Urban Policy and its Implications
What does Urban Policy aim to foster?
Entrepreneurship and partnerships between public, private, and voluntary bodies.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
Which areas are viewed as less central to social policy?
Social care, environmental, and employment policy.
Legalistic vs Ethical Models in Social Work
What is the ethical duty of care model in social work?
It emphasizes the law as one component of the mandate to carry out an ethical duty of care, framed by key values and skills.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
How does Paul Wilding define social policy?
As those actions of government designed to promote individual and collective welfare.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What characteristics of welfare structures are highlighted by critics?
They are relatively undemocratic and unaccountable.
Urban Policy and its Implications
What are some key considerations in urban policy?
Development control, journey-to-work patterns, and retail patterns.
Relationship between Social Policy and Social Work
How do Social Policy and Law influence Social Work?
They affect our ideas about how to define social policy and social work.
Urban Policy and its Implications
What is the focus of Urban Policy according to Lee (2007)?
Physical and economic regeneration of the 'inner city'.
Urban Policy and its Implications
Which issues does Urban Policy aim to tackle?
Crime, environment, traffic, housing standards, and education.
Urban Policy and its Implications
What is a key goal of Urban Policy?
Working for a just and fair city.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What does Richard Titmuss suggest about social policies?
He suggests that social policies can be instruments of social control.
Impact of Legislation on Social Work
What role does legislation play in social work?
It implements social policies.
Legalistic vs Ethical Models in Social Work
What should social work encompass beyond instrumental rationality?
It should include moral considerations and values such as sensitivity, concern, reassurance, compassion, and warmth.
Relationship between Social Policy and Social Work
What is the third section of the lecture outline?
How does Social Policy and Law relate to Social Work?
Public Policy Overview
What is the purpose of the end of session?
To conclude the discussion and express gratitude.
Terminologies in Social Policy
What does the term 'policy' refer to in the context of government?
A range of activities in government.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What is analyzed in social policy according to Richard Titmuss?
Distributive and allocative patterns in command over resources through time.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What is one area of concern omitted by Richard Titmuss in his definition of social policy?
The failure to recognize that social policies can be instruments of social control.
Relationship between Social Policy and Social Work
How is best value maintained in Social Work practice?
Through competitive tendering.
Relationship between Social Policy and Social Work
How does social policy relate to social work?
Social policy and law provide the framework within which social work operates.
Relationship between Social Policy and Social Work
Why should social workers study law?
To understand the legal powers and duties that provide them with a mandate to practice.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What elements compete for influence in social problems?
Economic logics, social expectations, and political considerations.
Legalistic vs Ethical Models in Social Work
What is a key focus of the legalistic model in social work?
Intervention rather than encouraging client participation and empowerment.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What is the definition of Social Policy?
The study of social administration and its evolution into policy studies since the 1970s.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What is a key characteristic of social policies according to Titmuss?
They are inherently problematic.
Terminologies in Social Policy
What are some examples of specific types of policy?
Foreign policy, health policy, rural development policy.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What is a key characteristic of policy?
Authoritative decision making.
Terminologies in Social Policy
What is an example of a particular policy decision or initiative?
Increasing taxes or a local crime campaign.
Relationship between Social Policy and Social Work
How has social work been affected by policy changes?
Social work has been greatly affected by policy changes, especially in the second half of the twentieth century and early years of the new millennium.
Relationship between Social Policy and Social Work
How is social work linked to social policy?
Through the legislation that implements policies.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What areas of concern does Titmuss identify as omitted in social policy definitions?
The failure to recognize social policies as instruments of social control.
Urban Policy and its Implications
What is the focus of Urban Policy according to Lee (2007)?
Targeting the most deprived areas with increased resources and innovative solutions.
Terminologies in Social Policy
What is Public Policy?
A system of laws, regulatory measures, courses of action, and funding priorities concerning a given topic promulgated by a governmental entity.
Historical Changes in Social Policy
How has Social Policy changed since the 1970s?
It has shifted from the study of social administration to policy studies.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
How do policies manifest over time according to Anderson?
Policies consist of courses or patterns of action taken over time by governmental officials rather than separate, discrete decisions.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What is a key aspect of policy consistency?
Different policy objectives may lead to conflicts or contradictions.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What is necessary for effective policy implementation?
Linkage, matching, and coordination within government and public bodies.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What does Richard Titmuss suggest about social policies?
They are intimately bound to the societies in which they develop and reflect the priorities of those systems.
Terminologies in Social Policy
Who is David Gil?
A Professor of Social Policy at Brandeis University, US.
