What does national security now emphasize aside from territorial integrity?
Citizens' well-being and quality of life.
What are the three categories of national security challenges identified by the Duterte Administration?
Internal environment threats, external environment threats, and other strategic issues and challenges.
National Security Challenges and Threats

What does national security now emphasize aside from territorial integrity?

Citizens' well-being and quality of life.

National Security Challenges and Threats

What are the three categories of national security challenges identified by the Duterte Administration?

Internal environment threats, external environment threats, and other strategic issues and challenges.

National Security Definition and Policy

What does national security encompass?

A climate in which the welfare of a state’s people, government, independence, and territories are protected and developed.

RA 8491: Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines

What should be done with a flag that is worn out?

It shall be solemnly burned to avoid misuse or desecration.

Indigenous Peoples of the Philippines

How many ethno-linguistic groups are there in the Philippines?

Roughly 110 ethno-linguistic groups.

12-point National Security Agenda

What are the main challenges and threats mentioned?

Increase in income disparity between the rich and the poor, and between urban and rural areas; increase in unemployment and underemployment rates.

12-point National Security Agenda

What is the purpose of the '12-point National Security Agenda'?

To alleviate challenges and threats to national security.

National Security Challenges and Threats

What are internal environment threats?

Threats that operate within the bounds of the Philippine territory.

Ways of Acquiring Filipino Citizenship

What is Commonwealth Act No. 473?

It is the Revised Naturalization Law that outlines the requirements for naturalization in the Philippines.

RA 8491: Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines

Where should the Philippine flag be displayed every day?

In all public buildings, official residences, public plazas, and institutions of learning.

Filipino Citizenship: Origin and Definition

What historical figure is associated with the term 'Filipino'?

Ruy Lopez de Villalobos, who named the territory 'Las Islas Filipinas' in the 16th century.

National Security Definition and Policy

What aspects does the definition of national security in the Philippines encompass?

Economic development, peace and order, sanctity of life, freedom, disaster management, cybercrime elimination, and climate change prevention.

Ways of Acquiring Filipino Citizenship

What does the term 'citizenship' refer to?

The membership of an individual in his/her community or country.

National Security Challenges and Threats

What is a significant external environment threat mentioned?

Climate change.

RA 8491: Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines

On which days should the flag be displayed in private buildings and residences?

April 9, May 1, May 28 to June 12, last Sunday of August, November 30, and December 30.

Ways of Acquiring Filipino Citizenship

What are the two ways to acquire Filipino citizenship?

By birth (jus sanguinis or jus soli) and by voluntary means (naturalization).

Ways of Acquiring Filipino Citizenship

What is the doctrine practiced in the Philippines regarding citizenship by birth?

The doctrine of jus sanguinis.

Ways of Acquiring Filipino Citizenship

What languages must individuals be able to speak to acquire Filipino citizenship?

English, Spanish, or any of the principal languages in the country.

12-point National Security Agenda

Name three components of the '12-point National Security Agenda'.

Human and Political Security, Health Security, Economic and Financial Security.

Three Pillars of Philippine National Security

What are the three pillars of the Philippines' national security?

1) Protecting national identity, democracy, and social institutions; 2) Ensuring safety of independence; 3) Protecting assets and physical resources.

National Security Definition and Policy

How does the Philippines' National Security Policy define national security?

As a condition that protects the well-being of people, government institutions, territory, and independence.

RA 8491: Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines

When should the flag be raised and lowered?

Raised at sunrise and lowered at sunset.

National Security Challenges and Threats

What is one example of an internal environment threat?


Ways of Acquiring Filipino Citizenship

What must an applicant do to reacquire lost Filipino citizenship?

Follow requirements for naturalization, repatriation, or judicial acts, and recite the Oath of Allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines.

Ways of Acquiring Filipino Citizenship

What defines a natural-born citizen in the Philippines?

An individual is a natural-born citizen if either parent is Filipino, regardless of the place of birth.

12-point National Security Agenda

What is the focus of the strategic industries and flagship projects in the Philippines?

Improvement of the country's science and technology, environmental, and transportation programs.

Ways of Acquiring Filipino Citizenship

What is required for a foreigner to become a naturalized citizen in the Philippines?

Must be 21 years old, lived in the country for at least 10 years, be of good moral standing, and have enrolled their children in a recognized school.

Ways of Acquiring Filipino Citizenship

What is the minimum value of real estate required for acquiring Filipino citizenship?

Php 5,000 or more.

National Security Challenges and Threats

What are external environment threats?

Threats that originate outside the territory of the Philippines but may affect the country's security.

12-point National Security Agenda

What is emphasized as a cornerstone of development and nation-building?

