What must every employer ensure regarding their employees?
The safety and health at work of all the employees.
What should you check before entering a walk-in freezer?
Ensure the door latch opens easily from the inside.
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Responsibilities of Employers

What must every employer ensure regarding their employees?

The safety and health at work of all the employees.

Preventive Measures for Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What should you check before entering a walk-in freezer?

Ensure the door latch opens easily from the inside.

Preventive Measures for Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What type of equipment should be used during manual handling?

Appropriate personal protective equipment.

Evaluation of Hazard and Risk Assessment in OSH

When can a risk be considered tolerable?

Only when limits and standards are met and the risk is at, or has been reduced to, the lowest possible level that is reasonably practicable.

Preventive Measures for Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What should you consider when planning a safe carrying procedure?

The size, shape, and weight of the object.

Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What is a consequence of a lack of fresh air supply indoors?

High concentration of indoor pollutants, causing discomfort.

Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What is the primary purpose of water-proof electric sockets?

To prevent water from entering and causing electrical hazards.

Common Occupational Safety Hazards

How should flammable liquids and materials be stored?

They should be properly stored and kept away from heat sources.

Evaluation of Hazard and Risk Assessment in OSH

What type of ill-health can result from slightly harmful risks?

Temporary discomfort.

Evaluation of Hazard and Risk Assessment in OSH

What is the purpose of analyzing the effects of risks in OSH?

To understand the actual and potential impacts resulting from these risks.

Preventive Measures for Common Occupational Safety Hazards

How often should electrical installations be checked?

Regularly by qualified electrical workers.

Preventive Measures for Common Occupational Safety Hazards

How often should air ducts and air purifiers be cleaned?

In regular intervals.

Slip, Trip, and Fall Prevention Strategies

How can storage areas be organized to prevent injuries from falling objects?

Keep storage away from aisles and passages.

Heat Stress Management in Food Processing Environments

What is the recommended temperature range for a workplace to prevent heat stress?

20 °C – 26 °C with a relative humidity of 40% - 70%.

Safe Practices for Machine and Hand Tool Operation

What is a key requirement for operators of machines?

Operators should be well trained.

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Responsibilities of Employers

What is the primary focus of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in food and beverage services?

To ensure the safety and health of employees and customers in the industry.

Preventive Measures for Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What should be placed near hot equipment or surfaces to warn individuals?

Warning signs or stickers.

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Responsibilities of Employees

What role does employee training play in OSH?

It helps employees recognize hazards and follow safety procedures.

Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What is one of the main hazards associated with electricity?

Electric shocks.

Preventive Measures for Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What system should be installed to control cooking fumes?

Cooking fume exhaust system with pollution control facilities.

Preventive Measures for Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What should you be aware of when inside a walk-in freezer?

The location of switches for light, door latch, and the alarm system.

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Responsibilities of Employers

What must employers provide for access to the workplace?

Means of access to and egress from the workplace that are safe and without risks to health.

Common Occupational Safety Hazards

Where are water-proof electric sockets typically used?

In outdoor or wet environments.

Slip, Trip, and Fall Prevention Strategies

What maintenance is important for preventing slips and trips?

Maintain a clean and good drainage system.

Heat Stress Management in Food Processing Environments

What is a key preventive measure for heat stress regarding hydration?

Drink sufficient amounts of water or appropriate beverages to replenish lost water and electrolytes.

Safe Practices for Machine and Hand Tool Operation

What should be equipped on machines with moving parts?

Safety guards.

Preventive Measures for Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What is the requirement for smoke doors?

They shall remain closed but not locked.

Evaluation of Hazard and Risk Assessment in OSH

What must be met for a risk to be considered tolerable?

The condition must be within statutory limits and/or conform to legal or internationally recognized standards.

Heat Stress Management in Food Processing Environments

What hazards can occur when working in a hot and humid environment?

Heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

Safe Practices for Machine and Hand Tool Operation

What should be used when cutting with a knife?

A cutting board.

Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What is a primary concern in food hygiene?

Preventing contamination and ensuring safe food handling practices.

Evaluation of Hazard and Risk Assessment in OSH

What is the email of Mr. Kit Chan?


Preventive Measures for Common Occupational Safety Hazards

How should switches related to safety be marked?

They must be clearly marked.

Evaluation of Hazard and Risk Assessment in OSH

What is the second priority in risk assessment?

Substantial risks.

Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What is a common occupational safety hazard related to electrical systems?


Common Occupational Safety Hazards

Which hazard is associated with the quality of the air in the workplace?

Air quality.

