Which programming languages are supported by Unity 3D?
Java and C#.
Which study found AR to be more effective than Google Maps and paper maps?
McMahon et al. (2015a).
AR Content Development and Tools

Which programming languages are supported by Unity 3D?

Java and C#.

Research Findings on AR Effectiveness

Which study found AR to be more effective than Google Maps and paper maps?

McMahon et al. (2015a).

AR Content Development and Tools

How many studies used AR software?

Four studies.

Research Findings on AR Effectiveness

What was the result of Chang et al. (2013) study using AR?

Effective for food service with cognitive disabilities.

Overview of Augmented Reality (AR) Technology

Who is considered the pioneer of AR technology?

Ivan Sutherland, who developed the first prototype in 1968.

Research Findings on AR Effectiveness

What was the focus of the study by Liu et al. (2017)?

Social and communication skills.

AR in Special Needs Education

What educational game was developed using location-based AR?

A game on enzymes for university students in an upper-level food chemistry course.

Overview of Augmented Reality (AR) Technology

What is Augmented Reality (AR)?

A technique that links digital information with the real world by placing digital content on the image of the physical world.

Overview of Augmented Reality (AR) Technology

What is 'Diminished Reality' in the context of AR?

The ability to remove the image of a real object using AR technology.

Research Methodologies in AR Studies

What is the aim of the study mentioned regarding AR in special needs education?

To reveal the characteristics of research that uses AR as a learning material.

Research Methodologies in AR Studies

What method was used to examine research on AR as a learning material for individuals with special needs?

Descriptive content analysis.

AR in Special Needs Education

What types of skills can AR be used to teach individuals with special needs?

Security, traffic safety, shopping, and coping with fear/phobia.

Mobile Devices and AR Applications

What mobile devices are preferred for AR content viewing in special needs education?

Phones and tablets.

AR in Special Needs Education

How can AR be used in special needs education?

As a screening-diagnostic tool, learning material, and other support tools.

Mobile Devices and AR Applications

What types of portable devices were primarily used in the studies?

Smartphones and tablets.

Types of Disabilities Addressed by AR

What potential does AR have in special needs education?

It can be used to facilitate teaching individuals with special needs.

Teaching Strategies Supported by AR

What teaching approach was supported by Vahabzadeh et al. (2018)?

Play, effective in decreasing problem behaviors.

Teaching Strategies Supported by AR

What method was used by Afrianto et al. (2019) to improve reading skills?

Gillingham method.

Mobile Devices and AR Applications

Which two mobile applications were used for location-based AR?

Layar and Heads Up Navigator.

Comparison of AR and Virtual Reality (VR)

What is the main difference between augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR)?

AR adds virtual content to the real environment, while VR creates a fully virtual environment.

AR Content Development and Tools

For what purpose is AR content often developed in the context of this research?

Specifically for research purposes.

Research Methodologies in AR Studies

What type of research design is mostly used in studies on AR as learning material for special needs education?

Single-subject research designs.

Research Findings on AR Effectiveness

What type of skills were preferred as the dependent variable in most studies?

Social and communication skills.

Research Findings on AR Effectiveness

What is a significant gap in AR research in education?

Very few studies focus on AR use in special needs education.

Overview of Augmented Reality (AR) Technology

How does AR enhance user interaction with digital content?

Users can magnify, shrink, rotate, or move digital objects to see them from different perspectives.

Mobile Devices and AR Applications

What are some advantages of using wearable and portable devices in AR for special needs education?

They provide opportunities to use different AR applications that can facilitate lives.

Research Methodologies in AR Studies

What type of journals were included in the review?

Peer-reviewed academic journals in English.

AR Content Development and Tools

What is a significant advantage of using AR technology for educational content creation?

It allows for the creation of content using smartphones and free software.

Mobile Devices and AR Applications

What hardware device was used by Chang et al. (2013)?

PC and WebCam.

AR in Special Needs Education

What is the purpose of the Empowered Brain tool?

To improve social and communication skills in children and adults with ASD.

AR Content Development and Tools

Why might the use of AR development environments require interdisciplinary work?

Because expertise is needed to prepare materials using game development environments.

Comparison of AR and Virtual Reality (VR)

How does AR enhance the user's experience compared to VR?

