What structures are found only in animal cells?
Centrioles and microvilli.
What is the nature of the cell surface membrane?
It is described as 'partially permeable'.
Cell Structure and Function

What structures are found only in animal cells?

Centrioles and microvilli.

Cell Membrane and Transport Mechanisms

What is the nature of the cell surface membrane?

It is described as 'partially permeable'.

Cell Structure and Function

What is the function of the cytoskeleton?

To provide support and movement of the cell.

Microscope Techniques in Cell Studies

What is a stage micrometer?

A slide with a very accurate scale in micrometres (μm), usually in 10 μm divisions.

Microscope Techniques in Cell Studies

What can be observed regarding chromosomes during mitosis?

Chromosome position and replication are visible.

Cell Structure and Function

What is the diameter of a microtubule?

About 25 nm.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

What is the first step in solving magnification questions?

Check that units are the same.

Cell Membrane and Transport Mechanisms

Are the components of the cell surface membrane static or dynamic?

They are constantly in motion.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

What is one of the key topics covered under 'The Microscope in Cell Studies'?

Magnification Calculations.

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

What is a large permanent vacuole?

A sac in plant cells surrounded by the tonoplast, a selectively permeable membrane.

Cell Structure and Function

What provides structural support in most bacterial cells?


Microscope Techniques in Cell Studies

What type of electron micrograph is used to show plant cells?

TEM (Transmission Electron Microscopy) electron micrograph.

Cell Structure and Function

What proteins make up microtubules?

α and β tubulin.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

How can the magnification (M) of an object be calculated?

If both the size of the image (I) and the actual size of the specimen (A) are known.

Cell Structure and Function

What is the primary focus of the section titled 'Cell Structure'?

The study of cells as the basic units of living organisms.

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

What is the function of the centrosome during cell division?

It organizes the spindle fibers.

Cell Structure and Function

What separates the nucleus from the cytoplasm?

The nuclear envelope, which is a double membrane.

Cell Membrane and Transport Mechanisms

What are flagella similar to?

Cilia, but made of longer microtubules.

Cell Structure and Function

What are plasmodesmata?

Narrow threads of cytoplasm surrounded by a cell membrane that connect the cytoplasm of neighboring plant cells.

Microscope Techniques in Cell Studies

How many divisions does an eyepiece graticule typically have?

100 divisions.

ATP and Energy Transfer in Cells

What is ATP known as in all known forms of life?

The universal energy currency.

ATP and Energy Transfer in Cells

What is the full form of ATP?

Adenosine Triphosphate.

Cell Structure and Function

What type of DNA is found in mitochondria?

Mitochondrial DNA.

Cell Structure and Function

What additional structures do plant cells have that animal cells do not?

Cellulose cell wall, large permanent vacuoles, and chloroplasts.

Microscope Techniques in Cell Studies

What is a stage micrometer used for?

To calibrate the eyepiece graticule and measure the length of objects on a slide.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

How do you convert millimeters to micrometers?

1 mm = 1000 μm.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

If the actual thickness of a leaf is 2 mm, what is its thickness in micrometers?

2000 μm.

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

What is the primary function of the Golgi apparatus?

Modifies proteins and packages them into vesicles or lysosomes.

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

In which types of organisms are centrioles not found?

Flowering plants and fungi.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

What is the typical unit used to measure the size of cells?

Micrometre (μm).

Cell Structure and Function

What are nucleoli?

Darkly stained regions in the nucleus that are sites of ribosome production.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

Why is it important to use the same units when doing calculations?

All measurements must be in the same units for accurate calculations.

Viruses: Structure and Characteristics

What are the main structural components of a virus?

A nucleic acid core (DNA or RNA) and a protein coat called a capsid.

Viruses: Structure and Characteristics

What is an envelope in the context of viruses?

An outer layer formed from the membrane-phospholipids of a cell they were made in.

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

What are thylakoids?

Membrane-bound compartments containing chlorophyll.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

Does magnification have units?

No, magnification does not have units.

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

What are ribosomes composed of?

Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and proteins.

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

What do chloroplasts contain that is involved in protein synthesis?

Small circular pieces of DNA and ribosomes.

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

What is the primary function of the Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)?

Involved in the production, processing, and storage of lipids, carbohydrates, and steroids.

Microscope Techniques in Cell Studies

What are the two types of microscopes mentioned?

Light microscope and electron microscope.

Cell Structure and Function

What is the ultrastructure of an animal cell characterized by?

A densely packed cell with extensive networks of ER, RER, and ribosomes.

Microscope Techniques in Cell Studies

Why is it important to be comfortable with calibrating the eyepiece graticule?

Because calculations involving stage micrometers and eyepiece graticules are often seen in exam questions.