Handling Hot Surfaces and Substances Safely

What are scalds?

Burns created by hot liquids.

Evaluation of Hazard and Risk Assessment in OSH

What is the focus of the IFS4804 module?

Quality Management Systems for Food Processing.

Preventive Measures for Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What is the first step in planning for manual handling?

Clear the route before carrying the object.

Preventive Measures for Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What is a recommended clothing practice when working in a walk-in freezer?

Wear a coat.

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Responsibilities of Employees

What does OSH stand for?

Occupational Safety and Health.

Evaluation of Hazard and Risk Assessment in OSH

What does evaluating risks associated with hazards involve?

Assessing the likelihood and severity of potential harm.

Preventive Measures for Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What must be ensured about fire exits?

They must be clear and inspected regularly for smooth traffic flow.

Evaluation of Hazard and Risk Assessment in OSH

What is the risk level for 'Highly unlikely' and 'Slightly harmful'?

Trivial risk (微不足道之風險).

Preventive Measures for Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What type of electrical installations should be used to prevent overload?

Water-proof electrical installations.

Manual handling

What is important about your grip on the object?

Grasp the object firmly and ensure the grip will not slip.

Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What is a common hazard associated with the use of machinery and tools?

Machine and hand tool.

Evaluation of Hazard and Risk Assessment in OSH

What is the highest risk level mentioned?

Extremely risk (風險極大).

Common Occupational Safety Hazards

How can manual handling hazards be reduced?

Use mechanical aids and proper lifting techniques.

Handling Hot Surfaces and Substances Safely

What can contact with a hot surface or substance cause?


Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What type of hazard can electricity cause besides electric shocks?

Fire hazards and explosions.

Slip, Trip, and Fall Prevention Strategies

What should be done immediately if oil or water is on the floor?

Ensure it is cleaned up immediately.

Evaluation of Hazard and Risk Assessment in OSH

What institution offers the IFS4804 module?

Vocational Training Council International Culinary Institute.

Evaluation of Hazard and Risk Assessment in OSH

What are examples of slightly harmful risks?

Minor cuts, bruises, and eye irritation from dust.

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Responsibilities of Employers

What must employers arrange to ensure safety in the workplace?

Safety and absence of risks to health in connection with the use, handling, storage, or transport of plant and substances.

Preventive Measures for Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What should be done before hiring electrical contractors?

Hire government registered electrical engineering contractors and purchase equipment that complies with safety requirements.

Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What are common hazards in food and beverage services?

Slips, trips, falls, cuts, burns, and exposure to hazardous substances.

Preventive Measures for Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What type of personal protective equipment (PPE) should be worn when handling hot surfaces?

Heat resistant gloves and aprons.

Preventive Measures for Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What safety measures should be taken for electrical installations?

They should be earthed and connected to circuit-breakers to prevent electric shocks.

Preventive Measures for Common Occupational Safety Hazards

How can burns be prevented in food and beverage services?

By using protective equipment and following safe cooking practices.

Manual handling

What should you avoid while lifting?

Avoid jerky motions.

Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What is a safety measure for working in a walk-in freezer?

Ensure proper insulation and regular temperature checks.

Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What are common workplace injuries mentioned in the text?

Slips, trips, and being struck by falling objects.

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Responsibilities of Employers

What should employers provide and maintain for their employees?

Plants and systems of work that are safe and without risks to health.

Heat Stress Management in Food Processing Environments

What is heat exhaustion?

A condition that can occur when the body cannot cool down effectively in hot environments.

Safe Practices for Machine and Hand Tool Operation

Where should knives be stored when not in use?

In a shelf.

Evaluation of Hazard and Risk Assessment in OSH

What is the second step in the evaluation of hazard and risk assessment in OSH?

Identifying new hazards.

Evaluation of Hazard and Risk Assessment in OSH

What is the first priority in risk assessment?

Extremely risks should be recorded.

Safe Practices for Machine and Hand Tool Operation

Where should operation procedures and safety precautions be posted?

Near the machine.

Manual handling

What is the first step in correct lifting posture?

Start close to the object.

Manual handling

How should you position your knees when lifting?

Bend knees and squat down.

Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What occupational safety hazard can lead to overheating and dehydration?

Heat stress.

Preventive Measures for Common Occupational Safety Hazards

How should saucepan or pot handles be positioned?

Pointing away from the edge of a stove and not over hotplates.

Analysis of Occupational Injuries in Food and Beverage Services

What percentage of injuries were caused by hand tools in food and beverage services in 2022?