Investing in the education of the youth.

12-point National Security Agenda

What is the 12-point National Security Agenda?

The government's approach to securing the interests and concerns of the country.

RA 8491: Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines

Which locations must have the Philippine flag permanently hoisted?

Malacañang Palace, Congress of the Philippines, Supreme Court, Rizal Monument, Aguinaldo Shrine, Barasoain Shrine, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and all International Ports of Entry.

Filipino Citizenship: Origin and Definition

What does the term 'Filipino' refer to in the 19th century?

Local inhabitants of the Philippines who established the identity of the Filipino nation.

12-point National Security Agenda

Why is a Legal Framework for National Security important?

To enact appropriate legislations that address threats while protecting the nation’s interests.

Duties and Obligations of Filipino Citizens

What does the 1987 Constitution say about the duties and obligations of Filipino citizens?

It does not have specific provisions, but emphasizes the importance of performing duties for nation-building.

Duties and Obligations of Filipino Citizens

What is the role of duties and obligations in relation to the nation?

To strengthen the nation for the present and future generations.

Ways of Acquiring Filipino Citizenship

What are some ways to lose Filipino citizenship?

Naturalization in another country, becoming a deserter, acquiring foreign nationality through marriage, cancellation of naturalization, serving in a foreign armed force, or pledging allegiance to another country.

Indigenous Peoples of the Philippines

Who are the indigenous peoples of the Philippines?

The original inhabitants of the country before the colonial period.

12-point National Security Agenda

What does the government seek to improve for national power and economic growth?

Human Capital Development, Legal Framework for National Security, Defense and Law Enforcement Spending and Modernization.

12-point National Security Agenda

List some aspects included in the 12-point National Security Agenda.

Human and Political Security, Health Security, Economic and Financial Security, Food and Water Security, Military and Border Security, Sociocultural Security, Environment and Disaster Security, Energy Security, Maritime and Airspace Security, International Security, Informational and Cyber Security, Transportation and Port Security.

RA 8491: Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines

How should the flag be illuminated at night?

It shall be properly illuminated.

Ways of Acquiring Filipino Citizenship

What is a citizen?

A title given to a bona fide member of a community or a country.

12-point National Security Agenda

What is the goal of strengthening defense and law enforcement?

To enhance the military and police's defense and peace-keeping capacities.

Duties and Obligations of Filipino Citizens

What is expected from the youth in terms of community involvement?

To be informed and active in community works despite limited resources.

RA 8491: Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines

What should government agencies do on Flag Day?

Observe Flag Day with appropriate ceremonies.

RA 8491: Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines

What obligations do citizens have according to RA 8491?

Defend the Republic and the flag, support the constitution, respect the rights of others, and become productive citizens.

RA 8491: Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines

What is the position of the blue field of the flag in times of peace?

The blue field shall be on top.

Duties and Obligations of Filipino Citizens

What right and obligation do citizens have regarding voting?

They have the right and obligation to vote.

RA 8491: Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines

How should the Philippine flag be displayed when flown with another national flag?

Both flags must be on separate staffs of the same height, with the Philippine flag hoisted first and lowered last.

Ways of Acquiring Filipino Citizenship

What is a naturalized citizen?

A citizen of a state who has committed judicial acts or proves membership to the country.

RA 8491: Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines

Where should the Philippine flag be positioned when displayed with another flag?

The Philippine flag shall be on the right of the other flag.

RA 8491: Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines

What is the role of the National Historical Institute?

It is referred to as 'Institute' in the context of the law.

National Security Challenges and Threats

What is a significant geopolitical issue in the Philippines?

The three-decade-old communist rebellion.

National Security Challenges and Threats

What types of transnational crimes are prevalent in the Philippines?

Illegal drug trading, trafficking of women and children, unlawful fishing, arms dealing, money laundering, and piracy.

Economic and Social Threats

What economic threat is mentioned in relation to the Philippines?

Increase in poverty rate.

Three Pillars of Philippine National Security

What are the three pillars of national security according to the Philippine government?

Public safety, socio-political stability, and economic solidarity.

Filipino Citizenship: Origin and Definition

How did the term 'Filipino' evolve during colonial times?

Initially referred to Spanish settlers born in the Philippines, later adopted by indigenous inhabitants in the 19th century.

National Security Definition and Policy

What is the vision of the Duterte Administration's National Security Policy?

To transform the country to improve its various institutions and sectors, extending up to 2040.

Filipino Citizenship: Origin and Definition

What does Filipino Citizenship signify?

Membership of citizens to the Filipino nation, which has endured struggles for independence.

National Security Challenges and Threats

What is included in the national security interests of the Philippines?

