What is the focus of Lecture 1 in SW220?
Introduction to the Historical Development of Social Work with Groups.
What types of groups are involved in social work?
Small treatment and task groups.
Historical Development of Social Work with Groups

What is the focus of Lecture 1 in SW220?

Introduction to the Historical Development of Social Work with Groups.

Types of Groups in Social Work

What types of groups are involved in social work?

Small treatment and task groups.

Goals and Objectives of Group Work

What does group work in social work involve?

The deliberate use of intervention strategies and group processes to achieve individual, group, and community goals.

Historical Development of Social Work with Groups

What years mark the integration of group work into social work approaches?

1964 - 1978.

Evolution of Social Work in Hong Kong

What was the professional status of workers running social services in the first stage?

They were civil servants of a non-professional grade.

Historical Development of Social Work with Groups

Where did group work primarily develop?

In British and American settlement houses.

Goals and Objectives of Group Work

What is the primary goal of social work with groups?

To engage in goal-directed activity aimed at meeting socio-emotional needs and accomplishing tasks.

Values and Ethics in Social Work

What context is emphasized in social work with groups?

Person-in-situation context.

Goals and Objectives of Group Work

What is the progression of concerns in social work with groups?

From individual to group to community concerns.

Historical Development of Social Work with Groups

What was the relationship between case work and group work during this period?

Group work was greatly influenced by case work, adopting its theories and approaches.

Historical Development of Social Work with Groups

What period marks the developing stage of group work practice?

1947 - 1963.

Goals and Objectives of Group Work

What aspects should be determined about the group sessions?

The number of sessions required.

Historical Development of Social Work with Groups

What methods were used in the development of the therapeutic group model?

Case study, diagnosis, and treatment.

Types of Groups in Social Work

What is the main characteristic of the Reciprocal Model?

Partners who work together sharing common concerns.

Roles and Leadership in Group Work

How does effective communication benefit a group worker?

It facilitates clear expression of ideas and fosters open dialogue among group members.

Evolution of Social Work in Hong Kong

What social work skills gained importance in the 1970s?

Group work and community development.

Values and Ethics in Social Work

What does the acronym PIE stand for in social work?

Person-In-Environment, focusing on environment and life changes.

Goals and Objectives of Group Work

What is the difference between needs and problems in social work?

Needs refer to what individuals require, while problems refer to difficulties they face.

Roles and Leadership in Group Work

What skills should a professional helper ideally possess in assisting clients?

Skills in both direct and indirect service roles.

Goals and Objectives of Group Work

What should be considered regarding the group's specific needs?

Who will be addressed and how many participants are involved.

Historical Development of Social Work with Groups

What year did group work become a formal social work approach?

1946, after Grace Coyle's speech at the National Conference of Social Work.

Goals and Objectives of Group Work

How do goals relate to the project's Big Picture?

Goals outline the outcome of the project’s Big Picture.

Values and Ethics in Social Work

What does informed decision and self-determination refer to in social work ethics?

Empowering clients to make their own choices based on adequate information.

Values and Ethics in Social Work

What is the significance of confidentiality in social work?

It protects client privacy and builds trust.

Roles and Leadership in Group Work

What alternative titles did some social workers adopt in the mid-1970s?

Group workers or community organizers.

Evolution of Social Work in Hong Kong

When was the Social Workers Registration Board established in Hong Kong?

In 1998.

Evolution of Social Work in Hong Kong

When did the definition and scope of social welfare become clearer in Hong Kong?

In 1965, with the publication of a White Paper on Social Welfare.

Goals and Objectives of Group Work

How are group activities in social work planned?

They are planned orderly and carried out in the context of professional practice.

Goals and Objectives of Group Work

What does SMART stand for in performance objectives?

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound.

Historical Development of Social Work with Groups

In what context is social work with groups conducted?

Within a system of service delivery and a larger community and societal environment.

Historical Development of Social Work with Groups

Which social movements in the 1960s utilized group work as a means of social action?

Civil Rights Movement, War on Poverty, and Welfare Mother’s Right Movement.

Group Dynamics and Interactions

What are the key components of group dynamics in social work?

Interactions among group members.

Evolution of Social Work in Hong Kong

What are the two stages of social work professional development in Hong Kong?

First stage: 1945 to early 1970s; Second stage: 1970s to now.

Theories and Methods in Group Work

What methods should be identified for the group?

The specific methods to be used in the group work.

Values and Ethics in Social Work

What principles guide group work in social work?

