Why is a cargo plan important for tankers?
It ensures safe and efficient loading and unloading of cargo.
What are the two main reasons for cargo documentation?
Mandatory requirements and commercial necessity.
Cargo Plan and Stowage Plan

Why is a cargo plan important for tankers?

It ensures safe and efficient loading and unloading of cargo.

Cargo Documentation: Types and Importance

What are the two main reasons for cargo documentation?

Mandatory requirements and commercial necessity.

Cargo Documentation: Types and Importance

What is a Cargo Manifest?

A document containing particulars of the cargo loaded, the shipper, consignee, etc.

Cargo Plan and Stowage Plan

How does a cargo plan affect stability?

It helps maintain the vessel's stability by distributing weight evenly.

Safe Port and Safe Berth Requirements

What warranty do charterers usually provide regarding ports?

That the ports will be 'good and safe'.

Definition of Cargo

What does the term 'cargo' generally refer to?

Goods or produce transported for commercial gain.

Definition of Cargo

What types of items are included in cargo?

All articles, goods, materials, merchandise, or wares.

Cargo Plan and Stowage Plan

What details are included in each entry of the Cargo Plan?

Quantity, weight, volume, and port of discharge.

Cargo Plan and Stowage Plan

What information generally appears on most Cargo Plans?

Vessel name, Master name, loading and discharging ports, sailing draughts, tonnage breakdown, voyage number, and more.

Cargo Plan and Stowage Plan

What is the significance of the Chief Officer's signature on the Cargo Plan?

It validates the plan and its contents.

Bale Capacity and Grain Capacity

What is bale capacity in cargo terminology?

The space available in a ship’s compartment for packaged cargo like bales, bundles, bags, drums, and boxes.

Cargo Documentation: Types and Importance

What is covered by a document during cargo handling?

Each interchange of responsibility for the cargo.

Cargo Documentation: Types and Importance

Which code mandates some cargo documentation?

The IMDG code.

Cargo Plan and Stowage Plan

How does a cargo plan affect the vessel's performance?

It impacts fuel efficiency, speed, and safety.

Cargo Documentation: Types and Importance

What is an advantage of the mate receipt over the boat note?

The chief officer starts with a blank sheet, while the boat note may require amendments.

Cargo Plan and Stowage Plan

What types of vehicles can be carried on a RoRo vessel?

Cars, trucks, buses, and other wheeled cargo.

Cargo Documentation: Types and Importance

What are the three main functions of a bill of lading?

1. Receipt for goods carried, 2. Evidence of the contract of carriage, 3. Document of title.

Cargo Terminology

What are cargo spaces?

All enclosed spaces appropriate for the transport of cargo to be discharged from the ship.

Types of Cargo: Dirty, Clean, Optional, and Over Carried

What is over carried cargo?

Cargo destined for a calling port but mistakenly taken to another port due to wrongful stowage or defaced marking.

Cargo Information and Securing Manual

What is the purpose of a cargo securing manual?

To provide details on lashing points and securing arrangements for cargo on board a vessel.

Cargo Information and Securing Manual

What standard is the cargo securing manual drawn up to?

Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) Circular number MSC/Circ. 745.

Cargo Documentation: Types and Importance

What does the documentation of a cargo consignment do?

It always follows the cargo.

Cargo Preparation and Shore Preparation

What is the significance of correct lying of dunnage?

It ensures proper support and protection for the cargo during transport.

Cargo Plan and Stowage Plan

What is the purpose of a cargo plan for a RoRo vessel?

To outline the arrangement and stowage of cargo to ensure safe and efficient loading and unloading.

Cargo Documentation: Types and Importance

What information is included in a dock receipt?

Weight, volume, and number of pieces of the cargo.

Cargo Documentation: Types and Importance

Why is it important to note damage on a mate's receipt?

To ensure that any damage to the cargo is documented and endorsed accordingly.

Safe Port and Safe Berth Requirements

What makes a port unsafe despite other safety measures?

If a vessel cannot reach it without serious risk of damage, such as from ice.

Safe Port and Safe Berth Requirements

What must a port provide in terms of facilities for trade?

Adequate facilities, including safe shore landing, proper wharves, and warehouses.

Safe Port and Safe Berth Requirements

What must a ship be able to do after discharging its cargo at a safe port?

Leave safely without having to lower or cut her masts to pass under a bridge.

Cargo Documentation: Types and Importance

What is the title of the course?


Cargo Plan and Stowage Plan

What is a cargo plan of a tanker?

A detailed layout showing how cargo will be loaded, stored, and discharged.