Public safety, law and order, socio-political stability, economic solidarity, territorial integrity, and ecological balance.

Filipino Citizenship: Origin and Definition

What is the significance of Filipino citizenship?

It represents the membership of Filipinos in a nation-state established after over 300 years of colonialism.

National Security Challenges and Threats

What is a specific dispute mentioned regarding external threats?

Disputes over the West Philippine Sea (WPS).

Duties and Obligations of Filipino Citizens

What is the responsibility of every citizen, regardless of the country's morality?

To participate in the process of building the nation.

National Security Challenges and Threats

What is one goal of the national security policy regarding the safety of people?

To ensure the safety of people from threats.

Filipino Citizenship: Origin and Definition

What are some theories about the peopling of the Philippines?

Migration Waves Theory, Austronesian Migration Theory, and Nusantao.

RA 8491: Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines

What does 'Places of Frivolity' refer to?

Places marked by or providing boisterous merriment or recreation.

Indigenous Peoples of the Philippines

Name one indigenous group found in the Visayas.

Batak or Tagbanwa.

National Security Challenges and Threats

What are some local threats to national security in the Philippines?

Local terrorist groups.

National Security Challenges and Threats

What threat is associated with the proliferation of weapons?

Propagation of weapons of mass destruction.

RA 8491: Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines

What is the declaration of policy regarding national symbols?

Reverence and respect shall be accorded to the flag, anthem, and other national symbols that embody national ideals and traditions.

Indigenous Peoples of the Philippines

What is the estimated population of indigenous peoples in the Philippines?

14-17 million indigenous peoples.

National Security Challenges and Threats

What does the government aim to reinforce in the criminal justice system?

The five pillars: law enforcement, the Courts of law, the Prosecution, Jail Systems, and the Community.

Filipino Citizenship: Origin and Definition

When did Filipinos declare independence?

On June 12, 1898.

National Security Challenges and Threats

What are overlapping territorial claims?

Disputes in maritime boundaries that threaten regional peace and stability.

Indigenous Peoples of the Philippines

Who are considered Indigenous Peoples of the Philippines?

The original inhabitants belonging to certain ethno-linguistic groups residing in a particular ancestral domain.

National Security Definition and Policy

What does the Philippine government aim to protect under its national security policy?

The independence, integrity, and territory of the country.

Ways of Acquiring Filipino Citizenship

What is a natural-born citizen?

A citizen who is an automatic member of a country by blood (jus sanguinis) or by place of birth (jus soli).

RA 8491: Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines

What is the definition of 'Inclement Weather' in the context of the law?

A typhoon signal is raised in the locality.

National Security Challenges and Threats

What regions does the Philippines have disagreements with?

Middle East, Korean Peninsula, Southeast Asia, Sabah, China, and Taiwan.

National Security Challenges and Threats

What is a concern for Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs)?

Their well-being amidst global uncertainties.

RA 8491: Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines

What does the term 'Military' encompass according to the law?

All branches of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, including the Philippine National Police, Bureau of Jail Management and Penology, and Bureau of Fire Protection.

Indigenous Peoples of the Philippines

What protects the rights of indigenous peoples in the Philippines?

The 1987 Philippine Constitution and Republic Act No. 8371 (IPRA).

RA 8491: Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines

What does 'Half-Mast' mean?

Lowering the flag to one-half the distance between the top and bottom of the staff.

Filipino Citizenship: Origin and Definition

What is the significance of the term 'unity in diversity' in the context of Filipino culture?

It suggests that a complex society like the Filipino nation can achieve unity despite its diversity.

RA 8491: Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines

What are the colors of the Philippine National Flag?

Blue, white, and red, with an eight-rayed golden-yellow sun and three five-pointed stars.

Filipino Citizenship: Origin and Definition

What common ancestry is traced back to the Filipino people?

The Austronesians.

Filipino Citizenship: Origin and Definition

What were the terms used to distinguish Spanish settlers born in the Philippines from those born in Spain?

'Insulares' or 'Creoles' for those born in the Philippines, and 'Peninsulares' for those born in Spain.

Economic Solidarity and Sustainable Development

What does the national security policy aim to create in the country?

Job opportunities.

Indigenous Peoples of the Philippines

Name one indigenous group found in Luzon.

Agta, Aeta, or Igorot (among others).

National Security Challenges and Threats

Which groups are involved in separatist movements in the Philippines?

Islamic separatist groups in Mindanao.

National Security Challenges and Threats

What global issue is affecting the Philippines regarding economic stability?

Intensifying global economic instability.

Economic and Social Threats

What is a significant social issue in the Philippines?

The gap in economic inequality.

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