The value base and ethical practice principles of the social work profession.

Theories and Methods in Group Work

What are the three models of group work classified by Papell and Rothman in 1966?

Social Goals Model, Remedial Model, and Reciprocal Model.

Evolution of Social Work in Hong Kong

When was the Hong Kong Social Workers’ Association formed?

In 1949.

Goals and Objectives of Group Work

How are goals typically described?

Goals might be described in a broader manner.

Evolution of Social Work in Hong Kong

What four public services did the Hong Kong government prioritize in its annual report during the 1950s?

Housing, education, health, and clean water supply.

Values and Ethics in Social Work

What do social workers recognize as central to their practice?

The importance of human relationships.

Theories and Methods in Group Work

What does psychodynamic theory analyze in group members?

How their unresolved conflicts from early life experiences affect their behavior in the group.

Evolution of Social Work in Hong Kong

What significant change occurred at Hong Kong Shu Yan College in 2006?

It became the first private university in Hong Kong and articulated its social work program to bachelor level.

Types of Groups in Social Work

What is the primary focus of the Social Goals Model?

To address the needs of citizens, neighborhood, and community residents.

Historical Development of Social Work with Groups

How does casework differ from group work in terms of focus?

Casework focuses on psychodynamic aspects, while group work focuses on group dynamics.

Evolution of Social Work in Hong Kong

What role did the Hong Kong Government play in social work during the first stage?

The government provided relief for the poor and prevented exploitation of women and children.

Theories and Methods in Group Work

Who developed the fourth model of group work in 1965?

Bernstein, who developed the Developmental Model.

Theories and Methods in Group Work

What does the Generic Approach in social work refer to?

A social worker trained to understand and respond to a wide range of individual, family, small group, and community needs.

Evolution of Social Work in Hong Kong

Which institutions provided social work diploma and certificate courses since 1977?

Hong Kong Polytechnic, City Polytechnic of Hong Kong, and Hong Kong Baptist College.

Types of Groups in Social Work

What are the two main types of groups in social work?

Natural and Formed groups.

Types of Groups in Social Work

Which type of group is aimed at providing education?

Educational groups.

Goals and Objectives of Group Work

What is the first step before discussing group needs?

Problem identification.

Goals and Objectives of Group Work

Why is it important to review and revisit learned material?

To reinforce understanding and retention of knowledge.

Roles and Leadership in Group Work

How are roles and responsibilities assigned in a group?

Based on what needs to be done to accomplish the group's goals.

Values and Ethics in Social Work

What resources need to be considered for the group?

The necessary resources to support the group activities.

Group Dynamics and Interactions

How are conflicts among group members resolved?

Based on what helps the group achieve its goals.

Values and Ethics in Social Work

What do values delineate?

Preferences about how one ought to behave.

Theories and Methods in Group Work

What is essential for effective interventions in social work with groups?

Theories, methods, and approaches.

Values and Ethics in Social Work

What affects a worker's value actions in a group?

Contextual values, member value systems, and the worker’s personal value system.

Evolution of Social Work in Hong Kong

How did people in Hong Kong perceive social work in its early days?

As a job for a salary, primarily involving handing out relief.

Evolution of Social Work in Hong Kong

What was the significance of the compulsory registration system established for social workers?

It recognized social work as a profession requiring special training and established its professional status.

Types of Groups in Social Work

In which settings is the Social Goals Model typically applied?

Settlement houses and neighborhood center settings.

Goals and Objectives of Group Work

What is the purpose of Treatment Conferences in group work?

To address client needs and treatment planning.

Group Dynamics and Interactions

Which characteristic allows group workers to adapt to changing situations?


Values and Ethics in Social Work

Which principle ensures that all individuals are treated without bias based on gender, culture, or race?


Goals and Objectives of Group Work

What is the purpose of consolidation and reflection in learning?

To review and revisit what has been learned or gained.

Historical Development of Social Work with Groups

What model began to develop during the period of 1947 - 1963 in group work?

Therapeutic group model.

Types of Groups in Social Work

Who does the Remedial Model primarily serve?

Clients who are not functioning adequately and need help coping with life’s tasks.

Roles and Leadership in Group Work

What can social work with groups be regarded as?

Roles of Workers or Leaders, Leadership Styles, Group Stages, Group Members, Group Dynamics, Values and Ethics, and more.

Goals and Objectives of Group Work

What motivates the behavior of group members?

The group's goals.