AR connects with the real environment, making it more concrete than the fully synthetic environment of VR.

Teaching Strategies Supported by AR

What teaching approaches were supported by the studies using AR?

Games, social stories, video models, the system of least prompts, and concept maps.

Research Methodologies in AR Studies

What type of research design was most commonly used in the studies examining AR for special needs education?

Single-subject design.

Future Directions for AR in Education

What future technology may support individuals with special needs in education?

Augmented Reality (AR) technology.

Mobile Devices and AR Applications

What is an example of a device that offers AR content?

Mojo Vision smart contact lenses.

AR Content Development and Tools

Why is there a lack of educational software for individuals with special needs?

Developers often focus on applications for individuals with typical development, targeting a larger audience.

Mobile Devices and AR Applications

What functionality did the Layar application provide?

It served as a search engine for AR content based on the user's location.

AR Content Development and Tools

How does Quiver Vision utilize AR?

Users paint downloaded markers, and AR content is activated by scanning these markers with a mobile app.

AR in Special Needs Education

What is necessary for preparing educational content using assistive technologies?

Expertise, budget, and effort.

Teaching Strategies Supported by AR

What role does AR content play in teaching strategies for individuals with special needs?

AR contents are mostly used to support effective teaching strategies.

Research Findings on AR Effectiveness

What was the main finding of Lin et al. (2016) regarding AR conditions?

Participants improved their puzzle completion tasks more in AR conditions compared to traditional methods.

Teaching Strategies Supported by AR

What is a prominent feature of AR that can improve traditional teaching methods?

Attracting student attention, which increases motivation.

AR in Special Needs Education

What communication challenges do individuals with ASD face that AR can help address?

Communication initiation, common attention, and eye contact.

AR Content Development and Tools

What are some AR content development environments mentioned?

Unity 3D, ARKit, and ARCore.

Research Methodologies in AR Studies

What method was used to analyze the articles in the study?

Descriptive content analysis.

Research Findings on AR Effectiveness

What type of AR was predominantly used in the studies reviewed?

Marker-based AR.

AR Content Development and Tools

What does Aurasma allow users to create?

Augmented reality experiences by pairing visual markers with user-generated digital content.

Overview of Augmented Reality (AR) Technology

What basic components are necessary to develop an AR system?

Display, markers, computer, and digital content.

Mobile Devices and AR Applications

What is the purpose of the WallaMe mobile application?

To create and share location-based AR content.

Mobile Devices and AR Applications

What was the focus of the study by Liu et al. (2017)?

Commercial Smart Glass for AR.

Research Methodologies in AR Studies

What keywords were used in the review process?

(Augmented reality or AR or smart glass or smartglass) AND (attention deficit or hyperacti* or Dislex* or special education or special needs or special children or ADHD or learning disabili* or autis* or ASD or mental retardation or intellectual disability* or pervasive or developmental disabili* or down syndrome or cerebral palsy).

Research Methodologies in AR Studies

What research type did Lorenzo et al. (2018) use?

Pre-test/post-test with control group.

Types of Disabilities Addressed by AR

What is the common characteristic of participants in studies examining AR for social and communication skills?

All participants are individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Research Findings on AR Effectiveness

What are some dependent variables studied in AR research besides social skills?

Academic skills, self-care, imitation, symbolic play, and money recognition skills.

AR Content Development and Tools

How can users interact with AR applications?

Through sensors, buttons, touchpads, microphones, or motion detection systems like Kinect.

Types of Disabilities Addressed by AR

What type of disability was addressed in Lee (2019) study?

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Mobile Devices and AR Applications

What types of devices are primarily used to show AR content to students?

Portable devices such as smartphones and tablets.

Research Methodologies in AR Studies

What criteria were used to exclude articles from the review?

Articles that did not use AR technology, were not focused on learning, or were conference papers.

AR Content Development and Tools

What platforms were used for AR content development?

Goblin XNA, Facial Studio, 3d Max, Unity 3D, Vuforia, Aurasma, Quiver Vision, and Scratch.

Overview of Augmented Reality (AR) Technology

Why is AR considered easy to understand and use?

Because it has the potential to be applied in many areas of daily life.

Overview of Augmented Reality (AR) Technology

What sensors can be used to trigger AR content based on user location?