Cargo Preparation and Shore Preparation

Why is proper ventilation important in cargo preparation?

To prevent moisture damage, which can lead to significant cargo claims.

Cargo Documentation: Types and Importance

Who receives copies of the Cargo Manifest?

One copy goes to the shipper, one to the agent of the port of call, and one to the ship.

Cargo Documentation: Types and Importance

What are Boat Notes?

Receipts for goods actually received on board from a boat alongside, signed by the mate.

Safe Port and Safe Berth Requirements

What happens if charterers order a vessel to an unsafe port or berth?

They will usually be in breach of contract.

Safe Port and Safe Berth Requirements

What is the legal definition of 'a safe port'?

A port is not safe unless the ship can reach it, use it, and return from it without being exposed to danger that cannot be avoided by good navigation and seamanship.

Cargo Documentation: Types and Importance

Why is it necessary to correctly state cargo details on the mate's receipts?

Because the bill of lading will be prepared based on these details.

Cargo Terminology

How can the space available for cargo be expressed?

By the vessel's deadweight or her cubic capacity in either bale or grain space terms.

Cargo Plan and Stowage Plan

What does the Cargo Plan state regarding dangerous cargo?

It includes a list of dangerous cargo, if any.

Cargo Preparation and Shore Preparation

What warranty should Charterers provide before loading?

An absolute warranty that the ports for loading and discharging will be good and safe.

Cargo Plan and Stowage Plan

What is a cargo plan?

A document that outlines the stowage of cargo on a vessel.

Bale Capacity and Grain Capacity

What is grain capacity in cargo terminology?

The volume occupied by grain or bulk cargo inside the cargo hold.

Safe Port and Safe Berth Requirements

Who is responsible for ascertaining whether a berth is safe?

The master of the ship.

Safe Port and Safe Berth Requirements

Who is usually liable for damage at an unsafe berth?

The shipowner, not the charterer.

Deadweight Cargo vs. Measurement Cargo

What is measurement cargo?

Cargo on which freight is charged based on the volume it occupies, usually light and bulky, stowing at more than 1.2m³ per tonne.

Cargo Preparation and Shore Preparation

What is broken stowage?

The space between packages that remains unfilled, varying in percentage based on cargo type and ship's hold shape.

Definition of Cargo

Are livestock considered cargo?

Yes, livestock is included in cargo.

Cargo Plan and Stowage Plan

Why is it important to include recommended temperatures in the Cargo Plan?

For the proper carriage of various goods.

Cargo Plan and Stowage Plan

Why is a cargo plan important for a container vessel?

It ensures proper weight distribution and stability during transit.

Cargo Documentation: Types and Importance

What is the purpose of the Cargo Manifest?

It is used for customs clearance in the destination country.

Cargo Plan and Stowage Plan

Why is weight distribution important in a RoRo cargo plan?

To maintain stability and prevent capsizing during transit.

Safe Port and Safe Berth Requirements

What right does the master have if charterers breach their warranty?

The master has the right to refuse to enter or stay at the port.

Safe Port and Safe Berth Requirements

What conditions must be met for a port to be considered safe?

The ship must be able to reach, use, and return from the port without unavoidable dangers during the relevant time period.

Types of Cargo: Dirty, Clean, Optional, and Over Carried

What items are generally classified as clean cargo?

Food products and manufacturing products like cloth and cotton bales.

Cargo Information and Securing Manual

What forces does the cargo securing manual consider for securing arrangements?

Transverse, longitudinal, and vertical forces arising during adverse weather conditions at sea.

Bale Capacity and Grain Capacity

How is grain capacity measured?

Length, breadth, and depth are measured from the inside of the ship's shell plating, accounting for frames and beams.

Safe Port and Safe Berth Requirements

What should a master do if ordered to go to an unsafe berth?

Refuse to go to an unsafe berth.

Deadweight Cargo vs. Measurement Cargo

What is deadweight cargo?

Cargo on which freight is usually charged based on its weight, typically rated as deadweight if stowing at less than 1.2m³/tonne.

Bale Capacity and Grain Capacity

How is stowage capacity defined?

The volume occupied by unit weight of cargo, usually expressed as cubic meters per tonne.

Definition of Cargo

What documents are issued for cargo?

Air waybill, bill of lading, or other receipts by the carrier.

Definition of Cargo

What items are usually not included in cargo?

Bunkers, accompanying baggage, equipment, spare parts, mail, and stores.

Types of Cargo: Dirty, Clean, Optional, and Over Carried

What should be employed to avoid over carried cargo?