Analysis of Occupational Injuries in Food and Beverage Services

What was the percentage of injuries caused by contact with moving machinery or objects being machined in 2022?


Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What type of injury can result from electrical exposure?


Evaluation of Hazard and Risk Assessment in OSH

What is the first step in the evaluation of hazard and risk assessment in OSH?

Recording known hazards.

Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What disease can bacteria in the air cause?

Legionnaire’s disease.

Evaluation of Hazard and Risk Assessment in OSH

How is 'unlikely' defined in the context of harm probability?

Rather remote, though conceivable.

Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What is important to do with electrical appliances to prevent fire hazards?

Install and use them properly, and schedule maintenance regularly.

Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What should be done to reduce the risk of fire in fume hoods?

Clean the fume hood and the pipe regularly to reduce grease build-up.

Evaluation of Hazard and Risk Assessment in OSH

What are examples of extremely harmful risks?

Major fractures, poisonings, multiple injuries, fatal injuries, occupational cancer, and acute fatal diseases.

Manual handling

What should you do with your back while lifting?

Keep your back straight.

Evaluation of Hazard and Risk Assessment in OSH

What risk level is associated with 'Likely' and 'Harmful'?

Moderate risk (中等風險).

Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What hazard involves the risk of burns or injuries from heated surfaces?

Hot object.

Handling Hot Surfaces and Substances Safely

What should be done to safely handle hot objects?

Use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Responsibilities of Employees

What is one responsibility of employees regarding safety at the workplace?

To take care for the safety and health of persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions.

Heat Stress Management in Food Processing Environments

What is heat stroke?

A severe condition resulting from prolonged exposure to high temperatures, leading to the body's inability to regulate temperature.

Preventive Measures for Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What should be done regularly to the fuel supply system?

It should be inspected and maintained regularly.

Preventive Measures for Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What should you do if the object is too heavy to carry alone?

Use a trolley if possible, or get a helping hand if necessary.

Evaluation of Hazard and Risk Assessment in OSH

What does 'likely' indicate regarding the occurrence of harm?

Occurs repeatedly.

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Responsibilities of Employers

What are some common practices to ensure OSH in food services?

Regular training, proper equipment use, and adherence to safety protocols.

Preventive Measures for Common Occupational Safety Hazards

Why are fire drills important?

To increase employees’ awareness of fire escape.

Preventive Measures for Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What training should be provided to operators handling hot substances?

Training on how to handle hot substances.

Preventive Measures for Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What should you do if electrical wires are damaged or appliances are malfunctioning?

Stop using the appliances immediately, put up a 'Maintenance' sign, and repair or change the appliances as soon as possible.

Heat Stress Management in Food Processing Environments

What is a key strategy to manage heat stress?

Implement regular breaks and hydration protocols.

Analysis of Occupational Injuries in Food and Beverage Services

What percentage of injuries were due to striking against fixed or stationary objects in 2022?


Preventive Measures for Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What is a preventive measure for maintaining air quality related to water storage?

Clean and disinfect water tower regularly.

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Responsibilities of Employees

How should employees cooperate with their employers?

By cooperating as necessary to enable compliance with safety requirements.

Evaluation of Hazard and Risk Assessment in OSH

Who is the module tutor for IFS4804?

Ms. Wing So.

Evaluation of Hazard and Risk Assessment in OSH

What does 'highly unlikely' mean in terms of probability of harm?

So unlikely that probability is close to zero.

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Responsibilities of Employers

What type of environment must employers maintain for their employees?

A working environment that is safe and without risks to health.

Common Occupational Safety Hazards

Why is food hygiene important in the workplace?

To prevent foodborne illnesses and ensure the safety of employees and customers.

Evaluation of Hazard and Risk Assessment in OSH

What are examples of harmful risks?

Burns, serious sprains, and ill-health leading to permanent minor disability.

Heat Stress Management in Food Processing Environments

What type of clothing is recommended to help prevent heat stress?

Light-coloured clothing to help perspiration and reduce body heat.

Evaluation of Hazard and Risk Assessment in OSH

What risk level corresponds to 'Unlikely' and 'Harmful'?

Minor risk (輕微風險).

Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What type of hazards include slips, trips, and being struck by falling objects?

Slip, trip, and struck by falling object.

Manual handling

What part of the body should you use to lift the object?

Lift with the legs.

Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What is a significant hazard that can lead to property damage and injury in the workplace?


Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What health issues can cooking fumes cause?

Long-term and short-term health problems.

Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What is a key feature of water-proof electric sockets?

They are designed to be sealed against moisture.