GPS, accelerometer, gyroscope, or compass.

Research Methodologies in AR Studies

What design standards should researchers consider for single-subject research?

Recommended design standards by Kratochwill et al. (2013) and quality indicators by Horner et al. (2005).

Overview of Augmented Reality (AR) Technology

What are some examples of AR applications in aviation?

Pilot's field of view (Head-Up Displays).

AR in Special Needs Education

What was the focus of the study conducted by Calik & Sözbilir (2014)?

The use of AR as a learning material in the education of individuals with special needs.

AR Content Development and Tools

What is Vuforia used for?

It is a platform for developing AR content and works as an add-on for Unity 3D.

Research Findings on AR Effectiveness

What is a limitation of current AR research in education?

It has primarily focused on individuals with typical development and STEM education.

Comparison of AR and Virtual Reality (VR)

How is VR defined?

As the simulation of a real or imaginary environment created from computer-generated three-dimensional graphics.

Teaching Strategies Supported by AR

What was the effective teaching approach used by McMahon et al. (2015b) for teaching science concepts?

System of least prompts.

Overview of Augmented Reality (AR) Technology

How do modern AR systems detect markers?

By analyzing images obtained from the camera to find previously determined markers like pictures, text, or QR codes.

AR Content Development and Tools

What types of AR content were analyzed in the study?

Hardware/devices, purpose of production, marker or location-based, and software/content development environments.

AR in Special Needs Education

In which area is AR technology frequently used according to the studies?

Teaching social and communication skills.

Research Findings on AR Effectiveness

What dependent variable was measured in the study by Escobedo et al. (2014)?

Attention and duration of focusing on an activity.

Types of Disabilities Addressed by AR

What type of AR was used in 17 studies?

Marker-based AR.

Overview of Augmented Reality (AR) Technology

What was the first use of the term 'Augmented Reality'?

In 1992, during an experimental study at Boeing to help employees assemble complex cable harnesses.

Research Findings on AR Effectiveness

What was concluded about AR use in all effectiveness studies?

AR use was effective on the dependent variable.

AR in Special Needs Education

In what areas is augmented reality currently being used?

Medical, industrial, artistic design, military aviation, entertainment, education, and more.

AR Content Development and Tools

What is the main function of the Mondly AR application?

To teach languages through dialogue and interaction using AR content.

Overview of Augmented Reality (AR) Technology

What devices can display augmented content?

Phones, tablets, computer screens, projectors, or transparent panels.

AR in Special Needs Education

How can AR applications be used in STEM education?

By introducing the human body and organs or examining 3D models of the solar system.

Research Findings on AR Effectiveness

What was the result of Lee et al. (2018) study?

Effective in teaching social roles and greetings.

Research Findings on AR Effectiveness

What positive outcomes were indicated by the findings of the research on AR in special needs education?

The use of AR as a learning material gives positive results in the education of individuals with special needs.

Research Findings on AR Effectiveness

How many studies investigated the effectiveness of AR?

15 studies.

Future Directions for AR in Education

What technologies are expected to enhance AR content in the future?

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud technology, and the Internet of Things.

AR Content Development and Tools

What did the study suggest regarding AR content development environments?

It introduced different applications, software development environments, and hardware that can be used in the education of individuals with special needs.

Research Findings on AR Effectiveness

What aspects were examined in the included studies?

Research design, results, dependent variables, supported teaching approaches, and participants.

Research Findings on AR Effectiveness

What was the result of the study by Lorenzo et al. (2018) regarding game-based social skills instruction?

There was no significant difference between AR and non-AR conditions.

AR Content Development and Tools

What is 3D Max Studio commonly used for?

It is used in game design, film industry, architecture, and industrial design.

Research Findings on AR Effectiveness

How many articles were analyzed in the study regarding the use of AR in special needs education?

19 articles published between 2013 and 2019.

Types of Disabilities Addressed by AR

What type of disabilities were addressed in the studies listed in Table 2?

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Developmental Disabilities (DD), Physical Disabilities (PD), and Intellectual Disabilities (ID).

Research Methodologies in AR Studies

What was the time frame for the articles reviewed in the study?

Articles published between 2013 and 2019.