A system of checking the stowage plan and manifest.

Cargo Documentation: Types and Importance

Who is the instructor for the course?

Ms. Priscilla Akua Afful

Cargo Plan and Stowage Plan

What does a cargo plan typically include?

Details on the type, quantity, and location of cargo within the vessel.

Cargo Plan and Stowage Plan

What factors are considered when creating a cargo plan?

Cargo weight, size, type, and destination.

Safe Port and Safe Berth Requirements

What is the difference in warranty types that charterers may provide?

Some provide an absolute warranty, while others provide a warranty of 'due diligence' only.

Cargo Documentation: Types and Importance

What is a bill of lading?

A document that serves as the consignee’s title to the goods and outlines the details of the cargo.

Types of Cargo: Dirty, Clean, Optional, and Over Carried

What types of items are classified as dirty cargo?

Paint, crude oils, steel work, coal, etc.

Types of Cargo: Dirty, Clean, Optional, and Over Carried

What is optional cargo?

Cargo described for discharge at one or more ports, stowed for availability at any optional port.

Safe Port and Safe Berth Requirements

What is the master's right regarding entering a port?

The master can refuse to enter if the vessel cannot safely reach it due to insufficient water depth.

Cargo Plan and Stowage Plan

What does the Cargo Plan indicate about the remaining space?

The total volume of empty space remaining.

Cargo Documentation: Types and Importance

What is the course code?

BNS 23

Bale Capacity and Grain Capacity

How is bale capacity measured?

Length from the inside of the fore and aft bulkhead stiffeners, breadth from the inside of the cargo battens, and depth from the wood tank top ceiling to the deck beams.

Safe Port and Safe Berth Requirements

What must a safe berth ensure?

It must be safe in the same respects as a 'safe port'.

Cargo Plan and Stowage Plan

What factors are considered in the cargo plan of a RoRo vessel?

Weight distribution, cargo dimensions, and vehicle types.

Cargo Plan and Stowage Plan

How does the stowage plan affect loading and unloading operations?

It determines the sequence and method for loading and unloading vehicles efficiently.

Safe Port and Safe Berth Requirements

What is the first requirement for a port to be considered a 'safe port'?

There must be safe access to the port, free from permanent obstruction.

Cargo Terminology

How is a cargo ship defined?

Any ship that is not a passenger ship, troop ship, pleasure vessel, or fishing boat.

Safe Port and Safe Berth Requirements

What political condition is necessary for a port to be deemed safe?

It must be free from any state of war or embargo.

Cargo Preparation and Shore Preparation

What should be done to the cargo space before loading?

It should be inspected and prepared for the specific material intended to be loaded.

Cargo Plan and Stowage Plan

What does a cargo plan typically include?

Information on tank capacities, cargo types, and loading sequences.

Cargo Plan and Stowage Plan

What is the role of the crew in executing a cargo plan?

The crew follows the cargo plan to ensure proper loading and unloading procedures.

Definition of Cargo

What is the definition of cargo?

Freight carried on a ship, aircraft, or motor vehicle.

Definition of Cargo

What forms of transportation can cargo be transported by?

Ship, aircraft, intermodal train, van, or truck.

Cargo Plan and Stowage Plan

Who constructs the Cargo Plan?

The ship’s cargo officer.

Cargo Plan and Stowage Plan

What special loads might be indicated in the Cargo Plan?

Heavy lifts, hazardous cargoes, and valuable cargo.

Cargo Plan and Stowage Plan

What is included in the list of discharging ports on the Cargo Plan?

The ports in order of call.

Cargo Plan and Stowage Plan

What is a RoRo vessel?

A RoRo (Roll-on/Roll-off) vessel is designed to carry wheeled cargo that is driven on and off the ship.

Cargo Documentation: Types and Importance

What is a dock receipt?

A document issued when cargo is delivered to the terminal, used to calculate freight and handling costs.

Cargo Documentation: Types and Importance

What is a mate's receipt?

A document issued when cargo is transferred to the carrying vessel, signed by the vessel.

Cargo Plan and Stowage Plan

What is a Cargo Plan?

A ship's plan showing the distribution of all cargo parcels stowed on board for the voyage.

Safe Port and Safe Berth Requirements

What is required regarding tides for a port to be considered safe?

The vessel must be able to lie safely afloat at all states of the tide.

Definition of Cargo

How are personnel carried onboard classified?

As crew or passengers.

Cargo Information and Securing Manual

What does cargo information refer to?

Relevant information about the cargo, its stowage segregation, and necessary precautions for sea carriage.

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