Relationship between Social Policy and Social Work
Why is it important for social workers to study law?
To know when to seek professional legal opinion and advise service users to seek expert advice.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What is a key characteristic of social policies according to Titmuss?
They reflect the priorities of the societies in which they develop.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What does Richard Titmuss define as the focus of social policy?
The study of a range of social needs and the functioning of human organization to meet those needs.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What is a key characteristic of policy in social contexts?
Authoritative decision making.
Terminologies in Social Policy
Which political affiliations are associated with Social Policy?
Fabianism and social democracy.
Relationship between Social Policy and Social Work
What role do personal and professional beliefs play in social policy and social work?
They influence critical thought and critical practice.
Public Policy Overview
What areas does Public Policy cover?
It covers social, economic, and political activities.
Relationship between Social Policy and Social Work
How does social policy relate to social work?
Social policy and law provide the framework within which social work operates.
Relationship between Social Policy and Social Work
What is the shared territory between Social Policy (SP) and Social Work (SW)?
It is exemplified in the diversity of provision in a mixed market that is contract-based.
Legalistic vs Ethical Models in Social Work
What is the legalistic model in social work?
A definition of social work based purely on the statutory duties of social work agencies.
Legalistic vs Ethical Models in Social Work
What criticism is associated with the legalistic model of social work?
It encourages local authorities to prioritize statutory work and cut back on other areas.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What is the primary focus of Richard Titmuss's definition of social policy?
The analysis and description of policy formation and its consequences, both intended and unintended.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What is necessary for policies to be formed?
Decision makers to make a final stand against conflicting values.
Impact of Legislation on Social Work
How do social policy and law relate to social work?
Social policy and law provide the framework and guidelines within which social work operates.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
According to neo-liberals, where do social policies exist?
Within free market economies.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
Can a policy be classified as positive or negative?
Yes, a policy may be either positive or negative.
Relationship between Social Policy and Social Work
What is the relationship between social policy and law in social work?
Social policy and law provide the framework and guidelines for social work practice.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What are considered the heartlands of social policy according to Paul Wilding?
Health, housing, education, and social security.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What is the second section of the lecture outline?
Definitions of Social Policy.
Legalistic vs Ethical Models in Social Work
What is a consequence of the legalistic model in social work?
It leads to procedure-following rather than a service user orientation.
Legalistic vs Ethical Models in Social Work
What is the ethical duty of care model in social work?
It emphasizes the importance of moral values and human sensitivity in addition to following procedures.
Legalistic vs Ethical Models in Social Work
What is the significance of key values and skills in social work?
They are essential for encouraging client self-determination and facilitating change.
Relationship between Social Policy and Social Work
How do social policy and law relate to social work?
They provide a framework within which social work operates, influencing ethical practices and responsibilities.
Terminologies in Social Policy
How is Social Policy defined in the context of social sciences?
As a discipline in the social sciences, it is a field of study or 'social action in the real world.'
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
According to Richard Titmuss, what mechanisms does social policy lie outside of?
The mechanisms of prices and tests of profitability.
Relationship between Social Policy and Social Work
How does Social Policy and Law relate to Social Work?
Social Policy and Law provide the framework within which social workers operate, influencing their practice and the services they provide.
Relationship between Social Policy and Social Work
How does social policy relate to social work?
Social policy provides the framework within which social work operates, influencing practice and legal considerations.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What traditional systems are referred to in Titmuss's definition of social policy?
Social services or social welfare systems.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
Urban Policy and its Implications
What does Urban Policy encourage among different groups?
Harmonious social relationships.
Urban Policy and its Implications
What issues does Urban Policy aim to counter?
Discrimination and exclusion.
Urban Policy and its Implications
What does urban policy encompass?
Land use and strategic planning.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What does Richard Titmuss define as the object of analysis in social policy?
The nature, attributes, and distributions of social costs and diswelfares.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What is the focus of Richard Titmuss's definition of social policy?
The roles and functions of elected representatives, professional workers, administrators, and interest groups in social welfare institutions.
Urban Policy and its Implications
What types of locations are addressed in urban policy?
Residential, industrial, and commercial locations.
Social Administration and its Role
What does Social Administration aim to achieve?
The solution of social problems, promotion of social welfare, and implementation of social policy.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What is the object of analysis in Richard Titmuss's definition of social policy?
The role of government as an allocator of values and rights to social property.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
Give an example of a social issue that policies might address.
Ageing population, youth drug addicts, or housing demand.
Social Administration and its Role
What is the role of different methods or techniques in social administration?