Group Dynamics and Interactions

How does the Reciprocal Model facilitate group dynamics?

By promoting shared authority where members discuss concerns and support one another.

Evolution of Social Work in Hong Kong

What challenges did social welfare development face after Hong Kong's return to China in 1997?

Development grew slowly due to financial crises and resource exploitation challenges.

Goals and Objectives of Group Work

What is the purpose of the Remedial Model?

To restore and rehabilitate group members who are having dysfunctions.

Historical Development of Social Work with Groups

How did Freud’s Psychoanalytic theory influence group work practice?

It shifted the focus from solution-focused approaches to individual psychological needs.

Group Dynamics and Interactions

Who does the activity in social work with groups target?

Individual members of the group and the group as a whole.

Goals and Objectives of Group Work

What is the difference between goals and objectives?

Goals are broad, long-term outcomes, while objectives are tangible results of short-term activities that address the project goals.

Roles and Leadership in Group Work

What is a key characteristic of group work according to social work methods?

Social workers assist group participants in developing personal potential and learning to solve problems.

Historical Development of Social Work with Groups

Who established the British YMCA and when?

Sir George Williams in 1844.

Goals and Objectives of Group Work

What skills do members acquire in the Social Goals Model?

Instructional skills about social action and communal living and change.

Evolution of Social Work in Hong Kong

What significant development occurred in social work in groups by the end of the 1980s?

The introduction of various group theories and methods.

Values and Ethics in Social Work

What is the goal of social workers in relation to human relationships?

To strengthen relationships among people to promote well-being.

Historical Development of Social Work with Groups

What types of groups were group work approaches used in during the golden age?

Volunteer groups, leadership training, and self-programming groups.

Theories and Methods in Group Work

What do constructivist and narrative theories suggest about group members?

They construct life stories and personal narratives through language and experience.

Types of Groups in Social Work

What is the purpose of personal-growth groups?

To facilitate individual personal development.

Values and Ethics in Social Work

What characteristic reflects a group worker's ability to avoid biases?


Historical Development of Social Work with Groups

What organization was founded in 1936 related to group work?

The National Association for the Study of Group Work.

Evolution of Social Work in Hong Kong

What characterized the first stage of social work in Hong Kong?

Indigenous groups like Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and Po Leung Kuk, with workers mostly being kind-hearted volunteers.

Evolution of Social Work in Hong Kong

How were social work volunteers perceived in the first stage?

They were highly regarded for providing sacrificial service, though their motives were often questioned.

Values and Ethics in Social Work

What is one key responsibility of social workers according to the Practice Ethics?

To uphold ethical standards in their practice.

Goals and Objectives of Group Work

What do objectives illustrate in relation to project goals?

Objectives illustrate the body of singular activities that deliver distinctive results aligned with the project’s goal.

Roles and Leadership in Group Work

What role does patience play in group work?

It allows the group worker to handle diverse personalities and conflicts calmly.

Values and Ethics in Social Work

According to Rokeach (1968), what do values refer to?

A goal that is worth attaining.

Goals and Objectives of Group Work

What is the primary focus of the Social Goals Model?

Social consciousness, social responsibility, informed citizenship, and social action.

Evaluation and Outcomes

What type of evaluation is important in social work?

Evidence-based evaluation.

Types of Groups in Social Work

What type of group focuses on personal development and mutual support?

Self-help/Mutual-aid groups.

Roles and Leadership in Group Work

What role does the group worker play in the Social Goals Model?

Role model and enabler for responsible citizenship.

Types of Groups in Social Work

What do training groups aim to achieve?

Skill development and training.

Types of Groups in Social Work

What is the purpose of advocacy groups?

To promote social change and support specific causes.

Types of Groups in Social Work

What types of groups use creative methods like art and music?

Art, music, dance, and drama groups.

Goals and Objectives of Group Work

What is the primary goal of social work with groups?


Therapeutic Processes in Group Work

What is the therapeutic process in social work with groups?

Helping people learn about themselves to make constructive behavioral and life changes.

Goals and Objectives of Group Work

On what basis are the efficiency and usefulness of group procedures evaluated?

On how they facilitate goal accomplishment.

Goals and Objectives of Group Work

What methods are used in the Social Goals Model?

Discussion, participation, consensus, and community organizing.

Therapeutic Processes in Group Work

What challenges do participants learn to overcome in group work?

Emotional and behavioral difficulties.

Goals and Objectives of Group Work

What constraints must objectives meet?