Research Methodologies in AR Studies

How many studies were initially obtained before exclusions?

519 studies.

AR Content Development and Tools

What software was used in Bai et al. (2015) study?

Goblin XNA and ALVAR tracker.

AR Content Development and Tools

What challenges exist with using AR glasses and headgear?

They are expensive and may be difficult to obtain in some countries.

Research Findings on AR Effectiveness

What was the outcome of Bai et al. (2015) regarding AR and non-AR conditions?

Instruction that included AR was more effective for teaching symbolic play skills.

AR Content Development and Tools

What does Facial Studio allow users to create?

3D digital characters based on photographs.

AR Content Development and Tools

What types of content can enrich traditional approaches in education using AR?

2D or 3D images, animation, text, video, or audio.

AR in Special Needs Education

What is the primary focus of the study by Hasan Köse and Nevin Güner-Yildiz?

To provide general information about augmented reality (AR) technology as a resource for special education researchers and teachers.

AR in Special Needs Education

What is the role of ARKit and ARCore in special needs education?

They help create AR content that can benefit researchers and teachers.

Teaching Strategies Supported by AR

What is a potential benefit of location-based AR in education?

It allows students to learn outside the classroom and engage in social activities.

Research Findings on AR Effectiveness

What was the outcome of the study by Lin et al. (2016) regarding geometrical shapes?

AR condition was found to be more effective.

Mobile Devices and AR Applications

What type of AR application did McMahon et al. (2015a) use?

Commercial location-based application.

Research Methodologies in AR Studies

Why are single-subject research designs important in special needs education?

They help develop evidence-based practices.

AR Content Development and Tools

How many studies developed content for research purposes?

15 studies.

AR Content Development and Tools

What platforms does Unity 3D support for content preparation?

iOS, Android, Xbox, Nintendo Wii, and PC.

Mobile Devices and AR Applications

What are some wearable technologies that utilize transparent display AR?

Magic Leap One, Microsoft HoloLens, Meta AR, Google Glass.

Overview of Augmented Reality (AR) Technology

What is one of the biggest advantages of AR as a simulation environment?

Students can be safely and gradually exposed to difficult or dangerous real-world situations.

Teaching Strategies Supported by AR

What teaching approach was used in the study by Chen et al. (2016) for recognizing facial expressions?

Video model/social stories.

Teaching Strategies Supported by AR

How does AR technology enhance traditional teaching approaches?

By increasing effectiveness and creating interesting learning environments.

Mobile Devices and AR Applications

What does the Heads Up Navigator application combine?

Google Maps with AR features.

Research Findings on AR Effectiveness

In the study by McMahon et al. (2015a), what was compared?

The effectiveness of paper maps, Google Maps, and AR navigation software.

Research Findings on AR Effectiveness

What skill was taught using AR navigation software in McMahon et al.'s study?

Address finding skills as a pre-vocational skill.

Research Methodologies in AR Studies

What databases were used for the review?

Academic Search Complete, ScienceDirect, MEDLINE Complete, Education Source, Springer Nature Journals, Scopus, ERIC, Sciences Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index.

Research Findings on AR Effectiveness

What was the primary focus of the studies mentioned in the text?

The effectiveness of Augmented Reality (AR) use.

Teaching Strategies Supported by AR

What is a key issue in using mobile technologies in special needs education?

Determining effective strategies for their use.

AR Content Development and Tools

What is Scratch?

A free visual programming environment for creating interactive, media-rich projects.

Mobile Devices and AR Applications

What types of devices are commonly used with AR technology?

Smartphones, tablets, and devices with advanced camera systems and sensors.

Teaching Strategies Supported by AR

How can AR applications be adapted for individuals with special needs?

By developing content that meets individual differences and learning needs.

Research Findings on AR Effectiveness

What age group was involved in the study by Lin et al. (2016)?

6-12 years old.

Research Methodologies in AR Studies

How many articles were ultimately included in the study?

19 articles.

AR Content Development and Tools

What is Goblin XNA used for?

Research on 3D user interfaces including mobile augmented reality and virtual reality.

AR in Special Needs Education

What potential does AR technology have for individuals with special needs?

It can help overcome barriers faced by these individuals.

Study Smarter, Not Harder
Study Smarter, Not Harder