth and Downsizing

What are the four strategies identified in the product/market expansion grid?

The four strategies are market penetration, market development, product development, and diversification.

Strategic Planning in Marketing

What must major functional departments do under the strategic plan?

They must work together to accomplish strategic objectives.

Business Portfolio Design and Analysis

How can marketing department actions negatively impact other departments?

They can increase purchasing costs, disrupt production schedules, increase inventories, and create budget headaches.

Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy

What is marketing implementation?

Turning marketing strategies and plans into marketing actions to accomplish strategic marketing objectives.

Strategies for Growth and Downsizing

What is the goal of product development within the grid?

The goal of product development is to create new products for existing markets.

Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy

What role does pricing play in the marketing mix?

Pricing affects demand, profitability, and market positioning, making it a critical component of the marketing mix.

Strategic Planning in Marketing

What is the purpose of SWOT analysis in managing the marketing function?

SWOT analysis is used to evaluate a company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy

What are some criticisms of the marketing mix framework?

Critics argue that the four Ps may omit or underemphasize certain important activities and take the seller’s view of the market, not the buyer’s view.

Strategic Planning in Marketing

What is the primary goal of managing the marketing effort?

To match the company’s strengths to attractive opportunities while overcoming weaknesses and minimizing threats.

Marketing Control and ROI Measurement

What is the first step in the marketing control process?

Management sets specific marketing goals.

Value Chain and Value Delivery Network

What is the ideal relationship between a company’s different functions?

They should work in harmony to produce value for consumers.

Marketing Control and ROI Measurement

What does Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI) measure?

ROMI measures the effectiveness of marketing expenditures in generating revenue, indicating how much return is gained for every dollar spent on marketing.

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