Objectives must meet the limits of time, budget, and quality.

Theories and Methods in Group Work

What insight led to the integration of case, group, and mass works into direct practice?

The insight of System Theory.

Program Planning and Management

What is a crucial step in program planning for social work?

Needs assessment.

Historical Development of Social Work with Groups

What period is considered the golden age of group work in social work?

The 1970s to 1980s.

Theories and Methods in Group Work

How does field theory view a group?

As an evolving entity of opposing forces that influence members' participation and goal achievement.

Values and Ethics in Social Work

Which characteristic involves being open and positive towards group members?


Types of Groups in Social Work

What is the focus of anti-addictions groups?

Support for individuals dealing with addictions such as drugs, alcohol, and gambling.

Types of Groups in Social Work

What are pressure groups also known as?

Political groups.

Historical Development of Social Work with Groups

What significant event in group work practice occurred in 1927?

Wilbur Newsteter and Walter Pettit started using the name 'group work' at the National Conference of Social Work and designed a formal university training course.

Goals and Objectives of Group Work

What are group goals?

Guides for action that help plan and coordinate the efforts of group members.

Roles and Leadership in Group Work

What are some key characteristics a group worker should have?

Empathy, communication skills, patience, and adaptability.

Roles and Leadership in Group Work

Why is empathy important for a group worker?

It helps in understanding and connecting with group members' feelings and experiences.

Practice Values and Ethics in Group Work

What influences practice values in social work?

A system of personal and professional values.

Evolution of Social Work in Hong Kong

What significant change occurred in 1972 regarding social work qualifications in Hong Kong?

Only university graduates with a degree in social work became eligible to apply for Social Welfare Officer (SWO) positions.

Evolution of Social Work in Hong Kong

How did the economic growth in Hong Kong during the 1970s and 1980s affect social welfare services?

Social welfare services expanded rapidly, increasing the demand for social workers.

Theories and Methods in Group Work

What does systems theory help to understand in group work?

The group as a system of interacting elements.

Goals and Objectives of Group Work

What does the Reciprocal Model aim to achieve?

To form a mutual aid system among group members for optimum adaptation and socialization.

Goals and Objectives of Group Work

What is the focus of work in the Social Goals Model?

Larger society and individuals within the context of the neighborhood and social environment.

Roles and Leadership in Group Work

What is the role of the Board of Directors in group governance?

To oversee organizational needs and strategic direction.

Roles and Leadership in Group Work

What type of group focuses on team development and staff growth?

Teams and Staff Development groups.

Types of Groups in Social Work

What are experiential groups focused on?

Developmental experiences.

Values and Ethics in Social Work

What consideration is crucial for ensuring a safe environment in group work?

Safety consideration.

Types of Groups in Social Work

What do counseling groups provide?

Support and guidance for personal issues.

Historical Development of Social Work with Groups

What time period does the preliminary stage of group work practice cover?

1850 – 1926.

Values and Ethics in Social Work

Why is cultural awareness important for social workers?

It helps in understanding and respecting diverse backgrounds.

Goals and Objectives of Group Work

Why was group work practiced on a larger scale in the 1970s?

It was perceived as most appropriate for solving young people's problems through group dynamics.

Historical Development of Social Work with Groups

What was the mainstream practice of social workers by the mid-1970s?

Casework, particularly in family services.

Values and Ethics in Social Work

What ethical issue is raised by sexual relationships in social work?

They can exploit the power imbalance between social workers and clients.

Values and Ethics in Social Work

What is the purpose of social work according to the Social Workers Registration Board (2010)?

To prevent and relieve hardship and suffering.

Types of Groups in Social Work

What type of settings are compatible with the Remedial Model?

Formal agency settings, clinical outpatient or inpatient settings.

Roles and Leadership in Group Work

What is the role of the group worker in the Remedial Model?

Change agent who engages in study, diagnosis, and treatment to help group members attain individual treatment goals.

Roles and Leadership in Group Work

What is the purpose of Delegate Councils in group work?

To represent and address community needs.

Values and Ethics in Social Work

What principle ensures that group members' information remains private?


Group Dynamics and Interactions

Which trait emphasizes the importance of creating a supportive environment?


Types of Groups in Social Work

What is the role of therapeutic groups?

To provide treatment and support for mental health issues.

Goals and Objectives of Group Work

What methods are employed in the Remedial Model?

Structured exercises and direct and indirect influence to help members change behavior patterns.

Roles and Leadership in Group Work

Why is adaptability a crucial characteristic for a group worker?