They are designed to reach a decision, promote some action, or establish a precedent.
Social Administration and its Role
What is the primary goal of using different methods in social administration?
To reach a decision, promote some action, or establish a precedent.
Terminologies in Social Policy
What is Public Policy?
A system of laws, regulatory measures, courses of action, and funding priorities concerning a given topic promulgated by a governmental entity.
Relationship between Social Policy and Social Work
How do ethical and professional values relate to social work practice?
They guide practice and are often incorporated into statutory provisions.
Relationship between Social Policy and Social Work
How does social policy relate to social work?
Social policy provides the framework within which social work operates.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
Who is David Easton?
A Canadian-born American political scientist.
Terminologies in Social Policy
Who is Richard Titmuss?
A Professor of Social Administration at the London School of Economics, UK.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What does Richard Titmuss define as the object of analysis in social policy?
The study of social needs and problems of access to utilization, and patterns of outcome of services, transactions, and transfers.
Terminologies in Social Policy
What is Social Policy?
A framework that guides the development and implementation of social welfare programs and services.
Public Policy Overview
What is the definition of Public Policy according to Minogue in Hill (1997)?
Public Policy is a wide term that refers to 'what governments do'.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What does Richard Titmuss define as the object of analysis in social policy?
The study of the social rights of the citizen as contributor, participant, and user of social services.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What is one definition of policy in the context of social policy?
Policy relates to a concept of control.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What do policies develop assumptions about?
Social behaviour and their impact.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What academic institution offers the Higher Diploma in Social Work?
Saint Francis University.
Impact of Legislation on Social Work
In what areas do social workers have responsibilities related to advocacy and advice?
Housing and welfare benefits.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
Through what means does the government express its role in social policy?
Through social and administrative law and other rule-making channels.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What is the definition of social policy according to James E. Anderson?
Policies are made in response to social demands.
Urban Policy and its Implications
What is the primary goal of Urban Policy?
To improve the quality of life for all city dwellers.
Urban Policy and its Implications
How does Urban Policy seek to balance its objectives?
By balancing social needs and economic opportunity.
Urban Policy and its Implications
How does Urban Policy aim to empower communities?
By increasing citizens’ voices and involvement.
Legalistic vs Ethical Models in Social Work
What role do professionals play in the ethical duty of care model?
They encourage client self-determination and work for change in individuals and their circumstances.
Relationship between Social Policy and Social Work
What is a key aspect of both social policy and social work?
Their connection to politics.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What does Richard Titmuss suggest about social policies?
They are intimately bound to the societies in which they develop and reflect the priorities of those systems.
Terminologies in Social Policy
What is Social Policy?
The study of the development, implementation, and impact of policies that influence social institutions.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
According to Richard Titmuss, what has the history of industrial capitalism shown about the market?
The market is unsuitable as an allocative agency for essential resources for a full and complete life.
Relationship between Social Policy and Social Work
What does social policy reflect in relation to social work?
It reflects the nature of social work.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
According to Marxists, where do social policies exist?
Within capitalist socio-economic systems.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What type of resources does social policy analyze according to David Gil?
Life-enhancing and life-sustaining resources, including foreign policy.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What is the definition of policy according to David Easton?
Authoritative decision making.
Terminologies in Social Policy
How is Social Policy defined?
Policies that aim to improve social welfare and address issues such as poverty, education, and health.
Impact of Legislation on Social Work
What aspect of law is important for social workers to understand?
Administrative law, including judicial review.
Terminologies in Social Policy
What is Urban Policy?
Policies that focus on the development and management of urban areas.
Relationship between Social Policy and Social Work
What is the relationship between social policy and law in the context of social work?
Social policy and law relate to social work by influencing its practices and frameworks.
Terminologies in Social Policy
Which political ideologies does Social Policy align with?
It aligns more with Fabianism and social democracy than with the Right or the socialist Left.
Terminologies in Social Policy
What does Urban Policy refer to?
Strategies and regulations aimed at managing urban development and addressing issues in urban areas.
Relationship between Social Policy and Social Work
How does social policy relate to social work?
Social policy and law provide a framework within which social work operates, influencing ethical duties and responsibilities.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What is the nature of policies according to James E. Anderson's definition?
Policies are purposive and goal-oriented actions, not by chance.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What does the study of social policy analyze?
The structure, function, organization, planning, and administrative processes of institutions and agencies.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What does Richard Titmuss define as a complex area of social life?
An area that lies outside or on the fringes of the free-market.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What aspects are included in the study of social policy according to Richard Titmuss?
Historical and comparative aspects.