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

What do lysosomes contain?

Hydrolytic enzymes that break down biological molecules.

Microscope Techniques in Cell Studies

Why must samples be thin for microscope viewing?

To allow light to pass through.

Cell Structure and Function

What does the nucleus of a cell contain?

Chromatin, which is the genetic material of the cell.

ATP and Energy Transfer in Cells

What do all organisms require to maintain their cells and stay alive?

A constant supply of energy.

Staining Techniques for Microscopy

What is the first step in staining a slide?

Air-drying the sample.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

What type of microscope produces photomicrographs?

Light microscope.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

What is one of the topics related to microscopy mentioned?

Eyepiece Graticules & Stage Micrometers.

Viruses: Structure and Characteristics

What is the size range of viruses compared to prokaryotic cells?

Viruses are much smaller, with diameters between 20 and 300 nm.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

How do you calculate total magnification in microscopy?

Eyepiece lens magnification x Objective lens magnification.

Biological Drawing Conventions

What are biological drawings?

Line pictures that show specific features observed in a specimen.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

How many millimetres are in a metre?

1000 millimetres (mm).

Biological Drawing Conventions

What is the difference between biological drawings and plan drawings?

Biological drawings visualize cells at higher magnification, while plan drawings depict tissues at lower magnifications.

Cell Structure and Function

What is the average size of a red blood cell?

7.5 micrometres.

Cell Membrane and Transport Mechanisms

What is the structure of the cell surface membrane composed of?

A phospholipid bilayer.

Microscope Techniques in Cell Studies

What should students practice for exam questions related to microscopy?

How to calibrate the graticule and calculate the length of an object on the slide.

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

What do two centrioles at right angles to each other form?

A centrosome.

Cell Structure and Function

Where is the cell wall located in relation to the cell membrane?

The cell wall is formed outside of the cell membrane.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

How is magnification calculated?

Magnification = image size / actual size.

ATP and Energy Transfer in Cells

What is the significance of ATP in cells?

It plays a vital role in energy transfer.

Eukaryotic vs Prokaryotic Cells

How do the sizes of prokaryotic cells compare to eukaryotic cells?

Prokaryotic cells are many (100s/1000s) of times smaller than eukaryotic cells.

Cell Membrane and Transport Mechanisms

What is the function of flagella?

Contract to provide cell movement, for example in sperm cells.

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

What is the primary function of mitochondria?

They are the site of aerobic respiration within eukaryotic cells.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

What is the best practice for unit measurement in calculations?

Use the smallest unit of measurement shown in the question.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

How many nanometers are in a micrometre?

1000 nanometers (nm).

Viruses: Structure and Characteristics

How do viruses reproduce?

By infecting living cells and using their protein-building machinery.

Biological Drawing Conventions

What type of pencil should be used for biological drawings?

A sharp HB pencil.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

What types of specimens can electron microscopes observe?

Electron microscopes are useful for looking at organelles, viruses, DNA, and whole cells in more detail.

Biological Drawing Conventions

What is an important tip for producing a biological drawing?

Only draw what you see, not what you think you see.

Cell Structure and Function

How do plant cells compare to animal cells in terms of structure?

Plant cells have a larger, more regular structure.

Cell Structure and Function

What are the two types of cells mentioned in the notes?

Animal cells and plant cells.

Cell Membrane and Transport Mechanisms

What is the approximate diameter of the phospholipid bilayer in the cell membrane?

Around 10 nm.

Eukaryotic vs Prokaryotic Cells

What type of cells are bacteria classified as?

Prokaryotic cells.

Cell Membrane and Transport Mechanisms

What is the function of cilia?

Allows the movement of substances over the cell surface.

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

How do vacuoles in animal cells differ from those in plant cells?

Vacuoles in animal cells are not permanent and are smaller.

ATP and Energy Transfer in Cells

What process requires energy to move substances across the cell membrane?

Active transport.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

What is resolution in microscopy?

Resolution is the ability to distinguish between two separate points.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

What limits the resolution of a light microscope?

The wavelength of light.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

What is the minimum specimen size for light microscopes?

Light microscopes are used for specimens above 200 nm.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

How do light microscopes magnify specimens?

Light microscopes shine light through the specimen, which is then passed through an objective lens and an eyepiece lens (x10).

Biological Drawing Conventions

What must be included in a biological drawing?

A title and the magnification used for observations.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

How do electron microscopes create images?

Electron microscopes fire a beam of electrons at the specimen, which is then picked up by an electromagnetic lens.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

Why must specimens be dead for electron microscopy?

Electron microscopy requires specimens to be dead to provide a snapshot in time of cellular structures.

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

What are ribosomes composed of?

Almost equal amounts of RNA and protein.