It enables the worker to respond to changing dynamics and needs within the group.

Evolution of Social Work in Hong Kong

What was the impact of the shortage of social workers in the 1980s?

It led to the creation of a new 'assistant' level (SWA) below the officer grade (SWO) in 1981.

Values and Ethics in Social Work

What are conflicts of interest in the context of social work?

Situations where a social worker's personal interests may interfere with their professional duties.

Historical Development of Social Work with Groups

What important concepts were widely spread during this period?

Social justice and self-help.

Types of Groups in Social Work

How many types of groups are identified in social work?

Five types.

Historical Development of Social Work with Groups

What significant event in 1985 influenced group work approaches?

An international youth conference that advocated three levels of intervention.

Roles and Leadership in Group Work

What is the role of the group worker in the Reciprocal Model?

Mediator between the needs of members and the needs of the group and the larger society.

Therapeutic Processes in Group Work

What trait allows group workers to connect emotionally with members?


Types of Groups in Social Work

What do parenting groups aim to support?

Parents in their roles and responsibilities.

Types of Groups in Social Work

What is the goal of solution-focused groups?

To find solutions to specific problems.

Evolution of Social Work in Hong Kong

What was the primary task of social work in Hong Kong during the 1950s?

Helping refugees fleeing from China.

Historical Development of Social Work with Groups

What types of members did the British YMCA serve?

New arrivals, low financial and social status individuals, chronic patients, and those suffering from bad habits.

Historical Development of Social Work with Groups

When were the American YMCA and YWCA established?

American YMCA in 1851 and YWCA in 1866.

Evolution of Social Work in Hong Kong

What term was commonly used to refer to social workers in Hong Kong?

Fu lei yuan (Welfare workers).

Historical Development of Social Work with Groups

What significant development occurred in Boston in 1868?

The establishment of the first play garden for children in a government school.

Goals and Objectives of Group Work

What are the three levels of intervention approaches adopted by NGOs?

Personal development, interpersonal development, and community connections.

Types of Groups in Social Work

What are process groups designed for?

Long-term support and task-oriented activities.

Historical Development of Social Work with Groups

What skills were already being applied in group work by this time?

Empowerment and advocacy.

Roles and Leadership in Group Work

What was the primary role of social workers in group work during the 70s and 80s?

Mainly a resource provider with no 'professional intervention'.

Roles and Leadership in Group Work

What was the outcome of adopting the three levels of intervention in group work?

The leading role in groups was transmitted from group members to social workers.

Therapeutic Processes in Group Work

What characteristic indicates a group worker's attentiveness to members' needs?


Types of Groups in Social Work

What is the focus of interest groups?

Common interests and social activities.

Theories and Methods in Group Work

What emphasis does learning theory place in social work?

Clear and specific goal setting, step-by-step treatment planning, measurable treatment outcomes, and evaluation.

Types of Groups in Social Work

What type of group is designed for social interaction and skill development?

Social Skills groups.

Roles and Leadership in Group Work

What attitude reflects a group worker's passion and energy in their role?


Types of Groups in Social Work

What is the focus of self-care groups?

Promoting individual well-being and self-care practices.

Theories and Methods in Group Work

What does social exchange theory focus on?

The behavior of individual group members and how they seek rewards through social interaction.

Types of Groups in Social Work

What type of group focuses on community needs and social action?

Social Action Groups.

Theories and Methods in Group Work

Which characteristic encourages innovative solutions within group settings?


Types of Groups in Social Work

What do cognitive behavioral groups focus on?

Changing negative thought patterns and behaviors.

Values and Ethics in Social Work

What is the goal of empowerment and strength-based approaches in group work?

To help members overcome restrictive life experiences and understand them as products of an unsupportive environment.

Values and Ethics in Social Work

What attitude reflects a group worker's ability to embrace diverse perspectives?


Values and Ethics in Social Work

What principle ensures that all group members are treated equally?


Types of Groups in Social Work

What do volunteer groups focus on?

Community service and volunteerism.

Goals and Objectives of Group Work

What is a key focus of the Remedial Model?

Alleviating problems or concerns and improving coping skills.

Therapeutic Processes in Group Work

What is a key skill that allows group workers to understand and respond to members effectively?

Active listener.

Types of Groups in Social Work

What type of group provides education on sexual health?

Sex education groups.

Types of Groups in Social Work

What do self-help groups provide?

Mutual support among individuals facing similar challenges.

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