Common Occupational Safety Hazards

Why is it important to use water-proof electric sockets in certain areas?

To ensure safety and prevent electrical shocks.

Evaluation of Hazard and Risk Assessment in OSH

What is the third priority in risk assessment?

Moderate risks.

Evaluation of Hazard and Risk Assessment in OSH

What should be done with extremely risks?

They should be recorded as the first priority.

Preventive Measures for Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What is a preventive measure for electrical hazards?

Ensure proper grounding and use of insulated tools.

Analysis of Occupational Injuries in Food and Beverage Services

What was the second most common cause of occupational injuries in food and beverage services in 2022?

Contact with hot surface or substance (20.5%).

Safe Practices for Machine and Hand Tool Operation

How can risks associated with machines and hand tools be minimized?

Provide proper training and safety guards.

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Responsibilities of Employers

What type of information must employers provide to ensure safety at work?

Safety information, instruction, training, and supervision.

Evaluation of Hazard and Risk Assessment in OSH

What is the final step in the evaluation of hazard and risk assessment in OSH?

Developing and implementing means to eliminate or reduce risks to tolerable levels.

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Responsibilities of Employees

Why is training important in OSH for food and beverage services?

To educate employees on safety practices and hazard recognition.

Safe Practices for Machine and Hand Tool Operation

What action should be taken for a faulty machine?

Suspend it from operation and post a warning sign, e.g., 'MAINTENANCE' until repair.

Analysis of Occupational Injuries in Food and Beverage Services

What percentage of occupational injuries in food and beverage services in 2022 were due to slip, trip, or fall on the same level?


Slip, Trip, and Fall Prevention Strategies

What preventive measure can reduce slip, trip, and fall hazards?

Maintain clean and dry walking surfaces.

Analysis of Occupational Injuries in Food and Beverage Services

What was the total number of occupational injury cases reported in food and beverage services in 2022?

3,554 cases.

Safe Practices for Machine and Hand Tool Operation

What should be done before cleaning a machine?

The machine should be powered off and the plug removed.

Preventive Measures for Common Occupational Safety Hazards

How should doors and lids of heated equipment be opened?

Away from the body.

Evaluation of Hazard and Risk Assessment in OSH

What is the risk level for 'Likely' and 'Extremely harmful'?

Substantial risk (重大風險).

Analysis of Occupational Injuries in Food and Beverage Services

What percentage of injuries occurred while lifting or carrying in food and beverage services in 2022?


Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Responsibilities of Employers

What role do employers play in OSH within food and beverage services?

Employers are responsible for providing a safe working environment and necessary training.

Manual handling

How should you hold the object while lifting?

Hold the object close to the body.

Evaluation of Hazard and Risk Assessment in OSH

What is the risk level for 'Highly unlikely' and 'Extremely harmful'?

Slightly harmful (輕微風險).

Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What hazard is related to lifting, carrying, and moving items manually?

Manual handling.

Evaluation of Hazard and Risk Assessment in OSH

What is the risk level for 'Unlikely' and 'Extremely harmful'?

Moderate risk (中等風險).

Preventive Measures for Common Occupational Safety Hazards

How can air quality hazards be mitigated?

Regularly monitor and improve ventilation systems.

Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What type of hazard is associated with entering extremely cold environments?

Walk-in freezer.

Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What preventive action can be taken to avoid fire hazards?

Implement regular fire drills and maintain fire extinguishers.

Slip, Trip, and Fall Prevention Strategies

What is a key preventive measure for slips and falls in food and beverage services?

Maintaining clean and dry floors.

Preventive Measures for Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What should be used to pick up hot items to avoid scalding?

Dry cloths.

Manual handling

How should you turn while lifting?

Turn with your feet and never twist the back.

Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What generally causes slips, trips, and falling object injuries?

Poorly organized workplace conditions.

Safe Practices for Machine and Hand Tool Operation

What is a key practice for maintaining knives?

Knives must be kept in good condition.

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Responsibilities of Employers

What is one responsibility of employers regarding workplace safety?

Maintain the workplace in a condition that is safe and without risks to health.

Common Occupational Safety Hazards

What is a common precautionary measure for fire safety regarding storage areas?

Keep the storage area tidy and clean.

Slip, Trip, and Fall Prevention Strategies

What should be repaired to prevent slips and trips?

Uneven floor surfaces.

Heat Stress Management in Food Processing Environments

What should workers do if they show symptoms of heat intolerance?

Retreat to cool areas.

Study Smarter, Not Harder
Study Smarter, Not Harder