Who was Apollo's first love?
- Daphne
Who is depicted stringing the bow in the Roman copy of an original by Lysippos?
Ovid's Myth of Apollo and Daphne

Who was Apollo's first love?

- Daphne

Essence and Characteristics of Myth

Who is depicted stringing the bow in the Roman copy of an original by Lysippos?


Moral Allegory in Myths

What is the moral of the Myth of Er?

- Virtues such as wisdom, justice, courage, and moderation serve to one’s advantage. - These virtues are beneficial in any situation if genuinely embodied.

Essence and Characteristics of Myth

What is the time period of the original sculpture by Lysippos that depicts Eros stringing the bow?

4th century BC.

Pindar's Critique of Traditional Myths

At which other games did Hieron I achieve victories?

He won at the Pythian Games in 482, 478, and 470.

Plato's Concept of Muthos vs. Logos

What does Aristotle's concept of 'Logos' mean?

- A reasoned account

Essence and Characteristics of Myth

Is there an authentic version of a myth?

- No, there is no authentic version of the myth

Pindar's Critique of Traditional Myths

Who was Pindar and what was his profession?

Pindar was a poet who composed and performed poems for patrons, often victors of Pan-Hellenic games.

Plato's Concept of Muthos vs. Logos

How does Aristotle define 'Muthos'?

- A false account - A narrative structure (plot) with a beginning, middle, and end

Moral Allegory in Myths

What virtues are highlighted in the Myth of Er?

- Wisdom - Justice - Courage - Moderation

Cultural Relevance and Adaptation of Myths

What is the Red-Figure Ware Krater attributed to?

- Pothos Painter

Essence and Characteristics of Myth

What do myths convey about a society?

- Society’s concerns and values - Patterns of behavior that serve as models for members of a society

Essence and Characteristics of Myth

What is the time period of the sculpture 'Sleeping Eros'?

3rd century BC to 1st century AD.

Plato's Concept of Muthos vs. Logos

Who tells the story of Er of Pamphylia in the Republic?


Cultural Relevance and Adaptation of Myths

What is the approximate date of the Attic red-figure calyx krater by the Eucharides Painter?

- c. 490–480 BCE

Essence and Characteristics of Myth

What is the estimated time period of the original bronze sculpture by Leochares that the 'Apollo Belvedere' is a copy of?

350-325 BC.

Ovid's Myth of Apollo and Daphne

Who is Daphne's father?

- Peneus, a river god

Aristotle's Narrative Structure of Myths

How does Aristotle describe a plot?

- An imitation of action

Essence and Characteristics of Myth

When do the actions of myths typically take place?

- In the distant past - In a time separate from human chronology

Essence and Characteristics of Myth

Do myth and religion necessarily correlate?

- No, myth and religion do not necessarily correlate

Cultural Relevance and Adaptation of Myths

Who is the painter of the Attic red-figure calyx krater depicting Ganymede?

- Eucharides Painter

Cultural Relevance and Adaptation of Myths

What is the approximate date of the Red-Figure Kylix by the Penthesilea painter?

- c. 460-440 BC

Cultural Relevance and Adaptation of Myths

Where was Pamphylia located in ancient times?

- Southern coast of Asia Minor - Modern-day Turkey

Cultural Relevance and Adaptation of Myths

What role did Pamphylia play in ancient mythology?

- Setting for various myths - Influenced by multiple cultures

Pindar's Critique of Traditional Myths

What did Pindar believe about traditional tales as told by Homer and other poets?

He believed that traditional tales were immoral and unedifying.

Essence and Characteristics of Myth

What is the 'Apollo Belvedere' and when was it created?

A marble copy created around 120-140 BC, near Rome.

Ovid's Myth of Apollo and Daphne

Who created the sculpture 'Apollo and Daphne' and when?

- Gian Lorenzo Bernini - 1622-1625

Cultural Relevance and Adaptation of Myths

What was Pamphylia known for in ancient times?

- Strategic coastal location - Trade and commerce - Cultural diversity

Philosophical Criticism of Divine Depictions

What impact did Xenophanes' views have on other philosophers?

- His views became popular among philosophers who questioned the value of traditional tales

Essence and Characteristics of Myth

What is depicted in the mosaic from Turkey dating to the 1st-2nd century AD?

Eros on a dolphin.

Aristotle's Narrative Structure of Myths

What is the structure of a plot according to Aristotle?

- A beginning - A middle - An end

Moral Allegory in Myths

How does philosophy relate to the virtues in the Myth of Er?

- Philosophy teaches virtues like wisdom, justice, courage, and moderation.

Pindar's Critique of Traditional Myths

What is significant about Olympian I in Pindar's work?

It is the first surviving mention of muthos as a story that can be false.

Essence and Characteristics of Myth

Who is the possible original artist of the 'Apollo Belvedere' bronze sculpture?


Cultural Relevance and Adaptation of Myths

Where is the Red-Figure Ware Krater located?

- W.G. Hardy Museum, Tory Building 2-89

Aristotle's Narrative Structure of Myths

What are the stages of a plot as per Aristotle?

- A situation is established - The main character faces the conflict - The conflict is resolved

Philosophical Criticism of Divine Depictions

How did Xenophanes illustrate the anthropomorphic conception of gods?

- By stating that if horses had gods, they would look like horses

Cultural Relevance and Adaptation of Myths

Around what year was the Red-Figure Ware Krater created?

- c. 510 BC

Cultural Relevance and Adaptation of Myths

Which ancient civilizations influenced Pamphylia?

- Greek - Persian - Roman

Philosophical Criticism of Divine Depictions

What did Xenophanes criticize about Homer and Hesiod's depiction of the gods?

- Attributing to the gods actions that are reproachable among men - Examples include theft, adultery, and mutual deception

Cultural Relevance and Adaptation of Myths

What type of artwork depicts Ganymede in a Roman context?

- Roman Relief Sculpture

Cultural Relevance and Adaptation of Myths

What were the major cities of Pamphylia?

- Perga - Aspendos - Side

Philosophical Criticism of Divine Depictions

Who was Xenophanes of Colophon?

- A 'Pre-Socratic' philosopher - Early critic of the ways poets depict the gods

Pindar's Critique of Traditional Myths

Who was Hieron I and what was his role?

Hieron I was a Syracusan ruler (tyrant) who ruled from 478 to 466/5.

Essence and Characteristics of Myth

How do myths usually start and how can they evolve?

- Start as oral tales - Can later be written down

Philosophical Criticism of Divine Depictions

What was Xenophanes' view on humankind's tendency to conceive gods in their own image?

- Mortals suppose that gods are born, wear their own clothes, and have a voice and body - If horses and oxen could draw, their gods would look like horses and oxen

Pindar's Critique of Traditional Myths

What does the Olympian Ode 1 celebrate?

It celebrates the victory of Hieron I's horse, Pherenikos, in 476 BC.

Cultural Relevance and Adaptation of Myths

Who is the painter of the Red-Figure Kylix depicting Ganymede?

- Penthesilea painter

Pindar's Critique of Traditional Myths

In which events did Hieron I's horse and chariot win at the Olympics?

They won in the horse and chariot events at the Olympics in 472 and 468.

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