Impact of Legislation on Social Work
Why is it important for social workers to study law?
Some legislation places direct statutory responsibilities on social workers.
Relationship between Social Policy and Social Work
What does the diversity of provision in Social Work indicate?
It indicates a mixed market approach.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What is an example of setting rules to control social behavior?
Regulating resource impact and eligibility.
Impact of Legislation on Social Work
What role does legislation play in the responsibilities of social workers?
Legislation can impose direct responsibilities or require advocacy and advice in various areas.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What do social policies involve?
What governments actually do, not just intentions or statements.
Terminologies in Social Policy
What does Social Administration refer to?
The management and organization of social services and programs.
Relationship between Social Policy and Social Work
How do Social Policy and Law relate to Social Work?
They influence the practice and ethical considerations in social work.
Urban Policy and its Implications
What type of programmes are involved in Urban Policy?
Specific programmes aimed at regeneration.
Relationship between Social Policy and Social Work
How is the study of social policy related to social work?
It is inseparable from politics, involving personal and professional beliefs and values.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
How does James E. Anderson define a policy?
As a relatively stable, purposive course of action followed by an actor or set of actors in dealing with a problem or matter of concern.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
Which groups pointed out the control and oppression in welfare structures?
Theorists of the Marxist left and neo-liberal right.
Relationship between Social Policy and Social Work
What is the relationship between social policy and law in the context of social work?
Social policy and law relate to social work through the implementation of policies via legislation.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What is a key aspect of policy formulation?
Authoritative decision making.
Social Administration and its Role
What is Social Administration?
A subject of study focused on solving social problems, promoting social welfare, and implementing social policy.
Relationship between Social Policy and Social Work
How is the nature of society reflected in social problems?
Social problems are a reflection of the society's characteristics.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What is the major focal concern of social policy according to David Gil?
The analysis of access to life-enhancing and life-sustaining resources.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What is one definition of policy in social policy?
Policy relates to a concept of control.
Relationship between Social Policy and Social Work
How are Public Policy and Social Policy related?
Social Policy is a subset of Public Policy that specifically addresses social welfare issues.
Relationship between Social Policy and Social Work
What is the relationship between Social Administration and Social Policy?
Social Administration implements and manages the programs outlined in Social Policy.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What are the two paradigms mentioned regarding social policies?
They reflect the contradictions of class divided societies and the futility of controlling market forces.
Urban Policy and its Implications
How does urban policy relate to mobility?
It includes capital and labor mobility.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What is the focus of the course SWK209?
Social Policy & Legal Knowledge.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
According to Richard Titmuss, what is analyzed in social policy?
The operation and performance of social welfare institutions.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What particular impact is analyzed in social policy?
The impact of social services.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
According to the Fabian perspective, how is social policy viewed?
As always tending to be beneficial, humanitarian, and progressive.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What types of government are involved in the allocation of social property according to Titmuss?
Both local and central government.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What does Titmuss emphasize in his analysis of social policy?
The consequences of policy formation.
Impact of Legislation on Social Work
Why should social workers study law?
To give appropriate advice and support to service users.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What does controlling social behavior involve?
Regulating deviations and probable occurrences, such as free-riders.
Relationship between Social Policy and Social Work
Why should social workers study law?
To guide their practice in social work.
Legalistic vs Ethical Models in Social Work
What are the two models representing the debate on law and social work?
Legalism and the ethical nature of care.
Impact of Legislation on Social Work
What is the role of judicial review in social work?
It scrutinizes the actions of organizations involved in social work.
Relationship between Social Policy and Social Work
How does Urban Policy relate to Social Policy?
Urban Policy can influence social conditions and welfare in urban areas, making it a critical aspect of Social Policy.
Relationship between Social Policy and Social Work
How does social policy relate to social work?
Social policy provides the framework within which social workers operate, influencing their responsibilities and practices.
Impact of Legislation on Social Work
What is one reason social workers need to be aware of legal requirements?
To understand the different consequences attached to pursuing various legal options.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What is an example of setting rules to control administrative order?
Laws and administrative law.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What does the authoritative allocation of values involve?
The distribution of rewards in wealth, power, and status.
Relationship between Social Policy and Social Work
What should social workers recognize about their role in relation to law?
They are not lawyers and need to know when to call on legal professionals.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
How does David Easton describe politics?
As the authoritative allocation of values.
Legalistic vs Ethical Models in Social Work
What is the relationship between law and social work?
It is a subject of debate.
Definition and Scope of Social Policy
What type of allocation of resources does David Easton refer to?
Non-market allocation of resources.