Microscope Techniques in Cell Studies

What should you be able to do with photomicrographs and electron micrographs of animal cells?

Describe and interpret them.

Eukaryotic vs Prokaryotic Cells

What is believed about the emergence of prokaryotic cells?

They are believed to have emerged as the first living organisms on Earth.

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

What is the structure of a centriole?

Hollow fibers made of microtubules.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

What is magnification in microscopy?

Magnification is how many times bigger the image of a specimen is compared to its actual size.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

If an image of an animal cell is 30 mm and magnified by a factor of 3000, what is the actual size of the cell?

The actual size of the cell is 30 mm / 3000 = 0.01 mm.

Eukaryotic vs Prokaryotic Cells

What is a key structural difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?

Prokaryotes lack membrane-bound organelles.

Cell Structure and Function

What is the function of nuclear pores?

They allow mRNA and ribosomes to travel out and enzymes and signaling molecules to travel in.

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

What surrounds the large permanent vacuole in plant cells?

The tonoplast, which is a selectively permeable membrane.

ATP and Energy Transfer in Cells

In animals, what is one key function that requires energy?

Muscle contraction.

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

What is unique about the inner membrane of mitochondria?

It has protein complexes vital for the later stages of aerobic respiration embedded within it.

ATP and Energy Transfer in Cells

What is produced during aerobic respiration in mitochondria?

ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

How many micrometres are in a millimetre?

1000 micrometres (μm).

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

What is the minimum specimen size for electron microscopes?

Electron microscopes are used for specimens above 0.5 nm.

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

What is the site of photosynthesis in chloroplasts?


Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

What type of ribosomes are found in prokaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts?

70S ribosomes (composed of 50S and 30S subunits).

Microscope Techniques in Cell Studies

What type of electron micrograph is used to show key features of animal cells?

TEM (Transmission Electron Microscopy) electron micrograph.

Eukaryotic vs Prokaryotic Cells

How are prokaryotic cells often described in comparison to eukaryotic cells?

As being 'simpler'.

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

What is the structure of a vesicle?

A membrane-bound sac for transport and storage.

Cell Membrane and Transport Mechanisms

What are microvilli?

Cell membrane projections that increase the surface area for absorption.

Eukaryotic vs Prokaryotic Cells

How is the genetic material of prokaryotic cells organized?

It is not packaged within a membrane-bound nucleus and is usually circular.

Cell Structure and Function

What provides structural support to plant cells?

Polysaccharide cellulose.

ATP and Energy Transfer in Cells

What type of reactions require energy for building larger molecules?

Anabolic reactions.

Staining Techniques for Microscopy

What is the purpose of heating a sample over a Bunsen burner flame?

To fix the sample to the slide and allow it to take up the stain.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

What is the size range for specimens viewed with electron microscopes?

Above 0.5 nm.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

What is the resolving power of an electron microscope compared to a light microscope?

The resolving power of an electron microscope is much greater than that of a light microscope.

Biological Drawing Conventions

What is the purpose of a labelled biological drawing?

To record observations seen under the microscope or from photomicrographs.

Microscope Techniques in Cell Studies

What is the magnification factor calculated from the example given?

0.25 μm per graticule division.

Viruses: Structure and Characteristics

What type of genetic material can viruses have?

Either DNA or RNA, which can be single or double-stranded.

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

What type of ribosomes are found in eukaryotic cells?

80S ribosomes (composed of 60S and 40S subunits).

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

How can the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) be distinguished from the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER)?

By the presence of ribosomes on the surface of the RER.

Microscope Techniques in Cell Studies

What do electron micrographs reveal about plant cells?

They show key features of plant cells.

Cell Membrane and Transport Mechanisms

What is the primary function of the cell surface membrane?

To control the exchange of materials between the internal cell environment and the external environment.

Cell Structure and Function

How are microtubules formed?

Dimers of α and β tubulin combine to form protofilaments, and thirteen protofilaments join to make a microtubule.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

What is magnification?

It is how many times bigger the image of a specimen is compared to its actual size.

Microscope Techniques in Cell Studies

What is the purpose of preparing specimens for a light microscope?

To observe cellular material in more detail.

Cell Membrane and Transport Mechanisms

What is the permeability of the cell wall compared to the plasma membrane?

The cell wall is freely permeable to most substances, unlike the plasma membrane.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

What is the formula for calculating magnification?

Magnification (M) = Size of the image (I) / Actual size of the specimen (A).

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

What is the primary function of lysosomes?

To break down waste materials such as worn-out organelles.

Cell Membrane and Transport Mechanisms

What is the structure of cilia?

Hair-like projections made from microtubules.

Staining Techniques for Microscopy

What is a common reason for staining microscope slides?

To distinguish transparent or difficult-to-see cell structures.

Microscope Techniques in Cell Studies

What are eyepiece graticules and stage micrometers used for?

To measure the size of objects viewed under a microscope.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

What are the two types of lenses in a light microscope?

An eyepiece lens and a series of objective lenses.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

What is the magnification if the image size is 50 mm and the actual size is 2 mm?

x 25.

Eukaryotic vs Prokaryotic Cells

What are the two main types of cells discussed?

Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells.

Viruses: Structure and Characteristics

What are viruses classified as?

Non-cellular infectious particles.

Eukaryotic vs Prokaryotic Cells

What is the size of ribosomes in prokaryotic cells compared to eukaryotic cells?

Prokaryotic ribosomes are structurally smaller (70 S) compared to eukaryotic ribosomes (80 S).

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

What are the two units used to measure cellular structures?

Micrometers (μm) and nanometers (nm).

Cell Structure and Function

What distinguishes animal cells from plant cells?

Their unique structures and functions.

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

Where are chloroplasts found in a plant?

In the green parts of a plant.

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

What gives chloroplasts their green color?

The photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll.

Viruses: Structure and Characteristics

What is a characteristic of viruses as mentioned in the content?

They are distinct from both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

How do chloroplasts compare in size to mitochondria?

Chloroplasts are larger than mitochondria.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

What is the total magnification if the eyepiece lens is x10 and the objective lens is x40?


Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

What types of specimens can light microscopes observe?

Light microscopes can observe both living and dead specimens.

Microscope Techniques in Cell Studies

How do you calculate the measurement in micrometres using graticule divisions?

Multiply the number of graticule divisions by the magnification factor.

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

What connects the grana in chloroplasts?

Lamellae (thin and flat thylakoid membranes).

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

Where are ribosomes found in eukaryotic cells?

Freely in the cytoplasm or as part of the rough endoplasmic reticulum.

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

What is the structure of the Golgi apparatus?

Flattened sacs of membrane similar to the smooth endoplasmic reticulum.

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

In which processes are lysosomes used extensively?

By cells of the immune system and in apoptosis (programmed cell death).

Microscope Techniques in Cell Studies

Why must microscopes be calibrated?

Because each microscope can vary slightly.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

How do you calculate total magnification in a microscope?

By multiplying the magnification of the eyepiece lens by the magnification of the objective lens.

Viruses: Structure and Characteristics

How do viruses straddle the boundary between living and non-living?

They exhibit characteristics of both but are not cellular.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

What is the average size of a red blood cell in the given example?

3000 micrometres.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

Why can't the phospholipid bilayer be observed under a light microscope?

Because its width (10nm) is less than the maximum resolution of a light microscope (200nm).

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

How do electron microscopes compare to light microscopes in terms of resolution?

Electron microscopes have a much higher resolution and magnification due to the smaller wavelength of electrons.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

How do you convert millimetres to micrometres?

1 mm = 1000 μm.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

What can be observed using electron microscopes?

Organelles and biological molecules, such as DNA.

Biological Drawing Conventions

What tool can help accurately reflect the size and proportions of structures in a biological drawing?

The eyepiece graticule.

Microscope Techniques in Cell Studies

What determines the type of preparation and stain used for a specimen?

The type of cellular material being viewed.

Microscope Techniques in Cell Studies

How is the eyepiece graticule calibrated?

It is calibrated to the stage micrometer at each magnification.

Microscope Techniques in Cell Studies

What is the relationship between eyepiece graticule divisions and micrometres?

1 graticule division = number of micrometres ÷ number of graticule divisions.

ATP and Energy Transfer in Cells

What are the monomers of DNA and RNA?


Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

What structures do thylakoids stack to form?


Biological Drawing Conventions

What should the lines in a biological drawing look like?

Clear, single lines with no thick shading.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

What is a key advantage of electron microscopes over light microscopes?

Electron microscopes have better magnification and resolution due to the higher frequency of electron waves.

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

What is the function of the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER)?

Processes proteins made by the ribosomes.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

What type of images do electron microscopes produce?

Electron micrographs.

Microscopy: Magnification and Resolution

What should you do to convert units of measurement?

Multiply or divide depending on whether the units are increasing or decreasing.

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

Where does the light-independent stage (Calvin Cycle) take place?

In the stroma.

Biological Drawing Conventions

How should label lines be drawn in a biological drawing?

They should not cross or have arrowheads and connect directly to the part being labelled.

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

What is the primary function of ribosomes?

Site of translation (protein synthesis).

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

What is the Golgi apparatus also known as?

Golgi complex.

Cellular Organelles and Their Functions

Where does the light-dependent stage of photosynthesis occur?

In the thylakoids.

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